Civ IV in-game World Builder Manual

I couldn't find a way to access the WorldBuilder without starting a game so I opened an ongoing game and started editing the map, resources...etc.

Does anyone here know how to do the following:

1- I want to save the map, resources as a scenario, or at a minimum, export the map for use in a different game so I don't lose hours of work in World Builder - How do I do this? When I save my work it just takes me back to the current game in progress. (in short, I want to import my map into a different game)

2- I am not thrilled with the selection of civs in the game I opened and edited in WorldBuilder and would like to change them and use different civs. I can't seem to figure out how to do that. The dropdown only shows the civs that were selected at the beginning of the game. I would also like to play a new custom game on my map and define different the victory conditions for the scenario. I don't see where to find these functions in WorldBuilder.
Have a look in the tutorial forum for the thread explaining how to read a world builder save file. It explains what you need to change to change the civs in the scenario.

Thanks for the great guide, but I have a question. On the City Edit Mode dialog box (and I think on one other) it has a button for Add Script. This generates a popup asking for a Script Name, but I don't know what it does, and your manual doesn't describe it. What is this for?
I honestly have no idea whatsoever. No information has ever come from Firaxis about those options.
When I go into the world builder I can add rivers, but they end up all over the place and usually oriented wrong and often have four tributaries entering the intersection of the tiles.
Is there any way to make this behave better? I end up erasing a lot (of bonuses, etc.) and which part of the river is erased seems arbitrary. Guidance? :confused:

I have the same problems and results. Plots are always "isNOfRiver" (with RiverWEDirection=0 or 1) and/or "isNOfRiver" (with RiverNSDirection=0 or 1) but the editor defies that accuracy if it's just "klick start and klick end of river".
Am I missing hotkeys for detailed "place river on the right that is flowing down" commands?
I am working on my first scenario and should b edone by Sunday. However I do have one problem which is; I do not know how to change the calender. What I mean is that my start day is in 1790 and it goes by defualt calender and skips to 1830. Is there any way to fix this on notepad so it increases by week?
is it ok to enter the worlbuilder in the middle of the game to put some resources like stone and ivory near your cities? is that cheating? how will it affect the game?
is it ok to enter the worlbuilder in the middle of the game to put some resources like stone and ivory near your cities? is that cheating? how will it affect the game?
To answer your first question, yes it is okay.
To answer your second question, yes it is cheating...but I won't tell if you don't...have fun...
To answer your last question, "how will it affect the game?" Well, that depends on what you change...if you add stone near a city of yours and your goal is to build a wonder built quicker with stone, then you will have effectively sped up production of that wonder. If you are adding oil near one of your cities, then the game is changed in that you now have access to oil...other than that, there shouldn't be any catastrophic consequences or anything...
i made a map that was 70w by 79h . i was wondering what would be the easiest way to edit the map to be this size. i figured id have to do it first by python than edit that with world builder . Not sure though please respond back if you can give any help or advice on how to do this .
Question, I looked through this tread and noticed it not being mentioned anywhere but how I change the other civ's civics? and religion for that matter? I'm working on a scenario and changing civics is only available with the first one I started out on. Is there a trick to it?
Does anyone know the key combinations that all work within the Worldbuilder, and their effects? Eg Ctrl-G, Ctrl-D...(?)
Problem I have with the world builder is if I try and change an area from land to water it turns a really dark shade of blue, almost like a black-blue color (I might be off, I can't see the differance between color shades very well). The best way to describe it is that it's almost like someone poured oil into the water, if that makes more sense.

How do you even begin to create scenarios? Or even access Python for that matter... I have some pretty cool ideas but so far the Worldbuilder is nothing like Civ 3.
I wish I'd known of this sooner. I wasted a lot of time trying to figure out how to alter diplomacy.:(
Wondering if anyone else has had this problem, when i go into the WB and then try to Exit to Main Menu it crashes to desktop. I have written Dale before and he suggested that it might be a button for the terrain that caused this. But i think i checked all the buttons for the terrain, and it still happens, ANYBODY?????
This manual was really helpful! Thanks for posting it Dale!
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