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C3X: EXE Mod including Bug Fixes, Stack Bombard, and Much More Release 19

Unfortunately this is another bug that was added in version 18. In retrospect it was a mistake to rush that version out. I already have this bug and a couple of others fixed so I think what I'll do is post version 19 soon even though that will make it a small version, mostly bug fixes with a few simple additions.

Hello Flintlock

The improvements you have already made to the patch are great, you brought new life to the game by implementing certain things that in my opinion should had been there since the release of it back then, and fixing things firaxis never did.

Do not feel bad about the recently introduced bugs, or feel that you need to rush with new improvements. As I said your work on this patch is awesome.

Thank you very much.
Splitting out air units is awkward since that would mean adding a whole new layer of difference, i.e., air units can be combat units or not and they can be busy or not so I'd need a second complete set of columns. In the previous versions, air units never had their own color so I'm not sure how you had it set up there. Originally blue was supposed to be for fighters set to intercept before I expanded it to cover all multi-turn unit actions. Could that be what you're thinking of?
Whit what you have showing, how could I have multi turn units as blue / intercept as blue? For my needs that is super key (everything else looks like something that can 100% 1work for me). And if it is too much of a pain, no problem way better than before :D
It should be possible to change the numbers but I'm not sure, I'd have to look at the code for the military advisor screen again. As I recall, I looked into that before, back when I added the extra maintenance option, and decided it would be too much trouble.
If it is too much trouble don't worry about it.

Thanks for the info, looking forward to the next version!
But I have another idea that would make adding more colors a lot more useful. What if we could apply these indicators to the health bars of units on the map too? Sword and all, perhaps? Then the indicators would match. And players could have a sneak peek, right there on the map, of what they would see if they opened the right-click menu. Which allows for quicker gameplay in some cases.
I like the idea of modifying the map indicators to match the ones on the right-click menu. Swapping out what gets drawn would be easy, all these little images get drawn through a method I've named Sprite::draw. I'd simply redirect the call to that method and swap out the image. The hard part would be making it look nice. For one thing the indicators would have to be aligned on top of the HP bars. Also I'm not sure the sword icons would look good because they might not contrast well against the terrain.

Flintlock, I would like, if there could be a fix for the powerplant loop and the "replaces other buildings flag". Best in my eyes would be, if a building (per example hydro plant) can make another building in the city obsolete (per example coal plant) or nuclear plant can obsolete coal plant and hydro plant.
Sure, this should require only a small modification to the game logic. This is one of those annoying features where the hardest parts about implementing it are writing the code to read in some rule from the config and testing the feature to make sure it works. Generally I'm more likely to do requests that are easier, unless they're too easy in which case they're not much fun. Anyway, I'll try to get this done for version 19 or 20 at the latest.

Do not feel bad about the recently introduced bugs, or feel that you need to rush with new improvements. As I said your work on this patch is awesome.
Thank you very much.
:) Thank you as well for the kind words.

Whit what you have showing, how could I have multi turn units as blue / intercept as blue? For my needs that is super key (everything else looks like something that can 100% 1work for me). And if it is too much of a pain, no problem way better than before :D
You would recolor the indicators in the two columns on the right which are for "busy" units. Busy includes intercepting and all multi-turn actions, in fact it includes units that are doing anything except standing fortified/sentried.
Is there a way for the config file to allow and disallow Military Alliances in the game?

I was thinking that I could turn it off midway when the AI started going nuts with MA’s against everyone. And back on again after things settled. Whereas with the biq file it’s all or nothing.
Sure, this should require only a small modification to the game logic. This is one of those annoying features where the hardest parts about implementing it are writing the code to read in some rule from the config and testing the feature to make sure it works. Generally I'm more likely to do requests that are easier, unless they're too easy in which case they're not much fun. Anyway, I'll try to get this done for version 19 or 20 at the latest.
Please take the time you need for fixing this bug, that seems to exist since the start of Civ 3. I only wanted to remember you, so this bug is not forgotten in the flood of other - in my eyes partly exotic - requests, that are posted now in this thread. Today I posted an update of CCM3, so to find the fixes among columns of thousands of units in the editor with my eyes, that now are more than 20 years older than when starting that mod, for me was partly annoying, too - but it had to be done.

I higly apreciate your fantastic mod, even without posting a "wow, wow, wow" in every one of my posts in this thread and I consider especially your brilliant and well working programing to give civs and leaders different names in different eras, a miracle in playing Civ 3.

Also I'm not sure the sword icons would look good because they might not contrast well against the terrain.
Would a light border help legibility?
Is there a way for the config file to allow and disallow Military Alliances in the game?
Not right now and it's not something I can add easily since I'm not familiar with the AI diplo logic. Things like the diplo logic that don't have immediate & visible effects are hard to analyze.

Would a light border help legibility?
Probably. I'd have to implement it first so I can see how it looks.

What I'd like to do, ideally, is split the swords off of the indicators. Then the icons PCX would have a grid of LED indicators and a separate little area for just a sword icon that would get layered on top the indicator images for units that can attack. What makes that difficult is that the game doesn't allow you to put two images on a menu item, not next to each other or overlapping. What I'd have to do is create a separate set of indicator images with the swords overlapped ahead of time. I think I understand the game's internal image object well enough to do that. Anyway, if the sword were separated it would be easy to omit it from the map indicators or use separate sword images for the map and the menu. No promises about when I'll do this, honestly I'm starting to get tired of fiddling with these menu icons.
I should have tossed this out a long time ago, but an irritant for me is F3 and seeing some field with (0). If it is a settler and I forgot to move it to a known location, finding the city is a pain. Same for bombardment units or workers. I really hate the way the game makes a worker in a town that is all foreign and pops it out looking like a native worker. Then I can expect to not keep them grouped with the correct number of workers to finish the task.
an irritant for me is F3 and seeing some field with (0). If it is a settler and I forgot to move it to a known location, finding the city is a pain. Same for bombardment units or workers. I really hate the way the game makes a worker in a town that is all foreign and pops it out looking like a native worker.
I rarely use the military advisor screen so I don't know what you mean by fields with (0). How does that happen?
Hello Flintlock

I'm all about aesthetics. Do you think there is a way to load textures to the game that are animated? If you ever play minecraft and mess with modded textures you'll find that there is a mod called optifine that allows for a texture file to have multiple tiles of the same texture with whatever changes you make, and then it reads them in a sequence. The end result is animation. It works like the animation of units in Civ3 and it loops, but it looks like the forest files with a sequence of textures. I was wondering how hard it would be to do something like this.

For context I was thinking about making it so that there is "Day Time" and "Night Time" (city lights and all) in my games through texture manipulation. If this was a thing I would make a long file for each vanilla terrain texture repeating in a sequence for about 10 minutes simulating "Day Time", then smoothly transition to shaded vanilla terrain textures doing the same thing for another 10 minutes simulating "Night time", into a giant loop that simulates about 10 minutes of "Day Time", 2-4 seconds of transition, and about 10 minutes of "Night Time".

Just an idea hehe. I've messed with minecraft textures and made my own in the past so I have a lil experience with that. How hard would that be?
Howdy all! I just joined the forum and this is my first post (sorry to inflict y'all first).

I recently returned to C3C and have been reading the forum for awhile to better my experience. I've played around with the Editor some, creating an epic platform to my taste. Finding your mod has been a big boost to that effort. Many thanks for that. There's probably a sizeable "silent majority" that feels the same way.

Okay, there is an actual point to this post other than introducing myself. One of the great things in your fixes/mod is what you've done for barbarians. Regarding barbs, I have a relatively small (least I think it'd be small) request if it's:
a) feasible
b) doesn't require too much of your effort
c) and you find it interesting

Currently, even on 'raging', barbs mostly affect the early game. Once roamers have been dealt with, all that remains are the loners fortified on the camp. I know the game will respawn barbs, because islands and the like will have several or more by the middle-ages. So I guess my request and ignorance is what effects the spawning. Is it a turn-rate function, or a matter of discovery and visibility, or both?

Regardless, is there anyway you could allow control of spawning by some function like turn-rate. I'd much prefer if they remained somewhat of a limiting factor to expansion throughout, at least, the Ancient era.

If nothing else, know that your efforts are appreciated, and I hope you keep going. Selfish, I know. :)
I rarely use the military advisor screen so I don't know what you mean by fields with (0). How does that happen?
If you capture say a cannon, you will get an entry in the F3 list of units (0) for cannons or whatever you have. The settler comes from rushing a settler in a town that has no native pop, I think that is how it occurs. I could not play without checking the F3. The larger your empire the harder it is to find that cannon or settler. If the game is at the point where I have rails I will move the setter to the capitol, but that does not always happen and often the settler cannot be moved. The captured town is not connected or hostilities are on going.
Currently, even on 'raging', barbs mostly affect the early game. Once roamers have been dealt with, all that remains are the loners fortified on the camp. I know the game will respawn barbs, because islands and the like will have several or more by the middle-ages. So I guess my request and ignorance is what effects the spawning. Is it a turn-rate function, or a matter of discovery and visibility, or both?
Barbs can spawn where no civ has vision. When two civs have made it to second age, you can get the hordes. I am not sure about the 3rd and 4th ages, but I know you can get barbs in the modern age. I have had them many times as I often raze towns and have not filled the locations, so lots of open territory. Very funny the see a barb warrior head for a town that has mechs.
I've just seen a default 'Activate' on the unit list, which might be one of the mystery states you were missing. I saw it when I had a bunch of units in a stack that I wanted to fortify, with some being out of moves and greyed out. After pressing 'Fortify All' on the right-click menu, the units that were out of moves had 'Activate' next to them, for some reason. Clicking on the out-of-moves units on the list then returned them to being 'idle', while letting them be kept the 'Activate' showing even on the next turn, although eventually turned into them being idle once all other units were done moving.
Barbs can spawn where no civ has vision. When two civs have made it to second age, you can get the hordes. I am not sure about the 3rd and 4th ages, but I know you can get barbs in the modern age. I have had them many times as I often raze towns and have not filled the locations, so lots of open territory. Very funny the see a barb warrior head for a town that has mechs.
I'm familiar w/ the uprisings (enough to know they'll pop around the mid-ages). That's why I'm mostly interested in how to keep them relevant throughout the Ancient Era.

In my current test playthrough, I'm only about halfway thru the AE and they're already popping their advanced unit (Ancient Cavalry in my game). Don't know about the AI civs, but they're keeping me on my toes. :)

Strange thing is that they at least seem to be spawning from visible camps. But given their movement rate and, thanks to Flintlock's amazing mod, the two nearby barb cities, my bit of panic could've imagined it.

I may have to change the advanced unit to something less formidable. But for now, I'm curious how the AI civs will, or won't, handle it. I'm playing Regent, so at least I have an advantage over the barbs.
My guy was fortified next to a barb camp, healing after taking out a spawned barb (i.e., the second unit on the camp). A fortified barb warrior remained. The same turn I finished healing, another one spawned on the camp.

I didn't think this was possible. Does the no-spawn due to visibility only apply to city borders? Or is this something Flintlock has changed/fixed?

[I know I'm posting a lot right out of the gate, so if ya think I'm spamming the forum, please just lmk.]
Do you think there is a way to load textures to the game that are animated? If you ever play minecraft and mess with modded textures you'll find that there is a mod called optifine that allows for a texture file to have multiple tiles of the same texture with whatever changes you make, and then it reads them in a sequence. The end result is animation. It works like the animation of units in Civ3 and it loops, but it looks like the forest files with a sequence of textures. I was wondering how hard it would be to do something like this.
I wonder too, I haven't looked deep into how the game handles animations so I can't say for sure how feasible that would be. I feel like proper animated textures would be difficult since the game uses difference formats for textures (PCX) versus animations (FLC). The two are handled very differently inside the executable so I doubt it would be easy to swap out a static texture for an animated one. On the other hand, the game already has one bit of animated terrain, volcanos, so I might be able to build off of that. If all you want is a day/night cycle and can do without the transition periods, that should be possible by reloading the textures every so often to swap them out.

Howdy all! I just joined the forum and this is my first post (sorry to inflict y'all first)...
Currently, even on 'raging', barbs mostly affect the early game. Once roamers have been dealt with, all that remains are the loners fortified on the camp. I know the game will respawn barbs, because islands and the like will have several or more by the middle-ages. So I guess my request and ignorance is what effects the spawning. Is it a turn-rate function, or a matter of discovery and visibility, or both?
Regardless, is there anyway you could allow control of spawning by some function like turn-rate. I'd much prefer if they remained somewhat of a limiting factor to expansion throughout, at least, the Ancient era.
Welcome! I believe the way barbs work is that the camps can only spawn in the fog but barb units can spawn in camps even if they're being watched. Looking quickly over the barb unit spawning code, I don't see any check for visibility. The spawning is random and depends on the barb activity setting (of course), how many units the barbs already have, and how many players are in the game. The game starts spawning advanced instead of regular barbs when there are at least four cities per player on the map.

A couple of changes I have in mind but haven't gotten around to yet: making the barbs start with regular instead of conscript experience, and giving them more unit types to spawn. Both of those should help make them more dangerous. So does allowing them to capture cities, otherwise any size stack of barb units can be absorbed by one city. The human player especially can exploit that.

If you capture say a cannon, you will get an entry in the F3 list of units (0) for cannons or whatever you have. The settler comes from rushing a settler in a town that has no native pop, I think that is how it occurs.
Alright, so the game's listing them under captured units instead of the lists above. I'll look into it and see if it's possible to change that. Right off hand I have no idea how difficult it might be.

I've just seen a default 'Activate' on the unit list, which might be one of the mystery states you were missing. I saw it when I had a bunch of units in a stack that I wanted to fortify, with some being out of moves and greyed out. After pressing 'Fortify All' on the right-click menu, the units that were out of moves had 'Activate' next to them, for some reason. Clicking on the out-of-moves units on the list then returned them to being 'idle', while letting them be kept the 'Activate' showing even on the next turn, although eventually turned into them being idle once all other units were done moving.
Thanks for sharing this. It would make sense if one of the mystery states were "waiting to fortify". I'll make sure units in that state are properly labeled. That will be the last change for R19, which I'm planning to post tomorrow since I've accumulated enough bug fixes by now that it's worth posting a new version.
The game starts spawning advanced instead of regular barbs when there are at least four cities per player on the map.
That's good to know, thanks. As I said, they're set on 'raging', and so far I haven't received any defeated civs messages. It's nice to see that the 25 AI's can stay afloat. I have though seen a few barb cities so far; makes the barbs much more interactive and interesting. Did I happen to say thanks yet? :)

Oh and their vision/target range being fixed. Together, these changes rock.

A couple of changes I have in mind but haven't gotten around to yet: making the barbs start with regular instead of conscript experience, and giving them more unit types to spawn. Both of those should help make them more dangerous. So does allowing them to capture cities, otherwise any size stack of barb units can be absorbed by one city. The human player especially can exploit that.
More unit types to choose and spawn would be spectacular.

One more small thing (greedy, I know). When a unit is upgraded it loses its 'elite' status. Is this something you could easily alter?
Thanks for sharing this. It would make sense if one of the mystery states were "waiting to fortify". I'll make sure units in that state are properly labeled. That will be the last change for R19, which I'm planning to post tomorrow since I've accumulated enough bug fixes by now that it's worth posting a new version.
It isn't 'waiting to fortify', though, since the next turn the units with 'Activate' popped up as idle, but only after moving all the other units. So I imagine either it's a bug that allows them to act as though they've been given the order to fortify without any movement, or the 'waiting to fortify' is bugged somehow and doesn't actually apply the fortification the next turn.
One more small thing (greedy, I know). When a unit is upgraded it loses its 'elite' status. Is this something you could easily alter?
That would be easy. In general, modifying experience levels is easy. The only problem is it has to be done separately for each case where a unit is created. The game doesn't have a single method that sets the experience level for new units, instead it's done ad hoc after each call to Leader::spawn_unit, and there are 51 separate calls to that method. Anyway, changing the starting exp level for units created in one specific way, e.g. upgrading, is easy.

It isn't 'waiting to fortify', though, since the next turn the units with 'Activate' popped up as idle, but only after moving all the other units. So I imagine either it's a bug that allows them to act as though they've been given the order to fortify without any movement, or the 'waiting to fortify' is bugged somehow and doesn't actually apply the fortification the next turn.
That state works similarly to the states for worker actions. Workers with queued jobs only consume their movement to do the work when they're activated by the unit cycler, which visits them last after all the units that were idle at the beginning of the turn. So if you check in on a worker with a queued job before moving all your units, you'll see it's still unmoved for that turn, the same as a unit that's waiting to fortify. I wouldn't consider this a bug since it's working as designed. Arguably it should have been designed differently, but it's not like it's some mistake. It could have worked differently, the game processes every unit at the beginning of each turn to heal them, to sink galleys on ocean, etc. It could fortify the waiting units then but it's not programmed that way.

By the way, another interesting little tidbit: waiting to fortify is not one of the four mystery states, it's actually state #34. I thought there were only 32 states but I was wrong. That means there's also a fifth mystery state, #33, and maybe even more that I haven't encountered yet.
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