Best Neighbour to have in Civ 5?


May 5, 2016
What the title says. If you were playing singleplayer and ended up with one other leader in the same continent, who would it be? Think not only in terms of how weak s/he is but things such as friendliness, willingness to trade, etc.

(P.S This is my first post :D I was too lazy to write a full introduction thread, but I hope things go well and that this community is nice.)
Ahmad al-Mansur of Morocco by far. He's usually peaceful and I get more out of my Trade Routes to him.

PS - Welcome to the forums [party]
Enrico, of course. Twice the land over extra gold from externals any day. And it means, if you go wide as I like to do, more trade routes coming into your territory for science (on higher levels). Of course he does sometimes steal CSes, but he also has a high flavor for diplomacy things so if you can get your religion on him he makes World Religion much easier. Plus if he gets a great capital or something he's easier to war...

Welcome to the forum!
Venice. You can expand every direction except towards him first, backfill towards his land later, and end up with a nice large empire after you've conquered Venice and taken all his wonderwhoring treasures.
Gotta agree, Venice is the best neighbor. No competition for city spots even on Deity. And usually quite willing to be friends and send you loads of trade routes that give you early science and gold if you keep up relations with him.

If you want lots of gold, then Morocco, Venice or Netherlands

If you want a training ground for your troops, then Morocco, Venice, Mayans, Byzantium
Personally I find William neat, since he just minds his own business, never declares war and doesn't savagely backstab me *cough* Napolean *cough*. I don't play King+ levels yet so I never really worry about territory competition.

Also, it seems that every time I start up a game with Elizabeth in it, she's always neutral and never gives a f*ck about me(even if I change relations with 1-2 civs).
Gotta put in another vote for Venice. By far the most annoying thing about most neighbors on deity is them forward settling you and taking spots you wanted nearby. Venice can't do that to you at all, which can lead to a much more comfy start.

I'd make Morocco my second for the trade route reason like the rest of you, but I can't since every time he's been even remotely near me lately he's declared early war, so screw that guy for now.
Shaka and Attila are a good neighbor if you manage to bribe them to look the other way. They will quickly become a loyal "attack dog" :p But if you don't, you're in big trouble. Dead even.

So as OP said "ended up with one other leader in the same continent", then shaka or attila are bad. Can't bribe them to look the other way. Just you and shaka/attila.

Heile is a good neighbor ... if you don't found your own religion. Will settle, but not much or fast. Will build you a good religion and many(most) times go Peity/reformation with a nice thing like Jezuits.
As long as their religion isn't horrible I like having Byzantium right next to me. Theodora has never backstabbed me and she isn't a aggressive settler. Venice is ok as long as there are no CS close by.
That's true that is a bit of an annoying thing about Venice is you're never all that secure with CS allies. I can't count the number of times I've just cleared a barb camp and returned a worker only for the CS to be immediately absorbed into ugly purple.
Warmonger neighbors make for good neighbors because they keep you from getting too bored so easily.

And all those battles can turn into later ancient sites for excavation.
Byzantium is great if you're not planning on getting a religion. They'll spread to you pretty early and you'll get an extra belief.
Venice is the worst neighbour, because he'll always build wonders, he'll always neglect military and he'll always be conquered by a superpower, helping them snowball. If there was an option to ban Venice I'd ban him every single game.

Gandhi is by far the best neighbour imho, because his early expansion is severely hindered, he has a very low warmonger score, a very high friendship score (7 out of 10 iirc), he's almost never a threat, never seen Gandhi win a peaceful vc and, best of all, he's usually easily conquered if you are eyeing his wonders.
Venice is the worst neighbour, because he'll always build wonders, he'll always neglect military and he'll always be conquered by a superpower, helping them snowball. If there was an option to ban Venice I'd ban him every single game.

Be the superpower then. He spams wonders and neglects military. Sounds to me like the best neighbor.
I hate having Venice in the game. He always spoils a CS or two before dying (by my hand, or someone else).

I am a big chicken, so I would say Portugal. She is peaceful, so good for trade routes or killing, as you prefer.
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