BK's RAR 2

I uploaded it, should have worked. I just followed what the site said to do
Ok well I attached it in case something went wrong
I have been playing with the map generator for RaR and discovered two glaring problems:
1. The map generator only gives out 1/2 the quantity of strategic resources it is supposed to give out! Thus...where 120 should give 1.5 resources per civ, it is only giving 0.75
2. The map generator is ridiculously stingy concerning bonus resources (apparently the Civ III people must have put a limit on the quantity of resources showing up on a map...so with all the strategic and luxury resources, the bonus ones are not well represented).

One way to avoid these problems is to double the strategic resources appearance value and to make all bonus resources be strategic (giving values from 300 to 80 for each resource depending upon how many you want represented).
If it is...they are really, really mean! Gold is needed for many buildings and in an 8 person game, there is often only 3 sites.
Which size of map are you using??
I'm usually playing SP games (15 AI, emperor) with huge map and I didn't noticed it...
Just makes things slightly more interesting and I almost more "realistic" in a sense. Due to a smaller number of resources, their role and importance increases. Also, it isn't like every nation today has a gold resource or throughout history as it was in fact quite rare. I am going to guess that the modders intended it. Also, get this darn thing moving again!!!
I was doing standard size map. If you use huge maps...then you will likely find about 8 gold resources (1/2 the quantity of civs), so you would have a slightly easier time of it.
Am back from the weekend now and have played / sent my turn.

Must be sure to give the RNG a beating sometime soon, my starting spot looks remarkably barren - oh what I would give for a cow, or wheat, or even a piece of grassland!

I think the lower resource count is intended in these modded games. In civ vanilla, you are fairly well screwed without iron as there isn't really many alternatives to swordsmen / knights / pikemen. I havent played RaR, but I can see the tech tree offers plenty of alternatives if you find yourself without a particular resource. Eg camels and elephants instead of horsemen. I also love the idea of having to research tech for certain bonux / luxury resources to show up. Although I suspect you would be dark indeed if you researched a dead-end tech like winemaking to find no grapes nearby :p
When you have no bonus resources, you find yourself researching those techs thinking "well since I didn't get any cattle, I for sure have some wool" or something and then you end up getting nothing anyway.
You are right about iron. In my experiences with RAR, you can develop a sufficient military without it. However, it is not ideal and your military will primarily be an offensive one because it will consist of mostly horse archers and later on cuirassers. Your defense will be a strong offense in such a case...
I've been playing with the biq that BK sent out for this PBEM. On a Tiny Pangea with 8 Civs, I don't have much trouble getting Iron, but don't always get horses. Then you just rely on Medieval Infantry and Stone Crossbowmen until you get Flintlock and hope that Musketmen can carry the fight, then Line Infantry...

I've had some success with that as the conquering forces can then garrison the city...
well it says it's my turn but i didn't get an e-mail... Gnarff?
it seems i spoke too soon... I thought I had waited long enough that the e-mail would have been sent, but lo and behold there it was when i checked a half hour after posting. Oh well it's sent. Oh yeah, my civ is still CUSTOM by the way
Maybe the site only recognizes the civs from Conquests...
I think Sadu has done the bulk of the programming and only programmed in the possibilities of only selecting "Conquest" Civs...

@ Sadu, just wanted to let you know that I like what we have going so far... It is very nice to know where the turn is at at the moment...

@ Aluminum Knight, give the turn time to traverse from e-mail server to e-mail server...

@ EVERYONE, I do wonder if everyone got my message about waiting to settle to better centralize your capital that I sent? I mainly sent it just to test for Sadu if the messages send properly... I am sure that responses would be greatly appreciated by Sadu in particular...

BK of the French
Critical news! The game will crash once we get to the possibility of Ship of the Line. You MUST go into the RaR folder, go into the art folder, go into the units folder. There...you will find a folder for Ship of the Line. Change the name to Ship_of_the_Line. Go into that folder. You will see an INI file (if you don't know what it is...since sometimes MS does not list it as such don't worry). The INI file is labelled Ship of the LIne...change it to Ship_of_the_Line. Note...the only file in the Ship of the Line folder that is named with the LIne is the INI file.

Make sure you include the underlines!
EVERYONE MAKE SURE TO DO THIS!!! Also, someone add this message in the all message box next time around... Thanks, rcoutme!

The most recent turn did not have the game file attached in the e-mail...

Maybe try to resend...

If that doesn't work, we may have problems...
I noticed there seems to be a problem with the "send to everyone" option. On my last turn, I included some text for everyone to read, and on the "sent" screen, it said it had sent the save to BK, and didn't mention anyone else.

I'll have a look at this when I get a chance.

I'll also edit the script so irt sends a GPS to the previous player, just so you know they have received the file, and it's not sitting in limbo.

I have also noticed the site doesn't send the emails immediately. I found from testing that small text only emails send very quick, whereas attaching a 400k file slows down a lot. I'm not sure if this is my web host prioritising their data, or something to do with how the email is sent from mail server to mail server. Either way, it's out of my control, and the messages should normally appear within 15 mins (which isn't an issue in the grand scheme of things).

The whole idea of running this system this pbem is for me to test it out, and fix any issues. Once that's done we should have a pretty slick new management tool.

Regarding the CUSTOM thing, yes, I only included the standard C3C civs. It's not really an issue, and that option doesn't actually drive any part of the site.

BK mentioned a message about choosing your site - If you didn't get it because of the "send to everyone" bug above, here is the message (rescued from the database)...
Hopefully everyone is off and has decent starts... Remember, you have 5 tribes so if you move around some before beginning to better centralize your capitol it is wise to do so...

Hopefully nobody cares I went Random instead of Greece and am now France. Also, Gnarff was random and is Babylon.
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