• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Civ5 Stories & Tales Central

In my updates, that still aren't up. There are maybe a couple of recent additions that I didn't send him.
Is this forum atill alive? I will be starting a ciV forum game. Within two or three weeks.
Alright, so I am thinking about starting a new RP.

My question for you is, what should it be played on, and what settings do you think I should use.

Your options for what I will play on:

Your Options For Settings:
Anything you can think of

Now, I have another question. I am thinking about playing all the other nations using the hotseat feature in order to increase the realisticness of diplomacy, etc. I was wondering if you thought think this is a good/bad idea.
The first post should be updated, it is quite out of date. It completely misses the Saga that was Governments and Politics by Civleader, and Yahzuks newer community game things.
I've been working on an improved index for some time, Jehoshua. The project was temporarily derailed, but I've restarted it recently.
most excellent :goodjob:
Hey guys! I m new to this forum. Can anyone guide me as to how to post a story?
Im thinking of starting a simple walktrough story with screenshots and all that jazz (not sure about the settings yet) as i have just got the compleete Civ5 pack, and it looks quite good for a story with religion, spys, tourism and all.

Just wondering is there an audience for that type of single player story. ?
Im thinking of starting a simple walktrough story with screenshots and all that jazz (not sure about the settings yet) as i have just got the compleete Civ5 pack, and it looks quite good for a story with religion, spys, tourism and all.

Just wondering is there an audience for that type of single player story. ?

I am thinking of doing one myself for my WWI scenario, playing as the Ottomans. As far as an audience, there used to be awhile back. Now it frankly looks dead. :(
I've enjoyed the Fallout Frontiers mod & have been thinking about doing a story on that. Will be playing as the United Republic!
Hey, I have a story I want to share, but it was years ago, some of the details such as the advanced settings are kinda hazy for me, and I don't have any screenshots. Can I still post it?
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