City Of Penguin

Ill talk to acroma, but whats the Golden Buff??
There isnt anyone named Acroma in our member list.. Who is Acroma??
Both the Bluff and Acroma are businesses. Lemme get you the links....
This is the Bluff. Ask for CivGeneral (Vice President), Chieftess (President) or FortyJ (Science Leader). 40 owns the place. Tell him you are interested in building a stadium in Penguin and would be interested in The Golden Bluff sponsoring it as their official stadium.
And here is Acroma . Ask for Padma. He runs the place, but dont expect an immediate answer because he also is a mod for the entire Civ3 Section. Tell him SaaM sent you and that he should use SaaMs discount.
Just be warned: since it is so late in the game, people may not want to spend so much money on something that will disapear when this is over and DG3 starts (at the rate we're going, I wouldnt be supprised if DG3 started in May)
Just for the record: Im out of here. Becase of yhe mayors (stuck) hostility Ive moved out of Penguin and I now live in Tiburòn City...

I will consider moving back to Penguin when you have ceased your hostilitys and become more friendly...
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