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Army Combinations

In my current game I made an army of--crusaders. This may seem like a bit of an oddball move, but they were the strogest unit I had in offensive strength at the time. I had knights, which would have made for a faster army, but I figured that the crusaders would never be upgraded anyway. Yes, the crusader army did turn out to be useful in the war. My next leader created an army of knights, and the next one after that, one of cavalry. I now have a Military Academy, and tanks, so now I'm building tank armies. I probably actually stand a chance in this game. :D
I may be jumping the gun here because I'm still reading the posts, but it sounds like Turner and a couple others are under the assumption I was asking about a stack in my average military army. For clarification, what I am asking about is what to load up into my great leader, or Military Acadamy army leader...

I also tried the 3 tanks in the army and it seems to have given them less attacks (3 strait), thus stripping them of their special abilities to attack 2 times in a turn each. I was only able to attack 3 times under the army but individually with out having to move I could have attack 6 times strait with those same three tanks. If I recall correctly. I'm pretty sure that's what happened last night. It seem the army no matter what has a set turn ration regardless of unit special abilties.
Yes you could attack 6 time with 3 tanks, IF they could win 6 times. An army of tanks attacks 3 times, with each attack is treat as a much strong unit and has 12 HP or more, depending upon the units status.

So if you are attacking infantry in a city, those 3 tank may all die and surely will not get in 6 attacks.
I may be jumping the gun here because I'm still reading the posts, but it sounds like Turner and a couple others are under the assumption I was asking about a stack in my average military army. For clarification, what I am asking about is what to load up into my great leader, or Military Acadamy army leader...
No, I understood exactly what you were saying.

I also tried the 3 tanks in the army and it seems to have given them less attacks (3 strait), thus stripping them of their special abilities to attack 2 times in a turn each. I was only able to attack 3 times under the army but individually with out having to move I could have attack 6 times strait with those same three tanks. If I recall correctly. I'm pretty sure that's what happened last night. It seem the army no matter what has a set turn ration regardless of unit special abilties.

Well, a tank doesn't have two attack in one turn. It has the blitz ability. That means that it can attack with every movement point. And since an army of tanks has 3 movement points, that is how many attacks you get. So it's not an army of three tanks with six attacks, but rather an army of three movement points with an attack for each MP.

Now, you may be wondering why you'd want to put three units into one. There are advantages to it. Attack bonus of 10%, shared defense, amoung others.
Yes, I'm making tank armies now in the same game that I mentioned in the above post, and have added tanks to the cavalry armies now that I have Pentagon. Most players don't like to mix units in armies, but this seemed the right move at the time.
Or 2 Tank armies together, as I've never had one of those get attacked unless it was badly damaged. You might sacrifice that one move and escort it with Flak and Mech Infantry, as enemy bombers love to attack your armies. Your best bet is to use your armies to break the strongest defenders, take the city, and reinforce it with infantry. Armies are best combo of strength and speed, use them for that, and use ordinary units to defend cities that might flip back in a couple turns. I've lost armies to culture flips enough to be wary of parking them in any recent acquisitions. Very painful.
An interesting sidebar for this one is how to make those old 3 unit armies of obsolete units useful for something more than shields for a build. Once you get the Pentagon, add a fourth modern unit with same number of move points. I.E., a tank to 3 knights, or modern armor to a cavalry army, or a infantry to a medieval infantry army. It boosts their attack and defense enough to have a fighting chance. How many shields is an army worth if disbanded, anyway? Might as well lose them in a fight, or to hold a captured city, since disbanding does zilch toward wonder production.
Unless you expect really heavy resistance, I would recommend the all-tank offensive army. Armies deliver their most value on the offense taking out defenders that would cost you units to defeat otherwise, and with three units in an army, the defensive strength should be adequate in most cases (unless you have an army of Longbows!).

I also always keep my armies around forever. Even when they're obsolete, they can sometimes still pack enough of a punch.

By the way, has anyone every had a Warrior army? The earliest I've had is either Swordsmen or Bowmen.
Won't work in Conquests, as Armies get an extra movement point. So your two-move Tanks become a three-move Tank Army.

But yeah, you can have some follow along. Or make a defensive army.

This is really the way to go. An offensive army should only consist of offensive units.
The ratio offensive/defensive armies you should form can vary on tech, opponents...
But more generally speaking cover 2 or 3 offensive armies with 1 denfense army.

Armies have a longer lifespan than normal units and can "forgo" on tech-level.
You can use sword-armies against knights, knight-armies against musket/cavalry...
But as time goes by they get obsolete and I would disband them for the 100 shields and form
new armies (the unit support cost of outdated armies would annoy me)
There is a bug that make it possible

if you use the command ``move units of the same stack´´ so are the army left behind
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