ARCHIVED: Discussion Topic - Civilizations of the World

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Those are great Balthasar - the cloudbuster is weirdly Monty Python like but great.
I can't wait till this scenario is finished! (P.S. I find it amusing how Pythonism is one of the "Things that Man was not meant to Know.)
... given that there are four variant biqs at some stage of development I wouldn't discount that possibility.
Spoiler :
I hate to just kinda butt into this thread, and since I don't really know where to post this, I thought this'd be a good spot. I've had a steampunk idea floating in my head for some time now. What if this parallel universe/alternate reality is visited by a one known only as "The Doctor". ;) He and his TARDIS could have crashed through the void and are lost somewhere in the scenario. You could find him and make him 'regenerate' (aka upgrade) as techs progressed. I guess the only problem with this would be finding suitable graphics for his 11 known regenerations (Although, I'd use the generic Einstein that came with Conquests for his 1st). With this little subplot you could also add a great wonder called The Torchwood Institute that doubles scientific output. Anyway, just a thought.

And if you did this... You'd need a few daleks. :)
Well all be darned... there it is! HaHa, sorry for interrupting just for that then...
I have another quick question. In this mod, will the Sorns or Hross be featured on Mars, or is it strictly Barsoom steampunk?
So is that a no... :( Drat, the Space Trilogy are some of my favorite books, but I guess we all can't get want we want. ;)
Because of this thread I've started reading the EGB's Barsoom series on my phone as e-books. 100 years old and they are still a fine read. I can't believe I've ignored such a classic author of Sci-fi for so long.

Also... General Grievous is a THARK!!!

Also... General Grievous is a THARK!!!
It's well known that George Lucas created Star Wars as an homage to the golden age science fiction authors of both film & print. Thark unit(s) are badly needed for the steampunk scenarios - they also look to be among the most difficult units to make. Probably why no one has yet accepted the challenge. :mischief:
If you've already caught my latest post in the Map thread, you'll know that I've been working hard on Barsoom.

This started when I went to add-in new martian races, specifically white martians and Firstborn (black martians), and had to figure out where to put them. That led to creation of the new map as a first step. Then I had to research every city on the map to find out which race occupies which city. Finally, I had to figure out how many civs it would take to pull off a reasonable representation of Barsoom society.

It turned out that the map that I used didn't include any cities occupied by the Yellow martians (Okars), because they live at the north pole and it didn't include the poles, as our map doesn't. As a result, I dropped plans to include the Okars because 1) they only appear in one book, and not throughout the series, as the other races do, and 2) it's frankly alot of work to design an entire civ to occupy just one City far away from everyone else.

As for the rest, the easy thing would be to have just three civs and divide Barsoom up between them, but that would make no sense to a true fan of Barsoom, knowing that the place is actually a cauldron of squabbling kingdoms. On the other hand, it would be ridiculous to put a different Civ in each city.

So I compromised. I divided up the Red Martians into the competing kingdoms of Helium, Manator, and "The Toolian League", based (except for the Toolians) on alliances described in the books. I divided the Green Martians into three: the Warhoons, the Torquas Hoard, and the Thark Hoard. The White Martians get four cities, but are also split into four civs: the Holy Therns, the Therns, the Lotharians, and the Orovar.

About the Orovar. "Orovar", it turns out, is the name of the original martians. Only the white martians of Horz still call themselves that, so we've been doing this all wrong, naming wise. I've fixed that now, assigning the proper names to the proper civs.

So here's a chart of what we end up with:


You can right click -> view image to see it in better resolution. Note that Dejah Thoris is no longer running Helium. That's her grandfather in charge now. Her daughter is leader of the Toolian League, though. That's because I'd like to have Dejah Thoris as a unit (like John Carter is), so that she can be "rescued".

Purists would argue the creation of the Toolian League, arguing that just about every city in that area is at war with every other city. That's precisely why I bundled them.

Still, that's twelve new Civs, all of them under the control of the AI. So if you want to argue about this, feel free; I'll listen.

You'll also note that there is a separate Kaldane civ, although we have no Rykor units yet. For an answer to that and other unit questions, meet me in the Units thread....
so what is the curent list of 30 civilizations it the mod pack? bathathasar has made it clear the one that are going to befighting each other on the map. but with modpacks everything gets changed so i want to know the current 30 civs that are in the world. now i got done reading all the posts in this thread yesterday.
Fair necropolis (winner of my personal ee cummings award), you have asked a good question:

The current Civs are:

Humans (England)

The League of Gentlemen..........Phineas Fogg
The Evil Secret Society..........Professor Moriarty
The Blackcoats...................John Devil
The Gothic Union.................Master Heathcliff
The British......................Queen Victoria

Underground Civs

Atlantis.........................Prince Namor
The Vril.........................Fuhrer Ragnuk

- Pellucidar

The Amoz.........................Diane the Beautiful
The Mahar........................King Kong

Lunar Civs

The Selenites....................Grand Lunar Ortis
The Uga..........................Jemadev Naheelah

Barsoom Civs

- Red Martians

Helium...........................Tardos Mors
Toolian League...................Lara of Gathol
Manator..........................Jeddak O-Tar

- Green Martians

Thark Horde......................Tars Tarkas
Warhoon Horde....................Bar Comas
Torquas Horde....................Hortan Gur

- White Martians

Thern............................Princess Phaidor
Holy Thern.......................Matai Sheng
Orovar...........................Ho Ran Kim

- other Barsoomians

The Firstborn....................Jeddak Doxos

The Kaldanes......................King Luud

Misfortune (Barbarians)

24 Civs in all.

The Mahar have both Pellucidar and Barsoomian branches (their units are resource-dependent)

There are a lot of Barsoom Civs, but only the Green Martians have settlers until the fourth era. Barsoom Civs cannot trade techs.

The LoG unit "John Carter" begins the game on Barsoom, and must survive there alone until he is "rescued". If he can capture the Temple of Iss and rescue Dejah Thoris from the Holy Thern, she will upgrade into a Transporter Pad unit.

Thanks, Plot for the correction on the spelling of Horde. I was sleepy.
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