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Extermination Camp
only buildable with totalitarian government type
buildable only in cities with different ethnicity to your own civ
exterminates foreign citizens of your city till either your people are 100% inhabitants or the city has been reduced to one population.
huge - diplomatic points with all democratic civs.

We can make it so the civ building these Extermination Camps will try to keep it a secret from other civs. But if and when it is found out, it should mean automatic war with civs with that ethnicity within their cities. And huge negative diplo points with other democratic civs that don't have the ethnicity being exterminated.
it would be good if these could be built secretly aye, however there should be a high chance of them being discovered, what with the internets and readily available information these days.
I like the idea JoeCoolyo, but it may be too tricky to do for the value it adds. Like sheep21 says, the chances of a nation with advanced satellites finding the camps is high. Even a powerful country like China or a secretive one like North Korea has satellite photos of their prison camps on the internet.

That leads me to the question, should we also include a regular prison camp? To help authoritarian regimes control their own populations. And how would it function? Perhaps it hurts relations with only civs using the most liberal of civics, and of course much much less so than extermination camps. Also these would not make you a war criminal.
sounds good here DVS
I like the idea JoeCoolyo, but it may be too tricky to do for the value it adds. Like sheep21 says, the chances of a nation with advanced satellites finding the camps is high. Even a powerful country like China or a secretive one like North Korea has satellite photos of their prison camps on the internet.

That leads me to the question, should we also include a regular prison camp? To help authoritarian regimes control their own populations. And how would it function? Perhaps it hurts relations with only civs using the most liberal of civics, and of course much much less so than extermination camps. Also these would not make you a war criminal.

Well, maybe we can take the war part of it out, but if a country has the ethnicity being exterminated within it, it will have severe diplomatic penalties, and maybe it will have a choice to declare war or not, it will be swayed to declare war more if more of that ethnicity exits within the civ.

Maybe if there is a prison camp, it will take away the citizens who refuse to work, without adding happiness and adding small diplo penalties with the liberal countries as you have said above.
That leads me to the question, should we also include a regular prison camp? To help authoritarian regimes control their own populations. And how would it function? Perhaps it hurts relations with only civs using the most liberal of civics, and of course much much less so than extermination camps. Also these would not make you a war criminal.

So, what about a wonder called "Guantanamo Bay"? :mischief:
Effects: Raising the chance of discovering terrorists while attacking by 25%, raising the chance of spawning barbarian terrorists by 25%, -1 relations with all civs with liberal civics.

I'm not sure if I'm serious on this, though.

Instead of having to have a military unit in the city taking away unhappiness from "fear for our safety," just create a police station building that does the same thing only without the cost of having a unit.
National Wonder(1) -Anti-Nuke Missle Defense System-

That Country can't be nuked by enemy nukes.

I posted this in the other thread:

I don't know about anti-satellite missiles, hadn't thought about it yet. Space based weapons is a tech in our tree, right now it just leads to SDI. We could add an anti-satellite missile that blows out another nation's advanced satellite project, but this sounds like a lot of code (and the standard AI use problems that follow) for one unit. If someone wants to build this and can get the AI to use it, it would certainly add to the game though. Maybe something to focus on for version 1.5.

As far as missile defense, we have two types. Strategic missile defense, which will require a building in each city. It would be nice to also have a mobile Patriot missile unit that increases chances of interception and can shoot down missiles in areas that don't have the building. This is meant to represent existing surface to air missile defense systems. I haven't found the specific building(s) I am going to use for this, so please feel free to search around for an existing one and post your suggestion(s) in the regular buildings thread.

Then later, you'll be able to research and build the standard SDI, which is space based missile defense and will obviously be more effective. This will just require one national project (same as it does in vanilla). No one will start with this.

One of our nuke mods already modifies SDI so it has three levels, so we can do this for either or both of our missile defense systems. We can decide the exact interception rates once we're testing. For it to be accurate, we have to make the chances of interception greatly reduced by larger strikes. The more missiles fired in one turn, the lower the chance of interception. The first missile defense system will have almost no chance of shooting down 2 or 3 of the most advanced missiles, for example.

And you guys are right, these aren't going to be unique to any civ.
possibly rename
Farm Tower - +2 food
to either wheat silo, crop silo, or grain silo

They are called farm towers because they are massive and the word silo would diminish that.


By the way... we still have yet to decide on an armindian and wahhabism special building.
I love things like this!
Really eager to join in with discussions on buildings for the Mod, but a thought:

Have we included buildings which compliment the proposed unique technology tree for this Mod? I can't really see any, but would they be considered improvements? Here's my suggestions:

Neo Clinics - Requires several new 'Self-improvement' (Bionics, Cybernetics etc.) technologies but increases Health (+3) in the city it is built in. The Neo Clinic implements the new advancements made in medicine since the beginning of 2009. The world was facing a dawn of new medical oppurtunities and demanded the building of facilities which could easily use these machines and workforce. Gradually the old and backwards hospitals were replaced by totally sterile environments for everyone and under which the most complicated surgery could be undertaken.

CCS Powerplants: Requires technologies in Energy management. If a Coal PP has been built then it offsets the negative health whilst providing Energy and +5% production. Carbon capture and storage (CSS) arose during the beginning of the 21st century as a means of capturing waste carbon dioxide from industry and piping it to storage. Early techniques were crude and ineffective, but several crucial changes made by governments made it possible for a global plan to be rolled out. The new powerplants are fully viable in all capacities, able to reduce emissions by up to 85%. Existing coal powerplants can be fitted with the modifications to reduce their impact. It is hoped that CSS Powerplants could be especially important for the developing nations of the world.

*The entries I have made for the buildings could be put in the Civilopedia, or could be ignored (I can write blah like nobody's business.. =D)
Replacing/renaming the Palace and the Forbidden Palace.

This has been discussed a lot over IM, and was brought up on the forum by Remake20 in the ub/uu thread.

I think the idea as it stands is to rename and change the graphics for these buildings to something like:

Palace - Parliament (yes it would be best to have this change to Senate or some type of presidential mansion based on civics, but that may be a feature that has to wait for version 2.0. Same effect as Palace.

Forbidden Palace - Provisional Authority. Basically like what the US set up in Iraq. Can only be built in occupied cities. I would like to see each civ be allowed to build one of these for each different country it has an occupied city in, rather than just one in total. This building should add happiness in nearby occupied cities, in addition to reducing maintenance.
Forbidden Palace - Provisional Authority. Basically like what the US set up in Iraq. Can only be built in occupied cities. I would like to see each civ be allowed to build one of these for each different country it has an occupied city in, rather than just one in total. This building should add happiness in nearby occupied cities, in addition to reducing maintenance.

Is this going to be a National Wonder or a regular building?
I had the idea of a Capitol building instead of a palace
Ok so Capital building instead of Parliament? It doesn't really matter to me. Maybe someone could post links to some examples/pictures we can base ours on.
Parliament\Capitol buildings -LARGE pics

Spoiler :
Palace of Westminster (AKA Parliment)

US Capitol Building

Parliament of Canada

Parliament of India

Parliament of New Zealand

Parliament of South Africa


Espace Léopold (EU Parliament in Brussels)

Palace of the Parliament (Romania)

Palais Bourbon (France)

should give you some chaps some ideas :p


Maybe a tiny weeney bit on the large side, but theres alot of detail, right guys...
Thoase are the biggest pitures in the world
Not links sheep, just hide the images in spoilers.
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