Civaholics Anonymous Member Card Creation Service

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That is so...ME!!! Pentium, you are THE man!!!
Man I gotta have one of these!

Name: Rambuchan
Icon: Osman of the Ottomans
Motto: Bored of Eurocentric craptrap.
Thanks, Whomp! You know, I just re-installed Civ3 and is seems so weird when I come into the menu and there are only 3 columns there :(.
Rambuchan said:
Man I gotta have one of these!

Name: Rambuchan
Icon: Osman of the Ottomans
Motto: Bored of Eurocentric craptrap.

Ahem. Pretty please?
We can agree to differ on that one then Pentium. I'll go without the card then, without any hard feelings to you.

But I too am insulted. I find it insulting to read or watch so called highbrow content (in magazines, tv documentaries, films and books) that keeps going on about European greatness in history, art, culture, science and so many other fields of human endeavour, as if the rest of the world hardly existed. It's insulting to my intelligence and to all those humans from other continents who achieved so much. It's a whitewashing of the world's brains that's been going on for ages and I'm bored of it. Hence my requested signature.

But if you choose this to be a personal insult then so be it. I don't intend it.

Great idea though on the cards though :goodjob:
Now, now Rambuchan. This is a light hearted thread for those of us who have come to grips with our addiction to Civ. Europe has nothing to do with this. It might be a good "Off topic" thread to post your views on Euro ethnocentricity.
Hey, I didn't mean anything bad. I didn't take is as a personal insult and I hope you didn't either. I just didn't want to write anything against my history.

These cards are meant as think to laugh at, not some political/historian claims. That's why most of us have mottos about Civ. If you want a different one, it's you choice, just don't expect someone disagreeing with you will make it.

Now, please, let's get beck on topic.
I would like one but with a Paratrooper as my image please and thank you very much. They look great.

@ Rambuchan

Which one do you want? I made one with the unit, and one with the Civ entry.


Ross25 said:
I would like one but with a Paratrooper as my image please and thank you very much. They look great.


Modern Paratrooper or WWII paratrooper?
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