Art for the Éa fantasy mod (with overlap I'm sure with other fantasy mods...)

One is from Warcraft III
Be careful with Blizzard IP. They have already asked epicss to take his mod down because it was reusing models from Warcraft and Starcraft. Of course, his use was much more blatant.
Be careful with Blizzard IP. They have already asked epicss to take his mod down because it was reusing models from Warcraft and Starcraft. Of course, his use was much more blatant.

Ah, good to know. Thanks!

Fortunately, I am none too impressed with their content anyway (W3ROC and W3TLT are from about 2002-3 and generally too low-poly even for Civ V).
@Pazyryk: Orc Berserker unit is complete; it has been added to the Orcs unit thread. For your mod it could be a GP or another end-game unit.

Spoiler :

EDIT: Also added an Orc Warg Rider which may be useful to you as a unit or Heldeofol GP.

Spoiler :
@Pazyryk: I remember you requested Sídhe chariots, and I saw that you can have Chariot Archers ingame. I will make an elf chariot archer, but do you need an elf chariot with a melee attack as well?
Yes, forgot that on my list. Thank you!

@Pazyryk: Orc Berserker unit is complete; it has been added to the Orcs unit thread. For your mod it could be a GP or another end-game unit.
Great! This will be Berserker GP (as enlarged single member unit). Maybe I'll use this too for the Immortals unit and then I can use your champion for Heavy Infantry (so it is seen more). Well, better to be faced with too many choices than too little.

EDIT: Also added an Orc Warg Rider which may be useful to you as a unit or Heldeofol GP.
Warg and Warg Rider went into v3 even though I forgot to add to changelog. Thanks!

I'll go through and revamp all the GP single unit graphics sometime soon. I think a few aren't even single units now since I was in a rush and just grabbed existing unit graphics in a few cases. And there is much new unit art to pick through. Though for human and sidhe I still have a male/female problem in many cases. Eg., no good female Warrior GP (please...please...please no "bikini plate mail").
Warg and Warg Rider went into v3 even though I forgot to add to changelog. Thanks!

Woot! Can't wait!

Though for human and sidhe I still have a male/female problem in many cases. Eg., no good female Warrior GP (please...please...please no "bikini plate mail").

Awwww, well that drastically reduces what is available from my inventory then.... :p

I am finishing up the Orc Settlers and Worker; then, I will move on to...humans! Wow, perish the thought - I am not even sure if I know how to make a human unit (that's what my ex-wife said, anyway...) :crazyeye:.
Awwww, well that drastically reduces what is available from my inventory then.... :p
--> bikini platemail unit... re-colored to have leather on arms/belly and thighs ? :D
The full GP set (including male and female models) is a big endeavor, but with all the new units coming it seems possible. I'm going to pick and rename from what is available. But here is the full list again and some thoughts on each. The thoughts are just ideas. I might see something different that I like more than my original concept.

The Orcs and Goblins don't necessarily need male and female versions, since it is hard to tell the difference anyway. But Man and Sidhe need both sexes for everything except maybe Lich.

Engineer, Merchant, Sage, Alchemist, Artist (Man, Sidhe; and Goblin, Orc for Engineer only) These all use placeholder unit art currently. I'd prefer a real "single unit" graphic (i.e., no cart or camel). Could use anything to signify classes: a hammer, a book, whatever works...

Heldeofol all-purpose non-magic GP (Goblin, Orc) Something that could pass for Merchant, Sage, Alchemist or Artist. These classes are so rare for this race that we don't need unique art. Maybe I can pull some member art from Nomad or What's settlers/workers. (Engineer is common enough for this race that it could use its own Goblin/Orc versions.)

Warrior (Man, Sidhe, Orc) The trick here is that the unit should look reasonably OK at any time in the game with any tech level. It's not possible to do that perfectly, but fighter with a sword and some minimal armor works well enough. For female units, the No-Bikini-Plate-Mail rule is non-negotiable. (I sells. But it's possible to be sexy and functional at the same time.)

Sea Warrior (Man, Sidhe, Orc [Goblin?]) Sword, no armor or very light armor, with Viking horns. (Goblin with Viking horns? :lol:) [Note: this subclass isn't implemented yet, but will go in at some point.]

Paladin (Man only) A fancier, holier version of Warrior. I think of them as having shiny silver armor. NBPM rule applies.

Eidolon (Man, Sidhe, Orc) This is the opposite of above. A blatantly evil great warrior. Perhaps with black armor.

Witch/Warlock (Man, Sidhe) This is one sublcass, just different name for female vs male. Female should be something like classic witch with pointy hat (although riding a broomstick is going too far). Maybe warlock needs scullcap. This is the most "primitive" of the arcane spellcasters. Brown and/or black could work.

Wizard (Man, Sidhe) I'm happy with the Gandolf cliché for male. Not sure what is needed for female. These could be good or evil, but in appearance they should pass as good or neutral. Perhaps blue or grey or a grey-blue.

Sorcerer (Man, Sidhe) This is the evil (or at least very ambivalent) counterpart to wizard. I imagine them as the power-hungry kind of spellcaster. Red comes to mind for color.

Illusionist (Man, Sidhe) Something flashy I guess. These spellcasters are all about appearance and perception. Maybe a rainbow of colors? [This subclass not implemented in game yet.]

Necromancer (Man, Sidhe) Black or maybe a deep purple and obviously evil. Not a Lich yet but on the way to that.

Heldeofol all-purpose arcane spellcaster (Orc, Goblin) One unit again serves multiple subclasses since their appearance will be fairly rare. It would be nice to have one Orc unit and one Goblin unit that could pass as Witch/Warlock, Wizard, Sorcerer or Necromancer. Perhaps a small modification of Shaman unit will work.

Lich (Man, Sidhe, Orc/Goblin) Basically an Undead GP. I think Nomad or What posted something that I need to look at. Race and sex are kind of ambiguous in these, so maybe one model will work for all.

Priest (& Fallen Priest) (Man, Sidhe, [Orc or Goblin]) Only Man can generate Priests, but all races can generate Fallen Priests (which are identical in appearance). For Man, Civtar's "Wizard" (black) unit seems perfect to me. Basically a paternalistic old man. Although I always thought of them as more "portly". The female counterpart could be a female shape in the same robe - no beard.

Druid (Man, Sidhe) Not a paternalistic old man. Should be strong, vital and maybe a little bit scary. Not evil, but not good either. It's basically a "nature priest". Think of Celts. I've grown to like the antler horns in the current placeholder unit.

Shaman (Orc, Goblin) This is the Heldeofol druid unit. Basically still a "nature priest". Maybe a little more primitive and dirty.
@Pazyryk: That helps. Thanks for keeping it out of the Wizards thread. I have to start on Sídhe chariots though.
A small recommendation for Éa in general: lighten up on the accent marks a bit, it starts out by seeming real Tolkien-ish fantasy language but soon becomes way overdone (plus since I speak French and Italian it messes me up occasionally).:D
(plus since I speak French and Italian it messes me up occasionally).:D
That's two more than I can speak.

I haven't added any accents. They are there from Old Norse or Irish Gaelic. I'm pulling all names from older sources, before Tolkien and others striped them out due to typewriter/publisher limitations. And don't be too upset when Gandálfr shows up as a dwarf.
Wizard (Man, Sidhe) I'm happy with the Gandolf cliché for male. Not sure what is needed for female. These could be good or evil, but in appearance they should pass as good or neutral. Perhaps blue or grey or a grey-blue.

Something like this maybe?

Spoiler :

These are from Atlantica Online; not sure which animations I would use for them (scout comes to mind but there may be others).

Just remember, you mentioned the Gandolf cliché.... :lol:


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So here's a question: making the GP models change over time to reflect their age, is it possible/worth it? Obviously would be amazing if it could be done, but even from my (very) limited knowledge of modding it sounds difficult.

Easiest way would probably be changing the hair color to gray or white at a certain age, maybe swapping out a "young" skin for an "old" one? (If age<50, use skin_young; if age>50, use skin_old).

Just throwing ideas at you. :p
Can't do a gradual change, but it's not very hard at all to switch over to a different model. If we have the models. Just tell Civtar and Nomad or What that we need 3x more models than my list above... ;)
The last one is perfect.

I like the other 3 too but their colors may be too close to those we want for other spellcasters.

Well fortunately all skins use the same base mesh so you can have whichever of the 4 you prefer. They are complete and located here...
For the aging mechanic, you could use the basic Civ5 civilian thing where workers and embarked units change their appearances in the Industrial Era. Only problem with that is after a certain tech even new GPs will look old.
Don't need anything like that. It's easy to simply swap units using Lua. But then you need the unit graphics, and that is not worth the effort for aging (not when adding actual new units is so much more fun). And anyway, the GP 2D portraits don't change.

However, I think it may be a useful concept for the Warrior GP and its subclasses. Not for aging, but rather for tech upgrades as player learns Bronze and then Iron Working. Not sure if it is worth the effort, but could be done...
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