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[BtS] JLimitedEra Mod


Great Reverend
Nov 16, 2005
Peoria, IL
This mod allows you to limit how far you can progress through the tech tree.

In the config INI file you set the Last Era techs can be researched and then in the game all techs past this Last Era will not be researchable or shown on the Tech Advisor screen.

You can change the Last Era in the config.ini file and as long as you save and reload the game everything will function normally.

There are also config.ini options to allow/disable specific Techs that will override the Era restrictions.

Beyond the Sword v3.13
Size: 21 kb
JLimitedEra Mod v0.300bts3.13 - Uploaded Feb 23, 2008
That's much better than usual tech disable via XML! :goodjob:
Oops, I left an extra file in the mod that may or may not have been causing problems. I also changed one of the config.ini reading methods to use the current working directory instead of checking the registry, this should fix problems for anyone using not standard versions of civ.

Download link in OP has been updated with fixed version. :)
Nice mod, but when all the civilizations finish all technologies and whatever era it's limited to the game slows to a crawl with turns start taking minutes and there’s no longer any gold, culture or espionage coming in. This is BTS 3.13 btw.
Hmm, I hadn't noticed any real lag, even after all the non limited techs are researched.

But I have noticed that the game lags for several seconds when the cursor goes over the research bar in the main interface. I am hunting down why this happens and will have a fixed version out in the next couple days. While I'm at it I'm going to include a few other fixes that will make sure the extra code isn't ran when it doesn't need to be. :)
Excellent mod. :goodjob:

After installing the 3.13 patch I'm getting the same slowdown as shocky. My current game I'm in 1876 on a huge map with 7 AI's and its taking over 2 minutes to process each turn. Also it takes 10-15 seconds to open any screen that has anything to do with technology (tech tree, diplomacy screen etc.).
Sorry for the long delay, but I ran into some RL issues that kept me from the internet.

Anyway, now that I'm back playing Civ4 I had to use this component my self and a few weeks ago I did fix the major lag problems. I also update a few things to comply with BtS v3.13. I will update the OP in an hour or two.
Thanks you Jeckel, now the mod works very well, and even the previous saved game is playable !
Ah, so that was the problem... and here I'm to inform you about download error...

Thank you.
This is a really cool idea, however when i loaded your mod, all of the ingame option screens dissapeared -- there are no menus for anything. Minimap is gone, clicking on a unit doesn't give you the menu for that units options, and clicking on a city doesn't give you the city menu...
one question evertime i change the era to rennacianse and the go to save it says that it could not find the file location.i have vista whats the problem
Its probably not going to work on vista, if I remember right vista has a different directory structure then XP and the mod looks in specific folders. That is what I would guess anyway.

I am currently working on an SDK version of this mod and it should work on any machine that can run Civ4.
This is a really cool idea, however when i loaded your mod, all of the ingame option screens dissapeared -- there are no menus for anything. Minimap is gone, clicking on a unit doesn't give you the menu for that units options, and clicking on a city doesn't give you the city menu...

I'm having the same problem = (

I extracted to my "Mods" folder, run my game like normal, and then load the mod in-game and then I notice the same problems, and I also can't go into the Advanced options menu. My game runs smoothly without the mod and I have patch 3.13. Game starts and all and I can select and move my units, but none of the menus are there except for the menu that pops up when you press the ESC key. I'm running Windows XP.
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