City for?

Fly or Die

Jul 3, 2004
Ok, i have some other questions.

When i'm making my civ i have some different sort of cities, cities on grasland, cities in planes and with some desert spots, desert cities etc. But wich city is the best for wich production line? where should I build my army/settlers/improvements etc.

I also build the stuff that requires the most shields in my top producing cities (cities with the most shields). That way, it doesn't take 200 turns to finish a marketplace. ;) I try to mine 66%, irrigate 33% so that I will have a lot of production. If you have a city with lots of bonus food, and it grows really quickly, then that is the city to get the majority of your workers/settlers. But, in the modern age/industrial age, all your cities tend to even out, anyway.
deeno said:
Please keep your questions in one thread ;)

mmm.. the two questions are different.. one is about what others do with captured city and this is about citys you build yourself. so i don't really see your point :scan:.

ontopic again:

the most of my games i have about 2/3 cities wich can build attack units fast. It takes about 1/2/3 turns (without mobilization). so with mobilization fast enough for me. But even cities in a good area dont produce it that fast.. i dont understand a thing of it so does anyone know what i can do about that ?
This is because of corruption. The further your city is from your capitol, the more corruption there is.
:confused: Why did you use the moderator font but not the mod tags?
When using the map editor in Civ 3 Conquests, how do I place cities on the map that I am making? The terrain option for cities does not want to work.
Thank you,
Doc Huer
28 July 2004
Select an "active player" by clicking on one of the things in the toolbar, then click on the little city icon. :)
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