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  • KingArthur
    DivShare and Atomic Gamer - just 2 upload sites from a dusty, old era. I have an old external USB drive somewhere that it might be tucked away on. I will have a look. But why not try Vuldacon's version of the scenario. It plays a bit differently but is really polished and well worth a look.
    Hey, I loved your map back in civ 3. Escape from Zombie Isalnd 2. Do you know if you're going to try and remake it in civ 6 once the mod tools get released?
    that's very kind words KANDJ, that someone would remember EFZI from Civ3. I don't own civ 6 but I would consider remaking it if I have the skill and time. I will look into it for sure.
    Excuse me, I don't mean to sound rude but there is a problem with the Super Scenario. Whenever you contact the Celestial Order of Evil, the game crashes.
    I hope you'll be able to make that post-apocalyptic mod. It sounds really cool! :)

    What do you think of my suggestion for it? I think it would be cool if you put a group like the Mufflers in it. Every post-apocalyptic scenario has to have Mufflers, you know! :p
    Congrats on the derby victory :cringe:
    I will remember that. And glory in your destruction when we win again.

    On other topics, how are things? Drop by fiftychat at odd hours and you might find me.
    fiftychat - what is that? Something for over 50s? You are the guy that introduced me to words like amirite. Are you a fake millennial? :) Only joking mate...But seriously I do not know what fiftychat is.
    It's an IRC channel for CFC old hands and some new blood. There are some fans of your ‘club’ in there.

    Also, your recent mockery has resulted in removal of any guilt I felt over taking Tokugawa's Home earlier this week and wiping out a pesky stealthy sniper who was hiding there.
    Hi there! Missed your birthday due to exams, but this might interest you :)

    Also, you have an evil twin.
    Don't miss their birthday again!
    Uhm, i thought you'd left?
    I just check in to wish people Happy Birthday
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