That's true. However, most 3rd Age Civs don't need that change. The USA, Mexico, Russia, France, Siam and potential future Germany and/or Britain could easily continue into a 4th Age without switching into anything else. Russia in the 3rd Age even has unique features from their Soviet period.For some 3rd age civs the peak of their power could be somewhere around 19th century or even earlier. Buganda or Mughal India aren't great candidates for contemporary age. Having Nigeria and/or South Africa would be better sub-saharan representation and modern post-colonial India is likely to need quite different design.
If they ever implement a 4th Age (which I hope they don't, they can easily just extend the 3rd Age), they shouldn't create a whole new set of Civilizations for that age.
If we had space race Phoenicians, nuclear Aztecs and Romans fighting with aeroplanes in previous games, I don't see a problem with contemporary/post-modern Buganda, Mughals or Qing.
(Also, portraying contemporary China (PRC) would definitely be controversial and might risk the game not being sold in China, which is a huge market)