[BtS] "Mars, Now!"

Hey J,

In comparison to the older version, how many more computer resources does this version use up? With the older version, I could play Huge Maps with no real performance issues. However, with this version, I've been trying to play standard size maps and I'm getting crashes fairly often. It acts like the normal mysterious crash even vanilla Civ gets at times and it's not something predictible (I've tried).

If worse comes to worse and this new version is unplayable on my system, could you put the older version back up for a short time so i can DL it again?

:think: this is strange.
Say, do you have Vista/Win 7 on your PC?

First advice: Try to delete the file marsjetzt-v04\assets\CvGameCoreDLL.dll.
This new .dll is from the CAR mod and should enhance the performance.
But it has been reported, that .dlls which have been compiled on XP systems do sometimes not work very well on Vista/7 machines, and i guess this could maybe apply here.
Would be nice to hear, if this changes something.

That's odd, my computer is hardly the best thing ever, and the only problem I have with this mod is out of control Terraforming. :) This is on Standard sized maps too.

Yeah, The_J, I love the mod, but the Terraforming seems to turn my land into ocean 95% of the time.
Can I please request other options? Because it's hard to have a decent city when the land disappears rapidly.

Water should be superior to normal land because of the big food bonus.

:) Did I melt the ice caps?

Sorry, what?

Also, did you know the average surface temperature on Mars ranges from -75 F (on the night side) to a little over 250 F during the day. Also, did you know the wind on Mars hits around 300 miles per hour!

We found ice, but still, there's a lot less ice on Mars in Real life then in this mod. :) It's also the type of ice you don't want to put in a drink. I.e. It's not all water.

Quite cold and not nice to live there :D.
Yeah, a bit inconsistence there, terraforming on mars would not be that easy, especially the water problem, that it's most CO2 ice and not real water.

I don't know if taking terraforming out would not be a major loss for the mod :think:.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: Don't take out Terraforming! It's the main thing we'd do on Mars, so taking it out defeats all previous statements. It adds an element of realism to fantasy! For the love of all that's good and holy don't take out Terraforming!
:think: this is strange.

Quite cold and not nice to live there :D.
Yeah, a bit inconsistence there, terraforming on mars would not be that easy, especially the water problem, that it's most CO2 ice and not real water.

I don't know if taking terraforming out would not be a major loss for the mod :think:.
What if you remade the terraforming mechanic?
One thing to do is change the way land upgrades. As well as using a sort of terraforming counter(Idea sort of borrowing from Planetfall/FFH). Buildings and some improvements would add to the counter. Factories, Moholes, Hotchargers(electromagnets that strengthens a cores magnetic field) and the like.You could also use terraforming levels (RED, BROWN, GREEN, and BLUE). That Indicated the % of terrain terraformed. With some terrain not upgrading to another type until a level has been reached.

Terrain Ideas
Martion Plain->Anchorgrass/Tundra->Plain/Forrest
Ice->No idea

Love the mod. When will you come out with a new Mars mapscript, Or a small/Tiny Mars map?
Whoa! I don't want Terraforming removed either. Just adjusted.

With a lot more variety. and as it stands, water is weaker than land because you can build farms on any spot. :) Unless I'm missing something with water. Maybe I live up to my custom title. :)
I don't know. I would prefer it if I had places where I could move military units on. :)
Makes a conquest victory hard if you have to spam military sea units to get anyone from your city to your enemy city.

I like roads and lands.
Not sea.
No, seriously, J, don't remove Terraforming. It's one of the main aspects of your MOD and it would take quite a deal of its charm if you'd take it out.

I even like it as it is, now that the enhancements work as they should.
If you want to change how it works, you might want to have a look at Rise from Erebus - a ModMod for FFH2, that has changing terrain over time for some civs.
But taking it out completely would not be a good idea IMO.
I played the 0.3 version of this mod before, but the 0.4 is a major improvement. It seems to run more smoothly, the music is definitly better, and is the oxygen and water supply increased as well?

Terraforming is nice as it is, but it probably means that all tiles end up being water. I know Planetfall has competing ways of dealing with the planet, either terraforming or adaption. Maybe different terraforming approaches would be nice, but that seems like a momentous task.

By the way, I seem to have a minor bug. Every time I try to build a mechanized infantry, the game crashes to the desktop. I only need to click on the buttor for the mechanized infrantry, and the crash is instantaneous.
What if you remade the terraforming mechanic?
One thing to do is change the way land upgrades. As well as using a sort of terraforming counter(Idea sort of borrowing from Planetfall/FFH).

I want to add this for months now, but haven't looked deeper in it, i don't really know how to begin :blush:.

Buildings and some improvements would add to the counter. Factories, Moholes, Hotchargers(electromagnets that strengthens a cores magnetic field) and the like.You could also use terraforming levels (RED, BROWN, GREEN, and BLUE). That Indicated the % of terrain terraformed. With some terrain not upgrading to another type until a level has been reached.

Terrain Ideas
Martion Plain->Anchorgrass/Tundra->Plain/Forrest
Ice->No idea

*scratchinghead* not everything can directly be copied over.
And i can't imagine that badlands are really an improvement :D.
If i got some good names for other possible improved terrain....:think:

I even like it as it is, now that the enhancements work as they should.
If you want to change how it works, you might want to have a look at Rise from Erebus - a ModMod for FFH2, that has changing terrain over time for some civs.
But taking it out completely would not be a good idea IMO.

In what way is the terrain change in RifE different to normal FfH2?

Terraforming is nice as it is, but it probably means that all tiles end up being water. I know Planetfall has competing ways of dealing with the planet, either terraforming or adaption. Maybe different terraforming approaches would be nice, but that seems like a momentous task.

The question is: What other way? I can't imagine something completly different.

Love the mod. When will you come out with a new Mars mapscript, Or a small/Tiny Mars map?

I have never thought about adding a new map.
I'm not a map maker, haven't done the other maps myself.
...I'll maybe look into it, but if i'll be successful...not sure. Will also not happen in the next weeks, i have some exams at the university.

With a lot more variety. and as it stands, water is weaker than land because you can build farms on any spot. :) Unless I'm missing something with water. Maybe I live up to my custom title. :)

Ups, yes, right.
With a hydroponic farm V2 you can get on Ice more :food: than on a water tile, but not on other terrain, so a change to water should in most times be something good.

I don't know. I would prefer it if I had places where I could move military units on. :)

With water roads you have some places ;).

I played the 0.3 version of this mod before, but the 0.4 is a major improvement. It seems to run more smoothly, the music is definitly better, and is the oxygen and water supply increased as well?

Not all has been changed since the last patch to the current version, but it depends with which patch you've played the mod.

Cities need 1/2 water/ice and oxygen, so that you don't have to place every city perfectly. Imho this decreased the fun of expansion too much.

By the way, I seem to have a minor bug. Every time I try to build a mechanized infantry, the game crashes to the desktop. I only need to click on the buttor for the mechanized infrantry, and the crash is instantaneous.

OMG, i guess no one has noticed this in the last versions, because the mech inf was too fast obsolete.
It's a complete noob mistake, it must have been in since the very first version.
I've attached a zipped CIV4ArtDefines_Unit.xml. Just extract it, and replace marsjetzt-v04\Assets\XML\Art\ArtDefines_units.xml with it.


  • CIV4ArtDefines_Unit.zip
    12.5 KB · Views: 58
Cities need 1/2 water/ice and oxygen, so that you don't have to place every city perfectly. Imho this decreased the fun of expansion too much.

I'm a little confused by what that means to be honest.
Do you mean that cities require water/ice and oxygen like what the main capital gets?
That's fine with me.

However, doesn't that mean you can't build more than 4 cities without getting more resources?
Also, sea roads? Never seen those.
I'm a little confused by what that means to be honest.
Do you mean that cities require water/ice and oxygen like what the main capital gets?
That's fine with me.

However, doesn't that mean you can't build more than 4 cities without getting more resources?
Also, sea roads? Never seen those.

Exactly. You can only have as much cities as you have Water and Oxygen.
If you have 8 Water and 4 Oxygen, the 4 Oxygen limits your maximum number of cities to 4. But that's not much of a Problem, sice there's enough of both recources around and you can always get more by building "Request Water from earth" and "Request Oxygen from earth".
Right, just with the double amount.
You can maintain 2 cities per 1 resource combo.
If you've reached the limit, you can't build any new colonists.

You'll get a PM with that in a jiffy - I can explain it in german then :)

Got it, read it.
I can't really see, how faction specific terraforming could be applied here, as long as you don't want to add an inuit civ, which terraforms everything to ice :D.
Seriously: What was your idea? I would like to hear it :).
Yeah, maybe I've not worded that clearly.
What I meant is actually not the faction specific thing, but the gradual, slow change over time.

Like desert could become dew-rich ground, then turning to "wet sand" then turning to quicksand and finally to marsian ocean.

Other terrains might take another path and end up as terraformed ground wich has better yields than normal mars soil. So different terrain types end in different terraformed terrains.

Or even apply the path randomly, so the random effect, that is present right now stays in.
But that's just brainstorming right now. As I said - now that the water is improvable I do not think it should be changed. This idea is for you to consider only if you're positively unhappy with your terraforming process at present.
I'm liking War Chicken's idea. Very cool.
OMG, i guess no one has noticed this in the last versions, because the mech inf was too fast obsolete.
It's a complete noob mistake, it must have been in since the very first version.
I've attached a zipped CIV4ArtDefines_Unit.xml. Just extract it, and replace marsjetzt-v04\Assets\XML\Art\ArtDefines_units.xml with it.

Problem solved. Thanks for the file.

It seems hard coming up with an alternative to terraforming as it is. Maybe something allong the lines of red vs. blue is possible. Blues want to change Mars, turning it into an ocean planet. Reds prefer Mars to be the way it is. Maybe reds can focus on a combination of living underground, super-advanced chemistry for food, and the harnessing of the energy of the sand storms, i.e. not removing them, but building an improvement that generates hammers and commerce off of sand storms.

Anyway, I'll defintily keep playing this!
The fun thing about Deserts is they're not always hot.
After all, Antarctica is the largest desert. It's not hot there. :)

I'll be happy with any terraforming change. I just don't like to lose all my land. My farms! They go bye-bye!
Maybe if the land has improvements on it, it doesn't terraform?
That would be perfect.

And thanks everyone for explaining the water/oxygen.

And The J, when I said melting the ice caps, I was making a joke about how the only way to turn land tiles near the ocean to ocean is to flood the planet. :) By melting the icecaps.
I'll be happy with any terraforming change. I just don't like to lose all my land. My farms! They go bye-bye!
Maybe if the land has improvements on it, it doesn't terraform?
That would be perfect.

Not perfect at all. That would mean that you would have refrain from improving tiles you want to turn into water which, in combination with the current system in which every tile in the proximity (culture radius?) of a city has random chance of being terraformed would result in tons of unimproved tiles within the fat cross of your city which might or might not be terraformed at some random point of the game.

Besides the 4 food from a farm on ice are stil vastly inferior to the yields of an improved water tile (3 food + 2 gold + improment yields iirc). A much simpler and more desirable solution to stop cities from starving due to terrafoming would be to add a "seafarm" improvement which increases food yield to at least 4.

On the discussion about terraforming: Perhaps it would be interessting to make ocean spread by itself once a certain part of the planet has been terraformed? This would result in the seperate "seas" created by the different civilizations growing into a single ocean and would force players to slowly switch from land-based to naval warfare at the same rate at which the red planet truns into a blue one. Would also help keeping Mars, now's terraforming mechanism unique and hence set it appart from other mods.
Concerning the idea of transferring Planetfall's terraform <-> adaption conflict to Mars: I don't think that's a good idea. Mars is basically a dead planet, even the primitive animals and plants are, well... primitive, it's nothing like Planetfall's planet which even has some kind of self-awareness, something which is a lot more complex than anything we got on earth. And there's no way that humans could adapt to live on a dead planet (at least not *before* the Evolution(?) victory.
Patch A
EDIT: Attachement removed, should be obsolete now. See more up to date patch in the opening post.
For the people, who have a game going on:
Does NOT break savegames.
  • Fixes CtD when trying to build a mechanized infantry
  • Fixes possible CtD in connection to GP names
  • Fixes the not working force shield generator building
  • Fixes the 2 CEOs for the new/changed corporations

Patch C
For the people who have NO game going on:
Breaks savegames!
  • Everything from Patch A
  • Replaces the buggy patch B
  • Adds the goody from The_Coyote

The bug from patch B is also in patch A, but is not a serious one (Civilopedia will CtD when accessing some units, but not ingame), so you should soon finish games with patch A.

WarChicken, could you please try out patch A?
I've changed something (the second point) and could afterwards not reproduce your crash.
Not sure if it's really related, but possible.

Like desert could become dew-rich ground, then turning to "wet sand" then turning to quicksand and finally to marsian ocean.

Other terrains might take another path and end up as terraformed ground wich has better yields than normal mars soil. So different terrain types end in different terraformed terrains.

This sounds reasonable.
Desert -> dw-rich/wet sand -> ocean [Not sure, if 2 stages in between are gameplaywise reasonable]
Ice -> melted caps -> green ground (or something like that)
plains/martian soil ->...er...

It seems hard coming up with an alternative to terraforming as it is. Maybe something allong the lines of red vs. blue is possible. Blues want to change Mars, turning it into an ocean planet. Reds prefer Mars to be the way it is. Maybe reds can focus on a combination of living underground, super-advanced chemistry for food, and the harnessing of the energy of the sand storms, i.e. not removing them, but building an improvement that generates hammers and commerce off of sand storms.

*scratchscratch* martian fundamental ecologists, some science worshiping guys and the private space explorers...they could be red.
*scratch* not sure how i could implement this.

In relation to this:

Concerning the idea of transferring Planetfall's terraform <-> adaption conflict to Mars: I don't think that's a good idea. Mars is basically a dead planet, even the primitive animals and plants are, well... primitive, it's nothing like Planetfall's planet which even has some kind of self-awareness, something which is a lot more complex than anything we got on earth. And there's no way that humans could adapt to live on a dead planet (at least not *before* the Evolution(?) victory.

Also right :think:.
but it could just be exploited as a resource reservoir, without thinking about the planet itself and without the desire to invest anything to "help" the ecology there.

I'm a bit undecided about it :think:.

Anyway, I'll defintily keep playing this!

Nice to hear :).

And The J, when I said melting the ice caps, I was making a joke about how the only way to turn land tiles near the ocean to ocean is to flood the planet. :) By melting the icecaps.

Possible, but not the only solution ;).
There's speculation that in the underground could be water.

I'll be happy with any terraforming change. I just don't like to lose all my land. My farms! They go bye-bye!
Maybe if the land has improvements on it, it doesn't terraform?
That would be perfect.

Not perfect at all. That would mean that you would have refrain from improving tiles you want to turn into water which, in combination with the current system in which every tile in the proximity (culture radius?) of a city has random chance of being terraformed would result in tons of unimproved tiles within the fat cross of your city which might or might not be terraformed at some random point of the game.

Had the same thought like David first, but then i thought it would not be logical.
Additionally, Torugu (btw hi :D) is right, it would slow down the improvement process.

If i'll change the process like WarChicken suggests, then maybe this discussion here is unnecessary :D.

Besides the 4 food from a farm on ice are stil vastly inferior to the yields of an improved water tile (3 food + 2 gold + improment yields iirc). A much simpler and more desirable solution to stop cities from starving due to terrafoming would be to add a "seafarm" improvement which increases food yield to at least 4.

:think: right.
*noted* will see, what can be changed.

On the discussion about terraforming: Perhaps it would be interessting to make ocean spread by itself once a certain part of the planet has been terraformed? This would result in the seperate "seas" created by the different civilizations growing into a single ocean and would force players to slowly switch from land-based to naval warfare at the same rate at which the red planet truns into a blue one. Would also help keeping Mars, now's terraforming mechanism unique and hence set it appart from other mods.

:think: is something to think about.
Problem is techically mainly how to keep track of this spreading without slowing the game to much down.
But noted, definitly interesting.
That would mean that you would have refrain from improving tiles you want to turn into water which,

Uh...my whole point is that! I like land tiles dang it! I'm tired of all my land being sunk into the ocean. It doesn't even make sense from a terraforming aspect.

Honestly, the point I'm getting is that if you can change tiles via terraforming, turning them straight to water is not the way to go.
After all, how does a random tile nowhere close to the ocean turn into water? Nanotechnology can't even do that!

And Nanotechnology can do a lot of crazy things.

I'm sorry, but I don't see the appeal of sea tiles that much. If I wanted my city to be completely surrounded by water, I'd go play Alpha Centuari. :)

Extra commerce is nice, but that's what wind turbines are for. How about no worked tiles with units on them at the moment? :)

I'm sorry, but as much as the terraforming is nice, it needs a lot more changes than just straight to ocean. At least make it optional...or tech based...

*scratchscratch* martian fundamental ecologists, some science worshiping guys and the private space explorers...they could be red.
*scratch* not sure how i could implement this.

In relation to this:


By taking a page from your book, although I probably can't read it. I have no idea of what it takes to build a mod but..

Right now you have buildings generating terraforming points. More points means a quicker terraforming process in the vicinity of the city. What if these 'terraforming chances' are called blue terraforming points, and red factions can generate red 'terraforming' points. That way, maybe red and blue points can cancel each other out. Blue points accelerate terraforming, red points arrest or regress it.

Note that red points don't need to do much, maybe it should lead to more sand storms. Add to that access to some kind of improvement which is capable of harnessing commerce, hammers or food from sand storms, and you got an alternative to being blue.

Off course, the devil is in the details..
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