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Asperger's Syndrome

* Narrow interests YES
* Repetitive behaviors or rituals YES
* Peculiarities in speech and language YES
* Extensive logical/technical patterns of thought TO AN EXTENT
* Socially and emotionally inappropriate behavior and interpersonal interaction YES, IF "INAPPROPRIATE" IS RANDOMLY STUPID OR HILLARIOUS IN "DISRUPTIVE" WAYS. OTHERWISE, NO.
* Problems with nonverbal communication NO
* Clumsy and uncoordinated motor movements NO

I feel it's an exaggerated problem milked for it's drug benefits.

However, I also feel that ADD is a myth, so don't take my opinion seriously.
I have a feeling that if I was born 10 years later than I was, they'd probably think I had Asperger's Syndrome. As it was, in elementary school the principal wanted me to be put on Ritalin since they decided I had ADD. I'm quite happy that my parents refused to do that. I have no clue where I'd be now if I had spent my youth drugged into obedience.
I have been said to have it, along with other things. But in my opinion in many of the cases ppl only think differently, maybe its a little rash, but society couldnt explain or accept diffrent ppl and putted an tag on them to put them away.

We are animals before being part of society.

Doenst mean its not real for some ppl.

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