[BtS] Rise of Mankind 2


Mod Designer
Dec 19, 2003
Rise of Mankind v2.92
For Beyond the Sword 3.19


Main mod files

Download Rise of Mankind 2.92 (torrent)
(Full version 445MB)

Download Rise of Mankind 2.9 (torrent)
(Full version 445MB)

Download Rise of Mankind 2.9 (magnet link)
(requires torrent client, full version 445MB)

Download Rise of Mankind 2.91 full (447MB)

Download Rise of Mankind 2.9 full (445MB)

Download Rise of Mankind 2.9->2.91patch (2.5mb)

Older files

Spoiler :
Download Rise of Mankind 2.8 (torrent)
(Full version is 450MB, Lite version is 180MB, Mega version is 935MB)

Download Rise of Mankind 2.8 full (450MB)

Download RoM 2.8Full & Lite ->2.81 patch

Download RoM 2.8Mega -> 2.81 patch

Download Rise of Mankind 2.71 (281.7 MB)

Download Rise of Mankind 2.62 (Main mod zip file 189 MB, Requires Bts 3.17, does not work in BtS 3.19)

Download Rise of Mankind 2.6
(Main mod zip file 182.3 MB, Requires Bts 3.17, does not work in BtS 3.19)

Download Rise of Mankind 2.53 Mega Pack
(Includes Main mod + extra civ addon, 480 MB, Requires Bts 3.17, does not work in BtS 3.19)

Check also:
Rise of Mankind modmods forum
Rise of Mankind Scenarios and Maps forum
Rise of Mankind Strategy and Tips forum

click here
click here

About the mod

The Goal

This mod is my attempt to enhance Civilization 4 to a whole new level. This completely free "Expansion pack" keeps the basic Beyond the Sword game mechanics but converts them to much more complex system which makes this modpack to feel like it's completely new game.

Ever since Civilization 1 I've liked this series a lot but during Civ 3 I found mods Double Your Pleasure and bit later Rise and Rule which made the game be so much more fun than before that when finally Civ 4 was released, I felt disappointed as it didn't offer as much as did DYP or RAR. Civ 4 had some new elements like religion and civic system (like in Alpha Centauri) but I wanted more techs, more units, more complexicity so I began working on my own mod. I started by going through most of the popular mods and check what's been done already and then by using those mods loosely as my guide, I created this mod.

The Concept

This mod is specifically designed for myself and I continue to make changes to the direction that I feel like is correct and which make me like more this game. Aim of the mod is to be more accurate historically which is why the whole tech tree has been redone and many new techs has been added. New techs meant much more room for new buildings and for new units and adding those was my next step. Once I had added most techs, units and buildings it came clear to me that I need to redo unit categories, promotions and change many unit abilities so that more modern units are really superior to older unit types. Note that now you must consider more carefully what to build in city because the number of different buildings has increased so much and because you are now limited to 4 World Wonders per city. I used most of my freetime past three years to make this mod so there are numerous changes compared to original game but I didn't keep record of every little change - you'll have to check Civilopedia entries for all the changes. Players' feedback will help me improve this mod and find the correct balance for everything so please post to Rise of Mankind forums if you notice things in the mod that need some tweaking.


Because the modpack contains now numerous other mods the feature amount has grown steadily over the years. The first thing you'll notice when you start a new game is that there's new map sizes and new game speeds. Giant and Gigantic map sizes give more room for larger empires and for more players but the downside is that these map sizes require quite a lot from your computer so you should only try these maps if you have high-end computer, preferably with 64bit operating system.

When the game starts you'll notice the next improvement which is the interface changes. In Rise of Mankind the interface is fully customizeable through BUG options which you can access by clicking BUG button on top left of the screen or hitting CTRL+ALT+O. The options have been divided into different pages and if you hover your mouse pointer over any option, you'll see help tips for them. Experiment with the settings and change the game look to your own liking.

In Custom Game menu if you scroll down the options list you'll see that there's several new game options. Most of these options are on by default: Revolutions, Inquisitions, Barbarian Civs, Dynamic Civ Names, Tech Diffusion. Rising Seas and Barbarian World options are off by default.

Transhuman Era

Transhuman Era is a new game era between Modern Era and the Future tech. The new era contains many present day and near future techs which give access to the most powerful mech, robot and nanite units and to all kinds of new buildings and wonders. In making the new Transhuman era I used Galactic Civilization and Alpha Centauri games as guides so if you've played those games you'll notices similarities. To keep it bit more realistic, I've gone through dozens of science articles and science websites to look info about near future techs. Many of the new techs are based on real life research and many transhuman era units are based on prototypes that exists today in our world.

Game length

I recommend playing this mod on Marathon game speed and on huge map size. I prefer making custom game and use Smartmap mapscript for making good continental maps. Mod has also pre-made huge Earth map scenario with 28 Civilizations which all are on their historical starting locations. If you prefer extra long game you could try out the new Snail game speed which has 3000 turns.


The mod works best on English, French and German language settings. Spanish and Italian work as well but translations for those are incomplete. For other languages the translation has just begun but there are other modders who have already translated this modpack to various languages like Polish, Russian, Chinese and Japanese.

Main features in v2.92

  • 288 Techs in tech tree
  • 300+ Units
  • 199 Buildings
  • 84 Wonders
  • 53 National wonders
  • 54 Civic options
  • 47 Pre made maps included: various Earth maps and scenarios and fictional maps
  • 33 Unit categories, modern units are superior to ancient units
  • 34 New resources
  • 52 Improvements for terrain/resources
  • 23 New Leaders for default civs
  • 6 New route types
  • 5 New Civilizations (60 with extra civ addon pack)
  • 7 New Projects
  • 4 New Citizen types
  • 4 New Religions
  • 2 New Civic categories
  • 2 New Map sizes: Giant (54% bigger than Huge), Gigantic (50% bigger than Giant ie. 134% bigger than Huge)
  • 2 New Gamespeed: Blitz 215 turns, Snail 3000 turns
  • 1 New terrain type: Marsh
  • Abandon city / Demolish building
  • AI Autoplay
  • Better BTS AI 1.01b (includes Unofficial patch 1.50+)
  • Corporation specific buildings
  • Civic specific buildings
  • Dynamic Civ Names
  • Enhanced Interface (BUG 4.3 mod)
  • Ethnically Diverse Units
  • Cultural Citystyles 0.95
  • Examine City at Conquest
  • Faster expansion in late game: Colonists and Pioneers build cities with preset buildings
  • Fight in the future era with futuristic units
  • Global Warming mod
  • Influence Driven War
  • Inquisition, destroy religions
  • Modified Civics
  • Modified Religions (each religion is more unique)
  • More events (about 60)
  • More game alerts, extra information about cities and diplomacy options
  • New promotions (for air units too)
  • New unit flags for Civilizations
  • RevolutionDCM 2.72
  • Advanced Combat Odds 1.0
  • Ranged Bombardment
  • Sevopedia
  • Super Spies (promotions for spies)
  • Supports maximum of 50 players
  • Tech conquest, conquering enemy cities boosts your research
  • Tech diffusion, civs can't fall too far behind in tech race
  • Unit order enhancements, icons show each units current task
  • Upgradeable buildings
  • User configurable options (see: BUG options and Rise of Mankind Config.ini)
  • + much more, see RoM Concepts pedia pages in-game ;)

Mods combined fully or partially

  • BtS: Next War
  • BtS: Charlemagne (just the new units)
  • BtS: Final Frontier (just some unit graphics)
  • Cultural Citystyles 0.95
  • Ethnically Diverse units
  • The Lost Wonders of Civilization v1.3
  • Greenmod 2.10
  • Caravan mod
  • Modern Warfare
  • Nautil's air units mod
  • Sevopedia
  • Specialist Stacker
  • BtSFlagMod
  • Enhanced Tech Conquest
  • Longer techbar in techscreen
  • Inquisition
  • wide City bar
  • JKP1187's Event mod
  • Raw Commerce
  • Civ4lerts
  • zCivics
  • 50 Civ DLL
  • BUG Military Advisor
  • BUG 4.3
  • RevolutionDCM 2.72
  • Super Spies 1.23
  • Influence Driven War
  • UN Forces
  • Ethnic Citystyles 1.03 for BtS
  • Asphalt Roads
  • Better BTS AI 1.01b
  • Advanced Combat Odds
  • Plenty of Routes
  • Examine City at Conquest
  • Global Warming mod
  • BULL 1.1
  • Unofficial patch 1.50+
  • Antilogic's Events Pack
  • Vincentz' Warlords II modules
  • Vincentz' Jungle Camp module
  • Vincentz' Guilds and Corporation modules


NOTE! Addons do have their own install instructions which are different from these instructions! Please read them carefully through before you install any addons to Rise of Mankind 2.x.

This mod requires 1.0GB free hard drive space

  1. Locate your Civilization 4 installation folder from your hard drive.
  2. There go to subfolder named Beyond the Sword and under Beyond the Sword go to subfolder Mods.
  3. IF YOU HAVE VERSION Rise of Mankind 1.x or 2.x (any previous version) INSTALLED, PLEASE RENAME "Rise of Mankind" FOLDER TO SOMETHING ELSE (in case you want to continue playing that version too) OR DELETE IT BEFORE CONTINUING
  4. Unzip the mod to this Mods folder. Zip file contains the needed folder structure for the mod files so make sure your archiver program is set to unzip files with the folders.
  5. Start your Civ 4: Beyond the Sword normally and from start menu click "Load a mod". Choose Rise of Mankind mod from list and click ok.
  6. When game has reloaded itself with the mod, you can start playing.

Known issues and bug reports

Please visit: Version 2.9 bug report -thread on Rise of Mankind forum section

Spoiler :
I'd like to thank fellow modders since they've worked hard for creating all those new graphics and python coding.

If there wasn't these guys/girls this mod wouldn't have seen the daylight

* 0100010 - Feedback, tech adjustment recommendations, quotes
* 2ndimpression - pedias and quotes
* AchillesZero - unit graphics
* Afforess - ideas, python, sdk changes, feedback
* ambrox62 - unit graphics
* Amra - Amra's modpacks
* Antilogic - Events mod
* asioasioasio - unit graphics, wide city bar, new buildings
* Arian - wonder movies
* baal_isidro - unit graphics
* Bakuel - unit graphics
* bernie14 - unit graphics
* Better BTS AI team
* bhruic - unofficial patch
* bmarnz - Inquisition - Limited Religions
* BUG mod team
* calvitix - French translation
* cdman1990 - tech quotes
* Chamaedrys - building graphics
* Chugginator- unit graphics
* CivEikka - pedia and quotes
* chumpy56 - pedia and quotes
* ComradeKristov - Earth map scenarios
* Dancing Hoskuld - Abandon city component, feedback
* Dale - Dale's Combat Mod (DCM)
* danrell - unit graphics
* Deon - resource font symbols and buttons
* Devastator - unit graphics
* Dom Pedro II - Revolutions
* Dual - building graphics
* Duke van Frost - building graphics
* Eusebius - for Eusubius World Religion mod
* Flintlock1415 - building graphics
* FK2006 - button graphics
* Gaius Octavius - The Lost Wonders of Civilization mod
* GarretSidzaka - unit graphics, Mars map
* GeneralMatt - unit graphics
* generalstaff - quotes, civic and tech pedias
* GeoModder - Ethnic Diverse Citystyles mod
* Gillmer J. Derge - Civ4lerts and configparser
* glider - RevolutionDCM
* Grave - unit graphics
* Grave, Jeckel - Enhanced Tech Conquest mod
* hrochland - Longer techbar in techscreen
* Ice Wolf - pedia and quotes
* JaeChunDaeSung - tech quotes
* Jdog5000 - Revolutions
* JKP1187 - events mod
* johny smith, Jeckel - Religion and Corporation Screens
* Johny smith - Palace of Potala, python, WoC Lite, Wonder movies
* justATourist - building graphics
* Kal-El + others - RAR mod for CIV3
* Kalimakhus - for helping with the font files & feedback+suggestions & RevolutionDCM addon
* Keldath, Mrgenie, TAFirehawk, Rockinroger - for Visa mod
* KrugerPritz - Armor graphics
* Lawrie - civic button graphics
* Lawrie, Big Heb, Rone + many others - civic suggestions
* Lord Tirian - building graphics
* Lt. Bob - DLL that supports 34 civs (Bhruic's patch included)
* Master Lexx - for Greenmod
* Mentat99 - for Improved Leaders & Civics
* Minor Annoyance - Global Warming mod
* Moctezuma - Influence Driven War
* Nautil - for air units mod
* Orionveteran - Inquisition mod
* Pla5ma - python help
* PieceOfMind - for Advanced Combat Odds
* Rabbit, White - Sphinx Wonder
* Refar - unit, building, wonder graphics
* Rufus T. Firefly - for Civ3 icon graphics
* sakhr - unit graphics
* Sevo - building graphics
* Sevo, Vovan, Progor, Gaurav, Fitchn, LunarmMongoose - for sevopedia mod
* Sharick - Future Tank model
* siam - unit graphics
* Smeagolheart - Examine City at Conquest mod
* Snafusmith - for Modern Warfare Units
* Snipperrabbit!,Yodapower, Storm Grunt, Sniraxis, Frenchman, Chamaedrys, ohcrapitsnico - new button graphics
* Strategyonly - feedback, civic screen, civs, art
* Splinter13 - building graphics
* Tamudjin - map conversion python
* Tekener - button graphics
* TheLopez - Specialist Stacker
* Theo - Better espionage screen
* The_Coyote - unit graphics
* Thorn, Bad Ronald - BtSFlagMod
* Tholish - new route types
* TR Team - for Total Realism mod and for various suggestions
* Tsentom - python wonders
* Trojan Sheep - Super Spies mod
* Vincentz - Gamefont help, modules, button graphics
* Walter Hawkwood - building and unit graphics
* White Rabbit - for Ethnically Diverse Units
* woodelf, winddelay - Alhambra graphics
* Zerver - unit graphics
* Zebra 9 - zCivics
* Woodelf - building graphics
* Xenomorph - unit graphics
* Commander Bello, Maatissi, 0100010, RobO, Oatse, Lomion, Otto.Davila, baha, Dewion, ersner, d_beauch, cuteunit, Lawrie, Big Heb, Rone, Jabarto, Tekener, CMKMStephens, Munger, Bezhukov, NBAfan, Arakhor, + many others - feedback
Version history

Version 2.92
Read v2.92 notes

Version 2.91
Read v2.91 notes

Version 2.9
Read v2.9 notes

Version 2.81
Read v2.81 notes

Version 2.8
Read v2.8 notes

Version 2.71
Read v2.71 notes

Version 2.7
Read v2.7 notes (first part)
Read v2.7 notes (second part)

Version 2.63
Read v2.63 notes

Version 2.62:
Read v2.62 notes

Version 2.61:
Read v2.61 notes

Version 2.6 Patch notes:
Read first part
Read second part

Version 2.52:
Read patch notes

Version 2.5
Read patch notes

Version 2.41
Spoiler :
- Changed: Spy spawning disabled from Revolution component due to possible CTD issue - if civ doesn't have palace (ie. no capital, is this possible?) and his spy successfully completes mission and then can't return to palace, the game crashes
- Changed: Spy unitcombat group enabled in BugUnitNameOptionsTab.py (also added to 'Unit Naming.xml')
- Fixed: Chevron stacker adjustments restored to default settings - apparently my changes in v2.31 weren't working as suppose to

- Fixed: Russian cossack upgrade paths
- Fixed: French Dragoon upgrade paths

- Changed: Marsh added to Battle effect for Forest terrain list (not working correctly yet)
- Added: Battle effect for Marsh terrain (not working correctly yet)

Mod Components
- Disabled by default: Battle Effects, after Marsh & Peat bog terrain features were added, these effects started to act incorrectly - possible bug with indexing terrain features?

- Fixed: Civ4lert messages (same text defines in 2 files were overwriting each other)

- Changed: Coastal Reef event may happen more often

- Changed: Removed old BUG config info from 'Rise of Mankind.ini' and changed mod name+description
- Added: All RoM unit classes added to 'Adv Unit Naming.ini'

Version 2.4
Spoiler :
- Changed: Forge buildings cost halved (120->60) to help AI players (if building takes more than 30 turns to built, AI player most likely will not build it)
- Changed: Slave market cost halved (so it won't be more expensive than Forge)
- Changed: Artist Guilds adds +1 happiness if city has dye resource

- Added: Barbarians have now own unitartstyle

Mod components
- Updated: BUG mod to v3.5
- Fixed: CTD bug from modern age (though with AIAutoplay mod component there seems to be CTD issue if start game directly on modern era and let AI play turns from the start, crashes at 20-30 turns)

- Added: Marsh
- Added: Peat Bog feature on Marsh and Tundra
- Changed: Jungle and Forest may appear on Marsh plots
- Changed: Fallout unhealthiness increased from 0.5 to 0.8

- Changed: Rice may appear on Marsh and Peat Bog plots
- Changed: Potato may appear on Marsh
- Changed: Fur may appear on Marsh plots
- Changed: Oil may appear on Marsh and Peat Bog plots

- Changed: Cottage no longer get bonuses from roads and railroads
- Changed: Hamlet no longer get bonuses from roads and railroads
- Changed: Village food bonus 1->0, no longer get hammer bonus from roads and railroads
- Changed: Town food bonus 1 -> 0
- Changed: Mine gets now +2 hammers from railroad (was no difference between roads and railroad)
- Changed: Shaft Mine gets now +2 hammers from railroad (was no difference between roads and railroad), can now be built directly after you discover Steam Power
- Changed: Farm can be built on marsh plots, gets small chance to discover food resources
- Changed: Watermill gets +1 food from Replaceable parts and +1 hammer from Electricity
- Changed: Groundwater well can be built on marsh plots
- Changed: Goody huts may appear on Marsh and Peat Bog plots
- Changed: Bunker can be built on Marsh plots
- Changed: Waster refinement factory can be built on Marsh plots
- Changed: Fort can be built on Marsh plots

- Changed: Agricultural tools no longer enable irrigation
- Changed: Canal systems enables irrigation

- Added: new Mediterranean (120x40) map by wcis
- Added: Eurasia (200x80) map by Bohemus
- Added: Huge Earth 18 civs (124x68) map by JEELEN
- Added: Mars map with 12 civs (80x57), original map by GarretSidzaka
- Added: Mars Colonization map, no preset civs and starts on Future era (AD2055)
- Added: Colonization scenario (America map), 12 preset civs, start year 1500, 3month turns
- Added: Australia & New Zealand huge map (114x80), no preset civs
- Added: Orion, huge map (106x100), no preset civs

- Added: Espionage unit group

- Added: Spy promotion lines
- Changed: Fieldsman I-III gain bonuses on Marsh terrain

- Added: Dropship (helicopter unit with paradrop ability)
- Changed: Spy is now in Espionage unit group
- Changed: Worker units can drain Peat Bog
- Changed: Brigantine upgrades now to Iron Frigate instead of Frigate (unit stays available longer)
- Changed: AH64 Gunship upgrades to Dropship
- Changed: Modern Paratrooper upgrades to Dropship
- Fixed: Arabian Rifleman buttons work again (animations swapped)

- Added: Asian Trireme
- Added: Galleon for China
- Added: Asian Galleon
- Added: Mesoamerican Caravel (used for South America/Aztec style too)
- Added: Mesoamerican Galley (same graphics for War Galley) (used for South America/Aztec style too)
- Added: Mesoamerican Galleon (used for South America/Aztec style too)
- Added: Mesoamerican Trireme (used for South America/Aztec style too)
- Added: Mesoamerican Ship of the line (used for South America/Aztec style too)

- Added: Better BTS AI pedia to RoM Concepts
- Added: Super Spies pedia to RoM concepts
- Added: Advanced Scoreboard pedia to RoM concepts (instructions how to customize it)
- Added: Unit Naming pedia to RoM Concepts (specific instructions still only in BUG Mod Help-ENG.chm help file)
- Added: Autolog pedia to RoM Concepts
- Updated: Maps & Scenarios in RoM concepts
- Updated: Civ Changer info in RoM concepts
- Updated: Archer Bombard info in RoM Concepts

- Changed: All mapscripts have been updated to terrain changes (Marsh now included)

- Added: new water and terrain textures

Version 2.3
Spoiler :
- Added: 28 New events
- Changed: Tower shield event active on 50% of games now, obsolete python check removed since python file didn't have that code block
- Changed: At the Sword event expires later and can affect Light Swordsman as well
- Changed: Man named Jed event can trigger with Adventurer
- Changed: Blessed sea quest can be triggered on Hellenism, checks also presence of wargalleys, flyuts and brigantines because those can carry missionaries too
- Changed: Tornado may affect many new improvement types (was only affecting BtS default types)
- Changed: Bards tale trigger techs modified
- Changed: Hurricane active in 100% of games (was 75%)
- Changed: Volcano event active in 100% games (there's many active volcanoes on Earth)
- Changed: Black Pearls event can be triggered with Pearls resource (duh!)
- Changed: Apple Seed event actually reveals new apple resource
- Changed: Mahdi Army event might occur earlier
- Changed: Battle Lasers event applies to AH64 Gunships as well
- Changed: Reactive Armor event applies to Early, Light and Heavy Tanks too, prereq. Oil Products instead of Oil
- Changed: Greek Fire event occurs now in 35% of games instead of 15%
- Fixed: Harbormaster quest text elements

National Wonders
- Added: Fusion Power Plant

- Added: ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor)
- Fixed: Reference to Manhattan Project removed from SDI since Manhattan project is now National wonder and not project

- Added: Bauxite Ore
- Added: Obsidian
- Added: Ammunition button + font
- Added: Oil products button + font
- Changed: Aluminum is now manufactured from Bauxite Ore
- Changed: Whale obsolete at Sonar tech (1969-1980 when whales were put on endangered species lists)

- Added: Aluminum Factory, produces Aluminum from Bauxite Ore
- Added: Modern Granary
- Added: Sid's Sushi Restaurant
- Added: Cereal Mills Factory
- Added: Standard Ethanol Distillery
- Added: Creative Constructions Contractors
- Added: Mining Inc. Survey
- Added: Aluminum Co. Research and Development
- Added: Civilized Jewelers' Store
- Added: Rubber factory graphics + button
- Added: Archery Range graphics
- Added: Vacation Resort graphics + button, gives now +20% commerce, -25% science, +20% culture
- Added: Naval Academy graphics + button
- Added: Press Agency button
- Changed: Drydock requires Shipyard in city
- Changed: Food Processing Plant requires Modern Granary instead of Granary
- Changed: Orbital Factory requires Modern Granary instead of Granary
- Changed: Security Bureau moved to Psychology tech
- Changed: Irrigation Canals moved to City Planning (ancient egypt had these canals)
- Changed: Military Airbase no longer add extra trade route to city
- Changed: Accelerator's bonus to spaceship production reduced
- Changed: Jewellery commerce bonus decreased, trade route modifier added
- Fixed: Oil Power Plant requires Oil
- Fixed: School of Scribes no longer available for free at modern or later starts (goes obsolete at Medieval age)

Great Wonders
- Changed: Pyramids no longer give access to all government civics. It gives now free Granary in all cities.
- Changed: Alhambra no longer give -50% to damage to defenses on bombardment (avoiding % going below -100% with all the buildings which could lead to game crash)
- Changed: Edinburgh castle no longer give -25% to damage to defenses on bombardment (avoiding % going below -100% with all the buildings which could lead to game crash)
- Changed: Masada no longer give -25% to damage to defenses on bombardment (avoiding % going below -100% with all the buildings which could lead to game crash)
- Changed: Petra gives +1 trade routes in all cities (the site was historically a center for trade), gives +1 free priest and can turn 1 citizen to priest
- Changed: Global Stock Exchange no longer add commerce bonus to city where it's built
- Changed: Technological Capital no longer have 100% science bonus, adds 1 free specialist per city instead of 2
- Added: Alhambra movie
- Added: Art of War movie
- Added: JS Bach Cathedral movie
- Added: Cure for Cancer movie
- Added: Copernicus Observatory movie
- Added: King Richard's Crusade movie
- Added: Theory of Evolution movie
- Added: Longevity movie
- Added: Magellan's Voyage movie
- Added: Petra movie
- Added: Plato's academy movie
- Added: SETI movie
- Added: Woman's Suffrage movie
- Added: Pyramid of the Magician movie (wasn't sure if it's exactly the same pyramid in the video)

- Changed: Creative Constructions uses Bauxite Ore instead of Aluminum
- Changed: Aluminum Co. accepts Bauxite
- Changed: Sid's Sushi Co moved to Screw Propeller tech
- Changed: Civilized Jewelers Inc. moved to Motion Pictures tech

- Changed: Mine and Shaft mine Aluminum resource swapped to Bauxite Ore
- Changed: Groundwater Well now carries irrigation
- Changed: Quarry can be built on Obsidian resource
- Changed: Camp get commerce bonus from techs Matchlock and Semi-Automatic Weapons (easier to hunt animals)
- Changed: Whaling boats get extra bonuses from Naval Cannon, Corporation and Screw Propeller techs
- Added: Extraction Facility (sea)
- Added: Orchard icon

Mod components
- Added: Asphalt Roads
- Added: Kalimakhus' RevolutionDCM+BUG addon 1.2
- Added: Ethnic Citystyles 1.03 for BtS 3.17
- Added: UN Forces

- Added: Motorcycle
- Added: Adventurer
- Added: Extraction Facility, builds improvement
- Changed: African knight unit graphics changed to new graphics to fix bug
- Changed: Frigate can transport now 1 land unit
- Changed: Ship of the Line can now transport 1 land unit
- Changed: Manowar can now transport 1 land unit
- Changed: Iron Frigate can now transport 1 land unit
- Changed: Ironclad can transport 1 scout, spy, great people
- Changed: Cavalry upgrades now also to Armored Car and Motorcycle
- changed: Armored car cost increased, Flanking abilities increased, no longer start with blitz
- Changed: Jeep cost increased, Flanking abilities increased
- changed: HUMVEE cost increased, Flanking abilities increased
- Changed: BTR80 cost increased
- Changed: Mechanized Infantry cost increased
- Changed: Gunship flanking abilities increased
- Changed: AH64 Gunship flanking abilities increased
- Changed: Cuirassier upgrades to Motorcycle
- Changed: Police Squad is now gunpowder unit type
- Changed: Flak88 negative modifiers against different unit types removed (these were used against personnel, tanks, planes, vehicles etc.)
- Changed: Automatons upgrade to Cyborgs, requires now Cloning Laboratory instead of Cloning Factory (can be built earlier->helps AI), cost increased to 100
- Changed: Clones require now Cloning Laboratory instead of Cloning Factory, can build now Silk Farm, Apple & Olive Orchard
- Changed: Cyborg cost increased to 150
- Changed: Great Artist can build Heroic Epic and National Epic wonders
- Changed: Great Merchant can build Central Bank and Wall Street national wonders
- Changed: Great Engineer can build Ironworks national wonder and Pont du Gard great wonder
- Changed: Atomic Bomber requires now Aerodynamics and Fission, cost increased, air range dropped to 7, belongs now to Bomber unit group which gives access to certain Air promotions
- Changed: Nanite Cloud removed from Hi-Tech unit group (has no longer access to promotions), strength dropped 70->64 (still strength 70.4 with Sensors I upgrade)
- Changed: Spearman units no longer require resources, instead you can speed up production by having stone, obsidian, copper and iron resources (55% from cost removed if you have all 4 resources), moved to Stone Tools tech and requires Hunting
- Changed: Axeman units can now also be built with Obsidian
- Changed: Wardog unit can be built with Obsidian
- Changed: Explorer upgrades to Adventurer
- Changed: Aztec Elite Jaguar can now built also with Obsidian, fixed missing pedia entry
- Changed: Dreadnought armor requires Oil Products and ( steel or iron )
- Changed: plane FW190 retextured - nazi symbol removed
- Changed: plane he111 retextured - nazi symbol removed
- Changed: Mechanized Infantry no longer require Ammo because it should be the default Conscription unit if you start on Future Age
- Changed: ACV SAM art define points to different animation file (no longer to scenario files)
- Fixed: Maya Holkan no longer require bronze working, requires now copper, iron or obsidian
- Fixed: Conscription units, Riotpolice removed from list, Arquebusier+Musketman have different values now, order fixed on late game conscription units
- Fixed: Zero art file path define
- Fixed: M60 art file define
- Fixed: Aztec grenadier art file path define
- Fixed: typo on flag units (BtS bug?)
- Fixed: Light artillery animation define
- Fixed: Light Anti-Air Gun animation define
- Fixed: Flak 88 animation define

- Fixed: Some 3D sound define was missing?!? Seemed like bug in BtS since mod has no actual references to that audio define
- Fixed: AS3D_UN_SWDMN_FDGT_VOX define was missing? Units don't have this sound define anywhere so probably bug in BtS or typo in some custom unit nif file? copied and renamed AS3D_UN_SWDMN_FIDGT_VOX to add this define (I assume it's the same sound)

- Added: 4 event only promotions
- Added: New button graphics for several promotion lines
- Fixed: Ambush I-II available again for siege units, requires now Drill II
- Fixed: Charge I available again for siege units, requires now Drill II
- Fixed: Heal available again for siege units, requires now Drill III
- Fixed: Medic I-II available again for siege units, requires now Drill I
- Fixed: Barrage I-II no longer available for Tracked, Wheeled, Mounted or Wooden Ship units
- Changed: Accuracy I available to Diesel and Nuclear ships (only those that have collarateral damage ie. access to Barrage I promotion)
- Changed: Combat 6 no longer available for Leader (there's already alternative)
- Changed: Medic 3 no longer available for Leader
- Changed: Woodsman I-III has bonuses now against Animal units (not wild animals but Animal unitgroup: guarddogs, wardogs etc)

- Added: Granary -> Modern Granary upgrade line
- Added: Barracks removed from city when Garrison is built (Barracks is obsolete at this point)
- Fixed: when Steel Mill was built it didn't remove all required building types
- Fixed: Inquisitor unit persecution
- Fixed: River Port can't be built if city has Harbor, Port, Commercial Port or International Port
- Changed: check added to EnhancedTechConquest so that Barbarian civ doesn't get tech advances from conquering cities.
- Changed: in MapgeneratorUtil aluminum swapped to Bauxite
- Changed: Anti-Missile batteries disabled when Arcology is built (can't shoot missiles through shield = prevention of arcology size bug), Anti-Missile batteries can't be built if city has arcology, arcology shielding or advanced shielding

- Changed: Tribal Law increases local rebelliousness each turn by 1 (tribes want to control their city themselves)
- Changed: Inquisitorial likes state religion Holy city, decreases rebelliousness
- Changed: Emancipation diplomacy penalty for civs without it halved (400%->200%)
- Changed: Government funded healthcare no longer cause penalty for civs without it (400->0)

- Added: new button graphics for several categories

- Fixed: DCM Concepts page (was not shown on sevopedia, python code was made for regular BtS so I converted it), includes Active Defense, Airbomb Missions, Archer Bombard, Battle Effects, Civ Changer, Civ Customiser, Combined Arms Stack attack, Opportunity Fire and Ranged Bombardment pedias
- Fixed: Corporation prereqs are now shown on buildings that require specific corporation
- Fixed: Some improvement pedia links
- Changed: Many tech strategy entries have been corrected (some BtS entries still need to be changed)
- Changed: tweaked Promotion Tree to be easier to read
- Changed: button size on unit upgrade chart made smaller
- Changed: DCM concept page renamed to RoM Concepts
- Added: AI AUtoplay pedia to RoM Concepts
- Added: Revolution pedia to RoM Concepts
- Added: BarbarianCiv pedia to RoM Concepts
- Added: Tech Diffusion pedia to RoM Concepts
- Added: Enhanced Tech Conquest pedia to RoM Concepts
- Added: Inquisition pedia to RoM Concepts
- Added: Ethnic Artstyles pedia to RoM Concepts
- Added: Dynamic Civ Names pedia to RoM Concepts
- Added: Influence Driven War pedia to RoM Concepts
- Added: Building upgrade lines pedia to RoM Concepts
- Added: Civic Specific Buildings pedia to RoM Concepts
- Added: Specialist Stacker pedia to RoM Concepts
- Added: Civ4lerts pedia to RoM Concepts
- Added: Better Espionage Screen pedia to RoM Concepts
- Added: Cultural and Great Person Turns pedia to RoM Concepts
- Added: Great Person Progress Bar pedia to RoM Concepts
- Added: City Cycle Arrows pedia to RoM Concepts
- Added: Improved Glance Tab pedia to RoM Concepts
- Added: Great Person Technology Preferences pedia to RoM Concepts
- Added: BUG Military Advisor pedia to RoM Concepts
- Added: Not Just Another Game Clock pedia to RoM Concepts
- Added: Raw Yields pedia to RoM Concepts
- Added: Reminders pedia to RoM Concepts
- Added: Whip Assistant pedia to RoM Concepts
- Added: Wide city bar pedia to RoM Concepts
- Added: Maps and Scenarios to RoM Concepts
- Added: Many Strategy entries for buildings and units
- Added: All missing tech strategy entries

Great People
- Changed: Great General can build now also National Courier System and Secret Army Base

- Enabled: DCM Opportunity fire
- Enabled: DCM Active Defense
- Enabled: IDW Auto draft
- Changed: Barbarian cities may now appear on all eras. This helps Revolution mod component to form new Civs if game is started on Industrial or later era
- Fixed: bug in Ethnic Citystyles 1.03 PlotLSystem files: Native_American.nif was spelled incorrectly
- Fixed: reference to worldbuilder Peak button file (BtS didn't have that button so I made it to point to feature_peak button file)
- Fixed: Global Warming message is correct now (no longer say there's nuclear fallout)

- Fixed: Earth 28 preset civs converted to RoM 2.3 settings
- Fixed: Earth standard size 12 preset civs to RoM 2.3 settings
- Fixed: New World Colonization no preset civs to RoM 2.3 settings, renamed to Americas
- Fixed: Mediterranean map to RoM 2.3 settings
- Fixed: New Zealand map to RoM 2.3 settings
- Added: Earth standard size with 23 preset civs
- Added: Earth Ice Age
- Added: Demographica map (mediterranean), probably requires 512MB graphics card due to huge size

Version 2.2
Spoiler :
Update to BtS 3.17
- Updated: CvAdvisorUtils.py
- Updated: CvEventManager.py
- Updated: PyHelpers.py
- Updated: CvRandomEventInterface.py
- Updated: CvMainInterface.py
- Updated: GlobalDefines.xml
- Updated: CIV4EventInfos.xml
- Updated: CIV4EventTriggerInfos.xml
- Updated: CIV4EspionageMissionInfo.xml
- Updated: CIV4PromotionInfos.xml
- Updated: CIV4UnitInfos.xml

- Fixed: all religious icons should be shown correctly now on buildings and on score list

- Added: Tannery
- Added: Bakery
- Changed: Butchery moved to Animal Husbandry, Fur resource added to OR -requirement list

- Fixed: Roman cannon art files had typo in path, unit should be shown correctly now
- Changed: Cavalry can Flank attack all earlier siege weapons (BtS 3.17)
- Changed: Cuirassiers can Flank attack all earlier siege weapons (BtS 3.17)
- Changed: Gunships and AH64 can Flank Attack Cannons (BtS 3.17)
- Changed: Airship no longer gets bonus attacking ships (BtS 3.17)
- Changed: Airship does 20% maximum air strike damage (BtS 3.17)
- Changed: Machine Gun and Anti-Tank get 15% air interception chance (BtS 3.17 has 20%)
- Changed: Re-added cap to number of active Corporation Executives (5) (BtS 3.17)

- Changed: River Port will be disabled if city builds Harbor (not that River Ports can be still built in all cities with River access, only disabled in coastal cities if player builds Harbor)
- Added: Bakery->Food Processing Plant upgrade line
- Fixed: Sevopedia's Improvement pages list now route bonuses for improvements

- Changed: Rubber no longer appear on Forests, only on Jungles
- Changed: Apple appears now between latitudes 20-60 (was 0-70)
- Changed: Tobacco appears now between latitudes 0-40 (was 0-60), can appear jungle/plains plots as well
- changed: Olives appear now between latitudes 10-50 (was 0-60)

- Changed: Mother lode event can happen in Shaft Mine, gold amount changed to BtS 3.17 values
- Changed: Blessed Sea event no longer require certain type ships (BtS 3.17)
- Changed: "Friendly locals" event expires with Nationalism (BtS 3.17)
- Changed: "Miracle" event expires with Rifling (BtS 3.17)
- Changed: "Partisans" event active in every game (BtS 3.17)
- Changed: Barbarian uprising events can occur only if you can build a counter unit (BtS 3.17)

- Changed: Siege units no longer have access to Combat1-6 promotions (BtS 3.17)

- Changed: Increased "support city revolt" cost (BtS 3.17)

Game defaults
- Changed: Global warming in forests and jungles just removes those features, without turning plot to desert (BtS 3.17)
- Changed: Global warming takes into account the number of forests and jungles in the world (BtS 3.17)
- Changed: Global Warming is affected by unhealthy buildings in addition to nuclear explosions. (BtS 3.17)

Version 2.12
Spoiler :
- Fixed: another bug in GameUtils.py that caused python exception

Version 2.11
Spoiler :
- Fixed: bug in GameUtils.py that caused python exception

For previous (RoM 2.x and 1.x) version histories see this thread on Rise of Mankind forum section
Frequently Asked Questions

1. I'm missing UI elements (buttons, city screen not working). What should I do?

This is known to happen on some computer configurations. Here are few steps that can be done to fix this problem:
  • Make sure you have patched BtS to version 3.19. This mod won't work on previous versions.
  • Make sure language in BtS is set to English. In main menu click Advanced->Options and on Game options page, there's language setting.
  • Make sure that the mod folder name is 'Rise of Mankind' in 'Beyond the Sword\Mods' -folder.
  • If you have installed addons, make sure you followed instructions carefully. Failing to do so might cause UI problems.
  • If you are using Rise of Mankind 2.6, go to 'Rise of Mankind' -folder, open file CvAltroot.py to Notepad and follow the instructions there on how to edit that file and where to move it. This file should fix this problem on some operating systems
  • If any of these didn't solve your problem, then you should report it version 2.x bug reports -thread. Read the instructions what info you need to post when this problem occurred. Posting the log files from your game is the fastest way for me to check what went wrong, usually with 'No interface' problem it's python error or that the mod couldn't find config xml files.

2. Religion xxx doesn't have Missionary unit! Is this bug?

No, it's not a bug. All religions are made to be more unique in this mod and few early religions do not have missionaries. You will have to use other tactics to spread these religions. All religious buildings in this mod spread their own religion.

3. I can't build more Wonders in my city! What's going on?

Maximum number of Great Wonders you can build in one city is set to 4 in this mod. This was added to the mod to make Wonders spread out more. You will have to be bit more careful when building Wonders. Holy cities can have 5 wonders: Holy Shrine + 4 regular Great Wonders. If you want to have unlimited world wonders per city, open up file '..\Rise of Mankind\Assets\XML\GlobalDefines.xml' and set the world wonder defines to -1 value.

4. Can I use Modules made for BtS in this mod?

In most cases no. Because this mod makes changes to almost everything, most BtS modules are not working correctly with this mod. They have to be edited so that they match the changes in Rise of Mankind.

Check the Addons, Modules and Scenarios post below for mod components that are made to work with Rise of Mankind 2.0.

5. Can you add mod component X to Rise of Mankind?

Adding more mod components is lengthy process - I am of course updating the mod from time to time so new components might get added.

6. Can you add more flavor units, combine Varietas Dilectat or flavor mod XXX to Rise of Mankind?

My goal is to have eventually ethnic unit flavors. Unfortunately I can't directly combine any other flavor unit mod as those only change the BtS unit classes while my mod adds plenty of new unit classes which too need new flavor units. I'm trying to find the best suitable units for new unit classes but it's time consuming process. So future patches each will probably add some more flavor units. I also try to do my research about historical unit types per each civilization and add those units as new Unique Units instead of flavor units. You can suggest these too and provide web links so I can check them (I don't know the full history of each civ). Flavor units is not my main concern when I update this mod, my first priority is to enhance gameplay.

7. Mod loads just fine but when I start new game it crashes during the loading screen?

Make sure you have patched your BtS to version 3.17. Patch can be found from here.

8. Can I use your mod as a base for my own mod project?

Yes. This has been asked few times past year and I'm openminded for these kind of things. You can use parts or whole Rise of Mankind mod for your own projects as you see fit, just note that this modpack consists many mod components made by other modders, so please give credit to where it's due - I've tried to include complete credits list in the mod's readme file.
Addons, Modules and Scenarios

Extra Civ Addon pack

Currently available only as Rise of Mankind v2.53 Megapack because the Filefront file hosting site was shutdown and I haven't had time to upload other versions of this addon pack yet. See first post in this thread for download. For Rise of Mankind v2.6 this addon will be updated later.

SCENARIO: Rise of Mankind 2.6: Colonization

This scenario consists North&South America with 12 preset Civs which start on historical places with techs and civics set for their time period. Game starts on year 1500, turns advance in seasons and there's maximum of 2200 turns.

This scenario is now included with Rise of Mankind v2.6 so you don't need to download this separately.

See this post more info.

Addons made by other modders

Dancing Hoskuld's unoffical addons for RoM 2.6
* Missing Rom Movies for RoM 2.6
* Missionary sounds
* Abandon City - Raze building mod.

jooyo's Rise of Mankind Addons
* Gameplay addon adding to RoM brigde building over see (range 2), teraform, better nukes. minefield and Sapper unit and much much more

ADDON: Rise of Mankind: A Better Tomorrow by Civ Fuehrer
* Expands future era

Rise Of Mankind Expansion
* R.O.M.E. primarily consists of a unit-based expansion of the Renaissance and Industrial eras. particularly focusing on the European civilizations.

Modular Shinto religion for RoM 2.6 by AAranda

Modular Tlextlaism religion for RoM 2.6 by AAranda

Modular Creationism religion for RoM 2.6 by AAranda

Modular Tengriism religion for RoM 2.6 by AAranda

Traits for RoM 2.6 by AAranda

Tornado and volcano events for RoM 2.6 (graphics for those events) by AAranda

New handicap and speed level for RoM 2.6 by AAranda
:eek: Wow zappara, looks like a lot of work went into this. Good job. :goodjob:
Will it work if I rename the mod folder to e.g. Rise of mankind v2 ?
I also use v1 with RevDCM and it doesn't like to be renamed (though I think I saw a fix for that somewhere)
Will it work if I rename the mod folder to e.g. Rise of mankind v2 ?
I also use v1 with RevDCM and it doesn't like to be renamed (though I think I saw a fix for that somewhere)

Can I use DCM with this ROM2 ? How do I do that ?
Do I need to change the mod name in Rise of Mankind.ini?

; Name of Mod
Name = Rise of Mankind
Hmm.. don't think so. I got dozen different RoM test version folders in my mods folder and they've always worked when I've just renamed the folder. :)

Can I use DCM with this ROM2 ? How do I do that ?
Not at the moment you can't. Kalimakhus has just started working on new addon for RoM 2.0 that will add DCM functions + some other features.
Hey Zappara, good to see you are still going strong. I recently was able again to play 3d games lol. Hence my more frequent visit to civfanatics atm. :D.

In due time ill submit reports, you only deserve it for your hard work :goodjob:
very nice zappa,

commendble mod, you sure do rule the mega mods sections :).
Thanks :) Maybe I can now start finally play Civ 4 for while.. got your mod on my list too and I think I saw Star Trek mod too (fan of ST here!) among others.. so many good mods that I'd need like 48hour days to try them all out :D

:eek: Wow zappara, looks like a lot of work went into this. Good job. :goodjob:
Thanks :) Yeah, lot of work has gone into this mod now.. 16 months total since I started it January 2007. I think it was one of your mods back then that gave me the initial push to start modding... or at least one of them, after seeing what wonderful mods others had done, I had to make one for myself and that process has got me now this far ;)

Hey Zappara, good to see you are still going strong. I recently was able again to play 3d games lol. Hence my more frequent visit to civfanatics atm. :D.

In due time ill submit reports, you only deserve it for your hard work :goodjob:
Good to see you back. I'll be waiting for those reports! :)

Warlords version had terraforming as it was part of Greenmod that I had combined. AI players didn't "understand" what terraforming was, so I didn't convert those functions to BtS version (8 months ago). I think I saw newer terraforming mod here somewhere but haven't really had time to check what it's all about and how it's made. So yes, I have thought about it but at this time I can't say / don't know if RoM will have those functions some day.
whoa thanks a lot, will report if anything weird happens !
Playing, and glad to see 2.0 out, thanks for all your hard work. I was always a big fan of Rise and Rule, which I know you said early on was one of your inspirations, and I really feel like you've brought the spirit of that mod to Civ4
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