...and the combat system. The combat will not be anymore turn based, but rather a mixture of a real time and a turn based system. The developers say that it will allow to combine and coordinate actions between different mercenaries, so that e.g. one can back up another one during his actions. How this will exactly work can probably not yet be described properly. Let's hope it will work good, because the combat system is critical for the success of this game. It can lead to one of the best remakes ever, or maybe to one of the biggest fails ever. We'll hope for the former.
What you mean The_J, it's the "Plan & Go" system (better know as "We Go", but to me there are some differences), the same system used for Frozen Synaptics: you give all the commands for everybody that turn and then unleash the action.
It's waaaaaay better than the "each unit get his turn" system and requires a whole new (smarter) way of strategy.
Even though it's a remake, this simple change alone will make the game a lot different from the old version.
Thanks for the explanation .
I don't know any comparable games (unless you count the combat system in the RPG Grandia 2 as similiar...not sure), but I can image that it will work. But could also fail, depending on how it's implemented.
We'll still have to wait until it's released, but now I can understand it better, thanks .
Thanks for the explanation .
I don't know any comparable games (unless you count the combat system in the RPG Grandia 2 as similiar...not sure), but I can image that it will work. But could also fail, depending on how it's implemented.
We'll still have to wait until it's released, but now I can understand it better, thanks .
FYI: Masters of a Broken world is a remake of 2009 Russian indie game Eador which wasn't translated to English. It's more of Civilization/Europa Universalis style. You have single castle like in Disciples and you can build more than 200 buildings there. Yes, two hundreds and there aren't "Magic Guild Level 1/2/3", every building is unique. They contradict each other but you can have something like 70 in the end.
You can build several buildings in provinces too. You have to keep an eye on province loyalty, lesser races diplomacy, quests for heroes, heroes and creatures level advances, hero equipment, province exploring, dungeon crawling (mostly dungeon = single battle with neutrals), random events etc. Battle system is Panzer General with some Age of Wonders mixed in.
Overally the game is incredibly big and complex. At the same time it was easy to master and showed features one by one during campaing so many people thought it's just Heroes of Might and Magic clone and passed them. Now it will have fancy graphics, multiplayer and reworked campaigns, so don't miss it guys.
I'm mainly looking forward to Magna Mundi.
I think Europa Universalis 3 is Paradox by far best game. So a game that's similar to EU3 must be a real winner.
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