Civ VI - Beta Gauntlet II

You need to hard-build the Spaceport first (you can Chop Forests or Harvest Quarries to make it faster). Then you use the GPs to build all 5 parts. Make sure to use the 100% space projects GPs first. You can build all 5 parts in 4 turns with one Spaceport.

The 100% adjacency bonus cards simply double the current adjacency yield of all districts of a specific type. For example, if you are getting +2 science from a Campus (since it is next to two mountains) and you decide to use the Natural Philosophy card (from the Recorded History civic which provides +100% Campus district adjacency bonuses), you will now be getting +4 science from that Campus from adjacency bonuses alone. This will happen for all Campuses in your empire. To know what exactly provides adjacency bonuses to a specific district type simply check out the district name in the Civilopedia. To know the current adjacency yield of a district, check out the second tab of the city info to the left (however, it will also take into account any bonus yields you are getting from any City State).

Thanks! hehe
You need to hard-build the Spaceport first (you can Chop Forests or Harvest Quarries to make it faster). Then you use the GPs to build all 5 parts. Make sure to use the 100% space projects GPs first. You can build all 5 parts in 4 turns with one Spaceport.
If you still have some forests, you can do all parts in one turn. A build doesn't complete on overflow alone in one turn, but if you add more production from a chop, the next build immediately completes. Actually, if you have 4 forests you can probably do it in one turn even without one of the +100% Great People. With Hong Kong, Communism, Goddard and Kwolek you should have a x2.5 modifier on all chops and great people. 13k/2.5 = 5200, so 700 production from chops is enough.
By the way, in case you guys didn't find any horses. Do you make Varu as a replacement?

I used Varus in my game. They are really good in my opinion, except they are limited to 2 Movement Points. The -5 strength to an opposing unit stacks, so one can surround a defender with several Varu, and get a really great strength differential on the attack. No unit of its era can match the Varu (strength 40) on the field due to this bonus. They can surround and kill even Knights (strength 48). They also work well against cities when used with a supporting Seige Tower.
The -5 strength to an opposing unit stacks, so one can surround a defender with several Varu, and get a really great strength differential on the attack. No unit of its era can match the Varu (strength 40) on the field due to this bonus. They can surround and kill even Knights (strength 48). They also work well against cities when used with a supporting Seige Tower.

It does? I tried it once by sandwiching a catapult with 2 Varus, and all i see is -5.
I might missed that tho.
Got a T170 Victory!


Great start with lots of spices.

Didn't see horses in my initial scouting, so I used Varus. I only built 3 and brought down my very close neighbors, Cleo and Peter, without much trouble. I took over Preslav as well and captured two settlers. I was able to get such a strong start that I kept going despite not finding Toronto until turn 80-something.

I got a free religion out of my captured Holy Sites, which was nice. Peter's even had a shrine already built, so I was able to spread Tithe and Work Ethic bonuses to my empire without researching Astrology.

Toronto and Hong Kong were there, but no Stockholm. In fact, Geneva was the only science city state, and it was captured by Catherine shortly after Industrialization, which slowed my path to Electricity. I learned the importance of guarding key city states.

I recorded the whole thing, so you can watch it here:

Sorry it's so long; I tend to agonize over small decisions a lot. Sorry the video quality is so bad too, but you can see what's happening.

Anyway, it was a lot of fun! Crazy to think it could still be faster.

Screenshot (2).png


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Awesome game Kruncha.

Here's my first submission - T219

I really cocked up my initial conquest, the map should have been viable for a sub 200 finish if not faster but oh well... :D. 4 science CS's even though 2 took me till late to find, no Toronto though which seems to be the single most important CS for a science victory.

I took Valletta early enough but it took me till T85ish before I finished taking 3 cities off America and about T115 before I took 3 off Brazil. The setback from this hit me hard in that all their cities had already filled up with districts so that it took too long before I could grow them enough to lay down IZs.... . I finished up with 20 cities but I really wish I could have been more efficient in my start.

I just wanted to finish this game though so I could get a submission in and I'll try again now I've learnt a few more little lessons.



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I achieved a turn 295 victory.


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Great game Kruncha! This Gauntlet is getting tough!

I see some really cool ideas in your game. Among other things, I notice you stayed in Classical Republic until the end. Does the Classical Republic bonus affect GP points you get from district projects? I used to assume it doesn't, when I thought Democracy boosted those yields. But I'm not so sure anymore after I found out Democracy dosen't give any bonus to those.
Unfortunately, I don't think it does affect GP points from district projects. I think that decision was probably pretty inconsequential, but I wanted to take whatever boost I could get for GP points since I didn't have Stockholm or Divine Spark. In the late game, envoy generation seems to become less important since there are so many civics that give you envoys if you still need them, and there aren't really any policy cards that help generate GP points much faster as far as I know.
There is the late game policy Gunboat Diplomacy. I believe it adds +4 influence points per turn. It also opens borders with all CSs.
Finished this attempt with a turn 243 victory, which is my best so far on these settings but left lots of room for improvement. I had a nice start in the northwest corner, with lots of spices and hills, and with Victoria and Pedro to the south. In conquering them, I added six cities, a very nice start. Mis-clicks cost me occasionally (lost a wounded varu when I thought I was attacking with the archer--whoops!) but most annoyingly, the city-state placement could have been much better. I lost a fair number of turns that I would have preferred to be exploring, having to fight down a huge barbarian pocket that Pedro had been ineffective in controlling before I conquered him, and when I finally did discover Stockholm (the only scientific CS in the game), it was on turn 171, in the diametrically opposite corner of the map. Toronto took even longer and I didn't discover them (in the northEAST corner) until the satellite launch gave me full view--and then I had to send a scout zooming over to make contact. Until then I made do primarily with just the cash influx from Amsterdam.

If those two city-states had been near my start, things could have gone significantly better. Still, it's my best with the Gandhi-Inland Sea so far, and progress is good.


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Impressive win Kruncha!

I really like your idea staying at Classical Republic, i think i have to give this a try as well :)

I'm nowhere near as good as some of you guys are, so let me make this clear now that I only got this finishing time through using goddess of the harvest. This should be banned from hof until the bug is fixed imho as I was chopping stuff for 800 faith at around T80 and 3K faith a chop by the end, utterly stupid.

I think my initial expansion is less efficient than some of you which is what is holding me back from a really great time. I had 2 horses in range of a 2nd city so went.

Warrior, Builder, Settler, Settler, Horsemen spam.

Then I conquered my neighbours which was 2 city states, 2 cities from Harald and a settler. I had nothing else nearby at all so went peaceful for the rest of it. Science was my bottleneck this game, I think I should have built universities before powerplants. I didn't prioritise trade routes at all although I ended up building a bunch of them over the last 15 turns as I had nothing else to do that could speed up my victory. In hindsight there were probably a few goodie huts out there that couldve given me free techs but I didn't think of this at the time.

T101 -
Spoiler :

T178 -
Spoiler :


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Haha, you certainly had a lot of room for your own on this map :D

What is it with this harvest bug, i have been reading about it several times now, still i have no clue what it does.
Haha, you certainly had a lot of room for your own on this map :D

What is it with this harvest bug, i have been reading about it several times now, still i have no clue what it does.

It is supposed to give faith per chop, but instead it gives you faith per chop multiplied by the number of cities you have. If you expand fast (like playing properly!) then every single chop or harvest you do gives you crazy amounts of faith.
This is my third submission, and finally:
Spoiler ?? :
Turn 213 victory, 1510AD.

2nd submission: 1808AD Turn 275 Space Race Victory

I guess my micro needs improvement--

High production plains start, although capital was food poor except for 2 wheat tiles on the 2nd ring. What was great was the 2 horses in the capital and another at my 2nd city site. Researched animal husbandry then horseback riding and prepared early war.

Lucky for me on this map, 3 civs were within 6 moves for horses. Ended up conquering Congo (3 cities), Japan (2 cities) and after a lull and some settler spamming, Spain (4 cities). Only Spain had time enough to raise walls in its capital. Veteran Varu (4 of 'em) with battering ram can more than bring down city walls

On the flip side, only 1 culture city state was close to me, the rest were on the other side of the inland lake. Much later I found Toronto, only 8 tiles away to the east.

Had to stop at 1 turn before building Big Ben, I couldn't raise enough cash. Ended up winning the game without building it. Mostly focused on IZ's and Campuses. Also I did industrial logistics first enmasse before campus grants and got the +20% (but after I researched Rocketry), +1500 cogs to space projects and +100% prod engineers. Even with grants, I couldn't reach Sagan or Kwolek in time to be useful without Big Ben and enough gold.

Built 2 spaceports, ended up using only 1 this time.

Got a T170 Victory!

I think I'm finally getting a grasp on quick finish times. Although I need to improve timing policy card changes and priority setting, especially with the initial REX.

Screenshots at turn 100 and 213
Turn 100.png Gauntlet 2 Ghandi.png


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Well bah. The map for my latest attempt wasn't spectacular, by any means, but it was...okay. And I'm learning the way of setting things up for a fast victory, to the point that I felt I was in line for a turn 200ish finish. Adjust for my optimism and say it would have ended up 220ish, that's still an improvement--and I can see some things I mis-played this time out, such as settling some cities out of range of my core area rather than keeping it tightly focused. Started the spaceport on turn 154, if I recall.

But on the 173-174 inter-turn, the game crashed. And when I reloaded and replayed the turn, it crashed again. So I updated my video driver still crashes.

I'll try out a new map after I've done 6otM 4.
T174 SV.

I feel it is really going to be hard to surpass that 170 from kruncha :)


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