Some excellent suggestions to cherry pick there. And some I had never heard of before and will need to google
Although my current emphasis is on the Lost Worlds (look out for a progress update soon), I am thinking about a total revamp for "Steampunk: Earth Conquests" as the variant on the World Map is coming to be known (name courtesy of Balthasar).
Here's the ones I like best from your list:
-The Dogal States - perhaps they would also have trading colonies in India and Far East -legacy of Marco Polo?
-The Hanseatic League - some nice competition for the Dogal States and perhaps have overseas trading colonies in the Carribean, Africa and Americas. Perhaps they even supplant a British presence in the New World?
-Grand Republican Empire of Kalifexas - you did say Norton would have a suitably grand name for his "Empire" and you certainly came up with one. Kalifexas LOL.
-Bharata Varsha - I was always going to have a stronger (unified) India in there: surely an India with command of Steam Elephants would be unstoppable (on land at least)
-River of Ma’at - I think an Egypt strongly flavoured by Ancient Egypt & Steampunk technology would be fascinating. I think they'd be strong on the more spiritual aspects of a Steampunk world particularly in dealings with the dead.
-Byzantium - I've always had a big thing for the Byzantines. They could be grand political schemers but funnily I'd prefer them as Orthodox: The Arrogant Bulwark of Europe!
Some I think are great but...
-Anglo Empire - I had thought of a different spin on this. A republic evolved from the English civil war where the Royalists never regained power, led by a Lord Protector. This would be a slightly dyspotic "Great" Britain with a populace oppressed/repressed by Puritan ideals. They would make interesting enemies for a Papal States Civ. Then I thought how quintessentialy steampunk "Victoriana" is and decided to keep the conventional/historic Victorian GB.
-Free Bohemia - but wouldn't they be lousy fighters?
-Sri Vijaya - I had these guys in in an earlier inception. Then I changed them to a trading empire of Siam that was a vassal state of China or at least closely tied to them. May still change them back though but I like Siam.
-The Great Hoop - I will stick though with my United Indian Territories led by Tecumseh (a fascinating individual). I have a great interest in and admiration of American Indian culture.
-Lost Tribes- yes need to have these in any steampunk world: a perfect antithesis to a techonological utopia/dystopia is a primitive paradise/barbarous land. My only contribution to this was going to be Dinosaurs, Great Apes and Amazon unit scattered throughout the world map (non-playable of course and possibly just barbarian units/camps).
-Celestials - On an Earth map they should not have a strong presence. I was going to have a few crash sites of a (botched) Selenite Expeditionary Force whose aim is to stop Earth's advanced civilisations from gaining spaceflight technology. Martians are a more logical choice but I wanted aliens who where perhaps not so overwhelmingly advanced and powerful. Also, I think Selenites rock LOL - an intelligent social insect race was a great imaginative creation by Verne considering he did it back in 1901(?).
Other ideas:
I always liked the idea of having ancient powers survive to modern times: Aztecs and Incas for instance. Even though these are wild suggestions I cannot force myself to disbelieve in an alternate reality where they do not survive. Actual history seems the most unfeasible outcome (you are always remarking that history is stranger than fiction) where Conquistadors numbering in hundreds (I know they had help from other natives and disease) brought down a large Empire. I have been many times around the British Museum in London and the Aztecs seem the most "alien" culture I have encountered.