honestly I don't know.
+1c will not be enough to force everything to plains : you'll need the grasslands to bring you food... but maybe the jungle +totem would be worth it. ; frost/tundra will not be worth it.
the real question is : is +1c for plains balanced with losing +1F on water tiles...? I think it's not worth it : 1C = 1/2F or even less.
before entering in a repetable CtD I noticed too that having replica totem of Bear / Tortoise / Eagle and Coyote in capital did not give any bonus to units built in cities : I did not get the "4" bonus (as should be expected), but neither did I get the bonus related to the totem of the tribe the unit was born with.
example a Bear tribe unit "only" got the combat 1. It did not get "strong" as would have happened if built in the Bear Totem Main city.
Never mind about the several sea totems, it was actually the totem's relocation. But I still don't receive all the replica totems I should get.
I don't know...Does this happen to you with all tribal and religious totems, or just some of them?
ok, if I find some play time (now that vacation is over) I'll load a few turns back and try to build a few combat units in my capitolAs for your smith not getting the Strong promotion - that makes sense. Strong will only apply to combat units.
A random comment: is it intended that you can start a game with the Council or the tribal leaders? Shouldn't they be locked and available only through the tribal council civic?
ok, if I find some play time (now that vacation is over) I'll load a few turns back and try to build a few combat units in my capitol
Finally had the chance to play the Chislev as this new module. (Previously I had them as an AI opponent and thought they added some nice flavor.) A lot of interesting stuff, really enjoyed it.
I did find the Totems a little confusing at first, specifically that after building a National Wonder the same building showed up as available in a different city. After reading the 'pedia "Chislev+" entry I understood, but i wonder how well the AI handles it: is an AI-controlled Chislev constantly building the same Totem in different cities because it shows up as buildable? That would be a bit of a problem, I think.