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[BtS] "Mars, Now!"


Say No 2 Net Validations
Oct 22, 2008
"The Mars, the red planet. Potentially the new home of mankind. After years of failed missions, the humans begin to colonize the planet. Brave men, lionhearted women and mad scientists are looking towards a vague future. Will they succeed at building a new society? We'll see it. YOU'll see it!
The Mars. Now!"

Attention: Developement of this mod is pausing for an undefined time.

Date uploaded:
Monday, November, 16th 2015.
Mod Version: v04
Mod Patches: Patch E, description see below. Main download does not require this patch, but the alternative download does.
Civ version needed: Beyond the Sword 3.19
Multiplayer compatible: Yes
Mac compatible: No, sorry

Patch E:
Spoiler :

- Spelling fixes
- Terraforming: mars grass -> terra; hills/peaks will not be terraformed stay
- Improvements now can also be build on terraformed terrain
- New text for hubble V2 + ESA (by general Pilates)
- Fixes missing ethnic robot unit art
- New infantry art by the_coyote
- Fixed an inconsistence in hovercraft movement

Patch D:
Spoiler :

Breaks savegames!

- - Added mapscript tools by temujin
- Terraforming changed
  • Snow -> terraformed terrain
  • soil -> mars grass
  • desert -> water
- Pioneer tank /bulldozer out
- Removed turn cap on some maps
- Added android city set by Lord Tirian
- Exchanged one rather annoying background song against Hybrid Leisureland - Space Light (from Ektoplazm.com)
- Added Vortilex civilopedia text (great)
- New city list for canada
- Some new tech quotes
- got sure rid of all "special" characters in the text files
- Absorbing sand storms now doesn't give a production bonus anymore, but magnet storms do
- New main theme music
- New diplo music for privates, jail + mars (all music is from Newgrounds.com, Credits at the moment only in the text files in the folders, links will come in the next days; thanks to Otaku-sama for mentioning the site)

All included music is distributed under the creative commons license and is free to use for non commercial purposes, if the author is cited properly, like done in the files.

Patch C:
Spoiler :

Breaks savegames!

  • Fixes CtD when trying to build a mechanized infantry
  • Fixes possible CtD in connection to GP names
  • Fixes the not working force shield generator building
  • Fixes the 2 CEOs for the new/changed corporations
  • Adds the goody from The_Coyote

Unzip the file (right click -> "extract here", or a similar wording). Put the extracted folder into your C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Civ4\BtS\Mods folder. Make sure that the name of the folder "marsjetzt-v04" is NOT changed. Make also sure that there is no second folder with the same name in this folder. If so, move all the content from the second folder into the first folder.

To start the mod, i would suggest using Just Another Mod Chooser.
Clicking on one of the maps will not work.

v03 was removed after 9460 downloads.

For version history see this post.

What is "Mars, Now!"?
"Mars, Now" is an total conversion of the normal BtS-game.
Don't ask, what has been changed.
It's better to ask, what hasn't been changed :D.

...and yes, i loved the "Mars, Now"-scenario from Civilization 2 :D.

What does it have?
- 15 playable civilizations with (most of them) 2 leaders from the great artists here from CFC
- Totally new units, all with art from the great CFC-artists
- Totally new buildings, and some with new art, also from the CFC-artists.
- Totally new tech-tree
- New resources, again with art from here and from my buddy [VK]
- 2 new victories: Independence-Victory and Evolution-Victory
- New corporations, 3 new religions (shintoism and 2 completly new)
- Settler-Restriction through oxygen and water (and ice) for more realism!
- and much more, like terraforming. For details/changes please look into the "Mars, Now!"-civilopedia-entry.

What does it not have?
- UUs + UBs: Not enough ideas

What's to do?
- Balancing. Really nothing is balanced.
- Events have to be changed
- And the diplomatic text
- Civilopedia has to be filled
- Quotes have to be translated
- New ideas have to be implemented. If you have ideas: Let me hear it :)! I can do some things, but not all, i'm not Kael or Rhye.

Planned ideas
- mercenaries have to be implemented
- CO2-Counter would be nice (maybe i can steal a bit from FfH2 :D, when i begin messing around with the SDK), also other terraforming-variables (temperature, magnet-field, etc)
- more/better terraforming
- trading with earth
- maybe different starting-time for every civ, like in Rhyse & Fall (would have to be random, but seems very, very difficult)

All ideas aren't very simple, but i'll have to see :).

- Some mathematical error, when farms are build in sand/magnet-storms

Please report all bugs. The mod should technically stable now. No reoccuring crashes are known.

Language support:
- Only English and German, but it works with French, Italian and Spanish together.
- If you have a good synonym for some of the stupid names, please suggest it :).

If someone is interested, the German thread is here.

For modders:
I've created a hell-like chaos in my files. If you want to know something, or you want something to be extracted for your mod or as a component, please ask me.


Spoiler :


Spoiler :

Boss: Me
Some grafical things: [VK]
Python: Moritz and me
Events: Jaraxle

Credits for leaderheads:
- Bernie14
- Ekmek
- NikNaks
- pay-t
- Kao'Chai
- C.Roland
- Refar
- PW90
- Methylorange
- cfkane
- The_Capo
- CivGold-Team

Credits for units
- Refar
- Zerver
- asioasioasio
- C.Roland
- KrugerPritz
- GarretSidzaka
- The_Coyote
- sharik
- rabbit, white
- seZereth
- TheBladeRoden
- Nfstpoeopas
- mechaerik
- Lord Tirian
- RoadToWar-Team
- Johny Smith

Credits for buttons
- FK2006
- snipperrabbit!!

Credits for resources:
- Psychic_Llamas
- C.Roland
- GarretSidzaka
- [VK]

Credits for python-components:
- Tsentom 1 (and here)
- Zebra9
- Moritz
- Fierabras

Credits for buildings:
- Woodelf
- Walter_Hawkwood
- Dual
- Sevo
- Chamaedrys
- JustATourist
- asioasioasio
- Deon
- hrochland
- Lord Tirian

Credits for maps:
- 0d1n3oo3Broad or here
- GarretSidzaka
- -sr
- StrategyOnly
- GrünerStar

Credits for movies:
- Arian

Credits for other components
- Dual (Shinto-Mod)
- charle88 (for the worldpicker)
- smeagolheart for "examine city on conquest"
- phungus420 and NikNaks for their install script

Credits for tutorials:
- 0d1n3oo3Broad
- Cybah
- Fabrysse
- Dale
- Fierabras

Credits for quotes:
- FlavorFlave
- Mars242
- K_W
- Olbaid
- Mittelklasse

Credits for tips/other help
- Tholish
- EmperorFool
- Little_Pritt
- Ekmek
- NikNaks
- Tsentom1
- Moritz
- GarretSidzaka
- [VK]
- koma13
- Davidallen
- Jeleen
- Xienwolf

Credits or ideas:
- Gigaz
- Frederick Steiner
- [VK]
- Mars242
- Superputze
- Yggdrasil
- Hogibaer
- eis
- Danieldej
- Faykan_Wache
- juergen2000
- FfH2-team

Credits for city-lists:
- Mittelklasse
- Zeki
- [VK]

- [VK]
- Moritz
- Mars242
- delnan
- Danieldej
- Mittelklasse
- zeki
- Boudicca
- Hogibaer
- Avangarci
- Franziskus
- K_W
- Korahan

Credits for motivation:
Smiley-Counter: 30
Smiley-contributors: Kaffeesatzleser, [VK], Superputze x 3, 2* Zeki, delnan, KingK x 2, oelfuss, Diemed x 4, Sauron44, 2 * Mars242, Jaeg, Mittelklasse, FlavorFlave, Moritz, Falke, Sir Tox, Hogibaer * 2, The Dude, TW2000, Verdikt, The_Coyote, Bamser, Adri2, Simato.


If i forgot someone, please hit me :).

Please report all bugs :).
If you're running into a "NOTEXT", and it's not a quote (they have to be translated), please report it.

If you have ideas: Let me hear it :)!


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keep me updated on this mod bro

woodelf position :D

edit: are you a kim stanley robinson fan?

there is also a new global warming mod (i featured it in a recent ModCast so you can find the link there) that allows for water levels to raise up. maybe that mechanic would be moddable to simulate terraforming of mars!!
I can really see this mod getting big! Like on the scale of the newish History of Three Kingdoms. I rarely download (SO far only RFC patches, RAND, RFCE, and RevDCM but I add and remove these on a reg basis), so I will probably wait for a patch, but this really does look AMAZING. The only thing I can see that doesn't look original from the pictures are the generic buildings. I will check this thread regularly, and I will let you know when I download it.
Current version:
- CAR mod added to speed up the turns
- fixed disappearing improvements/no improvements buildable after building eden project
- fixed the bug, that water tiles could not be worked without roads
- Fixed bug that units could move on water plots after water roads have been pillaged
- Fixed a bug in terraforming
- fixed flag for private space explorers
- fixed greeting from mehmed ibn farud
- fixed buttons richard kennedy + robert jobs
- fixed missing eyeshadow.dds
- fixed bug that spawning civs do not start with their starting techs
- fixed some not appearing effects (battle tank, laser infantry)
- fixed one missing event text
- Added civilopedia texts by BuggSuperstar and gyrobot, translated in german by Edu
- changed graphics for mohindar singh (by techaton)
- changed spy graphics (saibothlieh)
- changed great spy graphics (lord tirian)
- changed graphics for pablo morales (by ekmek)
- changed graphics for mortar (by snafusmith)
- changed graphics for kufi anana (by Igor)
- changend fusion plant to fission plant, moved in tech tree, changed graphics (by lord tirian)
- added female great engineer graphics (saibotlieh)
- unmanned combat vehicle now upgrades to marauder
- hover tank now also upgrades to battle tank
- mechanized infantry now upgrades to battle tank
- added partially ethnic alien art (charle88, deliverator, The_Coyote)
- Locust +1 movement, -1 strength
- Battle mech -1 movement
- various new buttons (by Civ3 artists Leaven, blue monkey, george stow, theta, storm grunt, deth mc bones, samez and some by myself)
- added great person names
- added partially ethnic alien city art (thanks to Planetfall :))
- added promotion force shield
- changed wind channel to Shield Generator, now gives promotion force shield
- slightly reworked civics
- added mapscript perfect world 2
- around 160 mb new music
- changed Plants&Animals 24 to Umbrella corporation
- changed blackwater interplanetar to OCP
- New Tech-Quotes
- various small things

Information about the included sound :
Spoiler :

325 Megabyte of free music, which is legaly available in the internet. I hope, the songs fit. If not: Say it.

The music list:
Electricfunk - I Love Funk
Electricfunk - Souljazz
hennoxlane - Groove Under Construction
XipeTotek - Orange Bud IceTea Peach
Dark Fox - Stelar Madness (Majestad Valkyria Remix)
ManMadeMan - Stillness Within
Progress - Rain Road
Jash - Betun Brasilero
Kusillo - Digital Anima
ManMadeMan - Flower Of Light
Psyentifica - Entheogenic
Paul Jove AKA Pituko - Sun Star
Jikkenteki - False Sense Of Security
Trebolactiko - Misteriosa Cosmica

In the Sounds\Soundtracks\Modern folder is a text file, with a list, what song is what mp3., for the case, that somebody wants to know, what band it is, or if somebody wants to complain about it.

Version history

Spoiler :

Version 0.3
Patch M:
- Bug fixed: The Sneak promotion will now work correctly
- Bug fixed: You will now not more get DNA units instead of great generals
- Bug fixed: Satellites do not more get bonuses through transportation systems
- New Feature: Water roads!
- 1 new leader "Hania Goseyun" (Aggr/Phil) for martians by Methylorange
- 1 new leader "Masao Tanaka" (Spi/krea) for japanese by Methylorange
- New grafics for the Administrator by charle88
- New effect for the genesis weapon (thanks to Civfuehrer)
- New unit "Quadrocopter" by Snafusmith
- New model for the geothermal heatplant by hrochland
- New monolith graphic by mechaerik
- New buttons for the sneak and industry espionage promotions (by TheLadiesOgre)
- All mech units got now flanking
- Added dynamic military adivsor and dynamic foreign advisor (by NeseryozniyVET)
- Mapscript "Full of Resources" (by Sto) converted (it is not guaranteed, that all options work)
- Mapscript "Ringworld" (by ruff_hi) converted
- Changed more events (english Version by Jaraxle)
- Seagarden grafics (by hrochland) changed to a new, better version
- Added female version of the great scientist (by SaibotLieh)
- Added mod component "wonder messages"
- Changed the mechanics for the chinese mines (no UU/no special mines more necessary)
- Raised terraforming by 50% (i hope)
- Made some beauty-corrections in the civilopedia
- turned off Sid's Tips
- Removed all sounds for the technology quotes

Patch L:
- fixed a bug, which could lead to a CtD during terraforming
- It's not more possible to win independence/evolutionvictory, when they are not activated
- It's not more possible to win the independence victory without fighting the terrans
- The AI will now use the import animals
- You can connect now import animals/plants in water
- Civs will not spawn in volcanos
- Only valid mapscripts will be displayed
- Automized construction ships will remove storms
- DNA can now be load in hovercrafts
- Worked black smokers will not show wine on the map
- Fixed the not working leaderhead from Sayuri Kim
- Farms can now carry irrigation
- Changed the sound when storms appear
- Deleted the ability to trade other ocean at the technology rocket systems (that appeared double ingame)

- You can now found 2 cities with one oxygen + water/ice. You start with only 3 water+oxygen
- If you play noble or less, you'll have 1/3 less storms on the map
- Removed the hammer bonus from storms
- Changed the appearance rate from barbarians back in all difficulty levels easier than prince
- Terraforming is now a bit more differentiate
- Offshore-Windmill V2 gets now a commerce bonus through the tech Laser
- Deep sea mines are now available with digital sciences
- Changed the appearance rate of gas on all maps
- The bonus from "plants + animals 24" is now only the half
- Pioneer tank was renamed to bulldozer, strength changed to 2, now a national unit (3), and can also build transportation system
- DNA and GPs can now be captured
- "Terranic Alliance" now allows endless merchants, but has only +1 trade routes
- Mushrooms give now +1 food
- Some events were changed by Jaraxle
- Many minor changes

- Cityset from Planetfall was integrated. Thanks to GeoModder and Maniac
- New canadian UU, ski patrol by achilleszero
- new russian leader (fin/resourceful) by Methyl Orange
- New model for the bulldozer ("pioneer tank") by Kathy
- Strategea mapscript by Zerzes (with some modifications for the mod; attention: maybe not balanced, not recommened for MP games)
- movie for the wonder SETI by johny smith
- movie for wonder cure for cancer by johny smith
- movie for wonder artificial organs by johny smith
- movie for wonder gravitation generator by Arian
- movie for wonder Hubble V2 by Arian
- movie for wonder MarsTV by Arian
- New model for solar power plant by Lord Tirian
- new model for courthouse by Lord Tirian
- new model for E-Bank by hrochland
- New model for Colony-WLAN ("library") by hrochland
- New model for the industry park by asioasioasio
- new model for the palace by woodelf
- New models for barracks, academy and military academy from the StarCraft-Mod by Killamike718
- new promotion"Revolt protection" (-50% chance for revolts) for the trait "defender" added
- new promotion "Well trained" (-50% upgrade-cost) for the trait "defender" added
- new promotion "Marauder" added
- new promotion "Industry Espionage" added
- new promotion "Sneak" added

Patch K:
- Fixes the wrong starting technology from the African Union (thanks to axayacatl)
- Fixes an internal problem with a wrong unit reference (thanks to TC01)
- Fixed the GPS wonder. Now it doesn't need coast.
- The Jail civ now can not steal the special technologies, like the one from the private space explorers.
- All civic specific units and buildings are now visible in the city screen, also if you have the wrong civic (then they are not enabled). Thanks to EmperorFool
- Removed resource/building prerequisites for the units from computerized society
- Fixed the victory screen (evolution victory). Also the AI will now more active go to this victory. Thanks to Davidlallen
- New airport model. Model by Kathy.
- New model for SETI. Model by Lord Tirian
- AI will now more settle towards oxygen and water. Thanks to Dune Wars team (idea from a discussion there)
- Placed more resources (mainly water and oxygen) on the 2 mars maps.
- Late game mutants (these, which come with the barbarians) will now cross borders (...i guess)
- Double speed of terraforming
- The command center (palace) can now airlift
- Changed the climate and the bonus placement for the map scripts (which are still not stable :()
- List for great prophet names now completly filled
- Custom music added. All this music is free and legal available. Thanks to Tholish for the links, thanks to PieceOfMind for suggesting the first 4 songs.
For List see the soundpack addon.

Patch J:
- 3 new leaders. One for Korea, India and the Jail. All leaderheads are from cfkane.
- Increased the science rate a bit (was imho very slow)
- All civs start with 4 water and oxygen instead of 3 before
- Moved the pump-station to the technology trading
- Light Infantry starts with "scientist"
- Light Attach Ship is a bit more expensive
- New model for "42". Model was made by Lord Tirian

Patch I:
- Fixes the (self introduced) bug with the completly stupid worker AI
- New model for the shinto missionary. Model by johny smith
- New model for geothermal heat resource. Model by FfH2 art team
- Mutant civilization starts now with peace with the barbarians
- All civs starts now with a "dummy" corporation ("base supply"). No big benefits, needs water, oxygen and ice. It's a helper for the AI, so that it'll know the worth of these resources. Idea is stolen from Dune Wars.
- Mutants will now appear longer.
- Higher appearance of mutants and barbarians
- Added a sea mutant. Model by FfH2 team. (appearance in late game has still to be done :blush:)
- Spread some promotions over the tech tree
- New model for the wonder weather control. Model by Lord Tirian
- Adapted Frekk's Slaver Promotion. Now infantry units can gain the promotion "scientist", which gives them a 25% chance of extracting some DNA after a combat with a mutant. DNA can be added to any infantry unit, or can give a small boost to the next technology. DNA model by Lord Tirian
- Some minor things.

The patchscript is supported by phungus, the icon is from deon :).

Patch H:
- Restored the default mapsizes, because it seems, that these changes caused more crashes. So if you now play a standard map, you'll get a map with the same size like in vanilla. But remember: No water, more landterrain, worse performance. Play smaller mapsizes!
- Fixed 4 problems with textkeys
- pimped the AI a bit
- Changed the optical speed of the attack ship
- All units of the mutants get the promotion "mutant" as default promotion
- Changed one event

New things:
- New UU for Canada. Model was uploaded by Deliverator, animated by The_Coyote, and is converted from Empire Earth 2.
- New UU for the EU. Modell by The_Coyote
- New unit "Advanced Hovertank". Modell by Lord Tirian
- New model for the building wind channel. Modell by Lord Tirian
- New model for the wonder "the new star signs". Modell by Lord Tirian

Patch G:
- Fixed an error, which could lead to an CtD when attacking a city
- The optical speed of the pioniertank has been adjusted
- The prerequisite "canyon" for the worldwonder sightseeing platform has been removed

- Added wonderfilm for the worldwonder "national military industries". Movie by arian :).
- New model for the bank, model by asioasioasio
- New unit paratrooper added, model by GarretSidzaka
- New leader for canada added, leaderhead by cfkane
- The canadian promotion "snowman" gives now 33% attacking and defense bonus on snow instead of 20%
- Effect of "Rossetta Project" changed, and turned into a worldwonder.
- Rossetta Project is not more needed for the evolution victory
- Texts added to the Life 2.0 civics, to show better, what units are available with them
- Maintenance through the diestance from palace reduced by 2/5
- Starting technologies are changed a bit, so that the strong civs don't start with an exploration ship, but the weak get one.
- Aliens, Androids and Mutants do now, not like the human player, not have the restrictions for settlers and Life 2.0 units.

The patch is compatible 3.19. If you want to play with 3.17, you have to remove the marsjetzt-v03\Assets\CvGameCoreDLL.dll, which will not affect the game.

Patch F:
- Makes the mod compatible with 3.19
- Changed the special israelian trait to only one scientist
- Added two new models for the light artillery and the artillery. Both models are from Empire Earth 2, were uploaded by Deliverator and animated by The_Coyote
- 2 minor changes in the text

Patch E:
- Small bug with one message related to terraforming solved

Additional things/changes:
- Korean UU "Plasma-Infantery" renamed to "Laser-Infantery" and changed it to a european UU
- New unit "Terminator" for the civic "Android Society". Modell by seZereth, skin by Avain
- New unit ABC-Infantery, modell by Mechaerik
- New Unit Plasma-Infantery, modell von Mechaerik
- "Exploration-Tank" renamed to "Exploration-Rover", new modell from Keldath
- New modell for the submarine
- New american UU "Goliath"
- 2 new korean UUs "Behemoth" and "Behemoth XT", all modells from the submarine to this come form Empire Earth 2, were uploaded by Deliverator and animated by The_Coyote
- New alien leader added, modell by cfkane
- Finally my own icon, thanks to Avain :)
- New farming concept: Farms can only be build in the first ring around every city
- Irrigation can be spread with "Mars-Botanics"
- Removed all rivers and lakes from the mapscripts, thanks to Koma13
- Removed all rivers from the pre-made maps
- All units from the "Life 2.0"-civics like "artifical body" or "Terminator" starts with the promotion "not human", so they do not cause military happiness
- Changed one event, activated a second
- New unit "Migrant", which can add +1 population to a city. I need some people, who can tell me their observations, if the AI uses them or not.

Patch D:
- No more bird-sound on Mars
- Added some sound-files, which seem to miss at some computers

- The costs and the AI for some parts of the tech-tree have been re-worked
- The "unique features" will now not appear in the FC of the first city

Other things:
- Renamed "National Epic" to "Statue Of The Fallen Astronauts"
- New modell for the "National Military Industries" by Moeb and The_Coyote
- English versions for nearly all current technology quotes added
- Chance of random city growth when a city is expanded
- Added one new event
- Changed one event: When a volcano breaks out, the surrounding plots get the feature "volcano ashes" (+2 :food:)
- New "Unique Power" for Israel: "Scientists And Explorers"

Patch C:
- Fixes the bug, which will cause crashes when moving into a storm
- Fixes a bug, which could lead to crashes, when playing with the maximum numbers of AIs and a special event occurs.
- Removed some nonsense-messages

Patch B:
- Fixed the not working wonder "Deimos- and Phobos Science Station"
- Fixed the not working trait "Defender"
- Fixed the not working trait "Resourcefull"
- Fixed some missing effects
- Now you can not found new cities, when you do not have enough resources
- Terraforming will now not overwrite resources with other resources

- plots with water, ice and oxygen are now not more affected by terraforming
- Changed the bonus from "Habitable Caves" from 1 free specialist for the continent to 1 free specialist for all cities
- Changed the number of appearance of the sandstorm and the sabotage event
- Moved the ability to build research from the tech "Robots" to the tech "Philosophy"

- Wonderfilm for the national wonder "Genesis" added
- First player to discover the technology "Robots"/"Androids" will now get a unit "Robot"/"Android"

Other things:
- Renamed the national wonder "Wallstreet" to "E-Bank"
- Some minor cosmetical changes in the pedia

Patch A:
- Fixed the last bug with disappearing buildings, really big, big, big thanks to EmperorFool

- Terraforming quote is a big higher now
- Changed the "spread" of water resources a bit

- New model for oxygen by [VK] and The_Coyote

Basic Version:
- <s>Runs now stable!</s>
- Fixed terraforming: No more resources and units are destroyed!
- Fixed a bug, which could lead to crashes when declaring independence
- Fixed a displaying bug, which could change the marauder model to the locust model

- Removed all prereqs from the exploring tank
- builing/researching time raised by 50%
- Assasin can now perform paradrops

- Espionage can now be built
- New Life 2.0 civic: esoteric society
- New assasin model (by mechaeric)
- Unique Powers: Every civilization has special abilites
NASA: starts with christianity.
Israel: " " judaism.
OPEC: " " islam; Has automatically oil in every city.
ISRO: " " hinduism.
JAXA: " " shintoism; UB robot factory.
China: special mines (+1 :hammers:).
Russia: UU Mammoth Tank (model by Krugerpritz)
The Jail: Gets random techs through conquering cities
Korea: UU Plasma Infantry (model by Zerver)
Africa: Faster "Cottages"
ESA: UB for townhall with more :)
Mars Colonists: Can "request" water and oxygen in every city, without "first contact to earth".
South America: Gets money (50 gold), when cities grows bigger than 12; all peaks in the FCs are transformed to hills.
Canada: All canadian troops, which are built on mars, get the "snowman" promotin (+20% snow combat)
Private Space Explorers: Do not need roads for resouce connection and for trade routes

Changelist from v02 (not more supported):
Spoiler :
Version 0.2
Patch D:
- Fixed a bug, which could lead to a gamecrash when declaring independence
- All oceanplots have now freshwater (so it doesn't change from saltwater to freshwater during the terraforming process)
- Religious wonders need now a state religion

- 4 texts (Panzerkunst [Yggdrasil], Mercenary [kaskrin16], First Contact To Earth [Danieldej], Clone Army [Edu]) added.
- New symbol for chemical weapons promotion (by .lpw)
- civic "Technophob" can now build buildings
- Exchanged the units "Locust" and "Marauder"
- Mars18 map has know again random civs/starting places
- changed 4 events a bit, so that they better fit
- Mapscript LD_Mirror_Inland_Sea from LDeska added (doesn't create an inland sea in my mod, but is a balanced script)

The installer/the script for the installer is by phungus420

Hotfix for Patch C:
- Replaces the tech-tree (wrong version was included in PatchC)
- adds one graphic
- Replaces the GameTextInfos_Events.xml (wrong version was included in PatchC)
- Changes some buildings- and unit-prereqs

Patch C:
- Mutant promotion will now be displayed correctly
- every resource has now also a water improvement
- Genesis-Project and -projectiles do not destroy resources (other work here is in progress)
- Trading over coast/ocean added
- Radar stations can now be destroyed
- Light Fighters can now intercept
- All units are now displayed with correct group sizes
- corrected the civic-prereqs for the golden shield (can now be build with tyranny or communism)
- No additional maintenance for cities on other continents
- some text fixes
- 1 event changed, 1 quest deactivated
- Nvidia-Video after intro film deactived

- Hover-Tank und Helicopters can now move on water
- Light Attackship strength back from 3 to 4, but has now -25% city attack
- XP-Maximum for mutants and barbarians is now the double (10 XP for mutants, 20 for barbarians)
- Hover-Transporter doesn't upgrade to transporters
- 2. tech-prereq for battle hover deleted
- 2 :) through state religion instead of 1 :)
- Costs for "Transformation" reduced by 25% (now 6000 hammers)
- Changed the conditions for domination victory (more population, less land)

Other things:
- Background texts for "Data Security" (by Korahan) and for the unit "Colonist" (by Danieldej) added (translation by me)
- Victory video for evolution victory added (video by arian)
- Scaled the laser fences down
- Now improvement "Aquatic Science Station", for the connection of all resources

Patch B:
- Fixed a bug with water/oxygenrequest from earth (can now be build endless)
- Fixed a bug, so that at a certain point not all religions are automatically founded
- Fixed a bug with "chopping". It's now available with "martian calendar"
- New building art from JustATourist, Walter_Hawkwood and asioasioasio
- New worldpicker by charle88
- Background texts for mindcontrol, robot society and android society by korahan (translation by me)
- Bioshpere food bonus changed from 4 to 2
- New citylist for isreael
- Higher tech costs
- More water and oxygen resources on the Mars18 map
- Lowered barbarian appearance
- Mutants have now a unitclass
- Promotion "Chemical Weapons" has now an effect against mutants
- Light Attack Ship strengh changed from 4 to 3
- Pioneer Tank strengh changed from 2 to 1, but 100% hills defense
- Mortar upgrades now to mobile artillery (instead of normal artillery)
- Added custom diplomacy sounds for ISRO, JAXA, Korea and Israel (all official hymnes, but i don't know, if they are good, i need some feedback)

Patch A:
- fixed internal, mod-related graphic-bug. I hope, this will lead to less CtDs.
- Units and buildings in city will not dissappear.
- No more grafical unit-doubling with pioneer-tanks and scouts.
- Improvements are changed: Now all improvements (beside water improvements) can be build on every terrain (besides other restrictions, like fresh water or flat lands)
- 3 Python errors fixed
- Some text-changes
- Civilopedia-background-text for "genetic control"
- 3 short texts in the concepts-section
- Quests and 2 Events deactivated
- 3 new buildings models by JustATourist added
- Windturbines have now the correct animations
- new city-list for japan and china (from the civ2 mars szenario; thanks Jeelen)
- fixed satelites and assasins

No new content, no new strategy-texts, i'm sorry.


Original post:


keep me updated on this mod bro

woodelf position :D

Damn, that was fast :D.

edit: are you a kim stanley robinson fan?

I had to look, who he is.
I've never read anything from him, but i don't have much sci-fi-books (i'm more a fantasy-fan).
Are there similarities, or why do you ask?

there is also a new global warming mod (i featured it in a recent ModCast so you can find the link there) that allows for water levels to raise up. maybe that mechanic would be moddable to simulate terraforming of mars!!

I've already thought about that.
But i wanted to wait with adding sdk-components, until i can handle it a bit myself.
Also are my terrain-stats others than the normal game, the normal terraforming with small steps would lead to strange effects, i think.
I'll ask MinorAnnoyance, when i want to try it :).

I can really see this mod getting big! Like on the scale of the newish History of Three Kingdoms. I rarely download (SO far only RFC patches, RAND, RFCE, and RevDCM but I add and remove these on a reg basis), so I will probably wait for a patch, but this really does look AMAZING. The only thing I can see that doesn't look original from the pictures are the generic buildings. I will check this thread regularly, and I will let you know when I download it.

Thanks :). I hope, it'll become big :).

I hope there's no need for a patch within the next days, so maybe you'll have to wait long :D.
No, serious: I think, i'll add some smaller things, but i'll have not much time in the next weeks :(.

Buildings: There are not much buildings here on CFC, and i can't create some, i don't have the abilities.
I'm happy, that i have found some, which fitted (thanks to the artists!), and i'll add everything, which i can get.
I'm trying to learn how to tweak a few little things on XML and even Python. If I work up the courage, I'll dl this and then try to tweak tech rates, and even add some things to the pedia. I'll try to do my best to help.
That would be nice :).

Especially the balancing has to be done (tech-rates), every help is welcome.

Civilopedia-entries: I have 3 persons, which work on some (main background-story and some more), so please ask, before you begin to write a longer text.
If my internet didn't totally suck, i would 100% be trying this.
Unfortunately, my internet isn't working right, so i'll have to wait till monday, or at least tommorrow.
Looks awsome. (CFC needs and Ooooh, Shiny smilely) Dling now.

EDIT: Loaded it up, you evedently have the interface python completly bombing. No pedia acess from main menue and completly no interface when I loaded the game up. (I did get a crash when I moved a unit into a goody hut, but I assume that was because a major python file failed to load.) Also, which logging files do you want> I looked at both the zLog files and the BTS ones, and neither of them say anything important.
How did you get the Final Frontier routes to adapt to your terrain height??

When I tried to include them in Planetfall, I got this:
Looks awsome. (CFC needs and Ooooh, Shiny smilely) Dling now.

EDIT: Loaded it up, you evedently have the interface python completly bombing. No pedia acess from main menue and completly no interface when I loaded the game up. (I did get a crash when I moved a unit into a goody hut, but I assume that was because a major python file failed to load.) Also, which logging files do you want> I looked at both the zLog files and the BTS ones, and neither of them say anything important.

I have zilcho interface as well in the game. :/
I downloaded it now. In the next days I'll see what changed in regard to the versions before, but I think there are no big issues. :thumbsup:
EDIT: Loaded it up, you evedently have the interface python completly bombing. No pedia acess from main menue and completly no interface when I loaded the game up. (I did get a crash when I moved a unit into a goody hut, but I assume that was because a major python file failed to load.) Also, which logging files do you want> I looked at both the zLog files and the BTS ones, and neither of them say anything important.

I got a CTD on the 18 civ Huge Mars map at some point, but the Standard Mars map seems to play OK.;)
Incredible. Just incredible. Unspeakable work, J!
Thanks for giving me credit :D
Great work :) Downloading now :)
I just wanted to know which of my leaderheads you used for this.

I don't have time to play it today, but I'll be sure to DL it at some point.
Thans to all posters :), all positive posts are a help for my motivation.

EDIT: Loaded it up, you evedently have the interface python completly bombing. No pedia acess from main menue and completly no interface when I loaded the game up. (I did get a crash when I moved a unit into a goody hut, but I assume that was because a major python file failed to load.) Also, which logging files do you want> I looked at both the zLog files and the BTS ones, and neither of them say anything important.

I have zilcho interface as well in the game. :/

Do you both get an error like "GFX-error: failed to initialize the primary control theme"?
If yes: The name of the folder must be "marsjetzt-v02" and it has to be located in C:\Programme Files\Firaxis Games\Civilization IV\Beyond The Sword\Mods and NOT in the CustomAssets.

Logfiles: The BtS-logfiles do i want, no matter what's in it.


I think it's a cool idea. Pity about the messed up files... but I'll check it out anyway!:thumbsup:

I've worked really "quick & dirty", i know, that's terrible for all other modders :(.

How did you get the Final Frontier routes to adapt to your terrain height??

When I tried to include them in Planetfall, I got this:

Yes, i also had the problem, but i've seen the warplanes in Thomas' War, so i looked closer at it.
It seems, that the FF-terrain has the same height like normal water, so the warp+jumplanes stick in the land-terrain.
-> You have to heighten all the route-files (70 files :yuck:) with blender or nifskope.

I've separated the jumplanes (i didn't include the warplanes), i'll upload them soon, so that you needn't download my whole mod to use it.
Edit: Here they are.

Why do you ask :D? Do you think about re-integrating roads in Planetfall?

I got a CTD on the 18 civ Huge Mars map at some point, but the Standard Mars map seems to play OK.;)

I hope, you have a strong computer :).
Because of the lack of water, there are more than the double mass of land-plots on a map -> i've changed the mapsizes for the random map, but the pre-made maps are as big as in the normal game.

But nice, that you didn't get more CtDs :).

I get a CDT after turn 25 on the standard Mars map. First time after learning Physics. Second time the turn after.

The savegame seems okay, i can't reproduce it (like all other CtDs i had) :(.
In the german forum one user said, that he had the first CtD in round 2 :(.

Incredible. Just incredible. Unspeakable work, J!
Thanks for giving me credit :D

Your work is included, so you get credits.
Not to honour somebody's work would be a real shame.

I just wanted to know which of my leaderheads you used for this.

I don't have time to play it today, but I'll be sure to DL it at some point.

I'm using Kekkonen, Stambolov and Munoz Marin, and the fit good (although you wouldn't think it with Stambolov).
I had it in the directory you told us to put the mod in. No GFX errors either. I'm loading it up again to get the log files. Here is the only log file that actualy has something meaningful in it. The rest were either empty or said all the XML files loaded correctly.

Since the interface dissapearing would only be happening if the interface was modded, what have you modded in the interface?
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