Can I make fishing boats half their normal size?

To change the workboat size go to bts/asset/xml/art/Civ4ArtDefines_unit, search for workboats, there are 2.
1.Art_Define_Unit_Workboat and

The<fScale> line is the size in the game, so for regular workboat it is 0.19 for modern it is 0.28 those are the ones you need to change.

First always make a copy of the file you are changing, make the changes in the copy and replace the bts with the copy. good luck.
To change the workboat size go to bts/asset/xml/art/Civ4ArtDefines_unit, search for workboats, there are 2.
1.Art_Define_Unit_Workboat and

The<fScale> line is the size in the game, so for regular workboat it is 0.19 for modern it is 0.28 those are the ones you need to change.

First always make a copy of the file you are changing, make the changes in the copy and replace the bts with the copy. good luck.

Oh my goodness. If this works I will be so fantastically happy! Thank you thank you thank you!
Well, I got close! But I mis-spoke myself. I wanted to make the other boat icon smaller, not the workboat that travels around.

In the picture you can see I made the workboat smaller, but the boat icon next to it is what I wanted to shrink. Thanks again for the help!

The file that controls the size of improvements is CIV4PlotLSystem.xml. Check out that file and look for the following section:

	<LNode Name="Leaf_Water_Worked_4x4">
		<Attribute Class="Scalar">bNotBFS:1</Attribute>
		<Attribute Class="RegionTest">0NW</Attribute>
			<Attribute Class="Improvement">IMPROVEMENT_WATER_WORKED</Attribute>
			<Attribute Class="Scalar">bIsPartOfImprovement:1</Attribute>
			<Attribute Class="Scalar">bApplyRotation:1</Attribute>

Make the following change to halve the size of those boats:

	<LNode Name="Leaf_Water_Worked_4x4">
		<Attribute Class="Scalar">bNotBFS:1</Attribute>
		<Attribute Class="RegionTest">0NW</Attribute>
			<Attribute Class="Improvement">IMPROVEMENT_WATER_WORKED</Attribute>
			<Attribute Class="Scalar">bIsPartOfImprovement:1</Attribute>
			<Attribute Class="Scalar">bApplyRotation:1</Attribute>
[b]			<Scale>0.5</Scale>[/b]
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