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Civ Unique Ability Elimination Thread

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Where am I? What turn is it?
Jun 7, 2012
Milwaukee, WI, USA
This thread is moderator approved.

It's time for a new Elimination Game, and in this thread we will be focusing upon Civilization Unique Abilities. This was, as far as I can tell, last done before the release of Gathering Storm. An expansion and some patching later, I think we are ready to reconsider our previous reasonings. Let us each explain why one ability is better than all the others to you, and why everyone else is wrong.

  • Only the Civilization Unique Ability is included for consideration. You can vote based on value, strength, uniqueness, fun, etc. This means not the Leader Unique Ability, the Unique Infrastructure, or the Unique Unit. (If the ability effects another unique, you can consider it in terms of synergy with the civ and your likelihood of benefitting, but not in terms of other bonuses. So, as an example, you can consider how the Three Kingdoms effects Campus placement, how Korea is likely to want to use campuses more frequently, but not the bonuses of the Seowon itself. For the Inca, consider only the added bonuses to mountains and positioning considerations, not the Terrace Farm tile itself).
  • We are only considering the benefits within the Gathering Storm ruleset- because we cannot compare Gathering Storm civilizations to other ability variations in a game, those abilities cannot be fairly compared. To date, Gathering Storm is the most complete variation of Civ VI. That said, on it we shall base our considerations.
  • Vote based on current effect. Is it broken? Intended function doesn't count. Is it working better than it should? You can reward that until Firaxis decides to change it.
  • Vote roughly once per 24 hours. Voting significantly earlier must be explained.
  • Add one point to an ability, and take away three from a single different ability.
  • You must give a reason. Posts without reason will not be counted until a reason will be added.
  • Voting for the same ability several times is not forbidden, however try to spread your votes around and be fair in your assessments.
  • Delete the previous voters comments, and indicate your comments in some way (bold, italicize, color, something that will draw attention)
Current Standings

1. :trophy: Maori - Mana
2. :trophy2nd: Greece - Plato's Republic
3. :trophy3rd: Kongo - Nkisi
4. :trophy2: Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns
5. :trophy2: Russia - Mother Russia
6. Japan - Meiji Restoration
7. Australia - Land Down Under
8. Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment
9. Mongolia - Örtöö
10. Netherlands - Grote Rivieren
11. The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard
12. Brazil - Amazon
13. England - Workshop of the World
14. Zulu - Isibongo
15. Hungary - Pearl of the Danube
16. Scythia - People of the Steppe
17. Nubia - Ta-Seti
18. Mali - Songs of the Jeli
19. Egypt - Iteru
20. Sweden - Nobel Prize
21. Germany - Free Imperial Cities
22. Inca - Mit'a
23. Poland - Golden Liberty
24. Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome
25. Sumeria - Epic Quest
26. Canada - Four Faces of Peace
27. Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion
28. Cree - Nihithaw
29. America - Founding Fathers
30. Arabia - The Last Prophet
31. Indonesia - Great Nusantara
32. Persia - Satrapies
33. Mapuche - Toqui
34. Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies
35. China - Dynastic Cycle
36. Norway - Knarr
37. Georgia - Strength In Unity
38. Spain - Treasure Fleet
39. Korea - Three Kingdoms
40. France - Grand Tour
41. India - Dharma
42. Khmer - Grand Barays

Civilization Unique Abilites

America - Founding Fathers: All Diplomatic policy slots in the current government are converted to Wildcard policy slots. Gains +1 diplomatic favor per turn for every Wildcard slot in their government.
Arabia - The Last Prophet: Automatically receives the final Great Prophet when the next-to-last one is claimed (if one has not been earned already). +1 Science per foreign city following Arabia's Religion.
Australia - Land Down Under: +3 Housing in coastal cities. Building a Pasture triggers a Culture Bomb, claiming surrounding tiles. Campuses, Commercial Hubs, Holy Sites, and Theater Squares gain +1 to their yields in tiles with Charming Appeal, and +3 with Breathtaking Appeal.
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: Can spend Builder charges to complete 20% of a district's Production cost.
Brazil - Amazon: Rainforest tiles provide a +1 adjacency bonus for Campus, Commercial Hub, Holy Site, and Theater Square districts, and provide +1 Appeal to adjacent tiles, instead of the usual -1.
Canada - Four Faces of Peace: Cannot declare Surprise Wars or war on City-States. Surprise Wars cannot be declared on Canada. For every 100 Tourism earned, gain 1 Diplomatic Favor. +100% Diplomatic Favor gained from successfully completing Emergencies or Scored Competitions.
China - Dynastic Cycle: Eurekas and Inspirations provide an extra 10% of the cost for researching technologies and civics.
Cree - Nihithaw: Gains +1 Trade Route capacity and a free Trader with Pottery. Unclaimed tiles within three tiles of a Cree city come under Cree control when a Trader first moves into them.
Egypt - Iteru: +15% Production towards districts and wonders if placed next to a River. Floodplains do not block placement of districts and wonders. Districts, improvements, and units are immune to damage from floods.
England - Workshop of the World:
Iron and Coal Mines accumulate 2 more resources per turn. +100% Production towards Military Engineers. Military Engineers receive +2 charges. Buildings that provide additional yields when Powered receive +4 of that yield. +20% production towards Industrial Zone buildings. Harbor buildings increase Strategic Resource Stockpiles by +10.
France - Grand Tour: +20% Production towards Medieval, Renaissance, and Industrial Wonders. Double Tourism from Wonders of any era.
Georgia - Strength In Unity: When making Dedications at the beginning of a Golden Age or Heroic Age, receive the Normal Age bonus towards improving Era Score in addition to the other bonus.
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: Each city can build one more district than the population level would normally allow.
Greece - Plato's Republic: Gain an additional Wildcard policy slot in all Governments.
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: +50% Production for districts and buildings built across a river from a City Center.
Inca - Mit'a: Citizens may work Mountain tiles. Mountain tiles provide +2 Production, and +1 Food per adjacent Terrace Farm.
India - Dharma: Receive the Follower Beliefs of all religions that have at least one follower in a city, not just the majority religion. Cities receive +1 Amenity for each religion with at least one follower in them. +2 Spread Religion charges for Missionaries. +100% Religious pressure from Indian Trade Routes.
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: Coast and Lake tiles provide a +0.5 adjacency bonus for Holy Sites, Campuses, Industrial Zones, and Theater Squares. Entertainment Complexes adjacent to Coast or Lake tiles provide +1 Amenity.
Japan - Meiji Restoration: Districts receive a +1 adjacency bonus for each adjacent district, instead of +0.5.
Khmer - Grand Barays: Cities with an Aqueduct gain +3 Faith and +1 Amenity. Farms receive +2 Food if adjacent to an Aqueduct.
Kongo - Nkisi: Relics, Artifacts and Sculptures provide +2 Food, +2 Production, and +4 Gold. The Palace has four extra slots for Great Works. Receive +50% Great Writer, Great Artist, Great Musician, and Great Merchant points from all sources.
Korea - Three Kingdoms: Farms receive +1 Food and Mines receive +1 Science if adjacent to a Seowon.
Macedon - Hellenestic Fusion: Conquering a city grants a free Eureka for each Encampment or Campus in the conquered city and a free Inspiration for each Holy Site or Theater Square.
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: City Centers receive +1 Faith and +1 for every adjacent Desert and Desert Hills tile. Mines receive -1 Production and +4 Gold. May purchase Commercial Hub buildings with Faith. -30% Production towards buildings and units.
Maori - Mana: Starts the game with Sailing and Shipbuilding unlocked and the ability to enter Ocean tiles. Embarked units gain +5 Combat Strength and +2 Movement. Unimproved Woods and Rainforest provide +1 Production, increased to +2 with Conservation. Fishing Boats provide +1 Food. Building a Fishing Boat triggers a Culture Bomb, claiming surrounding tiles. Resources cannot be harvested. Great Writers cannot be earned.
Mapuche - Toqui: All units trained in cities with an established Governor gain +25% combat experience. +10 Combat Strength bonus against civilizations that are in a Golden Age.
Mongolia - Ortoo: Sending a Trade Route immediately creates a Trading Post in the destination city, instead of when the Trade Route is finished. Gains an extra level of Diplomatic Visibility with civilizations they have a Trading Post with. Mongolian Units receive +6 Combat Strength for each level of Diplomatic Visibility they have over their opponents, instead of the usual +3.
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: Rivers provide a +2 adjacency bonus for Campuses, Theater Squares, and Industrial Zones. Building a Harbor triggers a Culture Bomb, claiming surrounding tiles. +50% Production toward the Dam district and Flood Barrier building.
Norway - Knarr: Norwegian units gain the ability to enter Ocean tiles with Shipbuilding, instead of Cartography, and pay no additional Movement costs to embark or disembark. Naval melee units can heal in neutral territory.
Nubia - Ta-Seti: +50% Production toward Ranged units. Ranged units gain +50% combat experience. +1 Production for Mines over strategic resources, and +2 Gold for Mines over bonus and luxury resources.
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: +50% Production toward Siege units. Siege units gain +5 Combat Strength when attacking defensible districts. Conquering a city doesn't cause that city to lose Population. +1 Amenity and +4 Loyalty per turn for cities not founded by the Ottomans.
Persia - Satrapies: Gains +1 Trade Route capacity with Political Philosophy. Internal Trade Routes provide +2 Gold and +1 Culture. Roads built in Persian territory are one level more advanced than usual.
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: Starts with the Eureka for Writing. Coastal cities founded by Phoenicia and in the same continent as their Capital always have full Loyalty. Settlers receive +2 Movement and sight radius while embarked, and pay no Movement costs to embark or disembark.
Poland - Golden Liberty: Building an Encampment or Fort triggers a Culture Bomb, claiming surrounding tiles. One Military policy slot in all governments is converted into a Wildcard policy slot.
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: Founded or conquered cities start with a Trading Post and, if within Trade Route range of your Capital, a road to it. Your Trade Routes generate +1 Gold for each Roman Trading Post they pass through.
Russia - Mother Russia: Founded cities start with eight additional tiles. Tundra tiles provide +1 Faith and +1 Production, in addition to their usual yields. Units are immune to Blizzards. Units of civilizations who are at war with Russia take 100% extra damage from Blizzards while in Russian territory.
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: Happy cities gain +5% Science and +5% Production, and generate +1 Great Scientist points in their Campuses and +1 Great Engineer points in their Industrial Zones. Ecstatic cities double these bonuses.
Scythia - People of the Steppe: Building a light cavalry unit or Saka Horse Archer grants a free second copy of that unit
Spain - Treasure Fleet: May form Fleets and Armadas with Mercantilism, instead of Nationalism and Mobilization. Trade Routes between cities on different continents grant +1 Food and +1 Production for internal Trade Routes, and +6 Gold for international Trade Routes. +2 Loyalty per turn for cities with a Mission improvement adjacent to the City Center and not on your original Capital's continent.
Sumeria - Epic Quest: Capturing a Barbarian Outpost also grants a Tribal Village reward. May levy city-state units at 50% of the usual Gold cost.
Sweden - Nobel Prize: Gains 50 Diplomatic Favor whenever a Great Person is earned. +1 Great Engineer points from Factories and +1 Great Scientist points from Universities. Sweden's presence in the game adds three unique World Congress competitions in the Industrial Era.
Zulu - Isibongo: Conquering a city will upgrade the conquering unit into a Corps or Army, if the proper civics are unlocked. +3 Loyalty per turn to cities with a garrisoned unit, increasing to +5 Loyalty per turn if the garrisoned unit is a Corps or Army.

(Please let me know if I have missed any patch changes)

Starting Score

America - Founding Fathers: (20)
Arabia - The Last Prophet: (20)
Australia - Land Down Under: (20)
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: (20)
Brazil - Amazon: (20)
Canada - Four Faces of Peace (20)
China - Dynastic Cycle: (20)
Cree - Nihithaw: (20)
Egypt - Iteru: (20
England - Workshop of the World (20)
France - Grand Tour: (20)
Georgia - Strength In Unity: (20)
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: (20)
Greece - Plato's Republic: (20)
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: (20)
Inca - Mit'a (20)
India - Dharma: (20)
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: (20)
Japan - Meiji Restoration: (20)
Khmer - Grand Barays: (20)
Kongo - Nkisi: (20)
Korea - Three Kingdoms: (20)
Macedon - Hellenestic Fusion: (20)
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: (20)
Maori - Mana: (20)
Mapuche - Toqui: (20)
Mongolia - Ortoo: (20)
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: (20)
Norway - Knarr: (20)
Nubia - Ta-Seti: (20)
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: (20)
Persia - Satrapies: (20)
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: (20)
Poland - Golden Liberty: (20)
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: (20)
Russia - Mother Russia: (20)
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: (20)
Scythia - People of the Steppe: (20)
Spain - Treasure Fleet: (20)
Sumeria - Epic Quest: (20)
Sweden - Nobel Prize: (20)
Zulu - Isibongo: (20)
Last edited:
America - Founding Fathers: (20)
Arabia - The Last Prophet: (20)
Australia - Land Down Under: (20)
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: (20)
Brazil - Amazon: (20)
Canada - Four Faces of Peace (20)
China - Dynastic Cycle: (20)
Cree - Nihithaw: (20)
Egypt - Iteru: (20
England - Workshop of the World (20)
France - Grand Tour: (20)
Georgia - Strength In Unity: (20)
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: (20)
Greece - Plato's Republic: (20)
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: (20)
Inca - Mit'a (20)
India - Dharma: (20)
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: (20)
Japan - Meiji Restoration: (20)
Khmer - Grand Barays: (20-3= 17) Weakest of the lot. Requires aqueducts. Doesn't even kick in until the game's already won half the time. Even Korea's tile yield bonuses, disregarding the amazing Seowon, is simply better.
Kongo - Nkisi: (20)
Korea - Three Kingdoms: (20)
Macedon - Hellenestic Fusion: (20)
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: (20)
Maori - Mana: (20)
Mapuche - Toqui: (20)
Mongolia - Ortoo: (20)
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: (20)
Norway - Knarr: (20)
Nubia - Ta-Seti: (20)
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: (20)
Persia - Satrapies: (20)
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: (20)
Poland - Golden Liberty: (20)
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: (20)
Russia - Mother Russia: (20+1= 21) The reason to play Russia, and why Russia is a beast in military early game. (more chops)
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: (20)
Scythia - People of the Steppe: (20)
Spain - Treasure Fleet: (20)
Sumeria - Epic Quest: (20)
Sweden - Nobel Prize: (20)
Zulu - Isibongo: (20)
OP - You forgot to bold Mali's ability. Also, are you sure Canada's ability is Favor per Lifetime Tourism? I was under the impression it was per Tourism/turn, which is much worse!

America - Founding Fathers: (20)
Arabia - The Last Prophet: (20)
Australia - Land Down Under: (20)
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: (20)
Brazil - Amazon: (20)
Canada - Four Faces of Peace (20)
China - Dynastic Cycle: (20)
Cree - Nihithaw: (20)
Egypt - Iteru: (20
England - Workshop of the World (20)
France - Grand Tour: (20)
Georgia - Strength In Unity: (20)
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: (20)
Greece - Plato's Republic: (17 [20-3]) Powerful for sure, but boring as hell. There is nothing you can do to maximize use of this ability (aside from maybe getting Dark Ages on purpose). At least every other ability requires you to *strategically* plan around maximizing it. At least this ability does open up some interesting tactics regarding policies...but not much
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: (20)
Inca - Mit'a (20)
India - Dharma: (20)
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: (20)
Japan - Meiji Restoration: (20)
Khmer - Grand Barays: (17)
Kongo - Nkisi: (20)
Korea - Three Kingdoms: (20)
Macedon - Hellenestic Fusion: (20)
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: (21 [20+1]) The most unique of the abilities IMO. Playing a pure Gold strategy at the expense of Production is something no other civ does
Maori - Mana: (20)
Mapuche - Toqui: (20)
Mongolia - Ortoo: (20)
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: (20)
Norway - Knarr: (20)
Nubia - Ta-Seti: (20)
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: (20)
Persia - Satrapies: (20)
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: (20)
Poland - Golden Liberty: (20)
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: (20)
Russia - Mother Russia: (21)
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: (20)
Scythia - People of the Steppe: (20)
Spain - Treasure Fleet: (20)
Sumeria - Epic Quest: (20)
Sweden - Nobel Prize: (20)
Zulu - Isibongo: (20)
America - Founding Fathers: (20)
Arabia - The Last Prophet: (20)
Australia - Land Down Under: (21) = (20) + 1 Just had my playthrough with these guys and holy cow. Do you like +3 theater, + 8 campus/sites, + 6 commercial hubs right out of the gate? OP for sure
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: (20)
Brazil - Amazon: (17) = (20) - 3 do I chop all of this crappy rainforest or take the adjacency?
Canada - Four Faces of Peace (20)
China - Dynastic Cycle: (20)
Cree - Nihithaw: (20)
Egypt - Iteru: (20
England - Workshop of the World (20)
France - Grand Tour: (20)
Georgia - Strength In Unity: (20)
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: (20)
Greece - Plato's Republic: (17)
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: (20)
Inca - Mit'a (20)
India - Dharma: (20)
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: (20)
Japan - Meiji Restoration: (20)
Khmer - Grand Barays: (17)
Kongo - Nkisi: (20)
Korea - Three Kingdoms: (20)
Macedon - Hellenestic Fusion: (20)
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: (21)
Maori - Mana: (20)
Mapuche - Toqui: (20)
Mongolia - Ortoo: (20)
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: (20)
Norway - Knarr: (20)
Nubia - Ta-Seti: (20)
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: (20)
Persia - Satrapies: (20)
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: (20)
Poland - Golden Liberty: (20)
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: (20)
Russia - Mother Russia: (21)
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: (20)
Scythia - People of the Steppe: (20)
Spain - Treasure Fleet: (20)
Sumeria - Epic Quest: (20)
Sweden - Nobel Prize: (20)
Zulu - Isibongo: (20)
America - Founding Fathers: 20
Arabia - The Last Prophet: 20
Australia - Land Down Under: 21
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: 20
Brazil - Amazon: 17
Canada - Four Faces of Peace: 21 (20+1) I love the security of not being able to be surprised warred. If you want to move up in difficulty, without an overpowered bonus towards winning, this boost can help ensure you survive the early game (after which it is much easier to compete with the front-heavy AI boosts).
China - Dynastic Cycle: 20
Cree - Nihithaw: 20
Egypt - Iteru: 20
England - Workshop of the World: 20
France - Grand Tour: 17 (20-3) Perhaps it's just the way I play, but I never feel like I get much value out of this ability. Too many wonders are an afterthought, for me, and I don't like cultural focused games.
Georgia - Strength In Unity: 20
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: 20
Greece - Plato's Republic: 17
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: 20
Inca - Mit'a: 20
India - Dharma: 20
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: 20
Japan - Meiji Restoration: 20
Khmer - Grand Barays: 17
Kongo - Nkisi: 20
Korea - Three Kingdoms: 20
Macedon - Hellenestic Fusion: 20
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: 21
Maori - Mana: 20
Mapuche - Toqui: 20
Mongolia - Ortoo: 20
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: 20
Norway - Knarr: 20
Nubia - Ta-Seti: 20
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: 20
Persia - Satrapies: 20
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: 20
Poland - Golden Liberty: 20
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: 20
Russia - Mother Russia: 21
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: 20
Scythia - People of the Steppe: 20
Spain - Treasure Fleet: 20
Sumeria - Epic Quest: 20
Sweden - Nobel Prize: 20
Zulu - Isibongo: 20

@Atlas627 I am fairly confident that Canada's bonus is lifetime, and I agree it would be much weaker otherwise. That side, I haven't looked into the code to confirm. I have updated Mali's ability to be bolded, thanks
America - Founding Fathers: 20
Arabia - The Last Prophet: 20
Australia - Land Down Under: 21
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: 20
Brazil - Amazon: 17
Canada - Four Faces of Peace: 21
China - Dynastic Cycle: 20
Cree - Nihithaw: 20
Egypt - Iteru: 20
England - Workshop of the World: 20
France - Grand Tour: 17 (20-3)
Georgia - Strength In Unity: 20
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: 20
Greece - Plato's Republic: 18 = 17+1 Having this downvoted so early is a travesty. Extra policy slots, and policy slot conversions, are among the most powerful abilities in the game.
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: 20
Inca - Mit'a: 20
India - Dharma: 20
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: 20
Japan - Meiji Restoration: 20
Khmer - Grand Barays: 17
Kongo - Nkisi: 20
Korea - Three Kingdoms: 20
Macedon - Hellenestic Fusion: 17 = 20-3 Having to conquer cities is such a limited occurence, as well as having additional requirements on districts in said conquered city, combined with the eurekas/inspirations being random, and always potentially wasted on techs/civics you don't want or were about to Eureka anyways, makes this ability just a complete afterthought.
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: 21
Maori - Mana: 20
Mapuche - Toqui: 20
Mongolia - Ortoo: 20
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: 20
Norway - Knarr: 20
Nubia - Ta-Seti: 20
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: 20
Persia - Satrapies: 20
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: 20
Poland - Golden Liberty: 20
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: 20
Russia - Mother Russia: 21
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: 20
Scythia - People of the Steppe: 20
Spain - Treasure Fleet: 20
Sumeria - Epic Quest: 20
Sweden - Nobel Prize: 20
Zulu - Isibongo: 20

Let's start this game off right and get rid of the weakest ones first and upvote the strong ones, and leave out the biased downvoting of obviously powerful ones.
America - Founding Fathers: 20
Arabia - The Last Prophet: 20
Australia - Land Down Under: 21
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: 20
Brazil - Amazon: 17
Canada - Four Faces of Peace: 21
China - Dynastic Cycle: 20
Cree - Nihithaw: 20
Egypt - Iteru: 20
England - Workshop of the World: 20
France - Grand Tour: 17
Georgia - Strength In Unity: 20
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: 20
Greece - Plato's Republic: 18
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: 20
Inca - Mit'a: 20
India - Dharma: 20
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: 20
Japan - Meiji Restoration: 20 + 1 = 21 (All the adjacency bonuses!)
Khmer - Grand Barays: 17
Kongo - Nkisi: 20
Korea - Three Kingdoms: 20
Macedon - Hellenestic Fusion: 17 - 3 = 14 (I agree with the previous poster. Most cities won't have the districts to trigger the bonus and you can't control which bonuses you'll get, anyway.)
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: 21
Maori - Mana: 20
Mapuche - Toqui: 20
Mongolia - Ortoo: 20
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: 20
Norway - Knarr: 20
Nubia - Ta-Seti: 20
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: 20
Persia - Satrapies: 20
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: 20
Poland - Golden Liberty: 20
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: 20
Russia - Mother Russia: 21
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: 20
Scythia - People of the Steppe: 20
Spain - Treasure Fleet: 20
Sumeria - Epic Quest: 20
Sweden - Nobel Prize: 20
Zulu - Isibongo: 20
America - Founding Fathers: 20
Arabia - The Last Prophet: 20
Australia - Land Down Under: 21
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: 20
Brazil - Amazon: 17
Canada - Four Faces of Peace: 21
China - Dynastic Cycle: 20
Cree - Nihithaw: 20
Egypt - Iteru: 20
England - Workshop of the World: 20
France - Grand Tour: 17
Georgia - Strength In Unity: 20
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: 20
Greece - Plato's Republic: 18
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: 20
Inca - Mit'a: 20
India - Dharma: 20
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: 20
Japan - Meiji Restoration: 21
Khmer - Grand Barays: 17
Kongo - Nkisi: 20
Korea - Three Kingdoms: 20
Macedon - Hellenestic Fusion: 17
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: 21
Maori - Mana: 20
Mapuche - Toqui: 20
Mongolia - Ortoo: 20
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: 20
Norway - Knarr: 17 (20-3) Already situational, but now overshadowed by the Maori (early exploration) and by Phoenicia (ship healing).
Nubia - Ta-Seti: 20
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: 20
Persia - Satrapies: 20
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: 20
Poland - Golden Liberty: 20
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: 20
Russia - Mother Russia: 21
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: 21 (20+1) THE reason to play Scotland. Very fun and rewarding for those that like playing tall and gathering amenities. Extra science and production on top of hoarding great scientists and great engineers goes a long way.
Scythia - People of the Steppe: 20
Spain - Treasure Fleet: 20
Sumeria - Epic Quest: 20
Sweden - Nobel Prize: 20
Zulu - Isibongo: 20
Hey, will the first post of the unique unit thread be updated? It just feels wrong that the list is missing the top three.

Moderator Action: Done -- Browd

Now, this is going to be a tricky one...there are so many abilities here which I either personally like, or just find too powerful to downvote. I guess I will just start from the top and upvote the ones I have a special fondness for.

America - Founding Fathers: 20
Arabia - The Last Prophet: 20
Australia - Land Down Under: 21
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: 20
Brazil - Amazon: 17
Canada - Four Faces of Peace: 21
China - Dynastic Cycle: 20
Cree - Nihithaw: 20
Egypt - Iteru: 21 (20 + 1) Surprise! I didn't care much for this ability previously, now I find it...rather fun. While the production bonus is still weak (a mere 13% saved production time in exchange for a valuable river tile), and I usually don't want to put districts and wonders on flood plain tile, it is nice to have the option and a small boost when I do. What I like most, though, is the new part, the damage immunity. Yes, there is some randomness involved, but not having to worry about floods, and indeed, having floods be a positive, is fun.
England - Workshop of the World: 20
France - Grand Tour: 17
Georgia - Strength In Unity: 20
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: 20
Greece - Plato's Republic: 18
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: 20
Inca - Mit'a: 20
India - Dharma: 17 (20 - 3) Now this, on the other hand, is neither fun nor powerful. I generally don't appreciate abilities which depend on other players to do what I want. I don't see how I would build any strategy around this, and most of the time, I will probably not even notice the effects.
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: 20
Japan - Meiji Restoration: 21
Khmer - Grand Barays: 17
Kongo - Nkisi: 20
Korea - Three Kingdoms: 20
Macedon - Hellenestic Fusion: 17
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: 21
Maori - Mana: 20
Mapuche - Toqui: 20
Mongolia - Ortoo: 20
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: 20
Norway - Knarr: 17
Nubia - Ta-Seti: 20
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: 20
Persia - Satrapies: 20
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: 20
Poland - Golden Liberty: 20
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: 20
Russia - Mother Russia: 21
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: 21
Scythia - People of the Steppe: 20
Spain - Treasure Fleet: 20
Sumeria - Epic Quest: 20
Sweden - Nobel Prize: 20
Zulu - Isibongo: 20

EDIT: Yes, I am aware of the recent additions to Dharma...I just don't think they add enough to make the ability worthwhile. :)
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Plenty of abilities I love, so hard to choose the first, but let's go

America - Founding Fathers: 20
Arabia - The Last Prophet: 20
Australia - Land Down Under: 21
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: 20
Brazil - Amazon: 17
Canada - Four Faces of Peace: 21
China - Dynastic Cycle: 20
Cree - Nihithaw: 21 (20+1) Turn10 merchant expanding borders and aerning some cash for settler/builder or even faith for early pantheon? Yes, please
Egypt - Iteru: 21
England - Workshop of the World: 20
France - Grand Tour: 17
Georgia - Strength In Unity: 17 (20-3) There are times when I want to be in dark age for heroic age era later. This ability in fact totally disables heroic ages while not guaranteeing constant golden age. Weak ability for rather weak civ with weak unique unit and horrible unique building. It needs a serious buff nd plenty of love from developers, cause now it is nothing but a joke civ.
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: 20
Greece - Plato's Republic: 18
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: 20
Inca - Mit'a: 20
India - Dharma: 17
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: 20
Japan - Meiji Restoration: 21
Khmer - Grand Barays: 17
Kongo - Nkisi: 20
Korea - Three Kingdoms: 20
Macedon - Hellenestic Fusion: 17
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: 21
Maori - Mana: 20
Mapuche - Toqui: 20
Mongolia - Ortoo: 20
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: 20
Norway - Knarr: 17
Nubia - Ta-Seti: 20
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: 20
Persia - Satrapies: 20
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: 20
Poland - Golden Liberty: 20
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: 20
Russia - Mother Russia: 21
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: 21
Scythia - People of the Steppe: 20
Spain - Treasure Fleet: 20
Sumeria - Epic Quest: 20
Sweden - Nobel Prize: 20
Zulu - Isibongo: 20
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I feel like this is by far and away the hardest of the elimination threads.... So many abilities which define a specific civ...

America - Founding Fathers: 20
Arabia - The Last Prophet: 20
Australia - Land Down Under: 21
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: 21 (20+1) This ability single handedly makes the Aztecs a science civ...
Brazil - Amazon: 17
Canada - Four Faces of Peace: 21
China - Dynastic Cycle: 20
Cree - Nihithaw: 21
Egypt - Iteru: 21
England - Workshop of the World: 20
France - Grand Tour: 17
Georgia - Strength In Unity: 17
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: 20
Greece - Plato's Republic: 18
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: 20
Inca - Mit'a: 20
India - Dharma: 17
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: 20
Japan - Meiji Restoration: 21
Khmer - Grand Barays: 17
Kongo - Nkisi: 20
Korea - Three Kingdoms: 20
Macedon - Hellenestic Fusion: 17
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: 21
Maori - Mana: 20
Mapuche - Toqui: 20
Mongolia - Ortoo: 20
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: 20
Norway - Knarr: 17
Nubia - Ta-Seti: 20
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: 20
Persia - Satrapies: 20
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: 20
Poland - Golden Liberty: 20
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: 20
Russia - Mother Russia: 21
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: 21
Scythia - People of the Steppe: 20
Spain - Treasure Fleet: 17 (20-3) I've never found early armadas and fleets that consequential and while the trader ability is good it's not the best there is...
Sumeria - Epic Quest: 20
Sweden - Nobel Prize: 20
Zulu - Isibongo: 20

Edit: Forgot.to colour
America - Founding Fathers: 20
Arabia - The Last Prophet: 20
Australia - Land Down Under: 21
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: 21
Brazil - Amazon: 17
Canada - Four Faces of Peace: 21
China - Dynastic Cycle: 20
Cree - Nihithaw: 21
Egypt - Iteru: 21
England - Workshop of the World: 20
France - Grand Tour: 17
Georgia - Strength In Unity: 17
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: 20
Greece - Plato's Republic: 18
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: 20
Inca - Mit'a: 20
India - Dharma: 17
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: 20
Japan - Meiji Restoration: 21
Khmer - Grand Barays: 17
Kongo - Nkisi: 20
Korea - Three Kingdoms: 17 = 20 - 3 Less useful with changes to lumbermills. Putting mines everywhere isn't necessarily the best move.
Macedon - Hellenestic Fusion: 17
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: 21
Maori - Mana: 20
Mapuche - Toqui: 20
Mongolia - Ortoo: 20
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: 20
Norway - Knarr: 17
Nubia - Ta-Seti: 20
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: 20
Persia - Satrapies: 20
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: 20
Poland - Golden Liberty: 20
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: 20
Russia - Mother Russia: 21
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: 22 = 21 + 1 This is what makes Scotland a premier science civ, and the production bonus gives them the edge over Korea for me. Obviously you have to put some work into it, and that's what I like. You get a reward for your efforts.
Scythia - People of the Steppe: 20
Spain - Treasure Fleet: 17
Sumeria - Epic Quest: 20
Sweden - Nobel Prize: 20
Zulu - Isibongo: 20
America - Founding Fathers: 20
Arabia - The Last Prophet: 20
Australia - Land Down Under: 21
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: 22
Brazil - Amazon: 17
Canada - Four Faces of Peace: 21
China - Dynastic Cycle: 20
Cree - Nihithaw: 21
Egypt - Iteru: 21
England - Workshop of the World: 20
France - Grand Tour: 17
Georgia - Strength In Unity: 17
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: 20
Greece - Plato's Republic: 19= 18+1 - Quite unfair to have this already downvoted in my opinion. Always good,whatever the situation, goal, moment. Boring, maybe, but strong, for sure.
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: 20
Inca - Mit'a: 20
India - Dharma: 17
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: 20
Japan - Meiji Restoration: 21
Khmer - Grand Barays: 17
Kongo - Nkisi: 20
Korea - Three Kingdoms: 14 = 17-3 - Very weak compared to the other bonuses, probably to compensate the OP campus.
Macedon - Hellenestic Fusion: 17
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: 21
Maori - Mana: 20
Mapuche - Toqui: 20
Mongolia - Ortoo: 20
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: 20
Norway - Knarr: 17
Nubia - Ta-Seti: 20
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: 20
Persia - Satrapies: 20
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: 20
Poland - Golden Liberty: 20
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: 20
Russia - Mother Russia: 21
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: 22
Scythia - People of the Steppe: 20
Spain - Treasure Fleet: 17
Sumeria - Epic Quest: 20
Sweden - Nobel Prize: 20
Zulu - Isibongo: 20
America - Founding Fathers: 20
Arabia - The Last Prophet: 20
Australia - Land Down Under: 21
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: 22
Brazil - Amazon: 17
Canada - Four Faces of Peace: 21
China - Dynastic Cycle: 20
Cree - Nihithaw: 21
Egypt - Iteru: 21
England - Workshop of the World: 20
France - Grand Tour: 17
Georgia - Strength In Unity: 17
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: 20
Greece - Plato's Republic: 19
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: 21 (20+1) Admittedly, this doesn't have any synergy with the rest of the civ, but it's still incredibly useful and makes city planning more fun. This ability would be useful on any civ, actually - it doesn't lean toward any particular victory or playstyle, so it's universally effective.
Inca - Mit'a: 20
India - Dharma: 14 (17-3) Even after they buffed it, it's still not very impactful. The multiple-religions-per-city thing is cool in theory, but I never notice any benefits from it. In addition, the religious pressure from trade routes is meh, because I'm most likely to be sending trade routes where I can get the most food/production/gold in the cities where it's needed, and religious pressure is an afterthought. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the bonus spreads only applies to Missionaries and not Apostles, so you won't be able to get extra spreads on the religious units that can actually get powerful promotions like Proselytizer and Translator. If Apostles got the bonus spreads, yea, maybe it'd be better, but the civ ability only says Missionaries, so... yea.
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: 20
Japan - Meiji Restoration: 21
Khmer - Grand Barays: 17
Kongo - Nkisi: 20
Korea - Three Kingdoms: 14
Macedon - Hellenestic Fusion: 17
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: 21
Maori - Mana: 20
Mapuche - Toqui: 20
Mongolia - Ortoo: 20
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: 20
Norway - Knarr: 17
Nubia - Ta-Seti: 20
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: 20
Persia - Satrapies: 20
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: 20
Poland - Golden Liberty: 20
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: 20
Russia - Mother Russia: 21
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: 22
Scythia - People of the Steppe: 20
Spain - Treasure Fleet: 17
Sumeria - Epic Quest: 20
Sweden - Nobel Prize: 20
Zulu - Isibongo: 20
Moderator Action: We've had a spate of non-voting posts, all of which have been deleted with notice to their creators, but a general reminder appears necessary: You should not be posting in an elimination game thread unless you are voting or correcting a vote total. If you want to respond to something said in someone else's valid voting post, please save that thought for the next time you vote. And, if someone does make a non-voting post, please do not reply with your own non-voting post. Just report it so it can be brought to moderator attention and deleted. Many thanks.
America - Founding Fathers: 20
Arabia - The Last Prophet: 20
Australia - Land Down Under: 22 (21+1) This ability opens up a lot of the map to Australia, and can be leveraged to great effect.
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: 22
Brazil - Amazon: 17
Canada - Four Faces of Peace: 21
China - Dynastic Cycle: 20
Cree - Nihithaw: 21
Egypt - Iteru: 21
England - Workshop of the World: 20
France - Grand Tour: 17
Georgia - Strength In Unity: 17
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: 20
Greece - Plato's Republic: 19
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: 21
Inca - Mit'a: 20
India - Dharma: 11 (14-3) I never seem to notice anything from this ability - might as well play without it.
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: 20
Japan - Meiji Restoration: 21
Khmer - Grand Barays: 17
Kongo - Nkisi: 20
Korea - Three Kingdoms: 14
Macedon - Hellenestic Fusion: 17
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: 21
Maori - Mana: 20
Mapuche - Toqui: 20
Mongolia - Ortoo: 20
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: 20
Norway - Knarr: 17
Nubia - Ta-Seti: 20
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: 20
Persia - Satrapies: 20
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: 20
Poland - Golden Liberty: 20
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: 20
Russia - Mother Russia: 21
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: 22
Scythia - People of the Steppe: 20
Spain - Treasure Fleet: 17
Sumeria - Epic Quest: 20
Sweden - Nobel Prize: 20
Zulu - Isibongo: 20
America - Founding Fathers: 20
Arabia - The Last Prophet: 20
Australia - Land Down Under: 21
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: 22
Brazil - Amazon: 17
Canada - Four Faces of Peace: 21
China - Dynastic Cycle: 20
Cree - Nihithaw: 21
Egypt - Iteru: 21
England - Workshop of the World: 20
France - Grand Tour: 17
Georgia - Strength In Unity: 17
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: 20
Greece - Plato's Republic: 19
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: 21
Inca - Mit'a: 20
India - Dharma: 14
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: 20
Japan - Meiji Restoration: 21
Khmer - Grand Barays: 17
Kongo - Nkisi: 20
Korea - Three Kingdoms: 14 - 3 = 11

Not a civ ability, it's a district ability in disguise and not even a good one.

Macedon - Hellenestic Fusion: 17 + 1 = 18

Unless it's been patched out, this one works in cities that don't have the required districts. Take a city, build it up, and let the boosts roll in.

Mali - Songs of the Jeli: 21
Maori - Mana: 20
Mapuche - Toqui: 20
Mongolia - Ortoo: 20
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: 20
Norway - Knarr: 17
Nubia - Ta-Seti: 20
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: 20
Persia - Satrapies: 20
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: 20
Poland - Golden Liberty: 20
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: 20
Russia - Mother Russia: 21
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: 22
Scythia - People of the Steppe: 20
Spain - Treasure Fleet: 17
Sumeria - Epic Quest: 20
Sweden - Nobel Prize: 20
Zulu - Isibongo: 20
America - Founding Fathers: 20
Arabia - The Last Prophet: 20
Australia - Land Down Under: 22
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: 22
Brazil - Amazon: 17
Canada - Four Faces of Peace: 21
China - Dynastic Cycle: 20
Cree - Nihithaw: 21
Egypt - Iteru: 21
England - Workshop of the World: 20
France - Grand Tour: 14 = 17 - 3. Wonders are usually a trap. Even with a production bonus and some extra tourism, it's a big risk little reward. Medieval, Renaissance, and Industrial wonders don't really synergize with France's preferred victory, cultural.
Georgia - Strength In Unity: 17
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: 20
Greece - Plato's Republic: 19
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: 21
Inca - Mit'a: 20
India - Dharma: 11
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: 20
Japan - Meiji Restoration: 21
Khmer - Grand Barays: 17
Kongo - Nkisi: 20
Korea - Three Kingdoms: 11
Macedon - Hellenestic Fusion: 16 = 15 + 1. This is insanely strong provided you are conquering cities. If you aren't, why are you playing Macedonia? You don't even need campuses or theater districts as Macedon freeing up production for more units.
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: 21
Maori - Mana: 20
Mapuche - Toqui: 20
Mongolia - Ortoo: 20
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: 20
Norway - Knarr: 17
Nubia - Ta-Seti: 20
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: 20
Persia - Satrapies: 20
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: 20
Poland - Golden Liberty: 20
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: 20
Russia - Mother Russia: 21
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: 22
Scythia - People of the Steppe: 20
Spain - Treasure Fleet: 17
Sumeria - Epic Quest: 20
Sweden - Nobel Prize: 20
Zulu - Isibongo: 20

Edit - Fixed Macedon and India's scores as some votes were missed.
Edit2 - And Australia
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America - Founding Fathers: 20
Arabia - The Last Prophet: 20
Australia - Land Down Under: 21
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: 22
Brazil - Amazon: 17
Canada - Four Faces of Peace: 21
China - Dynastic Cycle: 20
Cree - Nihithaw: 21
Egypt - Iteru: 21
England - Workshop of the World: 20
France - Grand Tour: 14
Georgia - Strength In Unity: 17
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: 20
Greece - Plato's Republic: 20 (19+1) - Incredibly powerful, especially early on when you can play both Urban Planning and God King simultaneously
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: 21
Inca - Mit'a: 20
India - Dharma: 11
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: 20
Japan - Meiji Restoration: 21
Khmer - Grand Barays: 17
Kongo - Nkisi: 20
Korea - Three Kingdoms: 11
Macedon - Hellenestic Fusion: 16
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: 21
Maori - Mana: 20
Mapuche - Toqui: 17 (20-3) - Not always easy to use as you can't control which opponents are in a golden age.
Mongolia - Ortoo: 20
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: 20
Norway - Knarr: 17
Nubia - Ta-Seti: 20
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: 20
Persia - Satrapies: 20
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: 20
Poland - Golden Liberty: 20
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: 20
Russia - Mother Russia: 21
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: 22
Scythia - People of the Steppe: 20
Spain - Treasure Fleet: 17
Sumeria - Epic Quest: 20
Sweden - Nobel Prize: 20
Zulu - Isibongo: 20
America - Founding Fathers: 20
Arabia - The Last Prophet: 20
Australia - Land Down Under: 21
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: 22
Brazil - Amazon: 17
Canada - Four Faces of Peace: 21
China - Dynastic Cycle: 20
Cree - Nihithaw: 21
Egypt - Iteru: 21
England - Workshop of the World: 20
France - Grand Tour: 14
Georgia - Strength In Unity: 17
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: 20
Greece - Plato's Republic: 20
Hungary - Pearl of the Danube: 21
Inca - Mit'a: 20
India - Dharma: 11
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: 20
Japan - Meiji Restoration: 21
Khmer - Grand Barays: 17
Kongo - Nkisi: 20
Korea - Three Kingdoms: 11
Macedon - Hellenestic Fusion: 16
Mali - Songs of the Jeli: 21
Maori - Mana: 21 (20+1) Such a unique and fun ability that changes the way you play the game, which are the kind of abilities I enjoy the most.
Mapuche - Toqui: 17
Mongolia - Ortoo: 20
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: 20
Norway - Knarr: 17
Nubia - Ta-Seti: 20
The Ottomans - Great Turkish Bombard: 17 (20-3) Gets a vote down for being one of the few abilities that can actively cost you a game if you're not careful. Not losing population when you conquer a city can be nice... unless it results in a religious victory for an opponent as those population tip you into being converted to a religion. Not enough for me to keep voting it down in the immediate future, but deserves to be pointed out.
Persia - Satrapies: 20
Phoenicia - Mediterranean Colonies: 20
Poland - Golden Liberty: 20
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: 20
Russia - Mother Russia: 21
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: 22
Scythia - People of the Steppe: 20
Spain - Treasure Fleet: 17
Sumeria - Epic Quest: 20
Sweden - Nobel Prize: 20
Zulu - Isibongo: 20
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