[Vanilla] Civ 6 Crashing Post Windows 10 1809 Update - Help


Feb 19, 2019
Before you read the issue, I like to thank anyone who clicked on this post who attempt to help fix this crashing issue. I really do appreciate the help and the time taken out of your day. If you have any question feel free to ask them.

So, I was playing the free play on Steam of Civ 6 and it worked fine. Bought the game, Gold Edition, on the sale. But during that time, I was busy so couldn't play. I got a Windows 10 1809 Update waiting to restart so I did, so I can get the update out of the way.

When I decided to play Civ 6 again, it constantly crashes trying to load the intro video/load the game. Someone said it was MS One Drive causing the issue, it was not. Someone said it was MS Windows Security (Formerly Windows Defender), it was not. Restarted the PC, it didn't fix. Uninstall and reinstall also removing the old Civ 6 folder in My Documents, did nothing. Verified game files found 3 files missing and was reacquired, still crashes. Removed all DLC, still crashes. I have no mods nor did I even looked at any. All my GPU drivers/drivers are up to date as well as Windows 10.

The only error I can find is in the Data.log file. Shown below and also attached as a file if you prefer. I have added some spaces before and after the line of text that is longer than two lines to make it easier to distinguish between each line of text. Also, you will notice all is related to the Color Manager in terms of errors.

[114778.281] [Localization]: StartupErrorMessages.xml

[114778.281] [Localization]: Input XML does not contain database entry tags. GameData, GameInfo or Database

[114786.293] [Localization]: Validating Foreign Key Constraints...
[114786.294] [Localization]: Passed Validation.
[114786.399] [Configuration]: Validating Foreign Key Constraints...
[114786.399] [Configuration]: Passed Validation.
[114795.192] [FullTextSearch]: Initializing FullTextSearch
[114797.357] [Gameplay]: Validating Foreign Key Constraints...
[114797.370] [Gameplay]: Passed Validation.
[114797.941] [Configuration]: Validating Foreign Key Constraints...
[114797.942] [Configuration]: Passed Validation.
[114797.994] [ColorManager] ERROR: UNIQUE constraint failed: Colors.Type
[114797.995] [ColorManager]: While executing - 'insert into Colors('Type', 'Color') values (?, ?);'

[114797.995] [ColorManager]: In XMLSerializer while inserting row into table insert into Colors('Type', 'Color') with values (COLOR_CLEAR, COLOR_STANDARD_WHITE_LT,0, ).

[114797.995] [ColorManager]: In XMLSerializer while updating table Colors from file ../../Assets/UI/Colors/Colors.xml.

[114797.995] [ColorManager] ERROR: UNIQUE constraint failed: Colors.Type
[114797.995] [ColorManager] ERROR: UNIQUE constraint failed: PlayerColors.Type

[114797.995] [ColorManager]: While executing - 'insert into PlayerColors('Type', 'Usage', 'PrimaryColor', 'SecondaryColor') values (?, ?, ?, ?);'

[114797.995] [ColorManager]: In XMLSerializer while inserting row into table insert into PlayerColors('Type', 'Usage', 'PrimaryColor', 'SecondaryColor') with values (PLAYERCOLOR_DARK_GRAY, Major, COLOR_STANDARD_WHITE_DK, COLOR_STANDARD_YELLOW_MD, ).

[114797.995] [ColorManager]: In XMLSerializer while updating table PlayerColors from file ../../Assets/UI/Colors/PlayerColors.xml.

[114797.995] [ColorManager] ERROR: UNIQUE constraint failed: PlayerColors.Type
[114798.869] [ColorManager] ERROR: UNIQUE constraint failed: Colors.Type
[114798.869] [ColorManager]: While executing - 'insert into Colors('Type', 'Color') values (?, ?);'

[114798.869] [ColorManager]: In XMLSerializer while inserting row into table insert into Colors('Type', 'Color') with values (COLOR_CLEAR, COLOR_STANDARD_WHITE_LT,0, ).

[114798.869] [ColorManager]: In XMLSerializer while updating table Colors from file ../../Assets/UI/Colors/Colors.xml.

[114798.869] [ColorManager] ERROR: UNIQUE constraint failed: Colors.Type
[114798.869] [ColorManager] ERROR: UNIQUE constraint failed: PlayerColors.Type

[114798.869] [ColorManager]: While executing - 'insert into PlayerColors('Type', 'Usage', 'PrimaryColor', 'SecondaryColor') values (?, ?, ?, ?);'

[114798.869] [ColorManager]: In XMLSerializer while inserting row into table insert into PlayerColors('Type', 'Usage', 'PrimaryColor', 'SecondaryColor') with values (PLAYERCOLOR_DARK_GRAY, Major, COLOR_STANDARD_WHITE_DK, COLOR_STANDARD_YELLOW_MD, ).

[114798.869] [ColorManager]: In XMLSerializer while updating table PlayerColors from file ../../Assets/UI/Colors/PlayerColors.xml.

[114798.869] [ColorManager] ERROR: UNIQUE constraint failed: PlayerColors.Type


I'm also on 1809 and not having any issues, so I'm doubtful that's the culprit. I know you just got the game, but do you have any mods installed. Particularly ones dealing with colors. I'm also kind of wondering if the Free Play installed some files and then when you purchased the Gold addition it installed some duplicate files. Unique constraint errors show up (generally with mods) when some code is trying to write something to a game table that already exists in the database. The only thing I could suggest is to completely uninstall the game and then make sure all the files in the "...Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization VI" and "...Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI" are all really gone .
I'm also on 1809 and not having any issues, so I'm doubtful that's the culprit. I know you just got the game, but do you have any mods installed. Particularly ones dealing with colors. I'm also kind of wondering if the Free Play installed some files and then when you purchased the Gold addition it installed some duplicate files. Unique constraint errors show up (generally with mods) when some code is trying to write something to a game table that already exists in the database. The only thing I could suggest is to completely uninstall the game and then make sure all the files in the "...Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization VI" and "...Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI" are all really gone .

Thank you for your reply! I have no mods installed. I have uninstalled all files and even removed the My Document Civ 6 folder so the game (once reinstalled) can generate a new folder. What I didn't think of was checking to see if the Civ 6 folder was still in the Steam folder. I presumed if I uninstalled the game, it would no longer be in the Steam folder. It worked after I removed the Civ 6 folder in the Steam directory and then reinstalled the game. Your guess about going from free play to buying the game probably did something most likely is correct. I noticed the Intro video changed with the Rise and Fall DLC so I presume something like that was tripping it but unsure exactly what of course. Thank you once again!
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