Brazil: great works of music and ideology?


Mar 8, 2015
I've got a few questions for those of you with experience playing Brazil.

First, how important are Great Works of Music to Brazil? This question can be extended to any Civ, but it seems to me that with Brazil (certainly) and anyone (possibly) you'd want to save your Great Musicians for late game Golden Age/Carnival! Concert Tours. If, say, I picked up Broadway and the Sydney Opera House and managed to fill both for their theming bonus, wouldn't the Tourism generated from them that late in the game be a good deal less than that generated by a Concert Tour? And on a similar note (pardon the pun), is there any instance where burning a Great Musician to put a Great Work of Music in a Broadcast Tower is a good idea?

Second, which of the three Ideologies do you prefer with Brazil? Freedom, with its increased Great Person generation and Media Culture, seem like good, albeit straightforward, bonuses. Order, if stacking tons of Happiness buildings, Wonders, and Tenents, could be lots of fun with Cultural Revolution and Dictatorship of the Proletariat. And Autocracy, with Futirism, seems like a good way to boost all those late-game Great Musicians and Artists I'll be pumping out for Carnivals and Concert Tours. The Cult of Personality does seem a bit situational, though. So which of the three do you prefer and why?

As always, your replies are appreciated. So thanks in advance to any feedback you guys can offer.
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