Cavaleiros Embassy & Intelligence

I had a chat with Oyzar as well...

Spoiler :

Gregory says:
Gregory says:
Indiansmoke here
oyzar says:
Gregory says:
I'd liek to have a chat about the diplo game if you can
oyzar says:
yeah that would be nice
Gregory says:
Gregory says:
we are in an alliance since the begging of game roughly
Gregory says:
and we have beeen prograssing together in techs
Gregory says:
We have come to a point where things begin to shape in land split
oyzar says:
well we would still want a official document to formalize things, but yes
Gregory says:
yea sure
Gregory says:
last proposal you send you talked about 20.000 free beackers
oyzar says:
Gregory says:
do you realize that that was unrealistic?
oyzar says:
free sharing would still be our first preference
Gregory says:
So free sharing of all techs without beacker counting is what you want?
Gregory says:
and it is what we have been doing so far anyway...
oyzar says:
yeah i know, kalebs prediction about that is what would happen in practice have been true so far...
Gregory says:
prediction of what?
oyzar says:
he mentioned once upon a time he thought that things would work out that way even without a formal agreement
Gregory says:
ah ok
Gregory says:
So if we enter a formal agreement to share techs without counting beakers...until when do you see that happening? everlasting or until sci method like you once proposed?
oyzar says:
welll everlasting isn't realistic possible, and sci meth was just a first possible date anyways(meaning easily extendable)
Gregory says:
By everlasting I mean until both team build Appolo for example
Gregory says:
Then we can leave it to space race to decide
oyzar says:
I don't really see this game going to appolo, but maybe
Gregory says:
You think domination?
oyzar says:
it is a pangea map(or maybe terra
Gregory says:
it is terra as far as I lots of new land
oyzar says:
have you counted tiles
oyzar says:
oyzar says:
i was thinking of doing that...
Gregory says:
I have not and it pointless until we see how much new land is
oyzar says:
why? we know there are 1.8K tiles total on the map
Gregory says:
not for sure
Gregory says:
it is man made map
oyzar says:
why not, victory conditions never lie
Gregory says:
oyzar says:
1897 even
Gregory says:
it is worth counting then
oyzar says:
that have been public information from turn one
oyzar says:
cav scout mentioned you planned to upgrade 4-5 units
oyzar says:
every axe -> mace cost like 200 beakers
Gregory says:
4 units we have
oyzar says:
you think you'll be able to take sancta?
oyzar says:
they got lbows already and they aren't far away from cats and phants
Gregory says:
well upgrading axe is 125 gold and sword is 110 gold. so we need 485 gold
Gregory says:
that is about 600 beackers yes
oyzar says:
600 beakers?
Gregory says:
oyzar says:
the conversion rate between gold and beakers is pretty stiff, there is at least 1.2 prereqmod and something like 1.4 empirewide beaker multiplier(academy+library in cap and libraries a few other places) 1.2*1.4*485=815 beakers
Gregory says:
it is not like that exactly
Gregory says:
gold allows you to run from 50% to 100%
Gregory says:
so basically 480 gold would mean 10 turns of 100% research instead of 10 turns of 50% research
Gregory says:
that is about 600 beackers with 1.2 techs
Gregory says:
cannot remember the specific in game outputs that we have
Gregory says:
but it should be roughly that
Gregory says:
you here?
oyzar says:
oyzar says:
and uh, it works pretty much exactly like that...
oyzar says:
we run 0% until we have enough gold to run 100% for the next tech
Gregory says:
sure it is optimal
Gregory says:
but the 50% - 100% is one way to calculate the loss
oyzar says:
well you don't have any markets right?
Gregory says:
Anyway, we exchaneg about 600 beackers for 4 maces
oyzar says:
so you every commerce turned into gold is worth 1 gold
Gregory says:
no markets still
oyzar says:
every commerce you turn into science goes through various multipliers
oyzar says:
i assume you have roughly the same multipliers as us
oyzar says:
which is about 1.4 empirewide
Gregory says:
you have academy?
oyzar says:
hence every 1 gold lost is worth 1.4 beakers before prereqmods
oyzar says:
Gregory says:
Gregory says:
yes so roughly same multipliers if =you have no markets
Gregory says:
so to get back on the war thing
Gregory says:
we thought of this upgrade to apply immidiate pressure (i;e rase) the city that sancta made close to us, and try to capture that ex barb city.
Gregory says:
All they have yet is axes, spears, charots and a longbow or 2
Gregory says:
5 maces with 4 catas and 3-4 Ha's chatriots should be enough to take taht city if we act quick
oyzar says:
3-4 HA's?
oyzar says:
aren't HA's just bad if they have spears?
Gregory says:
If we don't act quick then they will get catas and elephants and maybe crossbows
oyzar says:
also did you get to borrow ivory from MS?
Gregory says:
well shock HA's can kill wounded spears from catas
Gregory says:
and they come fast from far cities to the front
oyzar says:
Gregory says:
so not bad no
Gregory says:
The question is...
Gregory says:
If we fail to take these 2 cities and Sancta succed to defend....what will you do then?
Gregory says:
We have asked for military help via official note and got no reply
oyzar says:
it is kinda far, any units we send will take a long time to reach, we do have 2 chariots that might be able to help, but chariots are only so helpful
Gregory says:
how far is your closest city to that ex barb city?
oyzar says:
also activity have been really low on our team recently, until recently i was on vacation myself
oyzar says:
12 tiles west and some south, though that city got no production capability yet and it is not connected to our road network(we captured it from the barbs)
oyzar says:
16 tiles west to reach our road network
Gregory says:
Gregory says:
My personal worry is this...
Gregory says:
if we fail to take Sancta cities and thus get boxed 30-40 turns from now you will have 10 cities more than us....we both know there is no comming back from that
oyzar says:
you as in us or them?
Gregory says:
you as in Cav will have 10 more cities than us Kaz
oyzar says:
oyzar says:
does thaking that city allow you to expand any further north or east?
Gregory says:
i don't thnink so but your chariot has scouted the area better, you should knwo better than me if it is possible
oyzar says:
we haven't scouted east or north of the city no
oyzar says:
just west
Gregory says:
east or north?
oyzar says:
sancta is rexing even faster than us atm btw
Gregory says:
North is behind sancta city
Gregory says:
and east is all settled by Sancta
Gregory says:
I am talking about west
oyzar says:
west there isn't much room, loads of mountains
Gregory says:
Gregory says:
so this sancta city is our only way will see as soon as we have maps
oyzar says:
way out where? isn't sancta blocking north and east? and we aren't THAT far to the west
oyzar says:
though if you take the sancta city you might be able to take more....
Gregory says:
Gregory says:
they will have catapults and elephanbts by then
oyzar says:
Gregory says:
anyway taking that city is all we need for now
oyzar says:
btw did you get phants from ms?
Gregory says:
not yet
oyzar says:
that city is an insanely good GP farm
Gregory says:
Gregory says:
So...if we don't get the city from Sancta and you keep getting cities and land making markets and such, while we stay at our low number cities making is inevitable that after 50-60 turns we will be hopelessly behind
Gregory says:
It is also obvious that MS or Saturns will not win this game
Gregory says:
It will be either you or Sancta...and we might have a very small chance
oyzar says:
anyone have a chance as a factor of realpolitik
Gregory says:
So question is...if we were to continue our partnership...would you help us with military to get land from Sancta?
Gregory says:
Very soon your roads will be connected and we will also have knights
oyzar says:
well our UU is unlocked soon, that might allow us to surprise sancta somewhat
oyzar says:
knights aren't particulary amazing when you are fighting against phants though
Gregory says:
well the plan would be for us to occupy their front while you sneak back with a stack of knights and do some damage
oyzar says:
hard to sneak through mountains as well
Gregory says:
even if you don't sneak back and come to the front with us...numbers will count
Gregory says:
elephants or not
Gregory says:
Do you realize what I am talking about though?
Gregory says:
about the attacking together?
oyzar says:
ofc i understand what you are talking about
oyzar says:
looking at the map, roughly half of the land is east of about 5 squares west of TKY
oyzar says:
you don't have the option to settle anything to the east by galley? (or capture for that matter)
Gregory says:
I see
oyzar says:
what do you mean i see?
oyzar says:
why did you guys chose elizabeth btw, we actually had viccy as our first choice, she seems much more synergistic for this style of map than lizzy
Gregory says:
It is hard to swallow, that when you are peacefully developing with the graet wall and stonhedge, covering all space without a threat...that sudenly you need to start making units to attack someone else far away beacuse someone asked you to do so
Gregory says:
but I at least feel that you would need to do that to help us so we can keep helping you
oyzar says:
Sending you gold to upgrade units wouldn't be helping you?
Gregory says:
yes as were all the techs that we gave in advance early on in the game
oyzar says:
seriously we can't send that much help given the logistics atm, once we get roadnetwork further east it might be easier though
Gregory says:
I am not talking about right now
Gregory says:
I am talking 30 turns down the line
Gregory says:
Things are simple as I see help eliminate Sancta (by military units) and in some way balance the land we have compared to you..or you don't
Gregory says:
If you help, that would mean you have your major rival out of the game
Gregory says:
If you don't it means that your major rival becomes stronger
Gregory says:
So your choice is strong Sancta or strong Kaz
oyzar says:
well of course helping you is better, the question is just how much help is needed and if we are able to easily give it
oyzar says:
for example while sancta are worried about a frontal assult using our uu to take out their capital might work out great
Gregory says:
your UU will take 20-30 turns to get to Sancta capital
oyzar says:
Gregory says:
by then....
oyzar says:
tops 20 turns i think
oyzar says:
more like 15
oyzar says:
if they are distracted 4 maces in 2 boats can do wonders
Gregory says:
Ok got to go
Gregory says:
nice chatting to you
oyzar says:

Bottom line...they will not help with military uints, at least not in the near future and I think not in the medium/distant future either.

So we are by ourselves.

In the light of this I think we need to seriously consider what we will do...the next 10 turns are crucial to the developement of this game for us.

Not taking the Sancta cities by force or peacefully is game over for us.

We need to sertiously reconsider our whole relationship with cav as 40 turns from now they will have 20 cities and we will have 8...and there is no comming back for us after this.
I do not agree with your analysis Indiansmoke. The game is not over for us if we don't get those SANCTA cities in ten turns. That is overly pessimistic and ignores the help Team Cav can give us in 30 or 40 turns. Your whole analysis assumes Team Cav would not live up to a balance of power deal. What we should be doing is securing our alliance with Team Cav. Land sharing was mentioned in one of the chats and it was not thrown out - they said they'd want a formal agreement in place. We can't really do that until we get maps but that will be soon. We should take the next few days to resume our official negotiations with Team Cav regarding the alliance within an alliance that they proposed. We can take their proposal, throw out the excess beaker compensation and the 20k beakers, and add in a clause prohibiting unilateral declarations of war. We can also begin trying to define balance of power in the document. We can bring up the idea of a cap which we have discussed. This will take some time but we really need to share maps before we sign any agreement anyway. Once we get the maps we can spell out what land goes to which team and include it in the treaty. We are finally getting to the point where we can add the specifics into the agreement that some of you wanted. All we need now is our team's agreement to begin serious discussions and negotiations.
Well again I disagree..experience tells me that if an opponent has 20 cities and you have 8...even if you reach 15 cities 50 turns later the situation is hopeless.

Because for those 50 turns he has developed grown cities with buildings and you are aquiring new land, bare cities, are under WW, cultural pressure from opponent and it takes time to recover...that is why early rushes are so powerfull in single is the same in multiplayer...the earlier you get the land the much better.

So unless Cav are dogpilled by everyone else, they will easily win the game...because they will be developed then 50 turns later will help us eliminate Sancta and there will be no-one left to stop them.

This is a bit simplistic but it is roughly how things work and believe me that is their plan...if you saw in the chat....they are thinking domination.

So there are 2 ways for us to be able to compete.

1. Overcome Sancta now by force
2. make a deal with Sancta now
Yes, they've been thinking domination from the beginning. That's hasn't been a secret. But they offered us an alliance within an alliance where it would be Kaz/Cav as the last two standing then we fight it out. We had gotten to the point of including the balance of power idea so that our two teams would be evenly matched at the end of the alliance. Why isn't this route a viable option? I find it hard to believe that even with SANCTA gone Team Cav could win against a united Kaz/MS/Saturn. We have good relations with MS and we've not burned any bridges with Saturn. If we allied with Team Cav and tried for a balance of power with them while MS and Saturn were still strong we'd be able to ally with MS and Saturn if Team Cav didn't give up what was needed to balance things between us.

From the chats it appears the only direction we can expand into is SANCTA land. So even if they give us the area around Angle we're not gonna have the land we need to match Team Cav's cities, are we? I do not see how a deal with SANCTA helps us. If we turn on Team Cav wouldn't it be SANCTA who ends with Team Cav's land rather than us?
btw SANCTA don't really have that much of a production advantage. with all the whipping we are doing we are producing on a par with them. not to mention the fact that our OR and Bureau bonusses aren't factored into the demographics (but forges are)
btw SANCTA don't really have that much of a production advantage. with all the whipping we are doing we are producing on a par with them. not to mention the fact that our OR and Bureau bonusses aren't factored into the demographics (but forges are)

True but we can't keep up this whipping forever - and we can bet that they are doing a lot of chopping on their side.

But I agree that we are at our comparative strongest verse Sancta right now. If we can't break out through the valley in the next 10-20 turns then I think we have to turtle and hope that we can pull something off with redcoats.
I agree with Indiansmoke. If we can't break out we should ally with SANCTA. Otherwise we just grind against them in a war of attrition. Meanwhile CAV peacefully builds up to an unstoppable lead. Then they draft the crap out of their many cities and run wild.
I agree with Indiansmoke. If we can't break out we should ally with SANCTA. Otherwise we just grind against them in a war of attrition. Meanwhile CAV peacefully builds up to an unstoppable lead. Then they draft the crap out of their many cities and run wild.

If we can't break out we are in trouble, but I don't see how an alliance with sancta could work. The geography of our border is such that territory is pretty much a zero sum game between us. Even if they would agree to trading the former barb city for technology (and aren't just stringing us along) then what? We still can't really grow except into Sancta. That is a pretty unbalanced structure for an alliance.

I think our 1st option should be to talk to Team Cav about balance of power. If they can't/won't offer anything to help balance - then we can discus other options.

If, at this point, an alliance with Team Cav is not feasible then what. I still have big doubts about sancta and think we would be better off talking to Saturn/MS. They face the most immediate threat from a growing Team Cav. A block of 3 weaker powers is not ideal. But I think it is a more workable option than trying to win while playing second fiddle to either Cav or Sancta. The risk of course that this would result in Team Cav and Sancta becoming close allies.
At least for the time being, we should focus heavily on building up gold to upgrade our units. Cavalieros players seem a little dismayed that we will be pulling back on tech to get upgrades, but at the same time they will not send units. So since we are on our own (unit-wise) we should start leveraging our commerce for military, and try to overwhelm SANCTA. Maybe can capture enough SANCTA cities to stay on par with Cavalieros' expansion :please:. We might want to consider opening a second front though.

Unless we want to just ally with SANCTA, that is. It seems clear that since a CavSANCTA alliance would sandwich us, we are stuck with either SANCTA or Cavalieros.
Yes, they've been thinking domination from the beginning. That's hasn't been a secret. But they offered us an alliance within an alliance where it would be Kaz/Cav as the last two standing then we fight it out. We had gotten to the point of including the balance of power idea so that our two teams would be evenly matched at the end of the alliance. Why isn't this route a viable option? I find it hard to believe that even with SANCTA gone Team Cav could win against a united Kaz/MS/Saturn. We have good relations with MS and we've not burned any bridges with Saturn. If we allied with Team Cav and tried for a balance of power with them while MS and Saturn were still strong we'd be able to ally with MS and Saturn if Team Cav didn't give up what was needed to balance things between us.

From the chats it appears the only direction we can expand into is SANCTA land. So even if they give us the area around Angle we're not gonna have the land we need to match Team Cav's cities, are we? I do not see how a deal with SANCTA helps us. If we turn on Team Cav wouldn't it be SANCTA who ends with Team Cav's land rather than us?

Yes you are right, there is that chance that if we go with Sancta that Sancta will become all too powerfull instead of Cav. the question is what gives us better chances? ATM there is space to settle to the west towards cav and to the north towards saturn...but there is none to the peacefull expansion if we are gifted angle is possible in the other directions...while if we are not gifted angle it is only through war....that is my point...but I do realize that all this is theoretical as Sancta gifting angle will not happen..and I also don't feel very good about betraying Cav, despite logic telling me the opposite.
Bottom line...they will not help with military uints, at least not in the near future and I think not in the medium/distant future either.

So we are by ourselves.
I'm not so sure about this, they can't do a lot logistically so send units to us. what would be helpful for us is for them to be able to send scouts out to map the middle of the land and watch SANCTA units along their western border.

having HAs or Chariots nearby will give SANCTA cause for concern as they could always launch a surprise attack. SANCTA will then need to decide whether or not they want to take those units out and drag Cav into the war proper.

By the end of our next turn we can whip 3 Catapults a Mace and finish a HA. Plus we'll have enough gold to upgrade an Axe to a Mace. By the time we get our chariots and the WE to the front we'll have enough gold to upgrade our other 2 axes and the sword.

So in 5 turns (ie on T114) we can have the following stack on Taraz or the forest next to Taraz:

4 Catapults
1 WE
5 Maces
2 HAs
2 Chariots
1 Spear
1 Crossbow

So we can be attacking SANCTA with this stack on T118 if we go direct for TKY
That is a good stack - but do we go straight for TKY? I think we may need to raise the closer city 1st. Though that does waste time.
My concern is that going straight for TKY leaves us open to a counter attack as our stack moves north.
Anyone think we should send the battle results to Team Cav? This might spur them on to attacking SANCTA sooner rather than later.
I think we should.

After all, they should know about it from the demo screen and Sancta's posting in the global forum.
Team Cav should still have a chariot in the vicinity right? If possible they may be able to use it to raze Dragon Tears if the city remains undefended. They could also give us a lot of help by pillaging the road from Dragon Tears to Sancta’s core cities. This would make it much more difficult for sancta to bring up reinforcements.
Wow - they have a lot of land. It would make sense for Cav to want to take that barbarian city to the NE of Zhou. Once they have that city they could easily give us a bit of help. And the units they use to take the barbarian city will be in a good position to push on Sancta a bit.
I got this pm from oyzar:
oyzar said:
oyzar said:
Kaleb said:
I logged in before but game crashed when I clicked to accept your demand. So I couldn't tell if it did it or not.

I'm not going to home until 7ish London time. See if cavscout, donsig or sommers can login for you. If not we can ask for a pause as site was down.

Did u get cash from MS?

oyzar said:
3 hours left on the turn, lucky i'll be around when it flips today... Will you make it in time or will you manage to get someone to log in for you?

Yeah i got cash from MS, but not from you guys...

Hope some of you will be able to log in to help...
I cannot login since my son has my BtS disk. Can someone else do this (or request a pause) if it's not too late?
I cant log in for that but we should also ask where their chariot is - they were exploring near us earlier. If they are in a good position they could have very good odds on razing dragon tears. or at least could help by pillaging a few roads.
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