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Carrier + Bomber = No go ?


Oct 27, 2005
Oh man i was just planing a good revenge the enemy on distant continent as i discovered flight and had a carrier ready so i set to build 4-5 bombers on each large city to send em to my carrier. But it cant be done in the game.
Argh. :mad:
Is it just small fighters on carriers then ?
Afraid so. Only Fighters and Jet Fighters can be based on a Carrier, not Bombers. I don't know why they did it that way. Although I supose true bombers take more runway than a Carrier can provide.

Fighters (and Jet Fighters) can destroy City Defenses and Tile Improvements, but not combat units. :(
Yeah that's pretty much just how it works in real-life also. The problem is the wing span is too large for most carriers, and also the weight of bombers is heavier than fighters, so you need a longer take-off length to get airborne.
But Ben Affleck did it why cant i !?
It was one of my tactics on Civ3 to build up a Navy together with 2-3 Carriers with bombers to send out to anyone who declared war.
hehe well it was another good lesson. not to mention that AI likes to eraze cities.
Yeah... I never saw Pearl Harbor, were they reenacting the Doolittle raids or was that something else? I think whatever they were using were the mid-size bombers, which were able to be deployed on carriers.

But what we have in Civ I think are the B-17s and the B-2s (stealth?). No way they get off a carrier.

If I remember correctly, when we first attacked Afghanistan, our B-2s took off from Arkansas or something crazy.
Yep. Carn't fit full sized bombers onto a carrier. Best way to get them in range of the enemy is to get a open borders pact with someone nearby, then rebase to their cities. At least, I think you can rebase to their cities - never tried it myself. Should work though.

On another note entirly, whenever I see bombers or long range missiles I always think "Reach out and touch someone" for some reason...
since Bomber cannot get onto an aircraft carrier the B2 bomber a.k.a. the Stealth bomber should be able to bombard anywhere in the world...

cause those bombers are based in the USA and went bombing in Irak before coming back to the US...16 hours mission or something like that...crazy!
Bombers cant takeoff from aircraft carriers or I should say bombers cant land on a carries. The B-25's that bombed Tokyo could take off but had to crash land in China if everything went right.

The B-2's that bombed Afganistan took of from Whiteman AFB home of the B-2 in Knod Noster,MO near Kansas City.
g4bb3 said:
But Ben Affleck did it why cant i !?

That was a representation of the Doolittle Raid. They used Army bombers (A-25 Mitchells if memory serves). Since their wings couldn't fold, they had to make the entire trip on deck. If the Hornet had been spotted on their way, 1 Japanese fighter-bomber would have wreaked havok. And the bombiing run was 1-way. There was no way those planes could land back on the Hornet. The general plan was to land in China. ("land" probably being a euphamism).
crazybeard said:
Afraid so. Only Fighters and Jet Fighters can be based on a Carrier, not Bombers. I don't know why they did it that way. Although I supose true bombers take more runway than a Carrier can provide.

Fighters (and Jet Fighters) can destroy City Defenses and Tile Improvements, but not combat units. :(

You omit Gunships, which can be based on a Carrier and will quite happily slaughter combat units... especially enemy tanks. :goodjob:

Edit: Actually my mistake - they can't be based on a Carrier. Coulda swore I read that. Fooey.

I wonder - if Gunships can get the Amphibious promotion... Gunship Transports? :D
NKVD said:
since Bomber cannot get onto an aircraft carrier the B2 bomber a.k.a. the Stealth bomber should be able to bombard anywhere in the world...

cause those bombers are based in the USA and went bombing in Irak before coming back to the US...16 hours mission or something like that...crazy!

I am of the same opinion!
I was pretty annoyed with this at first, but then I realised it's probably realistic.

I tend to launch an all-out assault, secure a city on the mainland or the enemy, and then you can base as many bombers and fighters as you want there.
NKVD said:
since Bomber cannot get onto an aircraft carrier the B2 bomber a.k.a. the Stealth bomber should be able to bombard anywhere in the world...

cause those bombers are based in the USA and went bombing in Irak before coming back to the US...16 hours mission or something like that...crazy!

You made a decent enough point, but expressed it in a profoundly stupid way.
azurefx said:
Yep. Carn't fit full sized bombers onto a carrier. Best way to get them in range of the enemy is to get a open borders pact with someone nearby, then rebase to their cities. At least, I think you can rebase to their cities - never tried it myself. Should work though.

Be careful that your enemy doesn't also have an open borders agreement with the neutral civ or you're enemy will come along and bust them up in the inter-turn. Or at least defend them with a couple of units. Same goes with ships.
I'm pretty sure you can't rebase in other-civs cities with open borders. Although having a mutual protection pact should allow aerial rebasing and use of airports to rebase ground units in ally cities. If this isn't enabled, someone should mod it in there as that is definitely a part of modern warfare.
blitzkrieg1980 said:
I'm pretty sure you can't rebase in other-civs cities with open borders. Although having a mutual protection pact should allow aerial rebasing and use of airports to rebase ground units in ally cities. If this isn't enabled, someone should mod it in there as that is definitely a part of modern warfare.

Actually you can and I've used this to great effect. I hadn't considered the bit about defending them with ground units though. Guess I've been lucky.

I'd like to see the concept of air warfare expanded a bit. WWII bombers were limited in range by fuel capacity, but technology has lead to mid-air refueling and todays bombers have essentially unlimited range. In gaming terms it would be interesting to have a tech for mid-air refueling. Some kind of range increaser.

Also, while we cannot base heavy bombers on carriers we've used tactical bombers for a long time. Don't shoot me if I'm wrong in my assessment here, but I believe the Intruder is primarily a bomber and the Hornet is a Fighter/Bomber. I wouldn't mind seeing the introduction of a light, carrier based bomber to the game.

I'd also like to see something along the lines of repeated air patrol. If I'm using a fighter for recon, I hate having to reclick it every turn. Intercept lasts until used. I should be able to set a permanent recon. Perhaps even the addition of an AWACS unit or U2 (spyplane) unit or something.

I think there should also be some kind of "Spy Satellite" unit. This is a very real part of modern intelligence and warfare that is totally missed in game.

Just thinking out loud. :)

The US Navy never flew strategic bombers (e.g. B-17) from carriers but they did fly some good tactical bombers. The Douglas A-1 Skyraider, which saw service from 1948 through the early 70's is perhaps the best example.

Although the Skyraider was a single engined aircraft it could carry 8000 lbs of ordnance. Compare that to the B-17's 9600 lbs. Not only that, the Skyraider's range was very good at 1100 nm as compared to the B-17's 1600 nm.

I'd appreciate a good carrier-based attack aircraft in Civ but if wishes were units the build menu would take up the whole screen. ;)
What this game needs badly is a mid-air refueling plane for bombers. US B-2s can take off from Missouri and not land until their bombing mission in Central Asia is complete and they've returned to Guam or Diego Garcia.
Gumpy said:
Bombers cant takeoff from aircraft carriers or I should say bombers cant land on a carries. The B-25's that bombed Tokyo could take off but had to crash land in China if everything went right.
That was because the carrier fleet that they took off from set sail as soon as they were off, otherwise, the Japenese might have attacked the Carriers and other ships...

In civ3, I would make doom fleets with 6 transports, 2 full of marines, the rest Modern Armors, with two or three carriers stacked with bombers.
Deer Coke said:
You made a decent enough point, but expressed it in a profoundly stupid way.

dude english is my second language. If i'd speak my language you wouldnt understand and making you the stupid one ?
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