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[BTS] BOTM 236: Mao, Prince - First Spoiler - 1AD


Fear him of the pink tie
GOTM Staff
Dec 23, 2005
London, UK
BOTM 236: Mao, Prince - First Spoiler - 1AD

Use this thread to tell us what happened in your game, up to 1AD

Reading Requirements
If you are participating in BOTM 236, then you MUST NOT read this thread unless EITHER
  • You have reached at least 1 AD in your game, OR
  • You have submitted your entry

Posting Restrictions
  • Do not disclose ANY events or information gained post 1 AD.
  • Do not reveal your final result if that happened after 1 AD.
  • Do not discuss the location of resources that may not show up before 1 AD (Iron is OK, coal and oil are not)
  • Do not post any savegame file from the game. Discussions and screenshots are fine but not actual games
I settled in place. By 1 AD, I have 7 cities, I've Oracled Metal Casting and I've build the Colossus and Great Lighthouse. I'm a turn away from Machinery, with plans to send some Cho-Ko-Nus to war.

Only two events affected me, both minor positive ones: Waters of Life and the Black Pearl.
Challenger save, settled 2W on the other PH

Yes Roosevelt by all means stay on 1 city while building SH, I'll just settle the horses in your face

I saw hardly any barbs near me but they were devouring pacal and roosevelt who both skipped over archery.

Killed off Roosevelt+Pacal with HAs

Completely overextended just for fun; at 1AD I have 16 cities and 60 pop but I'm 4 turns from strike, lets hope it works out :think:
35 HA's built but I lost a lot to Suleman and only have 13 left; not enough for a 4th war, I'll just try to take the 2 remaining barb cities for gold.
Contender save.
After taking out the Roosevelt, I was at war with Pacal, whose capital had the Jewish holy city (same religion I had adopted) when I got the Crusade quest.

Quest9: Crusade Prereq: State religion but you do not control the Holy City Obsolete: None Active/Weight: 50/1000 Aim: Declare War on the owner of the Holy City, stay in war until you conquer the Holy City Result: 1.get 0.5*default number of players for this world size+1 conscript units (4 for standard) 2.build the shrine for your state religion 3.spread your state religion to default number of players for this world size cities (7 for standard)

A few turns later, I captured Mutal, eliminating the Maya. But nothing happened, and the next turn I got a message telling me I had failed to complete the quest .:confused::confused::confused:
Contender save.
After taking out the Roosevelt, I was at war with Pacal, whose capital had the Jewish holy city (same religion I had adopted) when I got the Crusade quest.

A few turns later, I captured Mutal, eliminating the Maya. But nothing happened, and the next turn I got a message telling me I had failed to complete the quest .:confused::confused::confused:

That would’ve been a pretty awesome reward too.
After taking out the Roosevelt, I was at war with Pacal, whose capital had the Jewish holy city (same religion I had adopted) when I got the Crusade quest.

Could the problem be that you were already at war with Pacal when you got the quest, so you never fulfilled the requirement of declaring war? If so, it's still a total bummer, but I can understand why the computer did what it did.
I settled in place as well and after the first worker decided to look how far a warrior rush would go. It got me Washington and 2 French cities in Paris and a rather suboptimally placed Orleans. From there I've expanded peacefully to 12 cities with room for a couple more, currently at 75 pop. Got the GLH, a latish (650BC) Oracle for Civil Service, the Pyramids and the MoM. Tech is half way to Education. The plan is to annex the Mayans and Ottomans next and then I guess I'll go for space.
I took the Challenger save and at 1AD I have 24 cities and 212 pop after having defeated the troops of Washington and Louis with my bare hands. I also Oracled Biology and built the Mids, MoM, and Eiffel Tower.

OK, I'm suffering from a little jealousy.;) In reality, I did take the Challenger save, settled in place, have 6 cities and 42 pop, Oracled Monarchy, just got the Colossus, am building cats, and will have Machinery in 2 turns to build chokus to attack Roose.
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