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[BTS Total Mod] Thomas' War


We got the same versions and files.
Maybe a stupid question, but how do I post my save?

On what basis have/do you add new units to this mod? Is it final or are you always looking? I like the way you have done it, everything is very well balanced and there is no excess (which is very very important).

However have you ever thought of adding anything as the versions advance? I don't really know what compatibility problems that would course with older versions of 'Thomas' War' or with the scenarios and this is why I ask. There is a unit or two more I would love to see, of course while keeping it balanced and the excess down.
You're welcome.;)

BTW, if you give me a heads-up prior to a patch or update release, I could update in time for you to include my already updated files. Would that work for you?:confused:

I'll make sure to give you a head's up, then. There probably won't be a content update for a while however, so no need to worry. Some people are experiencing crashes, so if I have to release a small patch to correct this I'll also include your updated scenario files (coincidentally, I'll add a link to them in the first post and download page).

On what basis have/do you add new units to this mod? Is it final or are you always looking? I like the way you have done it, everything is very well balanced and there is no excess (which is very very important).

However have you ever thought of adding anything as the versions advance? I don't really know what compatibility problems that would course with older versions of 'Thomas' War' or with the scenarios and this is why I ask. There is a unit or two more I would love to see, of course while keeping it balanced and the excess down.

Any unit I've added either has a very specific unique function or filled in a gap I felt was missing with the existing units. I wouldn't say the addition list is final, it's more as I've released newer versions I've felt less and less gaps so have added less units or building (which is why earlier change lists do add a bunch of units).

If you have a good suggestion, please post it. I'm always open to suggestions.
@Everyone who has experienced a crash...

Please do as TuringMachine said, and post a save close before the crash occurs. Also, give a description of how to 'activate' the crash so to speak (e.g. research Fission, or play 2 turns, etc).

This is the easiest and most efficient way to work out what is causing the crash.

Thank You.
I'll make sure to give you a head's up, then. There probably won't be a content update for a while however, so no need to worry. Some people are experiencing crashes, so if I have to release a small patch to correct this I'll also include your updated scenario files (coincidentally, I'll add a link to them in the first post and download page).

OK, cool! :cooool: (BTW, not getting any crashes myself.) ;)
Wow, I thought there was something wrong with me, have had two ctd's in two games when researching fission, last time I had everything else researched, I tried changing everything around, but I would research Fission, select Fusion and ctd. Interestingly it autosaved so that when reloaded you heard the voiceover for researching Fission, saw the selection (from which I could only pick Fusion) and only then died.

I know, I know, you need a save. I'll try and find one because I got so narked after finding this brilliant mod that had rekindled my joy of Civ 4 that I started playing Red Alert instead...
Any unit I've added either has a very specific unique function or filled in a gap I felt was missing with the existing units. I wouldn't say the addition list is final, it's more as I've released newer versions I've felt less and less gaps so have added less units or building (which is why earlier change lists do add a bunch of units).

If you have a good suggestion, please post it. I'm always open to suggestions.

Well I feel that maybe some sort of guerrilla would help. Not Civilization 2 style, but a type of unit that would allow a smaller weaker civ to not defeat, but harass a larger army which is what guerrilla warfare is based on. Maybe something with low strength, but perhaps with increased mobility, healing, and defense bonus on terrain like forest or hills.

As the mercenary unit nor spy really covers this area of warfare.

Like Sun Tzu said "When the enemy rest I march, when the enemy marchs I rest. When the enemy attack I retreat, when the enemy retreats I attack"

Just an idea, Long Live Thomas' War!
Here's a save.
Cheesy noble on Vista. Just research Fission and you're golden


  • ThomWar3.CivBeyondSwordSave
    380.2 KB · Views: 72
Here's a save.
Cheesy noble on Vista. Just research Fission and you're golden

Hmm, I load up the save, research fission and I don't crash??

I'm not using Vista though, so maybe it could be a Vista thing?

There is a txt glitch with the ITER wonder I'm noticing (though there is really no reason why that should cause a crash on Vista).

I'm wondering if disabling the wonder will help people having a problem. Open up the CIV4BuildingInfos XML file (found in Thomas' War/Assets/XML/Buildings) search for:


Then in that entry, find the cost (<iCost>1500</iCost>) and change it to -1, (i.e. <iCost>-1</iCost>), and see if that makes any difference in your game.
Ok this is the save that doesnt work.
We keep getting the same error every time we try. Game works fine untill you save and reload. Then it simply wount load.

Will be greatful for any help! =)


  • Cogo BC-3940.CivBeyondSwordSave
    55.6 KB · Views: 67
I've noticed the Volcano event when playing, plus the "vicious tornadoes" event. About that: instead of just destroying improvements it also places an actual Tornado on the affected square, which stays put for quite a while. Shouldn't that be a one-turn-only event? (I know tornadoes return to certain areas in hurricane season, but they generally don't stay put for years on end...)

This also applies to the Storm Systems and Gas Clouds, which seem to hover on the spot for decades, nay centuries on end in my current game (reducing for instance the city of London to size 1 indefinitely...)

Otherwise, great fun to play!:D
This also applies to the Storm Systems and Gas Clouds, which seem to hover on the spot for decades, nay centuries on end in my current game (reducing for instance the city of London to size 1 indefinitely...)

Otherwise, great fun to play!:D

You can't really judge things by the in-game calendar... otherwise it takes a good 300 years to build units early in the game.
when I build nasa, the nasa picture appear, the game halt. a window "memory can not write...
" appears, and game over.
Hello, I'm enjoying this mod. I have a question about the Fortress;
What is the Fortress' function? I thought it would allow me to build military units.

Thank's in advance.
when I build nasa, the nasa picture appear, the game halt. a window "memory can not write...
" appears, and game over.

I've tested NASA's movie both static and animated and don't get a crash. Since the files themselves (XML and Bink) appear fine I suspect you might have gotten a MAF, which is a common problem with big mods (basically your computer doesn't have enough memory left to handle the event). Playing on lower graphic settings, smaller worlds, less civs, with static leaders etc. can all help reduce that.

If you're only getting crashes with wonder movies however, you can always just turn them off completely in the options graphics tab. If it's just for NASA you can switch them off in options right before the wonder and switch movies back on after you build it no problem and not have to restart.
Hello, I'm enjoying this mod. I have a question about the Fortress;
What is the Fortress' function? I thought it would allow me to build military units.

Thank's in advance.

I'm not sure were you would get that idea. Basically it's only real function is to provide some commerce and extra defense over the standard fort (which provides no extra commerce). Since it's an upgrade of the fort, it gives some more use to that improvement (which is marginal at best in the standard game) if you are forced to build it in your city radius for whatever reason.
I'm going to test the saves everyone has posted more over the weekend when I have some free time.
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