Barbarian Holy City?


Apr 17, 2007
I've got a weird one here - anyone seen this? I am playing at Prince and doing the warrior rush. I took Portugal and Egypt out this way. I was planning to stop there, with 3 capitals, when I found this. I had to take it.

And then my work boat went all the way around the world, from small island to small island.
I played a game on Noble once were Isabella lost her capital, and Holy City, to barbarians. It was well defended by the barbarians by the time I found it, but worth taking the city!
It's the Aztec capital (Montezuma tends to found an early religion) which has been taken by barbs. Afterwards the barbs went on a cruise holiday and left that city ripe for the taking ;)
Strijder -- yes, Tenochtitlan was the Aztec capital. But look at when it happened, and on Prince! My score (after stealing two capitals) was only 100, but already the barbarians had spawned and taken out a capital. Weird.
Strijder -- yes, Tenochtitlan was the Aztec capital. But look at when it happened, and on Prince! My score (after stealing two capitals) was only 100, but already the barbarians had spawned and taken out a capital. Weird.

Check the event log. An event might have happened, spawning 6 archers/ spearmen / axemen/ swordsmen/ horse archers, which go straight to a civ's capital.
BTW - this is why the jump from Prince to Monarch is the biggest difficulty jump in Civ 4: because, unless you are the Inca, the warrior rush does not work above Prince level.
BTW - this is why the jump from Prince to Monarch is the biggest difficulty jump in Civ 4: because, unless you are the Inca, the warrior rush does not work above Prince level.

Well, strange you said that, as although I never did warrior rushes, I also found the jump from Prince to Monarch the hardest one. AIs suddenly able to field massive armies, to keep up in tech if you have the same amount of land, which actually DECLARE WAR on you (That shocked me. I had never seen a SoD before.) and so on.
My first game on Monarch was as Sumeria - I char-rushed Spain, which was happily settling new cities and founding religions, not building any units :lol:. Then I proceeded to Churchill, which was a lot harder - but elepults cleaned him up. With rougly 1.5 the amount of land of other AI's, I thought I was set for victory, but then Genghis comes in with his medieval SoD, reinforced by 2 units a turn on epic. I manage to beat him back, but then I notice 30 cavalrists and some other units on my border with Charlemagne, who declares war the next turn and takes a city.
Then I teched infantry and mauled those two jerks. Heh.

If I would have played on Prince, I would have just gone space or waited for tanks to clean up the map without any trouble.

Montezuma and the like also become more of a nuisance on Monarch. On Prince and lower he gets his SoD of jaguars ready by the time I have gunpowder - so he obviously doesn't attack me. On Monarch, however, he has the power to send a wave of chariots/jaguars towards you, which might lose you the game.
So I think you are right.
Yeah I lose about half the time on Monarch but win all the time on Prince. Monarch is the challenge level for me, but if I need a confidence boost I'll drop back to Prince.

And turn off barbs.
BTW - this is why the jump from Prince to Monarch is the biggest difficulty jump in Civ 4: because, unless you are the Inca, the warrior rush does not work above Prince level.

One must play all difficulties before one can possibly make reliable statements of this nature :lol:.

Immortal ----> Deity is the largest jump in the game, and it isn't close. Every other jump is a joke by comparison. In terms of raw bonuses, going from noble to immortal is comparable the single step from immortal to deity.

That's somewhat offset by the fact that usually immortal players know what they're doing and that play only diverges in a few ways @ deity, but the reality is still there.

As for OP, that's almost certainly the vedic aryan event, which just happens to rank among the most broken events in the game. Events are good for a giggle but if you're trying to learn they shouldn't be around...
Montezuma and the like also become more of a nuisance on Monarch. On Prince and lower he gets his SoD of jaguars ready by the time I have gunpowder - so he obviously doesn't attack me.

So you had the luck to meet a wise Monty ? :goodjob: On Monarch, I've seen him attack me with jaguars although I had redcoats... Needless to say, it did him no good...:lol:

SCBrain said:
And then my work boat went all the way around the world, from small island to small island

Oh, and BTW, I love the thought of the workboat coming back some 4000 years after its departure to learn all the people that the earth is round !
I have once seen barbarians take Delhi - holy city of Hinduism with Stonehenge. Cultured barbarian cities followed.
I wanna see a barbarian city flip other cities. :lol:
Yeah the Barbarian Holy City is probably from a random event (Vedic Aryans) and because of that lightly defended cities in locations like that will be lost easily. Easy capture, and a bonus religion without having to discover a technology.
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