C2C - UEM - Ultimate-Earth-Map 100% MOD and SVN update compatible by Pit2015

I am thinking of upgrading my computer so I can play the Ultimate Earth Map along with the Space Map of the Random Map game...

What are your computer specs now? You need 4GB RAM to game UEM, a SSD will speed it up, normal CPU will work. Old base game, dont needs to much power, if you have a fast computer it will be better but it will also run on older computers. Did you tried to run it on your current machine?

CIV4: Beyond the Sword uses only one CPU core also on multi-core machines, if someone not created a multi-core mod in the last days... or @Toffer90 did not build in multi-core support for now. :)
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Here it is!!! I like playing very large space maps on the Regular Space Map and I have not tried this game before because the file setup is too complex for me!!! I would love it if you could include it in Version 44!!! Please post step by step instructions on how to easily set up your UEM mod.... I find the current instructions to difficult to follow easily.


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Been playing with this fantastic map lately. At first I played v43 with UEM 4.5 but upgraded because I heard the SVN had important fixes and such.
- If you want to play with the SVN, Latitude Mod and UEM latest version, use the Revision 11552. For now, Latitude doesn't work with later revisions.
- If you prefer playing v43 with UEM, AFAIK you need to use 4.6 or 4.5, later versions of UEM don't work with v43.

I decided to play Portugal since Brazil civ was removed in newest version of Ultimate Earth Map.
Is it just me or Europe sucks for hunting? South America has a bunch of pretty decent animals and they are quite common.
Meanwhile in Europe, it seems like you can barely take a few steps before you stumble into Brown Bears, Lions or even Cave Bears.
Possibly because South America in this map has a lot of space, while here Europe is lacking.

I get the feeling that if you're in a relatively big and empty continent (Like South America or maybe Africa), its worth to build Wanderers. But if you're somewhere relatively small and full, like Europe, you're better off focusing on Buildings and a Gatherer to work a plot. Your research will suffer for the lack of Animal Folklore, tho.

I really wish UEM had an upscaled Europe, like Realism Invictus' Giant Earth Map does. RI's GEM has a nice-looking Europe but a sad-looking South America, while UEM's South America is GORGEOUS (I say this as a South American), but Europe is smaller.
Been playing with this fantastic map lately. At first I played v43 with UEM 4.5 but upgraded because I heard the SVN had important fixes and such.
- If you want to play with the SVN, Latitude Mod and UEM latest version, use the Revision 11552. For now, Latitude doesn't work with later revisions.
- If you prefer playing v43 with UEM, AFAIK you need to use 4.6 or 4.5, later versions of UEM don't work with v43.

I decided to play Portugal since Brazil civ was removed in newest version of Ultimate Earth Map.
Is it just me or Europe sucks for hunting? South America has a bunch of pretty decent animals and they are quite common.
Meanwhile in Europe, it seems like you can barely take a few steps before you stumble into Brown Bears, Lions or even Cave Bears.
Possibly because South America in this map has a lot of space, while here Europe is lacking.

I get the feeling that if you're in a relatively big and empty continent (Like South America or maybe Africa), its worth to build Wanderers. But if you're somewhere relatively small and full, like Europe, you're better off focusing on Buildings and a Gatherer to work a plot. Your research will suffer for the lack of Animal Folklore, tho.

I really wish UEM had an upscaled Europe, like Realism Invictus' Giant Earth Map does. RI's GEM has a nice-looking Europe but a sad-looking South America, while UEM's South America is GORGEOUS (I say this as a South American), but Europe is smaller.
Well, I play as Israel (guess why, lol), so I have the option to hunt in Asia, Europe, and even Africa (a short "war" with Egypt lets you move a bunch of units through its territory "for free", lol).
Also, Israel in UEM is probably the easiest (some would say: cheatiest) civ to play: a Nature Wonder, a Stone, and a bunch of nearby neighbors to either conquer or culturally assimilate.
Been playing with this fantastic map lately. At first I played v43 with UEM 4.5 but upgraded because I heard the SVN had important fixes and such.
- If you want to play with the SVN, Latitude Mod and UEM latest version, use the Revision 11552. For now, Latitude doesn't work with later revisions.
- If you prefer playing v43 with UEM, AFAIK you need to use 4.6 or 4.5, later versions of UEM don't work with v43.

I decided to play Portugal since Brazil civ was removed in newest version of Ultimate Earth Map.
Is it just me or Europe sucks for hunting? South America has a bunch of pretty decent animals and they are quite common.
Meanwhile in Europe, it seems like you can barely take a few steps before you stumble into Brown Bears, Lions or even Cave Bears.
Possibly because South America in this map has a lot of space, while here Europe is lacking.

I get the feeling that if you're in a relatively big and empty continent (Like South America or maybe Africa), its worth to build Wanderers. But if you're somewhere relatively small and full, like Europe, you're better off focusing on Buildings and a Gatherer to work a plot. Your research will suffer for the lack of Animal Folklore, tho.

I really wish UEM had an upscaled Europe, like Realism Invictus' Giant Earth Map does. RI's GEM has a nice-looking Europe but a sad-looking South America, while UEM's South America is GORGEOUS (I say this as a South American), but Europe is smaller.

Someone posted a working latitude mod file for the latest SVN in the latitude mod forum if i remember correctly:

Here it is!!! I like playing very large space maps on the Regular Space Map and I have not tried this game before because the file setup is too complex for me!!! I would love it if you could include it in Version 44!!! Please post step by step instructions on how to easily set up your UEM mod.... I find the current instructions to difficult to follow easily.

On the first posting here is a detailed installation instruction for UEM:

Look for: INSTALLATION AND USAGE / How to install for a working long game...

Soon i will also start a new long game...
Ok, I am not as tech-savvy as I should be, but I definitely will make an Earnest Effort to install and play Your UEM mod with Space if I possibly can at my soonest Opportunity. Thank You Pit2015!!!! I plan on Playing as Washington for the USA, although I usually play as Lincoln in the Regular Caveman2Cosmos game. On a side note, I am 3/4 German by Ancestry and have had the good Fortune to spend about 3 1/2 Months in Germany in my Youth. I have seen nearly all of Germany's Major Cities and my German Teacher in High School taught us to sing Deutschland Uber Alles and Im Munchen steht ein Hofbrauhaus and many other German Songs, and I love the German Culture!!!
40 pre-set Civilizations in the scenario: (Mostly historic starting positions, some shifted a bit for better gameplay)
( Dont be afraid of the 40 civs, if the game goes to slow in later game for you, then you can go into Worldbuilder and delete an entire civ with one click or buy a faster machine. ;) Some civs will also die and say goodbye as time progress.)

2. STALIN / Russia
3. MONTEZUMA / Aztec
6. SALADIN / Arabia
7. CLEOPATRA / Egypt
8. ZARA YAQOB / Ethiopia
9. MANSA_MUSA / Mali
10. SHAKA / Zulu
11. VICTORIA / England
12. NAPOLEON / France
13. ISABELLA / Spain
14. FREDERICK / Germany
15. ALEXANDER / Greece
16. MOA TSE-TUNG / China
17. HIROHITO / Japan
18. GANDHI / India
19. SULEIMAN / Ottoman
20. SEJONG / Korea
21. GENGHIS KHAN / Mongol
22. CYRUS / Persia
23. HAMMURABI / Babylon
24. RAGNAR / Viking
25. PACAL / Maya
26. HANNIBAL / Carthage
27. JAYAVARMAN / Khmer
28. MONGKUT / Siam
29. JOAO / Portugal
30. ASHUR / Assyria
31. GILGAMESH / Summeria
32. DEGANAWIDA / Iroquois
33. SITTING BULL / Native America
34. MENZIES / Australia
35. YAGAN / Aborigines
36. SALOMON / Israel
37. HEKE / Maori
38. KAMEHAMEHA / Polynesia
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On a side note, I am 3/4 German by Ancestry and have had the good Fortune to spend about 3 1/2 Months in Germany in my Youth. I have seen nearly all of Germany's Major Cities and my German Teacher in High School taught us to sing Deutschland Uber Alles and Im Munchen steht ein Hofbrauhaus and many other German Songs, and I love the German Culture!!!
:lol: :goodjob: :goodjob: :goodjob:
I am playing UEM now!!! Seems great so far!!! I Love this Game!!! I think it's just the Earth Map and No Space Map, but I could play this Game All Day!!! I will keep going with this game as long as my computer allows it. Two cities now and all of North America discovered!!


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Been playing with this fantastic map lately. At first I played v43 with UEM 4.5 but upgraded because I heard the SVN had important fixes and such.
- If you want to play with the SVN, Latitude Mod and UEM latest version, use the Revision 11552. For now, Latitude doesn't work with later revisions.
- If you prefer playing v43 with UEM, AFAIK you need to use 4.6 or 4.5, later versions of UEM don't work with v43.

I decided to play Portugal since Brazil civ was removed in newest version of Ultimate Earth Map.
Is it just me or Europe sucks for hunting? South America has a bunch of pretty decent animals and they are quite common.
Meanwhile in Europe, it seems like you can barely take a few steps before you stumble into Brown Bears, Lions or even Cave Bears.
Possibly because South America in this map has a lot of space, while here Europe is lacking.

I get the feeling that if you're in a relatively big and empty continent (Like South America or maybe Africa), its worth to build Wanderers. But if you're somewhere relatively small and full, like Europe, you're better off focusing on Buildings and a Gatherer to work a plot. Your research will suffer for the lack of Animal Folklore, tho.

I really wish UEM had an upscaled Europe, like Realism Invictus' Giant Earth Map does. RI's GEM has a nice-looking Europe but a sad-looking South America, while UEM's South America is GORGEOUS (I say this as a South American), but Europe is smaller.

Since UEM 5.5 europe is upscaled a bit, on UEM 5.8 europe has room for 50-70 cities now, so way larger than GEM. A good strategy is to get hunters early to africa and asia if you are in europe to get more and special animals.

Damn really time to start a new long game and create a expeditionary force to australia to stop the aborigines to become a superpower destroying all their neighbors. :)
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Since UEM 5.5 europe is upscaled a bit, on UEM 5.8 europe has room for 50-70 cities now, so way larger than GEM. A good strategy is to get hunters early to africa and asia if you are in europe to get more and special animals.

Damn really time to start a new long game and create a expeditionary force to australia to stop the aborigines to become a superpower destroying all their neighbors. :)
Way larger than GEM? Damn.

Still, I think a bit more Europe would be great. I may be a bit partial tho.

Oh yeah, I've noticed that the way to go re: hunting is to go to Asia. Would be nice to see more animals in Europe btw, its kinda weird that I'm playing Portugal and sending dudes to hunt in Siberia.

Wait, aborigenes can become a superpower?!
Wait, aborigenes can become a superpower?!
They have only one rival on a continent that can easily host some, dunno, 20 cities or so.
Of course, Zulus aren't too far from this either (it'll take a random while for them to make contact with anyone), but still to a lesser degree.
And everyone else typically has several neighbors that would require extensive warfare to overcome, so it makes expansion even slower.
Not to mention that AI is still extremely stupid, so the chance of "accidentally" destroying ONE enemy is "infinitely" higher than destroying, say, THREE of them.
So, yeah, Aboriginals/Australians (there are two civs there) are in the best position for bumping into "random local victory leading to extensive unstoppable expansion".
Still stupid, still random, still AI as in "Absolute Idiots", buuut...
There are still some screenshot of the old game where i send a expeditionary force to indonesia building Port Moresby (new guinea outpost) and then attacking and stopping the aborigines. :lol:

"Story continued: (Will continue this report later and add pictures)

This is now the best game i ever gamed :goodjob:, better and deeper than all other crap you can buy currently on the market, really good work guys, its a pleasure to do scenarios/maps for C2C. I am trying to build up my USA as superpower now, but some other superpowers are rising, the aborigines are killing menzies-australia currently can we stop them to become a superpower? We have to do something about this, these agressive yagan is already world leader in technology and expanding like hell, problem is we have no trade route to this region yet, bad babarians blocked our costal trade routes and it still a long way to the tech we can enable ocean trade routes. But a small force is on the way to clear our trade routes and destroy the babarians that pirate out trade routes. Maybe if we are not to late we can give at least military aid to australia, but we may be to late to stop the aborigines. :shifty: What then? Well we can try to give a new home to the refugees from australia if needed but what then? The aborigines wildlings will have open space to expand far and strong, so we need to send a expediton force into the australian region and we can try to build a outpost or a colony in indonesia to stop these agressive aborigines. Without the tech of open borders we need to make war with jivaro and the polinesia civ so that we can reach australia with the secret (Kon-Tiki Thor Heyerdahl passage) costal way included in the scenario. Problems over problems and large distances of the map. :crazyeye: In asia is china on the move to the top and japan is risining, ghandi took india and is already strong, england is expanding and getting colonys far away, europe is a slaugtherhouse and egypt and mansa, shaka and carthago are on the rise in afrika, who will be the superpower in this region? Trade is starting now, we will build up our global trade now to get our economy back to the top. All over small national problems! Barbarians spawning all over sometimes. :king::goodjob: Thats a leading of a nation on a large global scale now! Can we stand the test of time and be the superpower global in the world or only in north america?"

Far away bases in indonesia then attack towards australia to save the aussis: :cooool:


Elite forces attack on australian mainland and the evil aborigines from Port Moresby (new guinea outpost). :thumbsup: But was to easy with field commanders option on, so the option is turned off now for new harder UEM game and in nightmare difficulty setup on first page.


Btw @Thunderbrd and others:

Is the AI now better at using field commanders or still the same and the AI are not using field commanders good?
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Is the AI now better at using field commanders or still the same and the AI are not using field commanders good?
There was a little adjustment there from Toffer and/or Flabbert. They might be a little better at it now. There's a lot more to be improved yet coming if I'm to understand what they have their fingers into. I don't think the commander adj's are TOO profound yet. If and when I can get more time, they've definitely helped to clear the way for a lot more improvements. Constant engine tweaking is getting some results here and there.

I looked into latest svn, tribal huts disapearing and not seen on map? Also tribal huts show up on first load of WB, on second load of WB they dont show up anymore? You will get them if you move into the plot but they are invisible now?

@raxo2222 Come on raxo update the latitude mod, want to start a new long game on latest svn.
I am playing as Washington and getting revolutions constantly in my captured Iroquois city and also getting a ton of fires in my capital city of Washington DC. I would like to play without revolutions or constant fires. Which ruler and settings should I use to do this?? I would think it was fun to try a ruler from Europe and possibly start games with different rulers one for each continent because I love exploring new Territory on Maps!!!


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I am playing as Washington and getting revolutions constantly in my captured Iroquois city and also getting a ton of fires in my capital city of Washington DC. I would like to play without revolutions or constant fires. Which ruler and settings should I use to do this?? I would think it was fun to try a ruler from Europe and possibly start games with different rulers one for each continent because I love exploring new Territory on Maps!!!
Open the UEM scenario file in an editor like Notepad++ and remove the line (if it's there): Option=GAMEOPTION_UNSUPPORTED_REVOLUTION, then save the file.
That's for removing Revolutions, I have no idea how to affect fires, lol.
Thank You Somebody613; I believe I will start a game with Napoleon, in Europe and Genghis Khan in Asia. I will open the UEM scenario file and attempt to remove the unsupported revolution game option for any ruler I choose to play with. Solomon, Kamehahmeha, Mansa Musa, Hannibal, and Huayna Capac also look like interesting rulers!!! My Goal is to play all 40 rulers within the next 3 years, preferably in UEM maps that include a Space Map. I don't enjoy editing files usually. I always think that I might mess up something Important. It would definitely make my day if the UEM with Space Scenario would be included in a new version like version 44, but I believe you have mentioned to me before that the file is too large. I trust that the Modding team is doing their very best to produce a stable, Scenario-Inclusive Version 44 or possibly Version 45 at a later date...
2. STALIN / Russia
3. MONTEZUMA / Aztec
6. SALADIN / Arabia
7. CLEOPATRA / Egypt
8. ZARA YAQOB / Ethiopia
9. MANSA_MUSA / Mali
10. SHAKA / Zulu
11. VICTORIA / England
12. NAPOLEON / France
13. ISABELLA / Spain
14. FREDERICK / Germany
15. ALEXANDER / Greece
16. MOA TSE-TUNG / China
17. HIROHITO / Japan
18. GANDHI / India
19. SULEIMAN / Ottoman
20. SEJONG / Korea
21. GENGHIS KHAN / Mongol
22. CYRUS / Persia
23. HAMMURABI / Babylon
24. RAGNAR / Viking
25. PACAL / Maya
26. HANNIBAL / Carthage
27. JAYAVARMAN / Khmer
28. MONGKUT / Siam
29. JOAO / Portugal
30. ASHUR / Assyria
31. GILGAMESH / Summeria
32. DEGANAWIDA / Iroquois
33. SITTING BULL / Native America
34. MENZIES / Australia
35. YAGAN / Aborigines
36. SALOMON / Israel
37. HEKE / Maori
38. KAMEHAMEHA / Polynesia
40. CUNHAMBEBE / Tupi P.S. I was able to view the file and found the option, Option=GAMEOPTION_UNSUPPORTED_REVOLUTION, but I didn't know how to open it and editor and edit it out because I'm not sure if I have Notepad++ on my computer and unsure if I have any kind of editor because I very seldom edit files. I am not as technically knowledgeable as you, Pit2015, or anyone with Modding skills. Thank you for your help. I will play my Washington Game with revolutions active as an Option for now.
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I am playing as Washington and getting revolutions constantly in my captured Iroquois city and also getting a ton of fires in my capital city of Washington DC. I would like to play without revolutions or constant fires. Which ruler and settings should I use to do this?? I would think it was fun to try a ruler from Europe and possibly start games with different rulers one for each continent because I love exploring new Territory on Maps!!!

There are several ways to deal with revolutions, fight them, bribe them in city screen by clicking on the revolution percentage button or station troops and so on, only lamers game without revolutions. :thumbsup: Revolution will decrease over time if city culture/national conversion is moving forward. Also some buildings will reduce revolutions, so build buildings to counter revolutions. If you win a revolution war you can get expierience and slaves and reduce the revolution a long time.

Revolutions make the game harder and expand the game by a good amount, time to support it more.
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OK!! With your Recommendation, I will proceed with my Washington game with revolutions and fires. Because I really want to see what your Map of Asia looks like, I will start a new game with Genghis Khan as a ruler. Question: Am I now playing a UEM Scenario that includes a Space? The way I see it from your Instructions, I believe that I am!!! Thank You so much for all of your hard work in creating such a large and accurate Earth Map!!!


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