Beyond the Bridges of Light

Faction Name: VERTIGO
Faction Traits: Produced Citizens. Industry Control

System Claims: 24: Cora. Luxury, Administration: Beating core of what is left of the Vertigo Corporation. Old corporate headquarters are still staffed by bio-drones or cloned personnel, although no actual administrative businesses actually occur anymore in the mostly-abandoned buildings. Instead, the true 'capital' of the VERTIGO systems are now located within the server banks scattered around the highly developed (and suspiciously empty) streets of Cora.
26: New Vanderblight: Minerals, Industry
31: Illumitar: Fertility, Agriculture
38: Horizon. Minerals, Industry

History: VERTIGO Systems is the successor of the now-defunct interstellar transportation and terraforming corporation called Vertigo Integrated Systems. The solar systems comprising the modern VERTIGO systems were once rather inhospitable to human life. When Sol and Earth still had control over the destiny of humanity, Vertigo, as one of its largest conglomerates, attempted to terraform these worlds under a lucrative contract with Earth government.

Social unrest, conflict with Mars, and host of other issues quickly dashed all dreams of the project ever becoming profitable for the earth-based conglomerate, and the great endeavor was abandoned--at least, by people of Earth. Advanced automated systems continued to function as programmed--nobody ever having given them the shut-down protocols.

Today, the VERTIGO Systems stands as an independent political entity governed by a conclave of artificial intelligence that have grown increasingly sophisticated with age. Some human colonists have even begun to move into the systems themselves, seeking opportunity in the now-complete terraforming project. It is still unknown however exactly how many of 'humans' living in the systems are actual colonists, or bio-drones and androids developed by the Conclave.

Military: Crimson Reposessor Fleet: 2 Cohesion, ` 1 attack 1 mobility (CORA)
Army: The Electric Sheeps: 2 Cohesion, 1 attack, 1 defense (CORA)

Commanders: PX-1192 (Protective x2) (Crimson Repossessors)

Michael (Electric Sheeps) (Loyal)
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Faction Name: The Divine Mandate of the Enex Xape

Faction Traits:
Revolutionaries (spread the word!), Civil Defence (zealous)

Worlds with System Claims: 1: Shinmar (luxury and administration) in the Oiri System: cradle of the faith and throne of the Messiah in the form of the holy fortress temple of Onipre. The planet is primary a desert world with much of the populaces located around grand oasises, including the twin capitals of Perez and Zerah, connected to the desert mountain bounded Onipre through the space port of Al-Isra. Prime industries of the planet are the pilgrims that cometh.

23: Themis (fertility and agriculture) in the : an oceanic planet with the 10% of mass being land and those land being scattered isles. The capital of the world is Astrea, loacted on the grand isle of Astria. Originally a independent trading world the Messiah grew up and first preach here, till cast out for upheval to the peace. When the Divine Mandate emerged Themis was made into the reign of the Messiah and now serves as a trade hub for the Enex Xape.

3: Seksir (minerals and industry) in the Eiom System: a humble alphine world which the Messiah took refuge after flight from Themis, before forced to retreat to Shinmar. The capital of this chill world is Bennih.

2: Abrem Prime (mineral and industry) in the Abrem System: a stone desert world with only the most minimal water, located near the lone settlement of Eos.


Fleet: Guardian Fleet of Mibon: 1 mobility, 1 attack, 1 defence
Army: Astrian Order Militant: 1 attack, 2 defence


Shenouda Levi: Loyal, Rallier
Juliana Vejovis: Aggressive, Protector

Faction Description:
“The one who hears you hears me, and the one who rejects you rejects me, and the one who rejects me rejects him who sent me.” Luke 10:16, the Bible

The Divine Mandate histories is that of the Peja, a religious movement constructed by Chidi Ouaab, whom went from visions on Thamir to preach and after exile to Shinmar to exalted status among followers, leading to the Great Redemption of Thamis as the Messiah and their followers bought forth themselves upon the systems.

Chidi Ouaab, the founder of Peja, is proclaimed to be the successor to the Abrahamic prophets and the Indochina sages; this Messiah is regarded as the eight and last of a line of spiritual guides meant to lead humanity to the just way of souls. The priesthood takes vows of poverty to embrace the virtues of charity and humility. Among the key tenants is to proselytize others into Peja; this has been conducted through missionaries, though the Divine Mandate is known to use ‘alternative diplomatic arrangements.’ A Pejan follower are refereed to a Pejamite, followers Pajamites. The Epex Vape is the prime doctrine, so declared by the vision Chidi Ouuab processed while meditating in the mountains that be the cradle of Onipre.

The theocracy that is the Divine Mandate of the Epex Vape places the Messiah as the Exalt, the absolute autocratic ruler. The eight chosen apostles of Chidi Ouaab provide an oligarchical backbone to help in management of both the faithful and the realm, while each core planet of a system is throne to the premier metropolitans who serve as semi-automatic priest governors. The priesthood hold the political power and economics is handled through a temple economy which affairs of resources and markets are managed by the priesthood with merchants granted semi-automony in their conduct. The military is handled through templar orders, while covert defence and heresy removal is managed by the Inquisition.

Governance is as follows:

The Exalt: Chidi Ouaab, the Messiah, the Eight Saviour, the Ultimate Prophet, Our Chosen Shepard, the Last Hope of Humanity, the Supreme Caretaker, the Α & Ω

Spoiler image of the Messiah :

Spoiler The Sect of the Eight Apostles of the Messiah AKA the Sect of Eight :
Adiel Jate: they who shows the way to the unguided.

Bahira El-Mofty: she who brings joy to sorrow.

Ese Bortos: she who would give all for the weak.

Gadi Saab: he who spreads humility to the proud.

Ona Shain: she who separates the wheat from the chaff

Petros Toto: he is strong for the mistreated.

Rin Akiyama: she who is zealous in the defence.

Zanoah Kampi: he who brings order to chaos.

Spoiler The Hight Offices :
High Priestess Lucra Salib of Onipre

Supreme Metropolitan Tanoute Turkieh of Shinmar

Premier Metropolitan Argus Manolis of Themis

Premier Metropolitan Thanos Videlas of Seksir

Premier Metropolian Ozera Warshawsky of Abrem Prime

Blessed Speaker Paul Volk

Supreme Inquisitor Leon Economides

Chief Caretaker Isabel Gao of the Treasury

Chief Industry Master Joseph Artz

Chief Ecological Steward Pigol Espino

Blessed Caretaker Anthelia Alou of the Pilgrims and Transportation

Templar Grand Admiral Katherine Aaij

Templar Grand Marshall Yusuf Karbalae

Blessed Director Nazaret De La Fuente of the Holy Mission to Proselytize

Truthful Director Oksana Yavorsky of Moral Communications, Cultures and Media

Mayor Ese Murr of Perez

Mayor Bishoy Ranhe of Zerah

Priest Caretaker Abd al Matin al-Balawi of Al-Isra

Spoiler flag :
Alpha and Omega.png

Spoiler crest :
Alpha and Omega crest.png
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Thought I would have time for this. I do not. Sorry.

The Messiah is sad with this :(

I look forward to your projects anyhow Dec; you are great at making great stuff.
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