Best traits on lower difficulties?

Noble level? Ok here goes:

Trait pool (un-ordered)
Aggressive - Imperialistic - Protective - Charismatic - Industrious - Financial - Organized - Spiritual - Philosophical - Creative - Expansive

1. Industrious. The BEST trait to have on noble. On prince and up the other civilizations start getting wonders faster due to their faster research and improved production, but an Industrious leader on noble level can very possibly build EVERY wonder in the game, if they so wish. Heck, I play as Saladin (Spiritual, Protective) and still managed to snag every single wonder when I used to play at noble.

2. Spiritual. This trait is not much use if you're a total pacifist or a total warmonger, but if you're a builder/warmonger hybrid (like myself) this trait assumes a level all of its own - switching between economy and war civics at will, with no anarchy, is nothing to joke about. When you declare war on a non- spiritual, pacifist leader with your war civics on, and he's on economic civics, he won't be able to change his civics without risking much (if he does, take advantage of his stupidity and conquer his now no-defensive-bonus cities due to anarchy :D). Many spiritual civilizations also start with Mysticism, allowing them to grab a religion easily.

The rest of them depends on whether you're running a conquest or builder strategy. For war get aggressive or protective (if protective, run crossbow rushes - very effective). I didn't mention charismatic because it favors a builder more than a conqueror. If you want to build, snag organized, expansive or charismatic. Charismatic allows bigger cities earlier on due to the happiness bonus, but in the long run Expansive is more beneficial because it allows bigger cities later on due to the health bonus. Those two and organized are around the same usefulness really.

I've never played around with Creative, Financial, Imperialistic and Philosophical much so I can't really comment on them, but it's my strong belief that Creative is a rather sub-par (no offense intended to the trait's fans) trait to use for anything other than a cultural victory. You don't really need Theatres and Colosseums for any other victory, and early libraries is almost nothing compared to the benefits the other traits can confer.
Tier 1 (outstanding traits):
Financial, Industrious, Philosophical, Charismatic

Tier 2 (decent if not first rate):
Aggresive, Creative, Spiritual, Organized

Tier 3 (Very weak)
Protective, Expansive, Imperialistic
organized charismatic and expansive become worse. Industrious and creative become better because you can build any wonders you want and you can rex as fast as you want. The best ones are financial spiritual creative and philosophical at this level.
Tier 1 (outstanding traits):
Financial, Industrious, Philosophical, Charismatic

Tier 2 (decent if not first rate):
Aggresive, Creative, Spiritual, Organized

Tier 3 (Very weak)
Protective, Expansive, Imperialistic

Tier 1:
Financial, Industrious, Philosophical, Spiritual

Tier 2:
Aggressive, Creative, Organized, Charismatic

Tier 3:
Protective, Expansive, Imperialistic
for noble i would even go so far as to
Tier 1:
Financial, Creative, Philosophical, Spiritual

Tier 2:
Aggressive, Charismatic, Industrious

Tier 3:
Protective, Expansive, Imperialistic, Organized
many players on noble don't make too much use of specialists, and great people because using specialists well is kind of a complicated problem. once you're good at using specialists, it seems to me it's likely you're good enough to win easily at prince.

philosophical isn't very useful unless you produce enough great people points to get at least 5 great people or so.
@Diamondeye: Each to their own opinion, but don't have the arrogance to call your opinion a "correction" of mine. Spiritual is a persistently overrated trait which has been weakened still further by BtS. It isn't a first rate trait at any level. Charismatic is the weakest of the 4 top tier traits I've listed, and some argument could certainly be made for swapping it with Aggressive or Creative at higher level. Not Spiritual though.
From reading replyes I see there is some mix up between 2 posible answers.
1) best trats to play on low dificulty or
2) Best trats for low level players on low dificulty.

Unswer on this question is a bit different.

For example for point 1 I would say expancionist/charismatic combo.
For point 2 financial/creative combo.
Charismatic is 10x better than Aggressive, especially now that they have taken away happiness bonuses and stuff from lower levels.

But i would guess Creative, Industrious, Charismatic, Financial would be the traits which you would feel most effect from at low level. (Philosophical too maybe if they know how to use specialists and farms ;) )
Aggressive and Spiritual is good traits don't get me wrong, but how much civic switching do you really think a low level player is gonna do? (Aggressive is ok, but i would still pick Charismatic over it)
Protective and Imperialistic just plain suck, stay away from them :p. Expansive is a bit better but i wouldn't pick it unless i had too.

Organized is probably one of the best traits for warmongering, but you wouldn't know how to use it properly at low levels.
@Diamondeye: Each to their own opinion, but don't have the arrogance to call your opinion a "correction" of mine. Spiritual is a persistently overrated trait which has been weakened still further by BtS. It isn't a first rate trait at any level. Charismatic is the weakest of the 4 top tier traits I've listed, and some argument could certainly be made for swapping it with Aggressive or Creative at higher level. Not Spiritual though.
Point taken. Sorry for correcting you (or giving the impression that I am);
I will, however, keep it at first prio, and switch Philo with it instead - Chm seems better than this one at lower levels;

Tier 1 (outstanding traits):
Financial, Industrious, Spiritual, Charismatic

Tier 2 (decent if not first rate):
Aggresive, Creative, Organized, Philosophical

Tier 3 (Very weak)
Protective, Expansive, Imperialistic

Better now?
Philosophical gets better with higher difficulties, so it's hard to see how it's that good at low difficulties. Same with charismatic.

There are traits that are good for getting the edge on the AI (industrious, creative) and traits that give you bonuses. At lower levels, bonuses would seem to be more important.
So far I'd say if you are able to get all wonders on noble, do so. That would make industrious the number one trait. I mean, it's like

Hey, Joe, what are traits like?

Well, Aggressive
Combat 1, half buildtime of barracks

+1$ on plots with 2§

and there's Industrious
Free Monument and Broadcast Tower, Enables all religious and government civics, +50% GP Birthrate, double General emergence inside own borders, 1 free specialist in every city, 3 Free happy ressources 50% worker speed, 2§ per religious building, 120 Great People Points Per Turn In Capital

Hmm, Industrious is rather good, eh?
All the other trait can still get all wonders... Industrious only let you get them faster... Creative financial and spiritual are all stronger than industrious at this level imo. You don't need to build wonders to win and often it is just better to build more workers/settlers/units etc.
1) best trats to play on low dificulty or
2) Best trats for low level players on low dificulty.

Unswer on this question is a bit different.

For example for point 1 I would say expancionist/charismatic combo.
For point 2 financial/creative combo.

That's almost exactly what I was going to say (including the traits).

The one thing I'd add is that Philosophical/Spiritual would probably be best for a noble-level player looking to improve their game - learning how to leverage GPs and civics can be the key to moving up from noble to prince and monarch.
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