So I was playing a nice casual game as England. Me being British, I thought it was weird that I hadn't beaten the game on diety as England.
At the beginning of the game I converted to playing faith because I got a free relic from tribal village and I found "Jerusalem" and "Chingueitti."
This exploit does use faith btw.
So this is around turn 160/500 My city rebels because I come into a dark age. This is a city almost by itself. I don't think this has anything to do with it, but just in case.
After getting the city back, the "Royal Navy Dockyard" got pillaged by a tornado.
Because of my cities previously low loyalty I put a "Moksha" with the promotion "Divine architect".
You can buy the "Royal Navy dockyard" for 210 faith with Moksha. You place it on the already pillaged "Royal Navy Dockyard". This gives you your best naval unit for free, and it has movement. You can repeat this infinite times.
I have 8k faith. This means if I wanted to I could get 40 ironclads in one turn. I also have 400 faith income, so I can get 2 ironclads every turn!
This exploit is a bit obscure and hard to replicate but good luck in doing so.
If you do replicate this bug, please do message me so I can congratulate you because this exploit will be pretty hard to replicate.
But Cl there are probably stronger bugs than this for what it is worth, but this is just a cool bug that I randomly found. If you guys want to see this exploit just ask and I will attach a video.
At the beginning of the game I converted to playing faith because I got a free relic from tribal village and I found "Jerusalem" and "Chingueitti."
This exploit does use faith btw.
So this is around turn 160/500 My city rebels because I come into a dark age. This is a city almost by itself. I don't think this has anything to do with it, but just in case.
After getting the city back, the "Royal Navy Dockyard" got pillaged by a tornado.
Because of my cities previously low loyalty I put a "Moksha" with the promotion "Divine architect".
You can buy the "Royal Navy dockyard" for 210 faith with Moksha. You place it on the already pillaged "Royal Navy Dockyard". This gives you your best naval unit for free, and it has movement. You can repeat this infinite times.
I have 8k faith. This means if I wanted to I could get 40 ironclads in one turn. I also have 400 faith income, so I can get 2 ironclads every turn!
This exploit is a bit obscure and hard to replicate but good luck in doing so.
If you do replicate this bug, please do message me so I can congratulate you because this exploit will be pretty hard to replicate.
But Cl there are probably stronger bugs than this for what it is worth, but this is just a cool bug that I randomly found. If you guys want to see this exploit just ask and I will attach a video.