C2C - Basic Modding School - XML is easy!


Mar 11, 2008
I think it is time we organized all the resources and people who want to learn and help us. So I created a more formal School thread:

Learning to start modding C2C (and Civ) is very easy.

Learning XML is basically just learning to edit.

C2C Modder's Guide to XML -Master Thunderbrd

If you can open notepad and learn to type,
then you can learn to easily edit XML.
1. Open notepad.
2. Find C2C XML file,
save a copy and rename to .txt, to look at it.
(modders please suggest some examples.

3. move things around, and learn tags.
It's that easy.

If you already know a little word processing or html you are more experienced than you think! It's mostly learning to tag correctly.

Tech editing is mostly learning how to edit the XML and making correct placements.

Azure's Visual Guide to Techmaking -Master Mr.Azure

Buildings - Master Hydromancerx

[TUTORIAL] Modular XML Modding With C2C

Modder's Documentation - Master Dancing Hoskuld
to be broken down further

Civ4 - Modding Tutorials & Reference
not that it all applies to C2C now.

XML really is easy.
Sometimes all you need to know is how to edit the order.

So basic modding in C2C/CIV is relatively easy.
Once you know how to edit, and mess around a bit in xml:

Talk to people in these forums and find a partner.
Remember that the ModTeam is very busy,
so you may want to partner with another player or apprentice to start.

It is good to find someone to learn to edit with, so you can help each other out!
and let us know right here!
So we can all learn how to improve C2C together!

Anyone new want to learn how to help with C2C?
Reserved for Master modders and the C2C DreamTeam - ModTeam.
Feel free to tell me what to update. or reserve some early posts.
Reserved Per Strategy Only

I am going to volunteer to be the first model example for the School,
since I serious want/need to help mod,

and since I already understand xml, and some basic programming, and have taught people many times.
I'm probably a good model/example since I haven't dived in yet. :)
Apprentice RF reporting for learning! DH I'm ready again when you are.
Feel free to use me as an example everyone!
I would like to learn how to make Buidings.
Here are two threads for modding buildings. They really helped me!



I recommend to pick an easy building and just go through it.

For me, the biggest problem was how to set up the folders and loading-files. I'm still not 100% sure I think, but maybe I'm just "unsecure" :lol:
It might be in the threads somewhere and I just overlooked it.
But the best advise I can give is:

Look how something you want to do is done in other files that do the same!

NOW, my biggest (and I think it's generally the biggest) problem is, what a tech or building etc is has as a techname. While they are mostly easy to find, there are many examples where they are not. Like "Genesis Biology" is "TECH_GBIOLOGY". This is quite easy, but "Internal Shockwave Engine" would be "TECH_LENGINE" etc. While techs are quite easy to find most of the time, it's much harder with buildings, since there is no single "bulding folder" in the XML.

These threads could be reviewed and summerized a bit more I think, if someone want to take over that.
1 simple solution is write a python test code and paste it somewhere like endgameturn.

Loop through all xxx like techs.
If name of tech is the one you want:
Print the TYPE tag out
I will next try to show an example of just how easy modding XML for C2C is.

If anyone has some good screenshots or examples, please let me know so I can make it the most effective possible.

(I started working on Stone Age events today, but I will catalog my adventures with XML here)
Here are two threads for modding buildings. They really helped me!



I recommend to pick an easy building and just go through it.
Spoiler :

For me, the biggest problem was how to set up the folders and loading-files. I'm still not 100% sure I think, but maybe I'm just "unsecure" :lol:
It might be in the threads somewhere and I just overlooked it.
But the best advise I can give is:

Look how something you want to do is done in other files that do the same!

NOW, my biggest (and I think it's generally the biggest) problem is, what a tech or building etc is has as a techname. While they are mostly easy to find, there are many examples where they are not. Like "Genesis Biology" is "TECH_GBIOLOGY". This is quite easy, but "Internal Shockwave Engine" would be "TECH_LENGINE" etc. While techs are quite easy to find most of the time, it's much harder with buildings, since there is no single "bulding folder" in the XML.

These threads could be reviewed and summerized a bit more I think, if someone want to take over that.

Thank you Faustmouse.
It would be nice to start new how-to threads for each category, C2C specific.
I hope someone sets up a School or How to mod C2C subforum (I just needed to look). (please Don't move this thread into it. for easy discovery).

I have gone ahead and updated the thread to include your links.

Anyone want to be apprentices? You can attend XML as I rush through it here (pretty much know it well).
Yep python instruction would deffo be useful, all of it is- it's hard work gathering the tuts, and especially writing them - so well done for this thread! I hope to learn something myself!
I'm going to have some serious planning/xml assistance needed here. I'll be starting a new thread on that but I wanted to mention it here because if anyone wants to practice xml to the point that it becomes routine, it would be a good project to help with!
I'm going to have some serious planning/xml assistance needed here. I'll be starting a new thread on that but I wanted to mention it here because if anyone wants to practice xml to the point that it becomes routine, it would be a good project to help with!

What kind of task?
I'm willing to help and learn some more XML, but I'm afraid I'll need to ask you hunderts of questions while doing it :mischief:
What kind of task?
I'm willing to help and learn some more XML, but I'm afraid I'll need to ask you hunderts of questions while doing it :mischief:

XML questions would be quite easily fielded. As stated, I'll be posting my full assistance request here in a bit. I'm setting things up for us to work on them now actually.
Nice idea i probably also should get my head out of my rear and start doing something with this knowledge but RL is a B* For me >.>

Also not sure if it is already said but the one thing i do know of Debugging XML code;
If you do not know What the problem is and where he is hiding put somewhere the word Cheese orso if the Error says the Word you should put it more down in the file, If the thing does not return the word the problem is Before the word

Probably someone could be able to state it a little more simple and readable, it's 7 AM and i have been awake for atleast 18 hours now and i am not used to it >.>
Moderator Action: Thread moved to the modmod section by request.
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