Beta & Bug Reports

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Ok so ive got a ton of bugs from version 4.12

I was playing as egypt, standard map, but 10 civs, emperor, epic

First issue i had was that Persia had a great general on turn 33...not sure how thats possible, also not sure if its a vanilla bug or one with the mods.

2: again not sure if this is a change in the mod but i didn't think so. My lumbar mills are providing 2 hammers but my mines are also only producing 2 hammers. This is way too low and seemed more like vanilla numbers. i thought forrests gave 2 hammers with 3 for lumber mill?

3: my science output went bonkers after the first few techs. I was getting a 33 turn tech in 3 or 4 turns and had a ton that ended up being negative turns. It went bad about the time i got philosophy, but i was only DoF with one civ and the toolbar wasn't saying i was getting any science from it and even if i was it was wayyyyyy too much, lol.

4: on turn 141 germany declared he was protecting 10 CS out of the blue, lol, no idea where that came from....
Also a lot of the tooltips where saying that the resource was +2 gold or production when it was only one, i think this is an issue with the new hover mod you added in maybe.

5: i had a few other issues but ill post them in their respective posts.

On a whole though it was fun, sorry to sound so negative, lol, the only game breaking bug was the science one.
3: my science output went bonkers after the first few techs. I was getting a 33 turn tech in 3 or 4 turns and had a ton that ended up being negative turns. It went bad about the time i got philosophy, but i was only DoF with one civ and the toolbar wasn't saying i was getting any science from it and even if i was it was wayyyyyy too much, lol.

I had the exact same issue (v.13), there's something funny going on with the new RAs. Made for a very strange game. Terrain improvements were as intended.

Other oddities:
  • For a while (40+ turns) a civ had *zero* military units.
  • I got what I think was another "false" DoF proposal, which I accepted this time - seemed to prevent the civ from DoWing, even though they coveted my lands and had no reason to like me. (A couple of turns previous he wouldn't give me OB for any price, which is usually a good indicator of hostility.)
  • A lot of unit action panel tooltips were displaying truly random things. One example is the worker's "build farm" button getting a popup explaining the effect of the siege promotion.
I just downloaded this yesterday (my first civ 5 mod) as I was getting a little frustrated with the 'out of the box' mechanics of the vanilla game. I would like to thank everyone involved in this project for putting the fun back in the game for me!
I started a small/terra/king/epic game as France, and was pleased to see that my three large pop cities could keep up in science with the Roman and Russian city spammers. It was also nice to see that the AI didn't seem to be blindly spamming cities in to stupid nooks of ice, two tiles apart.
The new national wonders are cool, though all the extra specialist slots seem a little excessive. The refugees thing is cool too. It seemed to keep a couple of the weaker civs alive longer, though at one point I had a city change hands a few times over the course of a few turns, and suddenly I had unemployed citizens in my cap, and there were paratroopers everywhere (on both sides).
Overall, great job and thanks again!

edit: I just remembered one 'buggy' thing. After declaring war on Rome, my CS ally and I were attacking a city. The CS got the 'killing blow' and started razing it. It was size 11 or so, but once it hit size 1, it then went to zero, then to 255, then finally vanished.
edit2:also, the promotions display seems a bit buggy, I encountered a barb boat that seemed to have 'shock 1'. I might just delete that one anyways.
so i looked in the read-me's and i cant find what the values for base tiles are now and what basic improvements should increase them to, anyone know? They have changed so much its hard to keep track and i think there was an issue with the tile output in my last game.
I've put RED compatibility on my todo list.

The instructions on how to open the tuner are still on the first post, I just moved them further down the post. :)

The base terrain and improvement values are:

  • 1:c5food:1:c5production: Forest
  • 2:c5production: Hill
  • 1:c5production: Lumbermill
  • 1:c5production: Mine
These are unchanged from vanilla. What's different is the improvements get bonuses at certain techs (machinery, steam power, and dynamite) as detailed in the terrain improvements readme.

For anyone encountering research issues (negative turns or other odd behavior), this information would be tremendously helpful:

  • Current :c5science: progress on the tech
  • Required :c5science: to complete it
  • Current sci/turn (as displayed on top-left information)
  • Current sci/turn from research agreements
  • Number of declarations of friendship signed
  • Output in the tuner when you end your turn
I've been having difficulty finding the problem because it doesn't happen for me, and I've checked over the code without successfully finding the bug. This information would really help track down exactly where it is. :thumbsup:

AIs have an odd tendency to declare protection for lots of citystates out of the blue, then revoke it later. There's nothing I can do about this since most of the AI code is unavailable to us.

The unit action buttons have always worked okay for me... not sure what might cause problems there.

Welcome to CivFanatics! :goodjob:

I'm glad you're enjoying the mod, the main purpose is to make the game more fun after all! The razing issue you encountered sounds very odd... razing is all hardcoded so I don't do anything to affect it, not sure what might cause a problem there.

Promotions are a work in progress. If you want to hide them, there's an option to do so under the 'map options' button near the minimap. I'd recommend not disabling anything in the unofficial patch folder (the files in there all rely on one another).
I saw the same sort of razing issue recently also. However, it wasn't using Thal's mod and it has never happened before, so I think it is something Firaxis caused recently with some hotfix they made. In my case the city went to -1 pop, then -2, then it went away.

I doubt there is anything Thal can do about it, best just to report to Firaxis and hope they fix it - though it can't be all that common.
Hi, Thalassicus !
Is there a way i can fix text problem
I cant see the techs but weird empty branches
also cant see anything in civilopedia neither, thanks
I've put RED compatibility on my todo list.

RED works fine for me - the thing is to *always* enable it last.

For anyone encountering research issues (negative turns or other odd behavior), this information would be tremendously helpful:

  • Current :c5science: progress on the tech
  • Required :c5science: to complete it
  • Current sci/turn (as displayed on top-left information)
  • Current sci/turn from research agreements
  • Number of declarations of friendship signed
  • Output in the tuner when you end your turn
I've been having difficulty finding the problem because it doesn't happen for me, and I've checked over the code without successfully finding the bug. This information would really help track down exactly where it is. :thumbsup:

Forgot to run the tuner with this game. But IIRC when I first noticed it (right after I got Philosophy), I was getting about 13BPT, 3 of which were from with one DoF, I was one-shotting techs costing ~80 beakers. Other techs claiming 20-30 turns were taking less than half that.

The unit action buttons have always worked okay for me... not sure what might cause problems there.

I'll see if it's an incompatibility issue, then; I was testing out a couple of new mods.

Two other minor bugs I later noticed in the same game:
*Horsemen buildable for nearly the entire game, certainly ages after Chivalry and Military Science were teched. I think they were outdated around Rifles.
*Baths required Colosseums even though they said Aqueducts.
Are you using any other mods other than the beta?

It's not necessary to run the tuner from the very start of the game, if you open it with a game running it works perfectly fine. :)

When you end your turn, it should display info like...

Sci bonus for Washington: 19
Sci bonus for Ramesses: 15
Sci bonus for Elizabeth: 27

The reason this is important is if I can get those 8 pieces of information I can trace exactly what the game is doing, step by step, and find the problem. Whenever you notice strange research times again, just open the tuner, end turn, and post these pieces of info:
  • Current :c5science: progress on the tech
  • Required :c5science: to complete it
  • Current sci/turn (as displayed on top-left information)
  • Current sci/turn from research agreements
  • Number of declarations of friendship signed
  • Output in the tuner when you end your turn
with version
first i tried with several mods, then to understand the source, i tried one by one, and found out that v4 thals balance mod triggering that text problem even when i use it only.
Where did you install the mod from... the ingame mod browser? Did you try clearing the cache? I don't see the problem you describe:



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It's not necessary to run the tuner from the very start of the game, if you open it mid-game it works perfectly fine. :)

I'll do that next time - I just tried to load an early autosave but it froze my computer.:lol:
i both downloaded from here and tried ingame browser later
and yes i did erase cache folder and tried again
here is a screenshot
[/URL] Uploaded with[/IMG]
If it's installed the same, cache cleared the same, no other mods, same version of the mod, and works on my computer but not yours... I can't think of what else that might be different between our two computers that could affect CiV...

Wait... are you on a Macintosh? I just noticed what version number you posted ( That's a somewhat older version of Civ, from about November I think? The current version is

If you're unable to update the game for whatever reason, I've uploaded older versions of the mod at the link below for Mac users. Hopefully you might be able to find a version in this folder that's compatible with :)
i also downloaded .135 version but still same anyway i don't know neither man, unfortunately i am not gonna be able to use such a great mod, thanks for your help.
i also downloaded .135 version but still same anyway i don't know neither man, unfortunately i am not gonna be able to use such a great mod, thanks for your help.

I suggest taking a break then trying again. If you're on a PC, there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to use this mod. Too many others are. There would seem to be something you're missing.
Hello Thal,

In the latest version I have no problems wenn a country contacts me. That's the good news. Now the bad news. After a while the whole computer freezes wenn playing with the mod. This problem occurs only wenn playing with the mod. Not when I play a normal game.
Thought I could be a memory problem (I have 8GB), tested the memory, everythings fine. No CPU problems either. So it must be caused by the mod.

Greetings, Madfox
Hello Thal,

In the latest version I have no problems wenn a country contacts me. That's the good news. Now the bad news. After a while the whole computer freezes wenn playing with the mod. This problem occurs only wenn playing with the mod. Not when I play a normal game.
Thought I could be a memory problem (I have 8GB), tested the memory, everythings fine. No CPU problems either. So it must be caused by the mod.

Greetings, Madfox

Can you reload and get it to play by reverting to the last save, the one before that... or just by hitting "Esc," etc?
Forgot to run the tuner with this game. But IIRC when I first noticed it (right after I got Philosophy), I was getting about 13BPT, 3 of which were from with one DoF, I was one-shotting techs costing ~80 beakers. Other techs claiming 20-30 turns were taking less than half that.

*Baths required Colosseums even though they said Aqueducts.

Ill get the livetuner thing as soon as i get a chance but my issue was almost the exact same as seek's. I also noticed that the baths said they said they req'd aqueducts, but really req'd colosseums.
I've noticed that river tiles no longer give any gold yield. This makes it difficult to have a decent economy and military in the beginning of the game. This is particularly problematic at the King difficulty setting. Was this by design or am I experiencing a bug? I think they're may be a better way of addressing the late game gold surplus balance issue.
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