Hurrah! My first sub 200 deity SV!
T192 SV with Seondeok of Korea
Settings and game seed:
The huge mountainous area would have been great for any civ to get a SV, unfortunately Korea is the only one who doesn't need the mountains. I decided beforehand to do a no-religion game, to compare with the previous religious science run I did with the Inca. I was tempted to go holy sites anyway, for all the +4 sites I found early on. I didn't and turned out I never needed them anyway: I conquered Poland and her HS early on and could use that faith to buy me some nice builders along the way.
The general strategy this time was:
1. No holy sites and religion, focus on science, production and war.
2. Build Seowons asap.
3. Conquer neighbours that are an easy opportunity and/or have decent culture or science output to 'assimilate'.
4. Get money and buy one or two spaceports with Reyna.
5. Create two 'chop' cities to chop most of the space projects.
6. All trade routes from the capital + ruhr valley to get a very high production city for later space projects.
7. Spaceports in one or two more production heavy cities.
Lots of these succeeded, but I could have done better on a few things:
- More cavalry for fast pillaging,less Hwacha.
- More pillaging (I often capture a city and then realize I could have pillaged two or three more hexes).
- Don't stop warring: after I captured Canada I parked my units, I should have pillaged the heck out of Rome and gain a few turns in doing so.
- Get slightly more culture in the early and mid game. A few times my progress was halted by lack of culture: e.g. the fourth promotion on Reyna was too late to buy my first Spcaeport, I only bought the second. Could have gone to the moon and get the culture super-boost sooner. I find this one very hard though,while building up science and units and some production, I find I have little time to build up culture. I tried to 'capture culture', but that wasn't enough.
Also, some bad luck: NO scientific City-States (!!!). I am curious how much faster this would have been with two good science CS, or three... Had one cultural CS, but not the most useful one.
Thinking of all of the discussion on Korea recently in the elimination thread I had to try and play her again after a long time. I was NOT disappointed. The early science is so easy and really helps you get an army superior to your opponents early on. You use that army to capture one AI after another and you snowball like there is no tomorrow.
New ranking:
- 1st place: Civ Chemist - 177 - Japan/Hojo Tokimune
- 2nd place: Victoria - 191 - Maori/Kupe
- 3rd place: Bangau - 192 - Korea/Seondeok
- 4th place: Casualty of war - 218 - Matthias Corvinus/Hungary
- 4th place: Bangau - 218 - Inca/Pachacuti
- 6th place: enKage - 222 - Cree/Poundmaker
- 7th place: Casualty of war - 235 - Lautaro/Mapuche
- 8th place: Ceydezed - 236 SV - Rome/Trajan
- 9th place: Rittmeyer - 244 - Seondeok/Korea
- 10th place: enKage - 247 Poundmaker/Cree