• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).


Good stuff sheep.

The one thing though, you should have left out Canada, since we don't use our Parliament anymore. We have a dictator now, he doesn't need the confidence of Parliament for some reason. :(

Ok that's not leaving politics out of the mod. lol
I was working on the Jap. UB and it is a special laboratory. I just copied the XML entry from BTS into the file. Do I edit it or just leave it the same?
edit: whoops
I know I have stressed this before, but have Amerindian and Wahhabism buildings been suggested, or have I missed something?
I'm not sure if it makes sense to have special buildings for the cultural ideologies at all. These CIs are such a conglomerate of values, ethnics, religion, ideologies that I would find it rather strange to have a special building that emphasizes one aspect too strongly.

CIs are spread by education and media so each educational (e.g. university) and media-related (e.g. broadcasting tower) building should be spreading the state CI.

To be honest I am not even sure if it makes sense to let these CIs have shrines. "Holy cities", maybe. But shrines, again, would overemphasize one aspect of a CI, like the religious aspect. The more I think about it the more I tend to leave shrines out of the game.

Concerning Wahhabism...I don't think it makes sense to have this as a cultural ideology. It is much to special. CIs are a simplification of all the different cultural values, religions, ethnics, and ideologies in the world. Some that roughly differ in some aspects are put under the roof of one CI. So I think it makes no sense to split up the muslim CI into several ones. Especially if it is something as curious as Wahhabism, which actually is just one of many variations of Hanbali school of Sunni Islam. And this, again, would overemphasize the religious aspect of this CI.
Hello. I have a fairly big list of building concepts listed here, put in as an attchment due to size. Feel free to comment, and apologies for any mistakes in spelling, grammar or smiley application. This is, of course, just a suggestion for first edition, as I'm sure somebody could name a number of different landmarks (the Tower of London, Picadilly Circus, the Chichen Itza) that could fit in future. It's also subject to change if the Muslim CI is split or not, in which that if it does not split, the Shia Mosque and Sunni Mosque will be merged and the Grand Mosque will be made a universally Muslim building, while the Imam Ali Mosque will disappear as the holy building of Shia Islam.


idk if your list was meant to cover WW (World Wonders) or NW (National Wonders). But since it already is, I'd like to show you this thread which gives a pretty comprehensive list of the NWs and the WWs we want in this mod, which you could add to your list (even though you already have covered quite a few from that list, you missed some).
Hello. I have a fairly big list of building concepts listed here, put in as an attchment due to size. Feel free to comment, and apologies for any mistakes in spelling, grammar or smiley application. This is, of course, just a suggestion for first edition, as I'm sure somebody could name a number of different landmarks (the Tower of London, Picadilly Circus, the Chichen Itza) that could fit in future. It's also subject to change if the Muslim CI is split or not, in which that if it does not split, the Shia Mosque and Sunni Mosque will be merged and the Grand Mosque will be made a universally Muslim building, while the Imam Ali Mosque will disappear as the holy building of Shia Islam.

Some of those are much too out there, and there are certain things that cannot be done with the XML as it is. Also, remember that "ideologies" do not work like religions in this mod, and in fact; the term, "ideology" is innacurate. "Cultural group" is more accurate, unless we've changed that.
Could you elaborate on what you mean on the buildings being "out there"? Do you mean the buildings themselves or their bonuses, since the only really futuristic building there is the Vertical Farm. Also, only the religious cultural groups have spread buildings, partly for balance reasons (Western and Sinic will be very big at the start) and partly because the other ideologies don't have the equivalent of missionaries or religious buildings.
Some things like "Bus station" are a little too obvious to need being built, I think. I do agree with some of them, though, such as vertical farms.
Well, partly these things are to account for the effects of natural disasters. New Orleans doesn't have much of a bus network these days:

While most cities in game would start with Bus Stations, they could be destroyed by natural disasters or pillage, and thus the player would lose the benefit coming from them and would have to invest :hammers: to rebuild them.
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