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City-States List...


Aug 21, 2005
Carney, MD
O.K... I'm getting a little nervous. Out of 24, there are now 18 City-States listed on Arioch's Well of Souls Analyst site leaving 6 left to be named. Still no sign of Troy!

To make matters worse, it looks like they are going to be a bit harder to mod in than they were in Civ V. Not only do they have their own special Bonus, but they apparently have their own special icon as well. I'm not an artist and NO good at that. Unless they provide a stock of generic icons to choose from when modding in new city-states (which I doubt). And I DO hate being one of those people who bug more experienced modders "Hey... can you make this for me? PLEEAAASSSEEE????"

Anyway, I really hope that they add Troy! With 6 "slots" left, it could still happen... I don't see why not! Anybody have any thoughts for the remaining 5 (after Troy)? There does seem to be a mystery science one...
O.K... I'm getting a little nervous. Out of 24, there are now 18 City-States listed on Arioch's Well of Souls Analyst site leaving 6 left to be named. Still no sign of Troy!

To make matters worse, it looks like they are going to be a bit harder to mod in than they were in Civ V. Not only do they have their own special Bonus, but they apparently have their own special icon as well. I'm not an artist and NO good at that. Unless they provide a stock of generic icons to choose from when modding in new city-states (which I doubt). And I DO hate being one of those people who bug more experienced modders "Hey... can you make this for me? PLEEAAASSSEEE????"

Anyway, I really hope that they add Troy! With 6 "slots" left, it could still happen... I don't see why not! Anybody have any thoughts for the remaining 5 (after Troy)? There does seem to be a mystery science one...

You want an icon? I can get you an icon by 3 o clock.

All you'd need is some Trojan currency or a Luweian Seal or a wooden horse and Photoshop and Bob's your uncle.
You could use this Trojan seal with a little processing:
Spoiler :
You want an icon? I can get you an icon by 3 o clock.

All you'd need is some Trojan currency or a Luweian Seal or a wooden horse and Photoshop and Bob's your uncle.
Damn... I just traded my last Luweian Seal for a lame donkey and an oxecart with a broken wheel... Thanks for the offer, though. I'll have to see our I can acquire another one.
How do you know that there's going to be only 24 City-States?
I would have to dig for the reference, but iirc, it was in some of the earlier articles and, I believe, mentioned in a video. On any case, 24 seems about right.

stealth... That is interesting...

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I would have to dig for the reference, but iirc, it was in some of the earlier articles and, I believe, mentioned in a video. On any case, 24 seems about right.

You might be referring to my comment in the screenshot analysis thread after I summarized the city-state totals by type. That 24 number was not from any statements in videos. It was me seeing that there were 4 city-states for several types and assuming they'd create an even number for the 6 types. So far we've seen evidence for 19.
Damn... I just traded my last Luweian Seal for a lame donkey and an oxecart with a broken wheel... Thanks for the offer, though. I'll have to see our I can acquire another one.

I would have to dig for the reference, but iirc, it was in some of the earlier articles and, I believe, mentioned in a video. On any case, 24 seems about right.

stealth... That is interesting...

Sent from my LG-H345 using Tapatalk

Yeah, that thing Stealth posted is the seal. Seal as in "mark," not "sea dog." Ed Beach mentioned in a stream that they pulled a lot of City State iconography from currency and things of that nature.
Anyone else baffled by the lack of Italian city states among the city states list? I mean the remaining 6 could certainly cover Milan, Venice, Genova, Florence and the Vatican but if that was not the case their absence would leave me to speculate about a future inclusion of Italy.
Anyone else baffled by the lack of Italian city states among the city states list? I mean the remaining 6 could certainly cover Milan, Venice, Genova, Florence and the Vatican but if that was not the case their absence would leave me to speculate about a future inclusion of Italy.

Vatican is highly possible, since we've seen only 2 religious city-states.

With Rome in game, chances for Italy to be in game are not that big. Not impossible, of course, since there are no strict rules for picking civs, but very unlikely.
Anyone else baffled by the lack of Italian city states among the city states list? I mean the remaining 6 could certainly cover Milan, Venice, Genova, Florence and the Vatican but if that was not the case their absence would leave me to speculate about a future inclusion of Italy.

Given the desire for them in V I wouldn't be surprised if they end up as a like for like swap for Venice in the 2nd or 3rd expansion :goodjob:
As a modder, I hope 24 is not a hard limit on city states. My scenario for Civ V that I hope to port over to Civ VI has 39... and I do not have to be forced to drop any.

Anyone know if, as in Civ V, the numbers are hardwired at 22 and 40 for Major Civilizations/Minor Civilizations on any one map?

I hope not.
I don't think it is a hard limit for maps, just how many will be in the initial release. I'm sure more will be added down the road and there will be run for more in the map.

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Yeah, like I said, I don't think that 24 is a hard limit. It may be their starting line-up (so to speak), but more will be added through expansions, DLC, and even patches. Some may be replaced with respective civs (Carthage, for example). But, by the end, I'm sure the full number of city- States will be around 40 or so.

I am also looking forward to seeing how mods are handled and the ease (or challenge) of aging new elements like city- States.

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I am surprised that the concept of 24 even came up, it wasn't a thing in Civ 5 and it's likely not even a thing in Civ 6, Hell I'm sure we'll get more than 24 because people should have the option to make the game more complex/simpler with the slider thingy.

Where did this 24 city states come from?
I just remember hearing/seeing that somewhere. I could be wrong! But it does seem like a cut-off number for initial city-states. I'm not saying that is the max there will ever be, just my understanding that there are 24 city-states and 18 civs at initial release.
I just remember hearing/seeing that somewhere. I could be wrong! But it does seem like a cut-off number for initial city-states. I'm not saying that is the max there will ever be, just my understanding that there are 24 city-states and 18 civs at initial release.

I have never heard that they stated there will be 24 city states in the game, You got a source on that?

The usual rule of thumb was there were 2 city states for 1 civilization in the game, which is the way the game handled it in Civ 5 with map sizes

(duel 2ci4cs, tiny 4ci8cs, small, 6ci,12cs, standard 8ci,16cs, large 10ci20cs, huge 12ci24cs)
I am guessing 6 of each type for 36 total... seems more reasonable unless for game play reasons they decided to reduce the ratio of civs to city states.

Well it depends on the map sizes they have too. They probably don't have a 18 player map... so they don't need 36 City states, if their biggest map is 12 players by default, then they only need 24 CS to maintain a 2:1 ratio.
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