Civfanatics Nights


Feistus Raclettus
Dec 5, 2001
North German Plain
Now, that I've once again visited this place late a night I begin to wonder when you guys (and girls) read and write here regularly. Well theoretically I could figure the writing out to some extend at least for the people who give their location, but that won't say that much about the reading anyway.
So I'll just ask: What part of the day do you usually "share" with the Civfanatics? Are there others who sometimes get here at 5 am of their time? :D

EDIT : Major mistake due to lack of sleep
Well, being in Minnesota, I'll just convert to EST for the sake of simplicity.

I generally get on here about 1:00 PM EST, stay on until 1:45, get home at 4:30, and visit off-and-on about every hour until 11:30, when I go to bed.
I have posted in every hour of the day! It would be cool if there was a pie chart showing the percentage of my posts were made at what time of the day...I suspect a vast number around 3-5 am.
I post constantly from about 9AM - 5 PM from the east coast of the US, because I am very, very bored at work. Occasionally, I check in later in the evening if I posted something to piss off Zouave or Troyens.:D
EST 6:30-5:00 Tuesday through Friday. Work is boring. Monday's I have off, hence the long hours. Other than that I check in sporadically to fire off another volley at those who need it.
My schedule had been so phucked up over the last few weeks, I'm not even going to try to explain it to y'all. Needless to say, I'm usually here on those irregular occasions when when I have an hour or so to spare which often happens to be at about 4:00 AM Mountain Time which would be 6:00 AM Eastern Time and about noon in Europe.
On the moment it's 1:33 in the night. ;) But I'm usually at home or at the university and at both locations there is internet. And when I haven't checked the forum for more than 12 hours, I just have to look. ;)
I go online whenever I want to see you crazy jokers!

'They only come out at night!'

I am usually about from 2100-0500 local/lima time.
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