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Version 3 of DoaNE is on track. For information purposes, we present the points that are already or partially operational. V3.00 fixes seriously the known bugs of the v2.00 and adds essential improvements. The rewritten code makes the mod very stable and playable.
However, you will notice news we deliberately limited in order to offer you, the next times, complete packages focusing on one topic at a time.
Version 3 of DoaNE is on track. For information purposes, we present the points that are already or partially operational. V3.00 fixes seriously the known bugs of the v2.00 and adds essential improvements. The rewritten code makes the mod very stable and playable.
However, you will notice news we deliberately limited in order to offer you, the next times, complete packages focusing on one topic at a time.
Spoiler :
Dawn of a New Era v3.00
Provisional changelog (Update : 09/16/2013)
# This version allow multiplayer mode
# Permanent removal of the Founding Fathers.
# The first seaway is automatically created.
# There is no limit on the number of seaways.
# You can not enter into native village with warships.
# The merchant ships can navigate in adverse territorial waters without triggering war.
# Only 5 horses are required to equip an explorer.
# Only explorers and merchant ships can visit and learn about the features of the natives villages.
# Removal of native graves.
# Decrease the ruins amount.
# Beginner scouts can be hurt or can die when they visit a ruin.
# Experimented scouts can be hurt or can die when they visit a ruin if they was already hurt.
# The ruins discovering does not trigger any wars.
# A native village can heal a scout if it is the first scout that discovered the village.
# Ships can visit the natives villages without disembark the crew. This visit costs 1 movement point.
TRADE with Natives
# Trade with the natives are very profitable from the beginning of the game.
# You can sign trade agreements with native villages with automatic renegotiation at the trade end.
# When negotiating a contract, you can haggle the quantities of products to trade with the natives.
# Exchange via the “Proposal” button are functional and rewarding.
# Gifts, contracts and exchanges can increase your reputation among natives.
# The natives can boycott you if you haggle too.
# Found a colony when units disembark from a ship (with a builder pack).
# Able to found a colony with a ship (with a builder pack) clicking on the corresponding icon in the background.
# The transit area in the colony is divided into two parts: on the left, two buttons for human units: Settlers, Military. On the right, three buttons for mechanized units: wagon train, ships, automatic units.
# You will need to decide the formation of a settler when you will introduce him in school.
# The settlers training must be paid upfront.
# The tavern is not available in this version (temporary suspension).
# You can manage the production potential of the colony clicking on the “Governor” icon then on “Production”.
# Now, there are four levels of warehouse. Era 1 : Warehouse I +150; Warehouse II +300 – Era II : Warehouse extension I +600; Warehouse extension II +900
# Fields of corn and wheat provide more food.
# Depending on latitude, you can get several levels of farm.
# The “banana” bonus is coming back in the mod.
# The production of finished products, such as coats, cloathes,ciigars, is significantly reduced. Their production serves only domestic consumption of your colony and trade with the natives.
# The weapons production (muskets and cannons) has been considerably decreased.
# The first ship is automaticaly selected
# Ships are grouped in fleet and order by their capacity to stock.
# When they are selected, all ships of the fleet are written in blue contrary to a ship without fleet will be written in yellow.
Tab “Captaincy”
# You can view, rename and / or delete seaways.
# You can change the order of the seaways.
# You can create or delete maritime convoys.
# You can recall the ships or naval convoys that you just sent to the new continent.
Tab “Ships”
# You can buy new or used ships.
# You can sell your ships on the second hand market.
# You can buy cannons & ammunition and equip your warships.
# You can repairs your ships.
# You can recruit qualified crews.
# You can see your tactical datas of your ships, name or rename them.
# Regulary appears of crews to be trained for merchants ships (Navigation I) or warships (Navigation I + Naval Veteran I).
Tab “Trade”
# The selling prices of manufactured products are greatly reduced and those to purchase much higher.
# The selling prices of raw materials fluctuate and are greatly increased.
# The ship on the top of the list is selected by default.
# You have access at the start of a party to an european warehouse.
# The graduations of the Pascaline (book trade) now shows 1, 5, 10, 15, 30 (instead of 1, 10, 30, 100, 250).
# Europeans stocks are limited.
Tab “Immigration”
# The headband “Colonial attraction” is more accurate and gives a tendency on 15 turns.
# You can get more easily immigrants.
# You can specify the desired number of settlers (between 1 and 3 and infinity) in the box “Call for Immigration.”
# Waiting settlers on the docks do not leave too quickly.
# The performance of the cannons are decreased and are related to the nature of the terrain.
# The cannons can not bombard on the mountains and forests.
# Pirates can attack when your ships arrive on the map.
# Pirates are often invisible.
# Pirates have a reduced power but they progressively evolved with their attacks.
# Pirates are smarter and looking the most popular trade routes.
# Vision around the colonies was reduced to the influence area​​.
# You can capture merchant ships and warships.
# You can choose the goods in the hold during a boarding at sea.
# You can bribe the crew of a merchant ships or warships during the boarding.
# You can bribe passengers of a merchant ships during the boarding.
# Creating a separate counter between naval and land battles.
# Creating unity “Admiral” for the Navy to replace the general.
# Adding names to the admirals.
# If a unit have just had a military profession it will not able to attack the same turn.
# Unit now has military experience that increases each turn of play. If the unit has low experience, it will be a strong penalty for fighting.
# Colonists (any kinds) don’t longer automatically arm themselves to defend their colony during an attack.
# AI optimizes the tasks in the colonies.
# AI trades with the native villages.
# AI signed contracts with native villages and renews them.
# AI knows how to use cannons.
# AI optimizes cultures around the colonies.
#AI uses the same mode of operation in Europe that the human player (Immigration, Trade, Ship, Captaincy).
# AI will search the immigrants it needs it most.
# A new map is proposed called Unlimited_World (based on FaireWeatherTweak)
# Distinction between the names of famous generals natives and europeans.
# Code optimization
# Adding AI control tools in Europe (Captaincy & Immigration) in Debug mode
Provisional changelog (Update : 09/16/2013)
# This version allow multiplayer mode
# Permanent removal of the Founding Fathers.
# The first seaway is automatically created.
# There is no limit on the number of seaways.
# You can not enter into native village with warships.
# The merchant ships can navigate in adverse territorial waters without triggering war.
# Only 5 horses are required to equip an explorer.
# Only explorers and merchant ships can visit and learn about the features of the natives villages.
# Removal of native graves.
# Decrease the ruins amount.
# Beginner scouts can be hurt or can die when they visit a ruin.
# Experimented scouts can be hurt or can die when they visit a ruin if they was already hurt.
# The ruins discovering does not trigger any wars.
# A native village can heal a scout if it is the first scout that discovered the village.
# Ships can visit the natives villages without disembark the crew. This visit costs 1 movement point.
TRADE with Natives
# Trade with the natives are very profitable from the beginning of the game.
# You can sign trade agreements with native villages with automatic renegotiation at the trade end.
# When negotiating a contract, you can haggle the quantities of products to trade with the natives.
# Exchange via the “Proposal” button are functional and rewarding.
# Gifts, contracts and exchanges can increase your reputation among natives.
# The natives can boycott you if you haggle too.
# Found a colony when units disembark from a ship (with a builder pack).
# Able to found a colony with a ship (with a builder pack) clicking on the corresponding icon in the background.
# The transit area in the colony is divided into two parts: on the left, two buttons for human units: Settlers, Military. On the right, three buttons for mechanized units: wagon train, ships, automatic units.
# You will need to decide the formation of a settler when you will introduce him in school.
# The settlers training must be paid upfront.
# The tavern is not available in this version (temporary suspension).
# You can manage the production potential of the colony clicking on the “Governor” icon then on “Production”.
# Now, there are four levels of warehouse. Era 1 : Warehouse I +150; Warehouse II +300 – Era II : Warehouse extension I +600; Warehouse extension II +900
# Fields of corn and wheat provide more food.
# Depending on latitude, you can get several levels of farm.
# The “banana” bonus is coming back in the mod.
# The production of finished products, such as coats, cloathes,ciigars, is significantly reduced. Their production serves only domestic consumption of your colony and trade with the natives.
# The weapons production (muskets and cannons) has been considerably decreased.
# The first ship is automaticaly selected
# Ships are grouped in fleet and order by their capacity to stock.
# When they are selected, all ships of the fleet are written in blue contrary to a ship without fleet will be written in yellow.
Tab “Captaincy”
# You can view, rename and / or delete seaways.
# You can change the order of the seaways.
# You can create or delete maritime convoys.
# You can recall the ships or naval convoys that you just sent to the new continent.
Tab “Ships”
# You can buy new or used ships.
# You can sell your ships on the second hand market.
# You can buy cannons & ammunition and equip your warships.
# You can repairs your ships.
# You can recruit qualified crews.
# You can see your tactical datas of your ships, name or rename them.
# Regulary appears of crews to be trained for merchants ships (Navigation I) or warships (Navigation I + Naval Veteran I).
Tab “Trade”
# The selling prices of manufactured products are greatly reduced and those to purchase much higher.
# The selling prices of raw materials fluctuate and are greatly increased.
# The ship on the top of the list is selected by default.
# You have access at the start of a party to an european warehouse.
# The graduations of the Pascaline (book trade) now shows 1, 5, 10, 15, 30 (instead of 1, 10, 30, 100, 250).
# Europeans stocks are limited.
Tab “Immigration”
# The headband “Colonial attraction” is more accurate and gives a tendency on 15 turns.
# You can get more easily immigrants.
# You can specify the desired number of settlers (between 1 and 3 and infinity) in the box “Call for Immigration.”
# Waiting settlers on the docks do not leave too quickly.
# The performance of the cannons are decreased and are related to the nature of the terrain.
# The cannons can not bombard on the mountains and forests.
# Pirates can attack when your ships arrive on the map.
# Pirates are often invisible.
# Pirates have a reduced power but they progressively evolved with their attacks.
# Pirates are smarter and looking the most popular trade routes.
# Vision around the colonies was reduced to the influence area​​.
# You can capture merchant ships and warships.
# You can choose the goods in the hold during a boarding at sea.
# You can bribe the crew of a merchant ships or warships during the boarding.
# You can bribe passengers of a merchant ships during the boarding.
# Creating a separate counter between naval and land battles.
# Creating unity “Admiral” for the Navy to replace the general.
# Adding names to the admirals.
# If a unit have just had a military profession it will not able to attack the same turn.
# Unit now has military experience that increases each turn of play. If the unit has low experience, it will be a strong penalty for fighting.
# Colonists (any kinds) don’t longer automatically arm themselves to defend their colony during an attack.
# AI optimizes the tasks in the colonies.
# AI trades with the native villages.
# AI signed contracts with native villages and renews them.
# AI knows how to use cannons.
# AI optimizes cultures around the colonies.
#AI uses the same mode of operation in Europe that the human player (Immigration, Trade, Ship, Captaincy).
# AI will search the immigrants it needs it most.
# A new map is proposed called Unlimited_World (based on FaireWeatherTweak)
# Distinction between the names of famous generals natives and europeans.
# Code optimization
# Adding AI control tools in Europe (Captaincy & Immigration) in Debug mode