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Basic stuff missing from Civilopedia.


Jan 20, 2008
Hi all,
A few days ago while showing a friend of mine how to play civ v, I found out that basic stuff (which is obvious for me) is missing from the Civilopedia and the user manual (both of the manuals, the first Civ V manual and the second one combined with G&K manual), or, I really don't know how to use them.

For example, basic improvements like Pasture or Quarry, not a word about the bonuses or extra yield they give, it only says that they are needed to access the resource, which is partly not true. I browse through resources, it says Cattle +1 food, accessible only with pasture, I click on pasture, not one word about what it adds.

First of all, +1 food from cattle is accessible with no improvement, Pasture will give another +1 food, not mentioned anywhere, and only while browsing the tech tree I find that Fertilizer adds an extra +1 food to pasture, again, not mentioned with Pasture.

The same goes with Horses, Sheep, Stone etc.

The entry for Pasture should mention +1 food and +1 production with Cattle, +1 production with horses and +1 food with sheep, then it should say, extra +1 food with fertilizer, or, it should be mentioned in the resources entry, Cattle, +1 food, with Pasture +1 food and +1 Production etc., but neither is mentioned, and the same goes for other resources, either each resource should be listed with all the available improvements and their yields and future yields from technology, or the details should be mentioned with the improvements entries, but this basic stuff should be somewhere.
The civilopedia seems much more concerned with adding flavour and being 'wacky' than actually providing info on the game. The various wikis (and the excellent Civ V Analyst) are much better sources of info IMO
The civilopedia seems much more concerned with adding flavour and being 'wacky' than actually providing info on the game. The various wikis (and the excellent Civ V Analyst) are much better sources of info IMO

Thanks jahsoldier, even so, the user manual should provide the information, believe me when I'm saying that I felt so embarrassed while trying to guide a friend I actually resorted to using Google, and the various wikis had no complete info and some even wrote in the "effects" column for Pasture - "unknown" and I don't blame then, for new players of Civ V it remains unknown. As I have mentioned in my post that goes for most resources and their improvements.

I'm sorry to say that http://well-of-souls.com/civ isn't much help either, besides trading post and lumber mill no detailed info is provided as to other tile improvement, and I don't blame them, they have to follow the official user manual and the civilopedia which in the best case are describes as sloppy negligent and laziest work done on any game help or manual system.

I've browsed through tens of "Strategy guides, wiki like sites, walk through guides" on the internet, came out with nothing, and I don't blame them, who wants to be blamed for wrong info if the publisher supplied none.

It came to a point that using Mods makes the life of a new player much easier, most of the modders supply excellent information about their changes, very detailed.

So cheers to the modders:goodjob: and :c5angry: to Firaxis and a lot of :c5faith: to us all.
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