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[NFP] Civilization and Leader Ideas for any modders out there.

Duke William of Normandy

King of England & Unofficial Welcoming Committee
Jul 27, 2020
Rouen, Normandy
Yeah... That's the whole thing. :| Ok, have fun!

Sid Meier's Civilization 6: Kings and Generals

Yi Sin-Sin of the Korean Empire

Yi Sun-sin.png

Spoiler :

Leader Ability: Myeongnyang
+10 combat strength for Naval Units when defending. +50% experience and +100% production towards naval units when at war.
Gain the Turtle Ship Unique Unit with Gunpowder.

Unique Unit: Turtle Ship
Korean Unique Renaissance Era Naval Melee Unit that replaces the Caravel when Yi Sun-sin is their leader.
Gains +3 combat strength for each promotion earned.
Requires 10 Niter to train.

Production Cost: 365

Gold Cost: 1460

Maintenance Cost: 2

Movement Points: 3

Melee Strength: 70

Sight Range: 2

Leader Agenda: Samdo Sugun Tongjesa
Will build a strong Navy. Likes Civilizations that don't compete in Naval Strength and likes those who rival him in naval strength.

Greeting: Welcome. I am Yi Sun-sin, Naval Commander of the Three Provinces, and humble servant of the Joseon dynasty. For what purpose have you come?

Agenda Approval: I commend your deference in that you acknowledge the superiority of our fleets.

Agenda Disapproval: While I do not wish for war, failure to acknowledge our naval supremacy will be seen as an act of open aggression by the king’s court.

Attacked: Shameful, arrogant barbarian! Your mobs shall be destroyed before they lay a hand on the Korean people!

Declares War: I did not wish for this bloodshed. But as the king demands it, I shall obey his command.

Defeated: The kingdom has fallen, and I have failed my people. Please, protect my people, and do not fail them as I have.

Klemens von Metternich of the Austrian Empire

Klemens von Metternich.jpeg

Spoiler :

Leader Ability: Prince of Diplomats
+1 Diplomatic Policy Slot. -50% Diplomatic Favor cost for World Congress Resolutions.

Civilization Ability: Austro-Hungarian Empire
City-States Austria is Suzerain of provide +100% Suzerainty Bonus and double Diplomatic Favor.

Unique Unit: Grenadier
Austrian Unique Renaissance Ranged Unit.
Available after researching Gunpowder. Can Melee Attack after a Ranged Attack if Movement allows.
Requires 10 Niter to train.

Production Cost: 215

Gold Cost: 860

Gold Maintenance: 3

Movement Points: 3

Melee Strength: 35

Ranged Strength: 47

Range: 2

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Coffee House
Austrian Unique Improvement unlocked with Banking.
Can only build one Coffee House per City.

+1 Food

+2 Production

+1 Culture

+0.5 Housing

+100% Great Person Points to every adjacent Specialty District

+1 Gold for each adjacent Plantation, increasing
to +2 Gold for each adjacent Plantation(with Civil Engineering)

+2 Tourism(with Flight)

Leader Agenda: Concert of Europe
Will try to accumulate as much Diplomatic Favor as possible. Likes Civilizations that have a lot of Diplomatic Favor, and dislikes those who don’t have a lot of Diplomatic Favor.

Greeting: Salutations! I am Klemens Wenzel Nepomuk Lothar, Prince of Metternich-Winneburg zu Beilstein, and Chancellor of Austria. Come, let us discuss matters in the ballrooms.

Agenda Approval: The world is such a grand concert, playing the music of the conductor. I invite you to join Austria to make the music that is in our interest.

Agenda Disapproval: How do you expect to earn the world’s respect, if you do not make any effort to do so?

Attacked: I had expected more civility from the likes of you. Clearly, I was wrong.

Declares War on You: Your upset of the balance of power in the region has, with deep regret, convinced me that war is the course I must take.

Defeated: No! It cannot be possible! My life’s work is destroyed!

David of the Israeli Empire

David 2.jpg

Spoiler :

Leader Ability: The Psalms
Great Works of Writing provide +3 Faith and +3 culture. Holy Site Buildings provide Great Writer points equal to their Great Prophet point output.

Civilization Ability: Ten Commandments
Entering a Golden Age grants Israel a free relic. Relics provide double Faith and Tourism. Holy Site Districts provide +2 Relic slots and Culture equal to their Faith adjacency bonus.

Unique Unit: Maccabee
Israeli Unique Classical Era Melee Unit that replaces Swordsman.
Can be purchased with Faith. +25% Experience from Combat if trained in a City with a Holy Site.
Requires 10 Iron to train.

Production Cost: 110

Gold Cost: 440

Faith Cost: 220

Faith Maintenance: 3

Movement Points: 2

Melee Strength: 39

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Yeshiva
Israeli Unique Building that replaces the Library.
Has +1 Slot of Great Work of Writing. Provides Faith and Great Writer Points.

Production Cost: 80

+2 Faith

+2 Science

+1 Great Scientist Point

+1 Great Writer Point

+1 Slot of Great Work of Writing

Leader Agenda: Shepherd King
Collects as many Relics and Great Works of Writing as possible. Likes Civilizations that have many Relics and Great Works of Writing, and dislikes those who do not have Relics or Great Works of Writing.

Greeting: Ah, you are finally here. I am David, King of Israel, my crown granted to me by Hashem. I invite you to share in His grace.

Agenda Approval: Adonai hears your prayers, and bless you tenfold for it. Your praises to Him are as honey to the ears.

Agenda Disapproval: I beseech Adonai to free me of your noise. Your “psalms” are but incessant wailing and mourning!

Attacked: Hashem is our shield, and He will not fail to protect us as He has for generations.

Declares War on You: Hashem is the king of all lands, even yours. Those lands, however, will soon be mine.

Defeated: You may have subdued me, but Hashem shall continue to watch over His people. This I swear.

Joshua of the Israeli Empire


Spoiler :

Leader Ability: The Promised Land
Tiles from Cities on Israel's Home Continent that Israel has conquered gain +1 Faith and Food. Units gain +5 Combat Strength when attacking City Center districts, +10 if the City Center has Walls.

Leader Agenda: Walls of Jericho
Will try to conquer every Foreign City on his Home Continent. Dislikes Civilizations that settle on his Home Continent and likes those who don’t have Cities on his Home Continent.

Greeting: Adonai keeps us secure if only we obey Him. I am Joshua, son of Nun,
and I am the leader of these tribes. I invite you to offer a sacrifice with us.

Agenda Approval: We are both righteous men, both chosen by Adonai, and both of us are leaders of great nations. The only difference is where our nations reside.

Agenda Disapproval: The lands you settle were promised to us by Hashem. I humbly suggest that you do not tread on His Word.

Attacked: I call upon you, oh mighty Hashem! I beseech you to send ten-thousand flaming chariots to dash our foes to the dust.

Declares War on You: Hashem has willed that your lands be taken for his children, and who am I to resist his will?

Defeated: What sins did we commit, oh Adonai, that you deliver us into the hands of our enemies? What sins...?

Margaret I of the Danish Empire

Margaret I.jpg

Spoiler :

Leader Ability: Union of Kalmar
Trade Routes to Denmark's Allies provide +2 Culture and +2 Production for Denmark, and +2 Science and +2 Food for them. +2 Alliance Points and +50% decay of Grievances with every Civilization Denmark is allied with on Denmark's Home Continent.

Civilization Ability: Det Folkelige Gennembrud
Entering a new Era grants Great Writer Points and Culture double the Era Score.

Unique Unit: Norwegian Ski Infantry
Danish Unique Industrial Era Recon Unit that replaces the Ranger.
Ignores Movement Cost for Tundra and Snow Hills. Gains +7 Ranged Strength when fighting in Tundra and Snow Hills.

Production Cost: 375

Gold Cost: 1500

Gold Maintenance: 4

Movement Points: 4

Melee Strength: 45

Ranged Strength: 55

Range: 2

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Jelling Stones
Danish Unique Improvement unlocked with Mysticism.

+1 Faith

+2 Culture

+1 Culture and Faith for every adjacent Holy Site and Theater Square

+1 Faith for every two adjacent Woods, increasing to +1 faith for every adjacent Woods(with Recorded History)

Cannot be built on Desert and Desert Hills.

+2 Tourism(with Flight)

Agenda: Greater Scandinavia
Will establish Alliances with Civilizations on her Home Continent. Likes those who enter into an Alliance with her, but distrusts those who do not have an Alliance with her.

Greeting: I am Margaret, Queen of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, and the founder of the Kalmar Union. On behalf of all these kingdoms, I bid you welcome.

Agenda Approval: I thank you for your willingness to cooperate with us, and your desire for peace between our great nations.

Agenda Disapproval: We could have given you the world as allies, but since you insist to be alone on the world stage, we shall oblige you.

Attacked: Considering this brazen attack, you must not have heard of our soldiers’ prowess. Well then, we shall introduce you to them!

Declares War on You: Under the great Kalmar Union, your lands will experience prosperity unknown during your reign.

Defeated: It appears that it was not my fate to rule all of this proud land, for how else could you have triumphed over me?

*Margaret I can also lead Norway and Sweden.

Karadorde of the Serbian Empire


Spoiler :

Leader Ability: Serbian Revolution
Great Generals receive an additional Charge. Units gain +6 Combat Strength and +1 Movement Point when fighting a Defensive War.
Gain the Frakjori Unique Unit after researching Rifling.

Civilization Ability: Tsarigrad Road
Tiles with Roads on them receive +2 Production, +1 Food, and +1 Gold. Districts on a Tile with a Road provide +2 of the appropriate Yield.

Unique Unit: Hajduk
Serbian Unique Renaissance Era Melee Unit that replaces the Musketman.
Costs no Movement Points to pillage Trade Routes, and +100% yields from pillaging Trade Units.
Requires 10 Niter to train.

Production Cost: 220

Gold Cost: 880

Gold Maintenance: 1

Movement Points: 2

Melee Strength: 50

Sight Range: 2

Unique Unit: Frajkori
Serbian Unique Industrial Era Melee Unit when Karadorde is their leader.
+8 Combat Strength when fighting in Home Territory.

Production Cost: 350

Gold Cost: 1,400

Gold Maintenance: 4

Movement Points: 2

Melee Strength: 63

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Pijaca
Serbian Unique Building that replaces the Market.
Provides Food and extra Food for every Bonus Resource adjacent to its District.

+3 Gold

+2 Food

+1 Citizen Slot

+1 Great Merchant Point

+1 Food for every Bonus Resource adjacent to its District.

+1 Trade Route Capacity if this City doesn't have a Lighthouse

Leader Agenda: Koča’s Frontier
Will rarely declare Wars or be a Warmonger. Likes those who are generally Peaceful, and Hates Warmongers, especially those who have conquered Cities.

Greeting: As Grand Vožd of Serbia, it is my duty to welcome you. I am Dorde Petrović, but you may call me Karadorde.

Agenda Approval: You show that you respect the independence and borders of the other nations surrounding you.

Agenda Disapproval: The peoples that you have conquered will not stand for your rule. They will rebel and raise the flag of their old nation, this I know well.

Attacked: Hah! You think your armies can just walk over us! Unfortunately, you have underestimated Serbia and the strength of its people.

Declares War on You: Your nation has trodden on my people for long enough. Prepare for battle!

Defeated: Though we lay defeated, Serbia and her people will still resist. If need be, to the bitter end.

Justinian I of the Byzantine Empire


Spoiler :

Leader Ability: Renovatio Imperii
+2% Production and Faith in all Cities for every Wonder in the Capital (Caps at +10%). +30% Production towards repairing Pillaged Districts and Buildings.

Leader Agenda: Last of the Romans
Will try to build as many Wonders, Districts, and Buildings, and likes those who do the same. Dislikes those who do not develop their Capital.

Greeting: Hail, Stranger. I am Justinian I, Emperor of the Romans. Come, see Constantinople and in all its glory and wonder.

Agenda Approval: While no city will be as proud as our grand capital, we approve of people who strive to make their cities as fine diamonds.

Agenda Disapproval: You call yourselves “civilized peoples,” but even the barbarians take better care of their settlements than you do for your pile of debris.

Attacked: Now our empires have entered into a bitter clash of which only one shall emerge supreme. Unfortunately for you, the triumphant victor shall be us.

Declares War on You: So, it comes to war. Were you too naive to see this happen? I would happily think so.

Defeated: So, this how my hubris ends me. This is what I know I shall be remembered for: that Caesar I was, and am Justinian.

Carlos Manuel de Céspedes of the Cuban Empire

Carlos Manuel de Céspedes.jpg

Spoiler :

Leader Ability: Grito de Yara
Liberating Cities provides Cuba with a Burst of Culture and Gold equal to double the City Center’s Strength. +2% Culture for every City Cuba has liberated (caps at +14%).

Civilization Ability: Havana Cigars
Plantations provide +2 Gold, +1 Culture, and +1 Amenity. Districts provide +2 Tourism if adjacent to at least two Plantations.

Unique Unit: Guerilla
Cuban Unique Atomic Era Ranged Unit that replaces Infantry.
Available after unlocking Class Struggle. Only adjacent Enemy Units can reveal this Unit.

Production Cost: 445

Gold Cost: 1,580

Gold Maintenance: 5

Movement Points: 3

Melee Strength: 62

Ranged Strength: 75

Range: 2

Sight Range: 3

Unique Infrastructure: Dance Hall
Cuban Unique Building that replaces the Zoo.
Provide +2 Slots of Great Works of Music, and double Tourism when all slots are filled.

Production Cost: 360

Gold Maintenance: 2

+1 Amenity

+2 Slots of Great Works of Music

+2 Tourism

Leader Agenda: La Demajagua
Will generally declare Wars to liberate Cities and not much else. Likes those who liberate Cities, but dislikes those who keep Conquered Cities instead of liberating them.

Greeting: We the Cubans graciously welcome you to our humble island. We are a people who love freedom, and we intend to help others achieve theirs.

Agenda Approval: You truly are a friend of freedom, showing the world that peace and liberty triumph over all adversity.

Agenda Disapproval: You continuously plug your ears to the pleas of the peoples you conquer, and instead of restoring their freedoms, selfishly take their land for your own greed.

Attacked: You insult my people, trample our freedoms, make a joke of our sovereignty, and you tell us that now we must submit?! You are sorely mistaken.

Declares War on You: Your lust for blood and power shows me that the Cuban people will not be safe until you have been destroyed.

Defeated: Yes, you have won this day. But our legacy will remain, as one of liberty and equality.
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Sid Meier's Civilization 6: Into the Unknown

Henry the Navigator of the Portuguese Empire

Leader Ability: Volta Do Mar
Naval Units gain +1 Movement Points and +1 Sight Range and Experience from discovering Natural Wonders. Trade Routes gain +4 Gold and +2 Food if the Destination City is on a Foreign Continent.

Civilization Ability: Os Lusíadas
All Cities gain +1% Production, Food, and Gold for every Conquered City on a Foreign Continent (Caps at 15%). Melee, Heavy Cavalry, and Ranged Units gain +5 Combat Strength when on a Foreign Continent.

Unique Unit: Carrack
Portuguese Unique Renaissance Era Naval Melee Unit that replaces the Caravel.
Can construct a Feitoria on an adjacent Land Tile.

Production Cost: 250

Gold Cost: 1,000

Gold Maintenance: 4

Movement Points: 6

Melee Strength: 58

Sight Range: 4

Unique Infrastructure: Feitoria
Portuguese Unique Improvement unlocked with Castles.
Can only be adjacent to Luxury Resources.
Can only be built on an unclaimed Tile.
Automatically improves adjacent Luxury Resources and provide their Amenities to the nearest 4 Portuguese Cities.

+2 Production

+2 Gold

+1 Gold for every adjacent Luxury Resource

+1 Production for every adjacent District.

Leader Agenda: Terçanabal
Will explore and colonize as much as possible. Dislikes Civilizations that explore and colonize the Continents he intends to colonize, and likes those who do not put much effort into exploring or colonize.

Greeting: Ah, You must be the foreign ruler I have been told great things about. I am Infante Dom Henrique, Prince of Portugal, and Duke of Viseu.

Agenda Approval: You leave Portugal to its own destiny: that of worldwide power! And, of course, do a good job of whatever it is you are doing.

Agenda Disapproval: You aspire to colonial power? Hah! Before you try to expand your domain, consider gaining control over the lands you already have.

Attacked: You have made a mistake offending me, and by extent, the finest fleet in the civilized world!.

Declares War on You: We have no personal vendetta against you, but it is a fact that your lands would be much improved under Portuguese rule.

Defeated: How did it come to this? How did we fall so ignominiously?

Sitting Bull of the Lakota Empire

Leader Ability: Grasshoppers from the Sky
Killing a Unit provides Faith equal to 50% of its Combat Strength. Units gain +7 Combat Strength against Units from later Eras.

Civilization Ability: Seven Sacred Rites
Completing District Projects provides +50 Faith and Great Prophet Points, +100 if the City has two Tipi Improvements.

Unique Unit: Lakota Warband
Sioux Unique Industrial Era Light Cavalry Unit that replaces the Cavalry.
+7 Combat Strength in Plains Hills and Grasslands Hills Tiles.
Requires 10 Horses to train.

Production Cost: 300

Gold Cost: 1200

Gold Maintenance: 3

Movement Points: 5

Combat Strength: 67

Sight Range: 2

Unique Improvement: Tipi
Sioux Unique Improvement unlocked with Animal Husbandry.

+2 Housing

+1 Food

+1 Production

+1 Food for every two adjacent Pastures,
increasing to +1 Food for every adjacent Pasture(with Horseback Riding)

Can only be built on Flat Grasslands, Flat Plains, Grasslands Hills, and Plains Hills.

Leader Agenda: Sun Dance
Hates those who have a different Home Continent but have Cities on his Home Continent and will try to conquer them. Likes those who do not have Cities on his Home Continent.

Greeting: From you, I sense great power, stranger. I am Sitting Bull, a holy man of the Lakota, and possibly, your friend.

Agenda Approval: The spirits have come to me in a vision, and they say peace between our nations is the best for both of us.

Agenda Disapproval: You encroach on our lands, and you are chasing away the animals that sustain our people. Unless you wish for bloodshed, I warn you to stop these acts.

Attacked: We have shown you these lands, showed you what riches we had, and we offered you these in exchange for trade. But no. You insist on taking it by force, so we shall defend ourselves.

Declares War on You: You are harming the sacred lands of which the spirits reside in. The vision I have has shown me that you will fall before us as grasshoppers from the sky.

Defeat: I know what you will do with me, but I will neither go nor submit. None of the Lakota shall.

Giuseppe Garibaldi of the Italian Empire

Leader Ability: Expedition of the Thousand
Gain Great General Points from killing Enemy Units after reaching the Renaissance Era.
Gain the Garabaldini Unique Unit with Nationalism.

Civilization Ability: Italian Renaissance
Cities with at least two Specialty Districts provide +50% Great Person Points and Culture,
Increasing to +100% in Cities with at least four Specialty Districts.

Unique Unit: Condottiero
Italian Unique Great Person.
Gain 1 Condottieri every Era.
+7 Combat Strength and +1 Movement to every Military Land Unit
regardless of Era within 2 Tiles.
Movement Points: 4
+5 additional Combat Strength to Levied Units.

List of Condottieri:

Bartolomeo Colleoni
Retire Effect: +10% Production towards Districts.

Alberico da Barbarino
Retire Effect: Recruiting a Great Person provides 50 Science.

John Hawkwood
Retire Effect: Cost of purchasing Military Units is reduced by -25%

Francesco Sforza
Retire Effect: Gain +1 Envoy every time you recruit a Great General.

Ambrogio Spinola
Retire Effect: Melee Units within two Tiles gain +50% Combat Experience and +5 Combat Strength.

Cesare Borgia
Retire Effect: Units gain +5 Combat Strength against City-States.

Fernando Francesco D’Ávalos
Retire Effect: Units within two Tiles gain +4 Combat Strength and instantly heal.

Unique Unit: Garabaldini
Italian Unique Industrial Era Melee Unit when Giuseppe Garibaldi is their leader.
+5 Combat Strength when within two Tiles of a Great General or a Condottiero.

Production Cost: 350

Gold Cost: 1,400

Gold Maintenance: 5

Movement Points: 2

Combat Strength: 65

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Bottega
Italian Unique Building that replaces the Workshop.
Provides +1 Great Person Point that adjacent Specialty Districts gain.*

Production Cost: 195

Gold Maintenance: 1

+3 Production

+1 Citizen Slot

+1 Great Engineer Point

+1 Great Person Point that adjacent Specialty Districts gain.

Leader Agenda: Hero of the Two Worlds
Will collect as many Great Generals as possible. Likes Civilizations that have collected many Great Generals, and dislikes those who do not make an effort to collect Great Generals.

Greeting: Greetings, stranger. I am Giuseppe Garibaldi, general of the Kingdom of Italy, and a hero of two worlds.

Agenda Approval:
It brings tears to my eyes knowing that out there, there are other peoples who also love their nation with their hearts and not their lips.

Agenda Disapproval: You have good troops, but you have not good men to lead them.

Attacked: Italy has seen through many wars, and she shall certainly not fall to the likes of you.

Declares War on You: You are a weak and insignificant nation. You will fall within days of the war’s start.

Defeated: No words can describe the shame I have from failing Italy and her people.

*For example, if there is a Campus adjacent to a Bottega, it provides +1 Great Scientist Point

Victor II of the Italian Empire

Leader Ability: Wars of Independence
+5% Science and Gold for every City Italy has conquered on Italy's Home Continent (caps at 20%). Has access to a unique Governor, Count de Cavour, the Prime Minister.

Unique Governor: Count de Cavour

Default: Connubio
Your other Cities within 5 tiles gain +5% Production and +4 Loyalty.

Tier I: La Castiglione
When established in a Foreign Capital, increases Diplomatic Visibility
with the owner of this City by two ranks.

Tier I: Trasformismo
+2 Culture and Science for every District in this City.

Tier II: Chamber of Deputies
When established in the Italian Capital, all Italian Cities gain +10% Production and Food.

Tier III: Ministro delle Finanze
Districts provide Gold equal to their Adjacency Bonuses.

Tier III: Pragmatist
When established in a Foreign Capital, +100% Yields
from Trade Routes to the owner of that City, +200% if it is the Capital of an Ally.

Leader Agenda: Risorgimento
Will conquer as many Cities on his Home Continent. Likes Civilizations have the most Cities on their Home Continent, except his, and dislikes those who do not endeavor to have the most Cities on their Home Continent.

Greeting: Welcome, my friend! I am King Victor Emmanuel II of Sardinia-Piedmont, but also the first king of a unified Italy. How is your nation doing?

Agenda Approval: Your nation is a great nation, and its people are a sturdy one. They strive on and on in strife and prosperity, all in love for their nation.

Agenda Disapproval: Those lands are yours for the taking. Why then do you not seek to take them for your nation?

Attacked: We have fought long and hard for our lands, and we will not just give them up at your whims.

Declares War on You: I had no wish to war against you, but you have made clear your true wishes which I cannot ignore.

Defeated: No… Italy, a wondrous dream is crushed and trampled by the feet of our foes.

Philip the Good of the Burgundian Empire

Leader Ability: Toison d’Or
Heavy Cavalry Units gain +6 Combat Strength and +1 Movement. +5% Culture in every City that has built a Heavy Cavalry Unit.

Civilization Ability: Great Council of Mechelen
Each City-State you are Suzerain of provides +2 Gold, +2 Culture, +2 Great Musician Points, and +2 Great Artist Points.

Unique Unit: Lances Fournies
Burgundian Unique Medieval Era Heavy Cavalry Unit that replaces the Knight.
+5 Combat Strength when in formation.
Requires 10 Iron to train

Production Cost: 235

Gold Cost: 940

Gold Maintenance: 4

Movement Points: 4

Combat Strength: 50

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Tapisserie
Burgundian Unique Building that replaces the Workshop
International Trade Routes from this City gain +1 Culture and Gold for every
improved Luxury Resource in the City.

Production Cost: 195

Gold Maintenance: 1

+3 Production

+2 Culture

+2 Gold

+1 Culture and Gold to every International Trade Route from this City for every Improved Luxury Resource in this City.

+1 Citizen Slot

+1 Great Engineer Point

+1 Great Merchant Point

Leader Agenda: Chivalrous
Will have a high Culture output. Respects Civilizations do the same, but looks down on those who do not high output of Culture.

Greeting: Welcome, esteemed visitor. I am Philip III, Duke of Burgundy, and Grand Duke of the West. Come with me, and we shall tour this esteemed court of mine.

Agenda Approval: Our nations hold the same virtues at the same values: glory, nobility, valor, and most of all, honor.

Agenda Disapproval: There are many peoples in the world that I can say are truly honorable. I cannot say the same for yours, though.

Attacked: It appears that none can be trusted these days and that all honor is gone from the world.

Declares War on You: Honor demands that we wipe your nation from the world. We must answer the call, and we shall complete the task we have been given.

Defeated: Very well. You wish to take my nation from me, and I shall oblige you. I de hope that the world remembers me.

Akbar of the Mughal Empire

Leader Ability: Din-i-Ilahi
+6% Faith, Science, and Culture for every different Religion present in your Empire. Mughal Cities do not exert Religious Pressure on Foreign Cities. +3 Loyalty in a Mughal City for every foreign Religion present in it.

Civilization Ability: Gunpowder Empire
Nitre Mines accumulate 2 more Resources per turn. +20% Production towards Units that require Nitre to build. All Melee, Ranged, and Siege Units gain +5 Combat Strength for every Improved Nitre Resource.

Unique Unit: Zamburak
Mughal Unique Renaissance Era Siege Unit that replaces the Bombard.
No Combat Penalty against Units. Can move and attack the same turn.
Requires 10 Niter to train.

Production Cost: 280

Gold Cost: 1120

Gold Maintenance: 3

Movement Points: 2

Combat Strength: 40

Bombard Strength: 50

Range: 2

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Kala
Mughal Unique District that replaces the Encampment.
Provides +2 Culture and extra Culture and Tourism for every level of Walls in the City after unlocking Flight.
Can train Military Engineers in this City without building an Armory.

Production Cost: 27

Gold Maintenance: 1

+1 Great General Point

+2 Culture

+2 Culture and Tourism for every level of Walls in the City after unlocking Flight

Citizen Yields(per Citizen): +2 Gold and +1 Production.

Trade Yields: +1 Production

Appeal: +1

Leader Agenda: Syncretic
Will not spread his Religion to Foreign Cities. Likes those who spread their Religion to him, and dislikes those who do not spread their religion to him, but spread it to other Civilizations.

Greeting: I am Akbar, and the Mughals name me their Emperor. I wish that I may learn about your culture and customs.

Agenda Approval: The great libraries of my courts welcome your holy texts, and my people likewise welcome your blessed ways.

Agenda Disapproval: You are zealous in showing the rest of the world your religion, but when my people ask for conversions, you close your ears and shut your eyes. Why?

Attacked: I should have expected such idiocy from the likes of you. To create your own demise is the greatest foolishness.

Declares War on You: I extended my hand out towards friendship, but you bit at it like a tiger. Well then, I shall have to, for the sake of justice, skin the tiger.

Defeated: You have destroyed the greatest empire that has seen the light of day. Are you satisfied with what you have done?

Mithridates VI of the Pontic Empire

Leader Ability: Ephesian Vespers
After declaring a War, Enemy Cities within 6 Tiles of a Pontic City immediately lose 2 Population and Enemy Cities that have 2 Population or less immediately become Pontic Cities. Enemy Cities lose -2 Loyalty for every Pontic Military Land Unit within three Tiles (caps at -12).

Civilization Ability: Pontic Alps
International Trade Routes provide +2 Gold for every Improved Bonus Resource, +2 Food for every Improved Luxury Resource, and +1 Science for every Improved Strategic Resource in the City to both Cities.

Unique Unit: Chalkaspides
Pontic Unique Classical Era Anti-Cavalry Unit.
Available after unlocking Military Training. Starts with a Free Promotion. +50% Experience from Battles they initiate.

Production Cost: 65

Gold Cost: 260

Gold Maintenance: 1

Movement Points: 2

Melee Strength: 28

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Ypógeia Póli
Pontic Unique Improvement unlocked with Masonry.
Must be built on Desert or Desert Hills.

+2 Food

+1 Production

+1 Gold

+1 Food for every two adjacent Ypógeia Póli,
increasing to +1 Food for every adjacent Ypógeia Póli (with Buttress).

+1 Production and +1 Gold (with Rapid Deployment).

Leader Agenda: Poison King
Will conquer as many Cities as he can. Likes those who refrain from doing so, and dislikes those who have conquered Cities, especially those that he wanted to conquer.

Greeting: Ah, welcome. I did not see you as I was working on my latest… experiment. I am Mithridates VI, King of Pontus.

Agenda Approval: You are wise to not cross your interests with mine. We wouldn’t want anyone of us to lose our lives in a pointless conflict.

Agenda Disapproval: You are continuously playing a dangerous game with death. Let me warn you about this. Those who play the game, suffer greatly if they lose.

Attacked: Hah! So, you finally decide to show yourself as you truly are. A pitiful serpent that strikes at those weaker, but cowers when resistance is shown against it.

Declares War on You: Maggots only host themselves in corpses. There are many of them in your empire, which shows that the corpse… must be taken care of.

Defeated: So this is how my reign and kingdom end. Bituitus, please give me the honor of not dying humiliated.

Agaja of the Dahomey Empire

Leader Ability: Annual Customs
International Trade Routes gain +2 Gold and +1 Science if the Starting City is a City Dahomey has conquered. Gain access to the Xwetanu Unique City Project in any City with a Holy Site.

Civilization Ability: Tokpe
Farms provide +2 Gold and +1 Housing for every adjacent Farm, and +2 Production and +1 Amenity for each adjacent Specialty District. Farms provide a Standard Adjacency Bonus to Commercial Hubs, Industrial Zones, and Holy Sites.

Unique Unit: Ahosi
Dahomey Unique Renaissance Era Melee Unit that replaces the Musketman.
Adjacent Enemy Units receive -4 Combat Strength. +5 Combat Strength when Attacking.
Requires 10 Niter to train.

Production Cost: 250

Gold Cost: 1,000

Gold Maintenance: 3

Movement Points: 2

Combat Strength: 58

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Akuhue
Dahomey Unique Building that can be built in the City Center after completing Recorded History.
Provides Culture for every Enemy Unit that you kill within three Tiles of the City.

Production Cost: 70

+2 Culture

+1% Culture for every Enemy Unit that you kill within three Tiles of the City (caps at 20%).

+3 Tourism (with Conservation)

Unique City Project: Xwetanu
Dahomey Unique City Project when Agaja is their Leader.
Production Cost is Progressive.

Production Cost: 55

Requires: Holy Site

Effects: Awards Culture and Faith equal to the amount of Conquered Cities Dahomey possesses.

Unique Agenda: Atlantic Slave Trade
Will conquer as many Cities as he can and a high Gold output. Likes those who have many Conquered Cites and a high Gold output, and dislikes those who have little Conquered Cities and a low Gold output.

Greeting: Who are you, foreigner, and why have you interrupted me? I am King Agaja of Dahomey, and I suggest that you give your tribute quickly.

Agenda Approval: It has been a long time since I met a ruler as like-minded as I. You have my sincere gratitude in affirming that there are still people who desire a good deal.

Agenda Disapproval: In keeping to your pitiful morals, you keep yourself from obtaining vast riches.

Attacked: So, the little leader wants to show how strong they are. It’s so pitiful an attempt, I cannot comprehend how you were a ruler in the first place.

Declares War on You: I see a land whose subjects wail in distress, a land laid bare by raiders and cities burnings. I see a land ripe for conquest.

Defeated: It appears that I underestimated you. I am glad you have humbled me, and that you can now claim your rightful lands.

Sid Meier's Civilization 6: Dawn of Man

Cornplanter of the Iroquois Empire

Leader Ability: Quaker Run
+5% Production and Food in Cities that have two Friends School Improvements.
Gain the Friends School Unique Improvement with Reformed Church.

Civilization Ability: The Five Nations
+2 Combat Strength to all Military Land Units for every City-State You are Suzerain of. City-States the Iroquois are Suzerain of provide a free Military Unit every 50 turns.

Unique Unit: Mohawk Warrior
Iroquois Unique Ancient Era Melee Unit that replaces the Warrior.
Starts with a free Promotion. Does not suffer Combat and Movement Penalties in Woods.

Production Cost: 30

Gold Cost: 120

Movement Points: 3

Melee Strength: 25

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Longhouse
Iroquois Unique Building that replaces the Granary.

Production Cost: 54

+3 Housing

+2 Production

+2 Food

+1 Housing for every Bonus Resource in the City

+1 Amenity for every Luxury Resource in the City

+1 Production to every Woods Tile in this City.

Unique Infrastructure: Friends School
Iroquois Unique Improvement when Cornplanter is their Leader.

+2 Faith

+1 Science

+1 Production if in a City with a Longhouse

+1 Faith if adjacent to a Holy Site

+1 Science if adjacent to a Campus (with Scientific Theory)

Leader Agenda: Gaiänt’wakê
Will have his Cities have high Production, Food, and Faith outputs. Likes Civilizations whose Cities have high outputs of Production, Food, and Faith, but looks down on those whose Cities have low outputs of Production, Food, and Faith.

Greeting: You approach Cornplanter, war chief of the Seneca. Do you come in peace or war?

Agenda Approval: Your people are unique ones. Brave, humble, strong, diligent, faithful, and honest. These are the truths that both of our peoples hold close.

Agenda Disapproval: So it appears that the rumors about your people are true. That they will do anything to avoid using their muscles.

Attacked: You had many other choices, my friend. You could have chosen a path with less blood.

Declares War on You: The shadow of war comes upon us! Our braves shall overcome any who stand in their way.

Defeated: Now I know what you truly are! A demon in the guise of a human sent to sow chaos and bloodshed among the nations.

Joseph Brant of the Iroquois Empire:

Leader Ability: Brant’s Volunteers
Land Units gain +4 Combat Strength for every adjacent Allied Unit. +3 Combat Strength to all Land Units for every Alliance the Iroquois have.
Gain the Brant’s Volunteer Unique Unit with Rifling.

Unique Unit: Brant’s Volunteer
Iroquois Unique Industrial Era Recon Unit that replaces the Ranger when Joseph Brant is their leader. Costs no Movement Points to pillage Specialty District and Improvements.

Production Cost: 225

Gold Cost: 900

Gold Maintenance: 4

Movement Points: 2

Combat Strength: 55

Sight Range: 3

Leader Agenda: Irregular Warfare
Will pillage as many Improvements and Specialty Districts. Likes Civilizations that do the same, and dislikes those who do not pillage Tiles.

Greeting: We meet for the first time, stranger. I am Joseph Brant, the war chief of the Iroquois, and protector of my people.

Agenda Approval: We both show the same resolve, and that resolve leads us to do things we wish we didn’t have to do.

Agenda Disapproval: You show cowardice in the faces of your enemies. You would rather have them enslave your people than do the necessary evil.

Attacked: It seems that peace was never an option between our nations.

Declares War on You: You know I did not wish for war, but your continuous aggression will bring you dire consequences. Do not expect mercy.

Defeated: The warrior spirit in us has left, and it has been replaced with one of defeat.

Gaiseric of the Vandal Empire

Leader Ability: Sack of Rome
Whenever the Vandals capture a City, gain +50 Gold for every Improvement and Building and +100 for every District. +50% Production towards Naval Raider Units.

Civilization Ability: Great Migration
Cannot build Settlers. Cities that are founded on Coast receive five additional Tiles and a free Builder. Capturing a Barbarian Outpost and founding a Pantheon grants the Vandals a free Settler.

Unique Unit: Trihemolia
Vandal Unique Classical Era Naval Raider Unit.
Available after researching Shipbuilding. +7 Combat Strength when defending against Ranged Attacks.

Production Cost: 100

Gold Cost: 400

Gold Maintenance: 2

Movement Points: 4

Combat Strength: 35

Ranged Strength: 28

Range: 1

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Arian Basilica
Vandal Unique Building unlocked by the Worship Belief Arian Basilica.
Religious Units cost -20% less to purchase in Cities with an Arian Basilica.

+3 Faith

Leader Agenda: Barbarian Kingdom
Will try to convert as many Barbarian Outposts as possible and likes those who do the same. Dislikes those who clear Barbarian Outposts.

Greeting: What has brought you to Vandal lands, foreigner? I stand before you as Gaiseric, King of the Vandals.

Agenda Approval: You show great wisdom in not destroying those below you. Not all of them wish harm upon us greater men.

Agenda Disapproval: Those people who you claim to be barbarians are our kin, and as such, we are obligated to defend them. Let this be a warning.

Attacked: Hah! Your hubris shall be the end of you and your petty kingdom. None have prevailed against our people, and you shall meet the same fate.

Declares War on You: Soon, your cities will be nothing but piles of rubble. Your lands shall be laid bare, your women made widows, and your children made orphans.

Defeated: Go ahead and do what cruel tortures you wish upon me. It will suffice as punishment for my transgressions against the Lord.

Widukind of the Saxon Empire

Leader Ability: Child of the Woods
Saxon Units gain +7 Combat Strength in Woods, while Enemy Units lose -7 Combat Strength.
When a Saxon City is captured, all Enemy Units in that City’s territory lose -30 Health.

Civilization Ability: Stellinga
When a Civilization declares War on the Saxons, all your Cities with an Encampment receive a free copy of the strongest Melee Unit the Saxons can build. Cities that belong to a Civilization at War with the Saxons receive -1 Amenity and -7 Loyalty.

Unique Unit: Degan
Saxon Unique Classical Era Melee Unit that replaces the Swordsman.
Starts with a Free Promotion. +6 Combat Strength when in or next to Home Territory.
Requires 10 Niter to train.

Production Cost: 100

Gold Cost: 400

Gold Maintenance: 2

Movement Points: 2

Combat Strength: 40

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Irminsul
Saxon Unique Improvement unlocked with Mysticism.
Can only build one Irminsul per City
Must be built on Woods Tiles

+2 Faith

+1 Faith for every adjacent Woods

+1 Faith for every adjacent Holy Site

+2 Great Prophet Points

+2 Tourism(with Flight)

Leader Agenda: Saxon Wars
Prefers to fight Defensive Wars instead of Offensive Wars, and dislikes warmongers. Respects those who have a strong military and are also peaceful.

Greeting: Halt! Do you hear the wind and wolves howling? That is them warning me of your approach. I am Widukind, the child of the forest. What foolishness brings you to these woods?

Agenda Approval: You are a powerful and cunning ruler. One that recognizes when to fight and when to trade.

Agenda Disapproval: While a leader must be stalwart in conflict, they should not revel in it. You, on the other hand, thirst for and shed innocent blood.

Attacked: Good, good! Now we can show you the true might of Saxon warriors!

Declares War on You: You are a pathetic ruler, given too many lands to watch. These warriors behind me shall sweep through your armies and desolate these lands.

Defeated: Do not think that this is the end of the Saxon people! You may have won this day, but you will never win the hearts of my people

Kaloyan of the Bulgarian Empire

Leader Ability: Romanslayer
Kaloyan gains double Grievances against Civilizations he is at war with or he has denounced.
Capturing an Enemy City provides Bulgaria with a burst of Gold and Science double the amount of Grievances Bulgaria has against the former City’s Owner.

Civilization Ability: Zlatan Vek
When in a Golden Age, +50% Great Person Points from Campus and Theatre Square Buildings,
and +5 Loyalty to all Bulgarian Cities. During a Golden Age, Bulgaria gains an extra Economic Policy Slot.

Unique Unit: Shtitnostzi
Bulgarian Unique Ancient Era Anti-Cavalry Unit that replaces the Spearman.
Has a Ranged Attack. +7 Combat Strength when defending against Ranged Attacks.

Production Cost: 60

Gold Cost: 240

Gold Maintenance: 1

Movement Points: 2

Combat Strength: 25

Ranged Strength: 22

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Literary School
Bulgarian Unique Building that replaces the Amphitheater.
Provides Science equal to the Adjacency Bonus of its Theatre Square.
+3 Loyalty to Cities within 6 tiles of a Literary School.

+2 Culture

+1 Citizen Slot

+1 Great Writer Point

+2 Slots of Great Works of Writing

Leader Agenda: Vengeful
Will declare war and avenge on Civilizations with whom he has Grievances. Likes Civilization with whom he has low or no Grievances against, but loathes those whom he has high Grievances.

Greeting: Kneel before me, Kaloyan, Tsar of the Bulgarians, and Romanslayer. If you do not induce any feuds between our nations, I shall prove a valuable ally.

Agenda Approval: It is good that there is no tension between our peoples. I would hate to go to war with such an opulent nation.

Agenda Disapproval: You continue to offend Bulgaria through your vile misdeeds and provoking insults. Halt these misguided actions, or nothing will be able to stand against my fury and vengeance.

Attacked: You do not know the wrath and weeping you have brought upon your people!

Declares War on You: You have insulted my people for the last time! My fury and vengeance shall sweep away your armies and lay waste to your lands.

Defeated: It appears that my temper has become the end of me. So I shall bite my tongue, and let you become the next Tsar of the Bulgarians.

Constantine of the Roman Empire

Leader Ability: Nicene Creed
After completing Divine Right, can choose an extra Follower, Enhancer, or Founder Belief.
+2% Faith and Culture for every Roman City that follows Rome's Religion, and -2% Faith and Culture for every Roman City that doesn’t follow Rome's Religion.

Leader Agenda: In Hoc Signo Vinces
Will try to have all of his Cities follow his Religion, and likes those who do the same. Dislikes Civilizations who haven’t founded a Religion, or those that have founded a Religion but have few of their Cities following their Religion.

Greeting: Greetings, esteemed ruler, I am Constantine, Imperator of the Romans, and the Lord’s servant. Do I see before me a friend or foe?

Agenda Approval: It does not hurt to know that there is a fellow ruler as shrewd as I. For only a shrewd man could unite this many peoples.

Agenda Disapproval: How do you expect to hold your empire together if you do not bring the various peoples together under one faith?

Attacked: To be so brazen as to attack a servant of the Lord. I knew that you were foolish, but not to this extent.

Declares War on You: In Hoc Signo Vinces. Through this sign, we shall conquer.

Defeated: How could this have happened? The signs were all there… Or did I misinterpret them?

Ranjit Singh of the Sikh Empire

Leader Ability: Sher-e-Punjab
+10% Production towards Military Units in a City with a Temple, an extra +10% Production if that City has a Worship Building.

Civilization Ability: Misls
Cavalry and Melee Units gain +2 Combat Strength for every City-State that the Sikhs are Suzerain of (caps at +10 Combat Strength). Gurus gain +1 Charge and +2 Movement and can spend Charges to heal adjacent Melee, Anti-Cavalry, and Heavy Cavalry Units.

Unique Unit: Khalsa
Sikh Unique Renaissance Era Melee Unit that replaces the Musketman.
+3 Combat Strength if built in a City with a Holy Site, +6 Combat Strength if there is a Shrine, +9 Combat Strength if there is a Temple, +12 Combat Strength if there is a Worship Building
Purchased with Faith.

Production Cost: 220

Faith Cost: 440

Gold Maintenance: 2

Movement Points: 2

Combat Strength: 55

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Sarbat Khalsa
Sikh Unique District that replaces the Government Plaza.
+2 Faith, Culture, and Production for every City-State the Sikhs are Suzerain of.
+3 Envoys if built adjacent to a Holy Site.

Production Cost: 15

Gold Maintenance: 1

+8 Loyalty to this City

+1 Adjacency Bonus to all Adjacent Districts

+1 Governor Promotion

Trade Yields: Domestic Destination: +1 Food, +1 Production
International Destination: +2 Gold

Leader Agenda: Sarkar Khalsa
Will try to build up Faith and a large army and likes those who have a large army and high Faith output. Dislikes those who have low Faith output and a small army.

Greeting: Take heed when you approach, for I am Ranjit Singh, Maharaja of the Sikh Empire, and their finest general.

Agenda Approval: The need to defend the faithful is one that both of our nations can agree upon.

Agenda Disapproval: Peace is a wise goal, but it should not come at the expense of your defenses.

Attacked: You mistake our peaceful nature as a weakness! This will be your last mistake.

Declares War on You: With every action you take, evil follows. I must stop this.

Defeated: So, you have trampled my armies and desecrated my peoples’ lands. Are you satisfied, monster?

Zenobia of the Palmyrene Empire

Leader Ability: Sebaste
+8% Science for every Military Policy Card Slot in Palmyra's current Government, +8% Culture for every Economic Policy Card Slot, +8% Gold for every Diplomatic Policy Card Slot, and +5% Yields in all Cities for every Wildcard Policy Card Slot.

Civilization Ability: Pearl of the Desert
Oasis Tiles provide a Major Adjacency to Holy Sites, Campuses, Theatre Squares, and Commercial Hubs. Markets provide +2 Great Merchant Points, Food, Production, and Gold for every active Trade Route starting in their City.

Unique Unit: Clibanarii
Palmyrene Unique Classical Era Heavy Cavalry Unit that replaces the Horseman.
+7 Combat Strength when defending against Ranged Attacks. +5 Combat Strength when attacking.
Requires 10 Horses to train.

Production Cost: 130

Gold Cost: 520

Gold Maintenance: 3

Movement Points: 4

Combat Strength: 42

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Funerary Towers
Palmyrene Unique Improvement unlocked with Construction
Must be built on Desert and Desert Hills Tiles.

+2 Faith

+1 Culture

+1 Gold

+25 Culture whenever you spend a Great Person Charge in that City, scaling with each Era.

+1 Culture (with Natural History)

+2 Faith (with Divine Right)

Agenda: Augusta
Will try to maximize Yields in her Cities, and likes those who have high Yields. Dislikes those who have low Yields.

Greeting: Hail! I am Zenobia, Empress of the Palmyra, Egypt, and Regent of my son and rightful emperor, Vaballathus.

Agenda Approval: I see your empire as a mighty one, prosperous and rich in every way, equal to my son’s.

Agenda Disapproval: Even the beggars of Palmyra are richer than any of your nobles.

Attacked: Your prideful ambitions will be crushed by Palmyra’s legions!

Declares War on You: In the name of Vaballathus, Emperor of Palmyra, your lands shall join Palmyra’s.

Defeated: So Palmyra falls. But please, I beg of you, do whatever you wish with me, but spare my son!

Sid Meier's Civilization 6: Legacy Eternal

Andrianampoinimerina of the Madagascan Empire

Leader Ability: Fandanjana
+25% Production towards Commercial Hubs and Commercial Hub Buildings. Commercial Hubs provide Production equal to their Adjacency Bonus, and they gain a Standard Adjacency Bonus from adjacent Districts, but lose their Major Adjacency Bonus from Rivers.
Gain the Zoma Unique Building that replaces the Market.

Civilization Ability: Fanampoana
When Madagascar declares War on a Civilization, all Madagascan Cities receive a free Builder with +5 Build Charges. +10% Production towards all Specialty Districts for every Economic Policy Card Slot in your current Government.

Unique Unit: Voromahery
Madagascan Unique Medieval Era Anti-Cavalry Units that replaces the Pikeman.
Has a chance to steal XP from an Enemy Unit that it attacks.

Production Cost: 170

Gold Cost: 680

Gold Maintenance: 2

Movement Points: 3

Melee Strength: 45

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Rova
Madagascan Unique Improvement unlocked with Castles.
Can only build one Rova per City.
Can only be built on Hills.
Occupying Unit receives +5 Defense Strength and two turns of Fortification.

+3 Culture

+2 Production

+1 Culture for every adjacent Hills

+1 Food (with Steel)

+2 Tourism(with Flight)

Unique Infrastructure: Zoma
Madagascan Unique Building that replaces the Market when Andrianampoinimerina is their leader.
Provides bonus Culture and Food equal to the Adjacency Gold Bonus of its district.

Production Cost: 120

+3 Gold

+1 Citizen Slot

+1 Great Merchant Slot

+1 Trade Route Capacity if this City doesn’t have a Lighthouse.

Agenda: Foloalindahy
Will make sure his Cities have high Production and Gold outputs. Respects Civilizations whose Cities have high Production and Gold outputs do, and dislikes those whose Cities have low Production and Gold outputs.

Greeting: I, Andrianampoinimerina, welcome you into my presence. The hills that you see surrounding us are the lands of Imerina.

Agenda Approval: The industries and wealth of your people are something you take pride in, as you should.

Agenda Disapproval: Your people are lazy, unambitious, and vile in all ways known to man.

Attacked: Have you not heard the rumors of how I have shackled thousands of my enemies into slavery?

Declares War on You: Now is the time to see whether or not your people are a worthy foe.

Defeated: So this how my foes felt when I conquered them. I must say, it is not a pleasant feeling.

Moulay Ismail of the Moroccan Empire

Leader Ability: Warrior King
Cities gain +5% Culture and +5% Production towards Wonders for every Kasbah in a City (caps at 15% for Culture, 20% for the Production). Gain the Black Guard Unit with Gunpowder, and the Saletin Corsair Unique with Mercenaries.

Civilization Ability: Gateway to Africa
Trade Routes from other Civilizations provide Morocco with +4 Gold, Culture, and +2 Production, and +3 Gold and +1 Culture for them. Morocco gains +3 Gold and Culture per turn for every Trading Post they have in a different Civilization* and City-State.

Unique Unit: Black Guard
Moroccan Unique Medieval Era Melee Unit that replaces the Musketman when Moulay Ismail is their leader. Costs no Gold Maintenance. +5 Combat Strength when in Home Territory.
Requires 10 Niter to train.

Production Cost: 195

Gold Cost: 780

Movement Points: 3

Combat Strength: 64

Sight Range: 2

Unique Unit: Saletin Corsair
Moroccan Unique Medieval Era Naval Raider Unit that replaces the Privateer when Moulay Ismail is their leader. Can pillage other Civilization’s Tiles and Trade Routes without having to declare War on them. Can capture adjacent Enemy Land Units and turn them into Builders for the Moroccans.

Production Cost: 280

Gold Cost: 1,120

Gold Maintenance: 4

Movement Points: 4

Combat Strength: 40

Ranged Strength: 53

Range: 2

Sight Range: 2

Unique Unit: Moroccan Goumier
Moroccan Unique Industrial Era Light Cavalry Unit that replaces the Cavalry.
+8 Combat Strength when fighting in Desert and Desert Hills Tiles.
Requires 10 Horses to train.

Production Cost: 330

Gold Cost: 1,320

Gold Maintenance: 5

Movement Points: 6

Combat Strength: 62

Sight Range: 3

Unique Infrastructure: Kasbah
Moroccan Unique Improvement unlocked with Castles.
Can only be built on Desert and Desert Hills.
Occupying Unit receives +4 Combat Strength and two turns of Fortification.

+2 Culture

+2 Production

+1 Gold

+1 Culture for every adjacent Desert or Desert Hills

+3 Food for every adjacent Oasis

+2 Tourism (with Flight)

Leader Agenda: Cherifan Emperor
Will have a high output of Culture and Gold as well as have many Trade Routes. Respects Civilizations that have a high amount of Trade Routes, Culture, and Gold, but dislikes those who have many Trade Routes but have a low output of Culture and/or Gold.

Greeting: I, Sultan Moulay Ismail Ben Sharif, welcome you to my lands. Every grain of sand in the deserts that you have passed I have laid claim to.

Agenda Approval: Your wares are highly coveted by my people, for they possess a certain quality to them that makes them unparalleled.

Agenda Disapproval: Before I allow your people to trade with mine, have something worth enough to trade.

Attacked: Allah shall be my sword and shield, as I keep my people from your wrath.

Declares War on You: Your kingdom’s very existence insults my honor. With Allah’s blessing, I shall reclaim it.

Defeated: As the sun sets, so does my reign. Now, it shall be your turn to light the sky.

*This bonus doesn’t stack if you have multiple Trading Posts in one Civilization.

For example, if you have two Trading Posts in the Incan Empire, You’ll get only +3 Gold and Culture per turn, not +6.

Songtsen Gampo of the Tibetan Empire

Leader Ability: Dharma King
Cities with a Gompa exert +50% Faith and Religious Pressure, increasing to +100% if that Gompa has a Worship Building. +2 Culture, +2 Faith, and +20% Religious Pressure for every City You have when at Peace.

Civilization Ability: Roof of the World
Can purchase Civilian Units with Faith in Cities adjacent to Mountains. Mountain and Hills Tiles provide a Minor Adjacency Bonus to Specialty Districts. Specialty Districts can be built on Mountains, but not Flat Tiles.

Unique Unit: Himalayan Cavalry
Tibetan Unique Medieval Era Heavy Cavalry Unit that replaces the Knight.
No Movement or Combat Penalties in Hills, and +4 Combat Strength in Hills.

Production Cost: 220

Gold Cost: 880

Gold Maintenance: 4

Movement Points: 4

Combat Strength: 48

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Gönpa
Tibetan Unique District that replaces the Holy Site.
Acquires Outer Defences and Ranged Strike along with City Center when Walls have been built.
Provides +2 Faith to adjacent Improvements, +3 Faith after completing Divine Right.
Cannot be built adjacent to other Specialty Districts.

Production Cost: 27

Gold Maintenance: 1

+2 Great Prophet Points

Citizen Yields(per Citizen): +2 Faith

Trade Yields: Domestic Destination: +1 Food

International Destination: +1 Faith

Appeal: +1

Leader Agenda: Avalokitesvara’s Incarnation
Will have his Cities exert as much Religious Pressure as possible. Likes Civilizations whose Cities exert a lot of Religious Pressure, and dislikes those whose Cities have a low output of Religious Pressure.

Greeting: Greetings, friend. Tibet welcomes you to the roof of the world. Treat us with dignity, and we will do the same.

Agenda Approval: Your enthusiasm for spreading your religion is respected by even the most zealous of my own.

Agenda Disapproval: You preach that your faith is the only true way, no? Then why do you hesitate in spreading its message around the world?

Attacked: War is not Tibet’s first thought. But, nonetheless, Tibet will stand against any foe who would trifle with her.

Declares War on You: I see the plights of your people and how you refuse to help them. I must do what is right for your people, yourself, and Tibet.

Defeated: We had not wished on you any calamity, but you sent upon us our destruction. Do not be proud of it.

Andries Pretorius of the Boer Empire

Leader Ability: The Great Trek
Settlers and Builders receive +2 Movement when starting on Open Terrain. Purchasing a Civilian Unit refunds 20% of the Gold Cost. Land Units suffer no Movement Penalties when crossing a River.

Civilization Ability: Boer Wars
Whenever the Boers recruit a Great General, the Boer Capital receives two copies of the strongest Ranged Unit the Boers can build. These Units receive a free Promotion.

Unique Unit: Kommando
Boer Unique Industrial Era Ranged Unit that replaces the Field Cannon.
Only adjacent Enemy Units can reveal this Unit. Ignores Enemy Zone of Control.

Production Cost: 320

Gold Cost: 1,280

Gold Maintenance: 3

Movement Points: 3

Combat Strength: 45

Ranged Strength: 63

Range: 2

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Volksraad
Boer Unique Building that can be built in the Government Plaza.
+25% Production towards Settlers in this City and Cities built after building the Volksraad receive three additional Tiles. Farms in Cities with a Governor provide +2 Food and +1 Production.
Requires Tier 2 Government and Tier 1 Government Building.

Production Cost: 290

Gold Maintenance: 2

+1 Governor Title

Leader Agenda: Voortrekkers
Will try to settle as many Cities as possible. Likes Civilizations who refrain from settling much land, and dislikes those who encroach on lands he wanted to settle.

Greeting: What brings you to these lands, stranger? I am Andries Pretorius, elected leader of the Voortrekkers.

Agenda Approval: I am glad you recognize these lands as ours. Not many others have done so.

Agenda Disapproval: We do not seek conflict, but it will happen unless you refrain from settling our rightful lands.

Attacked: Your acts of aggressive expansion will not be tolerated! Prepare for a long and bloody war.

Declares War on You: While the rest of the world may ignore your evil deeds, we Boers will not be blinded to the truth.

Defeated: So this is how our dream dies: not by the native savages or by natural calamity, but by foreign treachery.

Paul Kruger of the Boer Empire

Leader Ability: Pretoria Convention
Has the option to free City-States from an Enemy Civilization’s Suzerainty while making a Peace Deal. These City-States have a chance of either becoming a Boer City or making the Boers their Suzerain. City-States the Boers are Suzerain of provide the Boer Capital with 20% of all their Yields.

Leader Agenda: Afrikanerdom
Will be Suzerain of as many City-States as possible. Likes Civilizations who are Suzerain of many City-States as well, and dislikes those who are Suzerain over few City-States or have conquered City-States.

Greeting: Welcome to the great South African Republic. I am President Paul Kruger, but please, call me Uncle Paul.

Agenda Approval: The various republics surrounding your nation have you to thank for their sustained prosperity and safety.

Agenda Disapproval: Your imperialist methods of acquiring new settlements have started to bring worry into our hearts. For the sake of peace, I suggest that you refrain from your aggressive approaches to expansion.

Attacked: You will now see that the will of the Boer people is made of far stouter material than you thought.

Declares War on You: Your blatant aggression and refusal to engage in diplomacy leaves me no choice. I, President Paul Kruger of the South African Republic, officially declare your nation and ours in a state of conflict.

Defeated: So the war ends in a defeat of our republic. Perhaps it is not too late to negotiate? Suzerainty is off the table, I suppose…

Rajaraja I of the Chola Empire

Leader Ability: Chola Dynasty
Great Admirals receive an additional Charge. It cost 20% less Great Admiral Points to recruit a Great Admiral. Naval Units built in a City with a Harbor receive a free Promotion.

Civilization Ability: Three Glorified by Heaven
Trade Routes generate +2 Gold and +1 Food when passing Trading Posts in City-States, and +2 Culture and +2 Gold when passing Trading Posts in other Civilizations. Gain +2 Envoys in a City-State when Chola sends their first Trade Route to them. Gains +1 Trader and Trade Route Capacity after completing Guilds.

Unique Unit: Thirisadai
Chola Unique Renaissance Era Naval Ranged Unit that replaces the Frigate.
+6 Combat Strength when defending against Melee Attacks. +5 Great Admiral Points from Kills.
Requires 10 Niter to train.

Production Cost: 295

Gold Cost: 1180

Gold Maintenance: 5

Movement Points: 4

Melee Strength: 50

Ranged Strength: 58

Range: 2

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Nagaram
Chola Unique District that replaces the Commercial Hub.
Provides Housing and extra Housing and Gold for every Trade Route that starts in this City.
-20% Cost to purchase Naval Raider and Naval Ranged Units in this City.

Production Cost: 27

Gold Maintenance: 1

+2 Housing

+1 Great Merchant Point

+1 Housing for every Domestic Trade Route starting in this City.

+2 Gold for every International Trade Route starting in this City.

Citizen Yields(per Citizen): +4 Gold

Trade Yields: Domestic: +1 Production

International: +3 Gold

+1 Trader and Trade Route Capacity.

Leader Agenda: Tamilakam
Will try to have a strong Navy* and Gold output,. Respects Civilizations that have a strong Navy and a high Gold output, and doesn’t respect those who have a weak Navy and low Gold output.

Greeting: It was the will of the gods for the two of our empires to meet. I am Rajaraja I, and I would like to discuss trade between our nations.

Agenda Approval: You certainly know how to exercise your naval power, and how to benefit from it.

Agenda Disapproval: You dream of the conquest of all the inland territories surrounding you when all the power you seek lies within the ocean’s currents.

Attacked: I have long awaited this test of our skill at arms.

Declares War on You: Look upon my fleets and all their majestic qualities. Soon, your harbors shall welcome them in. Have you done so?

Defeated: Why does this fate come unto me? I, Rajaraja who conquered all before me, deserve a greater fate than this.

*Rajaraja likes those with an elite Navy, not those who just have a mass of Galleys and Quadriremes.

Rameses II of the Egyptian Empire

Leader Ability: Pi-Ramesses
+15% Production towards Monuments, Wonders, and Districts in Cities adjacent to a River.
Gain a free Military Policy Card Slot after You have built two Wonders, also gain a free Economic Policy after building four Wonders.

Leader Agenda: Ozymandias
Will try to build as many Wonders as possible, and respects those who do likewise.
Does not respect those who have built few Wonders.

Greeting: I, Ramesses II, Chosen of Ra, allow you to approach. What gifts do you bring and what glory can you speak of?

Agenda Approval: These wonders you have created, I dare say, are grandiose enough to rival ours.

Agenda Disapproval: How do you expect to preserve the legacy of your people if you have no monuments to keep that legacy?

Attacked: Fool! Have you not heard that the New Kingdom has conquered all?

Declares War on You: All live for glory, and I shall have the glory of wiping your kingdom from this world.

Defeated: Ra must have abandoned Egypt. How else could you have triumphed over us?

Kamehameha of the Hawaiian Empire

Leader Ability: The One Set Apart
Districts, Improvements, and Units are immune to damage from Volcanoes. +100% Damage from Volcanoes in Hawaiian Territory to Civilization at War with Hawaii. After founding a Pantheon, Melee, Anti-Cavalry, and Ranged Units receive +7 Combat Strength and can embark or disembark without the needed Technologies.

Civilization Ability: Crossroads of the Pacific
+50% Tourism and +1 Culture from Trade Routes from other Civilizations after researching Flight, increasing to +100% and +4 if the Destination City has a Heiau. After researching Flight, all Improvements adjacent to Volcano Tiles gain +2 Tourism, Culture, and +1 Appeal.

Unique Unit: Koa
Hawaiian Unique Classical Era Melee Unit that replaces the Swordsman.
No Strategic Resource requirement. Starts with a free Promotion.

Production Cost: 105

Gold Cost: 420

Gold Maintenance: 2

Movement Points: 2

Combat Strength: 36

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Heiau
Hawaiian Unique Improvement unlocked with Mysticism.
Must be built adjacent to a Volcano.

+3 Faith

+2 Culture

+2 Food if build on Volcanic Soil

+1 Faith if adjacent to a Holy Site

+1 Culture for every adjacent Heiau, increasing to +2 Culture(with Feudalism)

+2 Tourism(with Flight)

Leader Agenda: Hawaiian Islands
Will settle his Cities near Volcanoes. Likes Civilizations that do not settle near Volcanoes, and dislikes those who do settle near Volcanoes.

Greeting: May the Gods bless you, my great guest. I am Kamehameha, proud Ali’i nui of Hawaii and her islands.

Agenda Approval: You are wise to stay clear of those volcanoes, my friend. They can be quite dangerous to many.

Agenda Disapproval: I, in my mercy, give you a warning. Leave the volcanoes to my people, or you shall be subject to the wrath of Pele.

Attacked: So, you thought that taking advantage of my generosity would bring you great power? You were wrong.

Declares War on You: The time has come to put away diplomacy and unsheathe our Koa.

Defeated: Your mana is far greater than mine. I have lost to a worthy foe, and so accept defeat graciously.

Sid Meier's Civilization 6: Old Faith

Masinissa of the Numidian Empire

Leader Ability: Unifier of Numidia
+50% Alliance Points and +8 Combat Strength when at War with a Civilization at War with an Ally. Can sell Light Cavalry Units to Civilizations allied with Numidia.

Civilization Ability: Berber Legacy
Can build Farms on Desert Tiles adjacent to River and Oasis Tiles. Desert and Desert Hills Tiles adjacent to Numidian Cities receive +2 Food and +1 Production. Heavy and Light Cavalry Units receive +1 Movement when starting on Open Terrain.

Unique Unit: Numidian Cavalry
Numidian Unique Classical Era Light Cavalry Unit that replaces the Horseman.
Has a Ranged Attack. Can move after attacking. +6 Combat Strength when attacking Wounded Units.
Requires 10 Horses to train.

Production Cost: 65

Gold Cost: 280

Gold Maintenance: 3

Movement Points: 5

Combat Strength: 30

Ranged Strength: 35

Range: 1

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Foggara
Numidian Unique District that replaces the Aqueduct.
Unlocked earlier with Irrigation instead of Engineering.
Does not need to be built adjacent to a City Center, but must be built on Desert or Desert Hills.
If adjacent to an Oasis, its City will gain +3 additional Housing and +1 Amenity no matter if the City does or does not already have existing Fresh Water

+2 Food

+1 Food to every adjacent Farm, increasing to +2 Food to very adjacent Farm(with Sanitation)

Production Cost: 18

Limit of one per City

Leader Agenda: Flexible Diplomacy
Is far less hesitant in dropping out of Alliances and allying other Civilizations than other Leaders. Likes Civilizations that ally Civilizations stronger than themselves, and dislikes those who ally weaker Civilizations.

Greeting: The Numidians welcome you into their lands. I, King Masinissa, extend my hand out to you in friendship. For a price…

Agenda Approval: It appears that we both know which way the winds will blow and steer the ship accordingly.

Agenda Disapproval: Considering who you have chosen to be your “friends”, it is is a miracle that your nation still exists.

Attacked: We have prepared a long time for this conflict. Already, you can hear our cavalry closing in on your capital.

Declares War on You: You are weak, and surrounded by vultures, waiting to seize upon your carcass. I am one of them.

Defeated: Even in my defeat, my allies stand at my sides. You remain alone, and so shall be the end of your rule.

Hywel Dda of the Welsh Empire

Leader Ability: Cyfraith Hywel
Specialists in a City with a Governor provide +100% Yields, +1 Amenity, and +3 Loyalty each. Specialty Districts gain +2 Citizen Slots, even if there are no Buildings in them.

Civilization Ability: The Mabinogion
Great Works of Music and Writing provide +3 Culture and +1 Tourism for every level of Walls in a Welsh City. Killing a Unit provides Great Writer and Great Musician Points equal to 40% of its Combat Strength.

Unique Unit: Saethwyr
Welsh Unique Medieval Era Ranged Unit that replaces the Crossbowman.
+7 Combat Strength when fighting in Hills and Woods.

Production Cost: 190

Gold Cost: 760

Gold Maintenance: 3

Movement: 2

Combat Strength: 35

Ranged Strength: 45

Range: 3

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Caer
Welsh Unique Improvement unlocked with Castles.
Occupying Unit receives +4 Defense Strength and two turns of Fortification.

+2 Culture

+1 Production

+1 Housing

+1 Culture if built on Hills

+1 Food for every two adjacent Pastures(with Medieval Faires) or for every Pasture(with Replaceable Parts)

+2 Tourism(with Flight)

Leader Agenda: Fair-Minded
Will try to fill his Cities with Specialists and keep his Citizen Happy. Likes Civilizations have many Specialists and Amenities in their Cities, and dislikes those who have few Specialists or struggle to keep their Citizens Happy.

Greeting: Behold the lands of the Welsh, fair stranger. I am Hywel, who my people call the Good. I hope for a long peace between our nations.

Agenda Approval: Your people sing praises of your fair rule and justice even when here in Wales.

Agenda Disapproval: The first thing a ruler must seek is the betterment of his people. It is obvious this has never crossed your mind.

Attacked: It is your hatred of goodness and righteousness which has led you to hate the Welsh, and it is that which shall cause your downfall.

Declares War on You: I wish not for war, but justice demands you answer for your crimes.

Defeated: You may have taken our nation from us, but you will never take our spirit. Wales lives on!

Oda Nobunaga of the Japanese Empire

Leader Ability: Gekokujo
Encampments provide Culture and Faith equal to their Great General Point output. Entering a new Era grants a Daimyo, a unique type of Great Person.

Unique Unit: Daimyo
Japanese Unique Great Person when Oda Nobunaga is their Leader.
Gain 1 Daimyo every Era.
+5 Combat Strength and +1 Movement to every Military Land Unit regardless of Era within 2 Tiles.
A Daimyo has Combat Strength and can attack Enemy Units.
Combat Strength: 35 (increasing by +15 with every Era)
Movement Points: 4
Charges: 1

List of Daimyo:

Toyotomi Hideyoshi
Retire Effect: Instantly build a Fort on this Tile, and all Military Engineers receive +2 Build Charges

Tokugawa Ieyasu
Retire Effect: Grants a free Military Policy Card Slot and two Governor Titles.

Takeda Shingen
Retire Effect: Heavy and Light Cavalry Units within 2 Tiles gain +5 Combat Strength and +1 Movement Point.

Uesugi Kenshin
Retire Effect: Grants 2 Warrior Monks, each with a free Promotion.

Mori Motonari
Retire Effect: Great Admirals receive an extra Charge and +20% Production towards Naval Units.

Hojo Soun
Retire Effect: Culture Bombs adjacent Tiles for the nearest Japanese City.

Date Masamune
Retire Effect: Units within 2 Tiles gain +6 Combat Strength when attacking.

Leader Agenda: First Great Unifier
Will conquer as many Cities as possible and will have as large an Army as possible. Likes Civilizations that have conquered many Cities and a large Army, but hates those with a large Army but few conquered Cities.

Greeting: You approach Oda Nobunaga, chancellor of Japan. What conquered cities can you boast of?

Agenda Approval: Your armies have conquered as far as the eye can see. Our respect for you is plentiful.

Agenda Disapproval: You put your army on a grand pedestal for all to see, yet it has done no great deeds to earn that honor.

Attacked: I will enjoy watching you beg for mercy as I take you prisoner and watch your capital burn.

Declares War on You: I will crush you as the ants you are, and take your lands in the name of Japan.

Defeated: This is not possible! I, Oda Nobunaga, who dashed the Ashikaga Shogunate into dust, was defeated by the likes of you!

Puduhepa of the Hittite Empire

Leader Ability: Seal of Puduhepa
Gain +1 Envoy and +25 Diplomatic Favor whenever Puduhepa enters or renews an Alliance with a Civilization. +5% Science, Faith, and Culture in Hittite Cities for every Alliance Puduhepa is in. +20 Permanent Diplomatic Bonus with every Civilization Puduhepa has met, increasing to +30 if she has signed a Peace Treaty with a Civilization.

Civilization Ability: Gifts of the Storm Gods
Starts with Mining unlocked. Whenever you build a Unit that requires a Strategic Resource, gain Science and Faith equal to its Combat Strength. Hittite Cities with a Holy Site accumulate +50% Strategic Resources per turn, increasing to +100% if that City follows the Hittite Religion.

Unique Unit: Three-Man War Chariot
Hittite Unique Ancient Era Heavy Cavalry Unit that replaces the Heavy Chariot.
+5 Combat Strength when attacking Melee Units.

Production Cost: 75

Gold Cost: 300

Gold Maintenance: 2

Movement Points: 2

Combat Strength: 33

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Bloomery
Hittite Unique Improvement unlocked with Bronze Working.
Must be built adjacent to a Mine built on a Resource.

+2 Production

+2 Gold

+1 Science

+1 Science to every adjacent Strategic Resource Mine, +2 Gold to every adjacent Luxury Resource Mine,

and +2 Production to every adjacent Bonus Resource Mine.

+1 Production(with Steel)

+1 Gold(with Industrialization)

Leader Agenda: Treaty of Kadesh
Will maintain good Relations with other Civilizations and have a lot of Alliances. Likes Civilizations that have good Relations with other Civilization, including herself, and dislikes those that have poor Relations.

Greeting: Welcome to Hattusa, my guest! I am Puduhepa, queen of the Hittites, and I hope you enjoy your stay here.

Agenda Approval: The two of us know that the right words said the right way can take us to wherever we wish.

Agenda Disapproval: Brute force is not the only way one can solve their problems. Thoughts and words are an option, you know.

Attacked: You could not find any solution better than this barbarism? Well, Ištar certainly does not object.

Declares War on You: While I enjoyed being amused by your failures as a ruler, I must not waste this opportunity to expand.

Defeated: So, we have been defeated. Go on now, don’t let me bother you any longer.

Ahmad Shah Durrani of the Afghan Empire

Leader Ability: Durr-i-Durran
Cities not founded by Afghanistan with a Governor gain +2 Culture, +2 Loyalty, and +1 Amenity for every Promotion the Governor has. Cities not founded by Afghanistan don’t lose Amenities and Loyalty if Durrani has Grievances with the Founder.

Civilization Ability: Graveyard of Empires
Enemy Units in Afghan Territory lose -2 HP per turn for every adjacent Hills and Mountain Tiles.

Unique Unit: Pashtun
Afghan Unique Industrial Era Recon Unique Unit that replaces the Ranger.
Starts with a free Promotion. +4 Combat Strength when fighting in Hills.

Production Cost: 365

Gold Cost: 1,460

Gold Maintenance: 4

Movement Points: 3

Combat Strength: 42

Ranged Strength: 65

Range: 2

Sight Range: 3

Unique Infrastructure: Kalle
Afghan Unique District that replaces the Neighborhood.
Functions as a normal Neighborhood.
Provides Food, Gold, and Culture for every Trade Route in this City.

Production Cost: 27

+3 Gold

+2 Food

+2 Culture

+1 Gold, Food, and Culture for every Trade Route from other Civilizations going through this City

+2 Gold and Culture for every Civilization that has a Trade Post in this City

+1 Trade Route Capacity

Leader Agenda: Ahmad Shah Baba
Will conquer many Cities and will try to keep the Citizens in them Loyal and Happy. Likes Civilizations that keep Citizens in their conquered Cities Loyal and Happy, and dislikes those who struggle to keep them Loyal and Happy.

Greeting: I am Ahmad Shah Durrani, Pearl of Pearls and Shah of Afghanistan. Choose your steps in our kingdom carefully.

Agenda Approval: All who bow before you reap generous rewards, and all who oppose you are crushed. Exactly what I do.

Agenda Disapproval: You take everything from the various peoples you have conquered, yet you never bother to give the people anything.

Attacked: Look, fool, at those who have tried before you! You will know the might of the Afghans before I allow you to concede.

Declares War on You: Now the time for war! I shall claim your throne as my own, and end your failure of a kingdom.

Defeated: Empires are like grains of sand. Sooner or later, the wind shall blow them away. Now, the wind takes mine.

Jan Zizka of the Bohemian Empire

Leader Ability: Kutna Hora
Killing an Enemy Unit belonging to a Civilization following a different Religion provides Great General Points equal to 50% of its Combat Strength. Great Generals provide an extra +6 Combat Strength to Military Units within range when defending.

Civilization Ability: Hussite Wars
When at War with a Civilization of a different Religion, receive +25% Faith and Production in all Bohemian Cities. Enemy Religious Units in Bohemian Territory suffer a -20% Religious Strength Penalty.

Unique Unit: Wagenburg
Renaissance Unique Renaissance Era Anti-Cavalry Unit that replaces the Pike and Shot.
No Combat Penalty against Melee Units. +8 Combat Strength when defending.

Production Cost: 240

Gold Cost: 960

Gold Maintenance: 3

Movement Points: 2

Combat Strength: 55

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Hrad
Bohemian Unique Improvement unlocked with Castles.
Occupying Unit receives +4 Defense Strength and two turns of Fortification.

+2 Production

+2 Gold

+1 Culture

Provides +1 Gold to adjacent Improvements built on Bonus Resources,

increasing to +2 Gold(with Steam Power)

+2 Tourism(with Flight)

Leader Agenda: Taborite
Will maintain a large Army and try to keep Religions from other Civilizations away from his empire. Likes Civilizations with a large Army and that respect his Religion, and dislikes those with a large army but try to spread their Religion into his Empire.

Greeting: I, Zizka of the Chalice, welcome you to Bohemia. As long as your nation can respect our freedoms, we will have peace.

Agenda Approval: Many proud Bohemian men have been lost fighting for their God. I see that you have no desire to kill anymore.

Agenda Disapproval: Why do you wish destruction upon us? We have done nothing to attract your wrath, except that we are of different faiths.

Attacked: Bohemia has resisted any threats to its freedom. You are not the first to have tried, but this will be your last attempt.

Declares War on You: God, I ask of thee to bless us as we march to war. Bless our young men as they march against these enemies of ours.

Defeated: You may have broken our armies, but it will be harder to break the will of the Bohemian people.

Charles IV of the Bohemian Empire

Leader Ability: Imperial Patronage
+30% Production towards Tier 2 Buildings for Theatre Squares, Holy Sites, and Campuses. These Buildings provide +2 Culture and +100% Yields during a Golden Age.

Leader Agenda: Otec Vlasti
Will have a high Science, Faith, and Culture output. Likes Civilizations with a high output of Science, Faith, and Culture, and dislikes those who have a low output of these Yields.

Greeting: Consider yourself a leader of some consequence; you have had the honor of being addressed by a Holy Roman Emperor.

Agenda Approval: The wisdom of your rule shows in the knowledge, culture, and faith your people possess. All because you have given it to them.

Agenda Disapproval: Your people can’t comprehend what is common knowledge in Bohemia. Why do you not supply it to them?

Attacked: Others have attempted to seize my crown, but all have failed. You will soon learn this, on the battlefield.

Declares War on You: The people of Bohemia have suffered long enough your insolence. It is time to add your lands to the Kingdom of Bohemia.

Defeated: I shall be remembered as a great Emperor of Bohemia, while you will be forgotten by the historians of the next generation.

Tiridates III of the Armenian Empire

Leader Ability: Tiridates’ Illumination
Tiridates’ Capital converts to the first Religion founded and receives +20% of its Holy City’s Yields. +2 Amenities, +4 Loyalty, and +10% Faith in Armenian Cities following Armenia’s Religion.

Civilization Ability: Stone Curtain
Armenian Cities gain +3 Ranged Strength for every Mountain within their Borders. +5% Production towards Encampments and its Buildings for every Mountain in the City (caps at +30%).

Unique Unit: Azatavrear
Armenian Unique Classical Era Light Cavalry Unit that replaces the Horseman.
Provides Great General Points equal to the Combat Strength of an Enemy Unit they kill. Ignore Movement and Combat Penalties when fighting in Hills.
Requires 10 Horses to train.

Production Cost: 80

Gold Cost: 320

Gold Maintenance: 2

Movement Points: 4

Combat Strength: 36

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Khachkar
Armenian Unique Building that replaces the Monument.
Cities with a Khachkar provide +3 Faith for every Mountain adjacent to the City Center.

Production Cost: 60

+1 Loyalty

+2 Faith

+1 Culture

+1 Additional Culture if City is at maximum Loyalty

Leader Agenda: Arshakuni
Will try to spread his Religion to every Civilization and have a high output of Faith. Likes Civilizations that follow his Religion and have a high Faith output, and dislikes those who don’t follow his Religion and have a high Faith output.

Greeting: The mountain ranges guard Armenia and her people. They turn back invaders and welcome friends. Let us hope you are a friend.

Agenda Approval: The God of the Armenians is the God of your people also, and He is truly wise and benevolent. Under His guidance, we prosper.

Agenda Disapproval: If you were to accept the Lord as the only true God, perhaps your empire would prosper as much as mine.

Attacked: Our first enemies were halted by our fearsome mountains. Do not think that you will be an exception.

Declares War on You: You are a wicked and perverse leader! I shall happily partake in your destruction.

Defeated: Neither the Lord nor the mountains could protect the Armenians... and neither could I. But we shall join together again someday, in the hall of heaven.
Sid Meier's Civilization 6: Sapere Aude

Alfred of the Anglo-Saxon Empire

Leader Ability: Scholar King
Great Works of Writing provide +2 Science and +2 Faith. Campus and Holy Site Buildings provide Great Work of Writings Slots equal to their Tier.*
Gain access to the Unique Burh District at Feudalism.

Civilization Ability: Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
Land Units gain +7 Combat Strength and +1 Movement when in a Dark Age, as well as gaining +1 Military Policy Card Slot. Gain +50% Amenities, Culture, and Faith in all Anglo-Saxon Cities when in a Golden Age.

Unique Unit: Huscarl
Anglo-Saxon Unique Medieval Era Melee Unit. Unlocked with Military Tactics.
+7 Combat Strength when defending against Ranged Attacks.
Requires 10 Iron to train.

Production Cost: 160

Gold Cost: 560

Gold Maintenance: 3

Movement Points: 2

Combat Strength: 44

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Shire Court
Anglo-Saxon Unique Improvement unlocked with Medieval Faires.
Can only build one Shire Court per City.

+3 Loyalty

+2 Amenities

+2 Gold

+1 Culture

+1 Culture to the Capital for every Shire Court ever built

+1 Gold for every adjacent District, increasing to +2 Gold for every adjacent District(with Economics)

+2 Loyalty to this City for every adjacent District, increasing to +4 Loyalty for every adjacent District(with Urbanization)

Unique Infrastructure: Burh
Anglo-Saxon Unique District that replaces the Neighbourhood when Alfred is their leader.
Acquires Outer Defences and Ranged Strike along with City Center when Walls have been built.
Functions as a normal Neighborhood.

Production Cost: 27

+2 Production

+2 Gold

All Specialists in this City provide +1 Production and +1 Gold.

+2 Production and Gold if adjacent to a Commercial Hub.

Leader Agenda: Learned
Will have a high Faith, Culture, and Science Output. Likes Civilizations who have a higher Faith, Science, and Culture output than him, and dislikes those who have a lower output of those Yields than him.

Greeting: Behold, I am King Alfred, who rules both the Angles and the Saxons, and all the lands thereof. Do not thou afear; I am a just man.

Agenda Approval: Thy subjects art full of wit and vigor, and doth boldly stride forward where others only imagine. This could only be under such a wise leader as thou.

Agenda Disapproval: Ach! Wisdom, happiness, piety, or glory; any could save thy people, but none dost thou provide them with!

Attacked: A call to arms echoes in the ears of mine people. Thy treachery shall be overcome.

Declares War on You: A rot has settled in the world, which doth eat away at all things good and holy. I shalt cut it away!

Defeated: I know, from the surest depths of mine heart, that the Anglo-Saxon kingdom might have been a great empire one day. But nevermore. By the right of thy steel, thou hast won it for thyself.

*Libraries provide +1 Great Work of Writing Slot, Universities provide +2, and so on.

Burebista of the Dacian Empire

Leader Ability: Orăștie Fortresses
+20% Production towards Specialty Districts and their Buildings if built on Hills. City Centers with Walls and Encampments provide +2 Yields of adjacent Specialty Districts.* Forts gain +1 Production for every adjacent District and +1 Food for every adjacent Improvement.

Civilization Ability: Murus Dacicus
All Founded Cities on a Hills tile gain a free Dava. Can build Forts after researching Masonry with Builders. Walls provide +10% Science in their Cities, scaling by +5% every Era.

Unique Unit: Falxman
Dacian Unique Classical Era Melee Unit that replaces the Swordsman.
+8 Combat Strength when fighting against Unique Units.
Requires 10 Iron to train.

Production Cost: 75

Gold Cost: 300

Gold Maintenance: 1

Movement Points: 3

Combat Strength: 40

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Dava
Dacian Unique Building unlocked with Masonry that replaces the Ancient Walls
Provides Outer Defense for the City and the Encampment (if available) that must be defeated before the City itself is assaulted.

Production Cost: 40

+100 Outer Defense

+50 Outer Defense against Siege and Ranged Units.

+2 Housing

+1 Tourism after completing Conservation

Leader Agenda: Sarmizegutsa Regia
Will build Encampment, Forts, and Walls in every City he has. Likes Civilizations that build these in their Cities, and dislikes those who neglect fortifications.

Greeting: Welcome, newcomer, to Dacia. I am king of the Getae and Dacians, he who expanded his reign over the Greek states, the mighty Burebista.

Agenda Approval: A wise leader is always prepared to attack and defend with all his might. A wise leader such as myself... and you.

Agenda Disapproval: Hm. I must say, if you are trying to open yourself to conquest, there are easier ways to do it.

Attacked: Aha! I hadn't expected that you would declare war on Dacia. Luckily, you are so weak that I didn't have to.

Declares War on You: Despair not. You may think it unfortunate that I will soon be seizing your lands, but your people will be happier for it.

Defeated: I made war with an enemy too strong for Dacia, and my kinsmen paid the price. You are a greater king than I; continue forth.

*+2 Science if adjacent to a Campus, +2 Production if adjacent to an Industrial Zone, etc.

Tamerlane of the Timurid Empire

Leader Ability: Gurkani Empire
Razing or Capturing an Enemy City completely heals all of your Units within 2 Tiles of that City, as well as providing you with +200 Gold, scaling by +100 Gold for every Era. The first City you capture from an Enemy Civilization provides +1 to all Yields in your Capital.*

Civilization Ability: Jewel of the East
+5% Culture, Science, and Gold in your Capital for every International Trade Route that starts in it. Upon completing the first Trade Route to a foreign Civilization or City-State, receive a free Inspiration and Eureka.*

Unique Unit: Tumen
Timurid Unique Renaissance Era Light Cavalry Unit unlocked with Metal Casting.
+4 Combat Strength when attacking Defensible Districts. +2 Combat Strength for every adjacent Tumen Unit.
Requires 10 Horses to train.

Production Cost: 250

Gold Cost: 1,000

Gold Maintenance: 4

Movement Points: 5

Combat Strength: 54

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Registan
Timurid Unique District that replaces the Government Plaza.
Every Building built in the Registan provides +3 Science, +2 Faith, and +4 Loyalty.*
Provides a Standard Adjacency Bonus to Campuses and Holy Sites.

Production Cost: 15

Gold Maintenance: 1

Trade Yields: Domestic Destination: +2 Science, +2 Production

International Destination: +2 Gold

Leader Agenda: Last Conqueror
Will conquer as many Cities as he can, as well as maintain a large Army. Likes Civilizations that have a small Army and have captured few Cities, but dislikes those who have a large Army and captured many Cities.

Greeting: Welcome to my empire! I, Tamerlane, the Sword of Islam, heir of Genghis Khan, bid you welcome.

Agenda Approval: Imagine Gurkani, spreading wide across the land. What a sight that would be, eh? Hahaha.

Agenda Disapproval: What need do you have for conquest? Lay down your arms, and be content with your station.

Attacked: Do you think you can threaten my conquests? The historians will not be kind to you.

Declares War on You: Like the great Khans before me, I shall raise the Timurid banner over the enemies of my empire.

Defeated: Argh, no! The vision I had for Gurkani was so great, but you have laid me low.

*The first City you capture from a particular Civilization, not the first City you capture.

*The first Trade Route sent to a particular Civilization or City-State, not the first International Trade Route you send.

*Scales with the Tier of the Building.

Otto von Bismarck of the German Empire

Leader Ability: Realpolitik
Sending an Envoy to a City-State provides +20 Diplomatic Favor and Influence Points. Can annex a City-State with Gold or Diplomatic Favor* if Bismarck has been Suzerain of it for at least 50 turns. For every City-State you are Suzerain of, generates +2 Alliance and Influence Points per turn.

Leader Agenda: Iron Chancellor
Will try to establish Suzerainty over as many City-States as he can, as well as have lots of Diplomatic Favor. Likes Civilizations that do not compete with him for City-State allegiance and Diplomatic Favor, and dislikes those who compete with him for City-State allegiance and Diplomatic Favor.

Greeting: Good day to you. I am the Chancellor of Germany, Otto von Bismarck, and it is my pleasure to welcome you to the King's sovereign Empire.

Agenda Approval: Your cooperation with our interests on the stage of world affairs is very pleasing to me. We could do with a steadfast ally.

Agenda Disapproval: You do not seem to be aware that you are treading on dangerous ground. Let me make it clear: Germany will not tolerate opposition, diplomatic... or otherwise.

Attacked: I did not unite the German states so that you could scatter them asunder once more. This conflict will not be resolved with speeches and majorities. I shall resolve it with iron and blood.

Declares War on You: You have made clear your intentions, and so I will state mine. I plan to crush your empire utterly and claim your lands as my own.

Defeated: And so it is that Germany meets its end. Statecraft, I suppose, can only take one so far.

*200 Gold or 100 Diplomatic Favor, scaling by +75 with each Era.

Vlad Tepes of the Wallachian Empire

Leader Ability: Impaler Lord
Capturing an Enemy City causes all Enemy Cities within 4 Tiles of it to have a chance of either becoming a Free City or join his Empire. Killing an Enemy Unit deals -20 Damage to adjacent Enemy Units, while Pillaging in Enemy Territory deals -10 Damage.

Civilization Ability: Os De Domn
Cities with an established Governor provide +1 Great General Point and +5% Production towards Land Military Units for every Promotion they have. Recruiting a Great General provides a free Governor Title.

Unique Unit: Calarasi
Wallachian Unique Medieval Era Ranged Cavalry Unit unlocked with Stirrups.
Costs no Movement Points to Pillage. Can move after attacking.
Requires 10 Horses to train.

Production Cost: 170

Gold Cost: 880

Gold Maintenance: 2

Movement Points: 5

Combat Strength: 32

Ranged Strength: 40

Range: 2

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Biserica Forteficata
Wallachian Unique Building that replaces the Armory. Unlocked with Castles instead of Military Engineering.
Enemy Units in the Territory in a City with a Biserica Forteficata lose -5 Combat Strength, while Wallachians gain +5 Defense Strength.

Production Cost: 120

Gold Maintenance: 2

+3 Production

+3 Faith

+1 Citizen Slot

+1 Great General Point

+1 Relic Slot

+25% Combat Experience for all Military Land Units trained in this City

Allows training of Military Engineers in this City

Strategic Resources Stockpile is increased by +10

Leader Agenda: House of Draculesti
Will seek to Pillage as many Enemy Tiles and kill as many Enemy Units as he can. Respects Civilizations that seek to do the same, and spites those who don’t.

Greeting: I am Vlad, proud son of House Drăculești, the scourge of my foes. What is it you have to say?

Agenda Approval: Clearly you recognize that shows of force are a superior tactic. You do battle in decisive strokes!

Agenda Disapproval: Your military tactics are weak and cowardly. Does blood frighten you? Hahaha!

Attacked: Even now, your troops tremble where they stand. They too must have heard the tales of Vlad the Impaler and fates of his foes!

Declares War on You: Wallachia shall stand forever, in the face of any foe. Your bravado will disappear when you see your men mounted on pikes.

Defeated: I have nothing to say to you. Noble shall be my defeat, unlike that of your soldiers.

Brian Boru of the Irish Empire

Leader Ability: Imperator Scottorum
Great Works of Writing gain +1 Culture and Faith for every City-State and Capital he has captured, as well as an Envoy in City-States in his Home Continent.

Civilization Ability: Saints and Scholars
Holy Sites and Theatre Squares provide +1 Great Person Point that adjacent Specialty Districts generate, +2 if their City follows Ireland’s Religion.*Great Works of Writing provide Faith equal to their Culture Output if their City has two Abbeys.

Unique Unit: Kern
Irish Unique Medieval Era Recon Unit that replaces the Skirmisher.
+3 Combat Strength for every adjacent Enemy Unit.

Production Cost: 150

Gold Cost: 600

Gold Maintenance: 3

Movement Points: 3

Combat Strength: 32

Ranged Strength: 25

Range: 2

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Abbey
Irish Unique Improvement unlocked with Theology.
Cannot be built adjacent to another Abbey.

+3 Faith

+1 Food

+2 Housing

+1 Faith(with Reformed Church)

+1 Food(with Colonialism)

+1 Housing for every 2 adjacent Farms

+1 Faith if adjacent to a Holy Site, as well as providing Friendly Religious Units in this City +10 HP per turn

+2 Tourism(with Flight)

Leader Agenda: Clontarf
Will try to establish dominance over his Continent and also collect Great Works of Writing. Likes Civilizations that refrain from settling on his Home Continent and collecting Great Works of Writing, disdains those who do so.

Greeting: Brian Boru, High King of Ireland, stands before you. I count among my subjects those of Munster, Leinster, and Connacht, and God counts me among his.

Agenda Approval: The tales my people write shall endure to be read by the grandchildren of our grandchildren, and they shall know the glory of their ancestors.

Agenda Disapproval: Your books tell unworthy tales. I would sooner burn their pages for warmth than read them.

Attacked: Our ancestors claimed Ireland from the Fomorians and the Tuatha dé Danann. I will not allow it to fall to the likes of you.

Declares War on You: The plains and the hills echo with the sound of boots; the knell of your death.

Defeated: My lands and my troops are brought low against the most unworthy of adversaries. How could it be? Why?

*+1 Great Scientist Point if adjacent to a Campus, etc.

Michael Collins of the Irish Empire

Leader Ability: Irish Free State
+2 Culture for every Government Ireland has ever had, increasing to +4 Culture if at War. When Ireland is at War, Government Bonuses from the current Government are doubled.
Gain the IRA Unique Unit with Replaceable Parts.

Unique Unit: IRA
Irish Unique Modern Era Melee Unit that replaces the Infantry Unit when Michael Collins is their Leader.
Requires no Strategic Resources to train. +5 Combat Strength when fighting a Civilization that has conquered an Irish City.

Production Cost: 410

Gold Cost: 1,640

Gold Maintenance: 5

Movement Points: 3

Melee Strength: 67

Sight Range: 3

Leader Agenda: Freedom to Achieve Freedom
Likes Civilizations that have the same Government as him, and disdains those who don’t.

Greeting: Top of the morning, friend. The name’s Michael Collins, and I’m proud to represent the people of Ireland.

Agenda Approval: We like-minded individuals must band together against the tyrants who would throw the world into chaos.

Agenda Disapproval: The way you govern makes a mockery of the very idea of righteousness.

Attacked: Let your masses throw themselves on Irish shores. Never shall we be vassals again, and never shall we surrender.

Declares War on You: This is an act of sympathy. Your citizens have suffered your wretched leadership quite long enough!

Defeated: I have failed in my duty to the Irish people. They are honest and good; rule them with fairness.

Khosrow I of the Sassanid Empire

Leader Ability: Arch of Ctesiphon
Districts generate +1 of their respective Great Person Point for every adjacent Wonder. Cities generate +2 Science, Culture and all respective Great Person Points for every Wonder in them.

Civilization Ability: Ahura Mazda’s Asha
Holy Sites with a Worship Building generate +3 Loyalty, Faith, and Culture. Completing a Holy Site District Project grants +75 Faith and Culture for every City that has a Worship Building.

Unique Unit: Aswaran
Sassanid Unique Classical Era Heavy Cavalry Unit that replaces the Horseman.
+4 Combat Strength when defending against Ranged Attacks.
Requires 10 Horses to train.

Production Cost: 120

Gold Cost: 480

Gold Maintenance: 3

Movement: 4

Combat Strength: 40

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Wiskar
Sassanid Unique District that replaces the Entertainment Complex.
+2 Amenities from Entertainment to its City
Amenities from the Zoo and Stadium Buildings extend to Cities whose City Centers are up to 6 tiles away from the District.
+1 Amenity and Culture for every adjacent Luxury Resource.
Unlocks the Royal Hunt District Project.

Production Cost: 27

Gold Maintenance: 1

Trade Yields: Domestic Destination: +1 Food

International Destination: +1 Food

Unique City Project: Royal Hunt
Sassanid Unique City Project.
Production Cost is progressive.

Production Cost: 25

Requires: Wiskar

Effects: +1 Amenity and Culture while ongoing. Provides Gold and Culture for every Unique Luxury Resource Improved in this City.

Leader Agenda: Anushirvan
Will try to collect as many Great People and build as many Wonders as he can. Likes Civilizations that build many Wonders and Great People, and dislikes those who don’t have many Wonders and Great People.

Greeting: Hail, stranger. You greet the Shahanshah, the glorious and great Anushirvan, he whose reign knows no borders, Khosrow.

Agenda Approval: Your empire shines gloriously, and betters all the world with its splendor. Its brilliance is second only to mine.

Agenda Disapproval: I honor Ahura Mazda with the majesty of my empire. You empower Ahriman with the ruin of yours.

Attacked: With this, you betray truth and wisdom, and turn to power, aligning your soul away from Asha. In this way is your empire already lost.

Declares War on You: Prepare, weakling. Build your walls, and train up your men. With the blessing of the spirits, I cannot fail.

Defeated: Despair! Despair! The end of Iranshahr has come! Was it I who had abandoned the correct path? Lord of Wisdom, please answer me!

Sid Meier's Civilization 6: We the People

Epaminondas of the Greek Empire

Leader Ability: Boeotian League
+2 Influence and Alliance Points per turn for every City-State Epaminondas is Suzerain of. Alliances generate +1 Yields in the Greek Capital for every City-State Epaminondas is Suzerain of.*
Gain the Sacred Band Unique Unit with Military Tradition.

Unique Unit: Sacred Band
Greek Unique Ancient Era Melee Unit when Epaminondas is their Leader.
+5 Combat if within Range of a Great General. Does not suffer Combat Penalties when damaged if adjacent to another Sacred Band Unit.
Requires 10 Iron to train.

Production Cost: 65

Gold Cost: 260

Gold Maintenance: 2

Movement Points: 2

Combat Strength:

Sight Range: 28

Leader Agenda: First Man of Greece
Will enter into as many Alliances and be Suzerain of as many City-States as possible. Likes Civilizations that enter into an Alliance with him and also are Suzerain of many City-States, and distrusts those who don’t.

Greeting: I am Epaminondas of Thebes and it is my honor to greet you. I am prepared for any path down which our relations may take us.

Agenda Approval: Your Arete shines forth, and nations both large and small are drawn to your side. I wish much the same for Thebes.

Agenda Disapproval: In this world, it is impossible to survive by oneself. I implore you to draw in alliances that you may survive.

Attacked: How dare you? My phalanxes shall defend my land to their last, and fiercely strike back against you!

Declares War on You: I am sorry, but you have proven that you cannot survive in the world of diplomacy. I must take your people into my fold; Lord Apollo demands it.

Defeated: As Thebes lay defeated, I leave behind my daughters Leuctra and Mantinea. They shall carry on my legacy and that of Thebes.

*+2 Science and +1 Faith if Epaminondas has one Alliance and is Suzerain of two Scientific City-States and one Religious City-State.

Cao Cao of the Chinese Empire

Leader Ability: Rebuilt Tranquility
Receives a free Great Person of Cao Cao’s choice whenever he captures an Enemy Capital.* +25% Great Person Points generated from City Projects. Encampments provide adjacent Farms with +1 Food, as well as provide Food equal to their Production output.

Leader Agenda: Hero During Chaos
Will try to pick up as many Great People as possible. Likes Civilizations that have collected lots of Great People, and dislikes those who have few Great People.

Greeting: I am Cao Cao, grand chancellor of China, and faithful servant of the Son of Heaven. Who are you, to come before me?

Agenda Approval: Your generals are as great in measure as your poets. It inspires me to look upon their works.

Agenda Disapproval: You are unworthy, for what could attest so greater than your citizens' works? Your hour rapidly approaches.

Attacked: Treachery! You dare offend against the divine Empire? I shall have your head!

Declares War on You: Those empires who have the Mandate blossom with glory, while those who have lost it fall to the sword. And so it shall happen to you.

Defeated: I have done all I could, but Han too falls. Someday, the cycle shall begin anew, and China shall rise once more, without me.

*Cannot select a Great Prophet if he has already founded a Religion or if all Religions have been founded.

Tecumseh of the Shawnee Empire

Leader Ability: Tecumseh’s Confederacy
-50% Faith Cost to purchase Great People while at War with a Civilization, and +200 Faith whenever Tecumseh expends a Great General Charge or when he recruits one.
Has access to a Unique Governor, Tenskwatawa, the Prophet.

Civilization Ability: A Dark and Bloody Ground
Shawnee Cities generate +1 Food and Faith for every Unique Copy of a Luxury Resource in their Territory, and +1 Production and Gold for every Unique Copy of a Bonus Resource. Shawnee Cities settled on your Home Continent generate Production towards Settlers, Builders, and Melee Units equal to 20% of their Faith Output.

Unique Unit: Shemagana
Shawnee Unique Renaissance Era Melee Unit that replaces the Musketman.
+5 additional Combat Strength if within range of a Great General. Can capture defeated Enemy Units, turning them into Settlers for the Shawnee.*
Requires 10 Niter to train.

Production Cost: 220

Gold Cost: 880

Gold Maintenance: 2

Movement Strength: 2

Combat Strength: 55

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Effigy Mound
Shawnee Unique Improvement unlocked with Astrology.
Cannot be built on Desert or Snow.

+2 Gold

+2 Faith

+1 Production

+1 Culture

+1 Faith and Production for every adjacent Specialty District

+1 Culture for every two adjacent Effigy Mounds, increasing to +1 Culture for every adjacent Effigy Mound(with Natural History)

+2 Tourism(with Flight)

Unique Governor: Tenskwatawa

Default: Open Door
+10% Faith and Food in this City.

Tier I: Purification
Unlocks access to the Purification Lodge Unique Improvement with Mysticism.

Tier II: Prophetstown
This City’s Specialty Districts provides Production and Faith equal to their Adjacency Bonuses.

Tier II: Witch Hunts
Missionaries purchased in this City can use Charges to use the Launch Inquisition Ability. Religious Units trained in this City gain +1 Charge.

Tier III: Great Good Spirit
Military Units gain +5% Experience from Combat if this City has two Effigy Mounds, increasing to +10% if this City also has a Holy Site.

Tier III: Master of Breath
+2 Faith and +1 Culture for every Citizen in this City.

Unique Improvement: Purification Lodge
Shawnee Unique Improvement.
Can only be built in a City with Tenskwatawa established in it with the Purification Promotion.

+2 Faith

+1 Culture

+2 Faith for every adjacent Holy Site

+1 Faith if Tenskwatawa is in the City.

Leader Agenda: Sleep Not Longer
Will try to settle as many Cities as possible. Likes Civilizations that settle many Cities as well, especially if they share his Home Continent, but dislikes those who have a different Home Continent but have settled Cities on his.

Greeting: Hello. I am Tecumseh, my people's leader, and I hope that I greet you as a friend.

Agenda Approval: We need not fear for our safety when we so closely hold our common homeland.

Agenda Disapproval: The Great Spirit frowns upon your disrespect for Shawnee territory. Your settling is unwelcome here.

Attacked: Your craven desire to possess what the Shawnee rightfully own only proves to us that we must defend it to our last.

Declares War on You: Your disrespect of me and my people is relentless, and my patience in enduring your misdeeds has run out.

Defeated: This will not be the end of the Shawnee. But if it must be the end of myself, then I accept my fate.

*Only applies to City-State and Civilization Units.

Samuel de Champlain of the Canadian Empire

Leader Ability: Compagnie des Cent-Associés
Improved Luxury Resources provide +1 Gold and +1 Food. Trade Routes from other Civilizations provide +2 Gold and +1 Production to Canada and +1 Amenity and +2 Food to them for every Improved Luxury Resource in the Destination City.
Gain the Habitation de Quebec Unique Improvement with Guilds.

Unique Infrastructure: Habitation de Quebec
Canadian Unique Improvement when Samuel de Champlain is their Leader.
Occupying Unit receives +4 Defense Strength and two turns of Fortification.
Cannot be built adjacent to another Habitation de Quebec.

+1 Amenity

+1 Housing

+1 Food

+1 Production

+2 Gold

+1 Gold for every adjacent Luxury Resource, increasing to +2 Gold for evert adjacent Luxury Resource(with Colonialism)

+1 Food and Housing(with Capitalism)

Leader Agenda: Voyages de la Nouvelle France
Will try to collect as many Luxury Resources and Gold as possible. Likes Civilizations that have a high output of Gold and many Luxury Resources, but dislikes those who have a high Gold output but not many Luxury Resources.

Greeting: Welcome to the land of Quebec! I, Governor Champlain, greet you on behalf of all the citizens of this great North.

Agenda Approval: One of my principles has always been to take any opportunity that becomes available to me. It is wise that you follow suit.

Agenda Disapproval: Of course, the way you govern is wholly your own business. But nonetheless, I cannot approve of the way you squander the bounties that nature gives you!

Attacked: I would ask what Quebec has done to deserve your affront, but you don't need a reason, do you?

Declares War on You: I have been pushed to hostility by your unending hatred for my people. I did not desire war. But I do not regret doing what must be done.

Defeated: My countrymen are scattered, my cities burn! How can you bear the weight of such an act?

Guillaume Henri Dufour of the Swiss Empire

Leader Ability: Sonderbund War
Units gain +6 Combat Strength and generate Great General Points from kills when in or adjacent to Swiss Territory. Military Engineers do not expend Charges when building a Fort. Units adjacent to Forts heal +10 HP.

Civilization Ability: Chronicon Helveticum
+2 Culture and Gold for every City-State Switzerland is Suzerain of, and +1 Governor Title whenever Switzerland becomes the Suzerain of a City-State.* +10% Science and Gold in all Cities when at Peace, +10% Loyalty and Production when at War.

Unique Unit: Reislaufer
Swiss Unique Medieval Era Anti-Cavalry Unit that replaces the Pikeman.
Can sell Reislaufer Units to other Civilizations. No Combat Penalty against Melee Units.

Production Cost: 220

Gold Cost: 880

Gold Maintenance: 4

Movement Strength: 2

Combat Strength: 45

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: ETH Zurich
Swiss Unique Building that replaces the Chancery.
Unlocked with Education instead of Diplomatic Service.
+2 Science, +2 Great People Points,* and +1 Diplomatic Favor for every City-State Switzerland is Suzerain of.
+2 Influence and Alliance Points for every University ever built in Swiss Cities.

Production Cost: 290

Gold Maintenance: 2

+3 Influence Points

+2 Science

+2 Great Scientist Points

Leader Agenda: Neutrality
Will not get involved in Foreign Wars if the participants aren’t allied with him. Likes Civilizations that do the same, and dislikes those who intervene in these Wars.

Greeting: Hello and welcome to Switzerland! If I may introduce myself, I am General Dufour.

Agenda Approval: War. What a senseless thing! I am glad that you too are among the enlightened.

Agenda Disapproval: What is the use of making war? Do you seek only to set the world around you aflame?

Attacked: Preposterous! You will never defeat Switzerland! Our defenses are too strong.

Declares War on You: The civilized world has set itself firmly against you. It is a sense of justice that compels us to do so in turn.

Defeated: My defenses were inadequate... my army, too weak. Had I one more chance to set this right, I could. But time waits for no man.

*Switzerland gains a free Governor Title the first time it becomes the Suzerain of a particular City-State.

*+2 Great Admiral and Great General Points for every Militaristic City-State Switzerland is Suzerain of, +2 Great Merchant Points for every Economic City-State, etc.

Sam Houston of the Texan Empire

Leader Ability: Remember the Alamo
Military Units receive -50% Combat Strength reduction when Injured, and +7 Combat Strength if fighting three Tiles from a Texan City. Losing a Military Unit provides Culture equal to 50% of its Combat Strength. Encampments, Forts, and Improvements that provide Defensive Bonuses provide +2 Culture.

Civilization Ability: Lone Star
Oil Rigs accumulate 2 more Resources per turn, increasing to 4 Resources if the Oil Rig is on Land. Texan Cities gain +2 Tourism for every Unique Feature in them.* Plains, Desert, Plains Hills, and Desert Hills gain +1 Culture and Production, increasing to +2 if there is an Improvement built on them.

Unique Unit: Texas Ranger
Texan Unique Industrial Era Light Cavalry Unit that replaces the Cavalry.
Provides Culture from killing Enemy Units equal to 50% of their Combat Strength as well as +1 Era Score. +5 Combat Strength when defending.
Requires 10 Horses to train.

Production Cost: 330

Gold Cost: 1,320

Gold Maintenance: 5

Movement Points: 5

Melee Strength: 62

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Ranch
Texan Unique Improvement unlocked with Horseback Riding.

+1 Housing

+2 Food

+1 Production

+1 Culture

+1 Culture to adjacent Pastures

+1 Food for every two adjacent Ranches, increasing to +1 Food for every adjacent Ranch(with Steam Power)

+1 Production and Housing(with Colonialism)

Leader Agenda: San Jacinto
Will try to have a high Culture output as well as have a strong Military. Likes Civilizations that have a strong Military and high Culture output, and dislikes those who have a high Culture output but weak Military.

Greeting: Welcome, stranger. The name's Sam Houston, and I extend my welcome to the Republic of Texas.

Agenda Approval: I congratulate you heartily. Your people have grit, honor- Texas could use more folks like yours.

Agenda Disapproval: Down here in Texas, we don't take kindly to cowards. I just thought I'd let you know.

Attacked: Have you ever heard of rattlesnakes? They have at least the decency to let you know when they're gonna bite.

Declares War on You: Watching your actions, I judge you as a threat to the freedom of Texas. Be prepared to meet your maker.

Defeated: Our valiant defense of our republic will be remembered for all who come after, no matter how much you try to stamp it out.

*Referring but not limited to Woods, Rainforests, Geothermal Fissures, etc.

George Washington of the American Empire

Leader Ability: Continental Army
Land Military Units gain +3 Combat Strength for every Encampment Building present in their City, as well as +1 Movement Point if there is an Encampment Building.
Gain the Minuteman Unique Unit with Colonialism.

Unique Unit: Minuteman
American Unique Industrial Era Melee Unit when George Washington is their Leader.
+7 Combat Strength when fighting on America’s Home Continent. Ignores all Movement Penalties.

Production Cost: 340

Gold Cost: 1,360

Gold Maintenance: 3

Combat Strength: 60

Movement Points: 2

Sight Range: 2

Leader Agenda: First in War, Peace, and their Hearts
Will maintain a strong Military and be relatively peaceful. Likes Civilizations have a strong Military as well, but despises those who have a strong Military and Warmonger.

Greeting: I am President George Washington, and I wish to cordially welcome you to the United States of America.

Agenda Approval: I admire the willingness of your citizens to defend their homeland. It stirs the soul to see such bravery.

Agenda Disapproval: War is the last resort of those who cannot effort diplomacy. I am disappointed to see you are one such.

Attacked: I had hoped not to resort to war, but so be it. For my countrymen, I shall stand at the fore and defend freedom.

Declares War on You: I despise foreign involvement. It is this that ought rightly to tell you that you were foolish to draw America’s ire.

Defeated: May Providence grant me one last wish: that my people be treated rightly in defeat, and that they stand, someday, united once more.

Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla of the Mexican Empire

Leader Ability: Grito de Dolores
Apostles and Missionaries provide +4 Combat Strength to adjacent Land Military Units (caps at +12 Combat Strength) and can spend Charges to speed up 15% Production of a Land Military Unit.* Capilla Abiertas provide +2 Culture and Production, and constructing one provides a free copy of the strongest Melee Unit Mexico can build.

Civilization Ability: Religión, Independencia y Unión
Great Works of Writing and Artifacts provide +2 Production and +2 Loyalty, Great Works of Art and Relics provide +2 Faith and Culture, and Great Works of Music provide +2 Gold and +2 Tourism. Great Works, Relics, and Artifacts provide +5% Religious and Loyalty Pressure (caps at +45%).

Unique Unit: Rurales
Mexican Unique Industrial Era Heavy Cavalry Unit that replaces the Cuirassier.
No Strategic Resource requirement. +7 Combat Strength when fighting in Districts. +4 Combat Strength when fighting Barbarian Units.

Production Cost: 345

Gold Cost: 1,380

Gold Maintenance: 5

Movement Points: 4

Combat Strength: 64

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Capilla Abierta
Mexican Unique District that replaces the Holy Site.
Provides +1 Slot of Great Work of Writing, Great Work of Art, and Great Work of Music each.
Provides Culture equal to 50% of it and its Buildings’ Faith output.

Production Cost: 27

Gold Maintenance: 1

+1 Slot of Great Work of Writing

+1 Slot of Great Work of Art

+1 Slot of Great Work of Music

+1 Great Prophet Point

+1 Great Writer Point

+1 Great Artist Point

+1 Great Musician Point

Citizen Yields(per Citizen): +2 Faith and +1 Culture

Trade Yields: Domestic Destination: +1 Food

International Destination: +1 Faith

Appeal: +1

Leader Agenda: Long Live America, and Death to Bad Government
Will try to have as many Relics, Artifacts, and Great Works as he can, as well as keep his Cities Loyal. Likes those Civilizations that have lots of Relics, Artifacts, Great Works, and keep their Cities Loyal, and dislikes those who do not.

Greeting: Welcome to Mexico, my friend, a land of the free and God-fearing! Would you care to introduce yourself?

Agenda Approval: You lead a truly great nation. The proud heritage of your people produces works of such beauty, it brings me to tears.

Agenda Disapproval: The disunion brought about by your leadership worries me greatly. I should hope that you are worried also.

Attacked: You seek to bring Mexico under your tyranny? We shall defend to the last breath!

Declares War on You: I will destroy the creeping poison of your influence. God blesses our advance.

Defeated: No... no, how have you ended it all? The dream of the Mexican people... what will happen now?

*Must be adjacent or in a Mexican City Center to speed up the Production.

Sid Meier's Civilization 6: Tales Untold

Charlemagne of the Carolingian Empire

Leader Ability: Admonitio Generalis
Cities generate +5% Science, Faith, and Culture for every Campus and Holy Site, doubling if they follow Charlemagne’s Religion. Carolingian Cities generate Faith equal to 10% of their Science output.
+2 Faith and +1 Science for every City following Charlemagne’s Religion.

Civilization Ability: Caroligniasi
Capturing an Enemy City exerts +400 Religious Pressure to all Cities within 8 Tiles, doubling if it is a Capital or City-State, as well as giving +400 Faith.
Great Generals receive +1 Movement and when in a Formation shares its Movement Points with all Units in the Formation.

Unique Unit: Paladin
Carolingian Unique Medieval Era Heavy Cavalry Unit that replaces the Knight.
Unlocked with Divine Right instead of Stirrups. Can be purchased with Faith. Reduces the Combat Strength of adjacent Enemy Units by -5 (non-cumulatively).
Requires 10 Iron to train.

Production Cost: 235

Gold Cost: 940

Faith Cost: 470

Gold Maintenance: 4

Movement Points: 5

Combat Strength: 53

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Scriptorium
Carolingian Unique Building that replaces the University.
Provides extra Culture and Faith after researching Printing. +1 Faith and Culture for every Holy Site Building in this City.

Production Cost: 250

Gold Maintenance: 2

+4 Science

+3 Culture

+3 Faith

+2 Culture and Faith(with Printing)

+1 Housing

+1 Citizen Slot

+1 Great Scientist Point

Leader Agenda: Carolingian Renaissance
Will have a high Faith, Culture, and Science output, as well as have many Cities following his Religion. Likes Civilizations follow his Religion and have a high output of Faith, Culture, and Science, and dislikes those who have a high output of there Yields, but don’t follow his Religion,

Greeting: Hail, for I am Emperor Charlemagne of the Romans, the Father of Europe, and I thank the Lord God for our meeting. Who are you? What victories can you boast of?

Agenda Approval: God guides your people to glory in all aspects of life! He blesses the words of your scholars and poets.

Agenda Disapproval: I hope you, and your people, realize soon that idleness is one of the greatest sins.

Attacked: You will never take my empire, not until you convince God to stand on your side of this war rather than mine.

Declares War on You: Now, you will be destroyed, and your lands will be taken into my fold. So decrees the Emperor of Rome.

Defeated: My empire falls around me. Our defense was beaten as though it were nothing. How could such a thing be?

Charles Martel of the Carolingian Empire

Leader Ability: The Hammer
Governors can be established in two Cities at once instead of only one City. Cities with an Established Governor receive +4% Production towards Military Units for each Promotion the Governor has. Military Units gain +2 Combat Strength when fighting in the territory of a Carolingian City with an established Governor for each Promotion the Governor has.

Leader Agenda: Duke of the Franks
Will try to promote and collect as many Governors and Governor Titles as possible, respectively. Likes Civilizations that have many Governors and fully promote their Governors, and dislikes those who ignore promoting their Governors.

Greeting: Well met, stranger! I am the duke of the Franks, Charles Martel. Or the Hammer, if you prefer.

Agenda Approval: The best kings are never those who govern alone, and I see that your cabinet is instrumental to your success.

Agenda Disapproval: It is ill-advised that you try to rule on your own. A true leader knows to delegate.

Attacked: You insult my honor with this. Do you truly think that you could conquer my empire?

Declares War on You: Your leadership is weak, your armies ill-equipped. I will buckle your defenses and take away your lands, and should you try to stop me, you will be slain with your men.

Defeated: It seems that I underestimated you. Very well, I shall concede. I know when I am beaten.

Roger II of the Sicilian Empire

Leader Ability: Assizes of Ariano
Gain a free Economic Policy Card Slot after building a Government Plaza, and another one after building a Tier 2 Government Plaza Building. The Government Plaza and its Buildings also generate +5 Gold each. Cities generate +1 Great Engineer, Great Admiral, Great General, Great Scientist, and Great Merchant Points for every Religion present in them.*

Civilization Ability: Mediterranean Ascendance
Trade Routes from and to Sicilian Cities provide +1 Culture and Gold for Sicily and +2 Gold for the Foreign Civilization or City-State. +100% Yields from Trade Routes to and from Sicilian Cities.

Unique Unit: Milite
Sicilian Unique Medieval Era Heavy Cavalry Unit that replaces the Knight.
Unlocked with Mercenaries instead of Stirrups. No cost to Embark or Disembark. +3 Combat Strength for every adjacent Coast and Lake Tile.
Requires 10 Iron to train.

Production Cost: 220

Gold Cost: 880

Gold Maintenance: 4

Movement Points: 4

Combat Strength: 48

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Vineyard
Sicilian Unique Improvement unlocked with Medieval Faires.

+2 Food

+1 Gold

+1 Culture

+1 Food for every two adjacent Plantations, increasing to +1 Food for every adjacent Plantation(with Steam Power)

+1 Culture for every two adjacent Plantations, increasing to +1 Culture for every adjacent Plantation(with Colonialism)

+2 Gold and +1 Amenity(with Capitalism)

Leader Agenda: Tolerant
Will try to have as many Religions in his Cities as well as a high Gold output.
Likes Civilizations that have many Religions in their Cities and a high Gold output, and dislikes those who have few Religions present in their Cities and a low Gold output.

Greeting: Welcome, noble stranger, and behold my kingdom, the most glorious in the world. I am King Roger, and I hope that our interests align.

Agenda Approval: Ah, those fools out there, letting the squabbles of gods confuse them! You and I have realized that it is better to focus on more important affairs.

Agenda Disapproval: You ought to spend much less time worrying about how your people pray, and much more worrying about your empty coffers.

Attacked: Your bands of barbarians will not set one foot in my cities! This, I assure you.

Declares War on You: I will see to it that your lands are made much more prosperous under the rule of my emirs.

Defeated: The Sicilians' dream of glory was such a beautiful thing, and so short-lived. There will always be those that prefer bloodshed.

*Requires that Sicily has built the corresponding Specialty District. For example, to gain the extra Great Engineer Points, an Industrial Zone must be in the City.

Gediminas of the Lithuanian Empire

Leader Ability: Champion of Paganism
Cities generate Great General Points equal to 50% of their Great Prophet Point output. Land Military Units gain +5 Combat Strength when fighting an Enemy Civilization that has founded a Religion.

Civilization Ability: The Old Gods
May not found a Religion, but can choose two Pantheon Beliefs instead of one. Land Military Units do not suffer Movement or Combat Penalties in Woods, and gain +4 Combat Strength when fighting in Woods.

Unique Unit: Samogitian
Lithuanian Unique Classical Era Melee Unit that replaces the Swordsman.
No Strategic Resource requirement. Heals +10 HP if ending its turn on Woods.

Production Cost: 80

Gold Cost: 320

Gold Maintenance: 1

Movement Points: 2

Combat Strength: 33

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Alka
Lithuanian Unique Building that replaces the Shrine.
+1 Faith and Production to every Woods Tile in this City, increasing to +2 Faith and Production to every Woods Tile after completing Natural History.

Production Cost: 70

Gold Maintenance: 1

+2 Faith

+1 Citizen Slot

+1 Great Prophet Point

Allows the purchasing of Missionaries with Faith

Heroes claimed or recalled in this City have 10% longer Lifespan.

Leader Agenda: Northern Crusade
Will ward off any foreign Religious Units from his Empire, and generally try to keep away foreign Religions.
Likes Civilizations that haven’t founded a Religion or aren’t trying to spread theirs into his Empire, and loathes those who try to spread their Religion into his Empire or declare Holy Wars.

Greeting: You have passed into the lands of the Lithuanians. I, Gediminas, will welcome you here, but with warning - you shall respect our ways.

Agenda Approval: It gladdens me that you do not try to supplant the gods we worship. May their favor be ever upon you.

Agenda Disapproval: You must stop corrupting my lands with your confused ways, or else you shall be destroyed!

Attacked: You deceiver! The hand with which you draw your sword against my people will soon be cut off!

Declares War on You: I proclaim that you are an enemy of my countrymen, and it is for our survival that I declare war against you.

Defeated: Now that Lithuania falls, who will protect the old ways? Well, I suppose it does not matter. When your hour comes, you will face Velnias either way.

Al-Hasan ibn Sulaiman of the Swahili Empire*

Leader Ability: Father of Gifts
+10% Production towards city projects. City projects provide Faith equal to 50% of the Production expended on them when they are finished. The Swahili worship building provides +10% Culture in cities with it.

Civilization Ability: Coral Construction
Swahili Cities bordering at least two Coast tiles gain +2 Amenities. Luxury Resources given away in a trade deal grant +10 Gold per turn. Each Amenity a City has provides +1 Culture. Reefs provide a +1 adjacency bonus to all Specialty Districts.

Unique Unit: Jahazi
Swahili Unique Naval Civilian Unit.
Unlocked with Sailing. If within 4 tiles of a Trader, its Trade Route provides double Gold and cannot be pillaged.

Production Cost: 55*

Gold Cost: 220

Unique Infrastructure: Pillar Tomb
Swahili Unique Improvement unlocked with Construction.
Cannot be built adjacent to another Pillar Tomb.

+2 Gold

+2 Faith

+1 Culture

+1 Culture for each 2 adjacent Coast tiles, increasing to +1 Culture for each adjacent Coast tile(with Humanism)

+2 Gold(with Natural History)

Provides Tourism equal to its Culture output(with Flight.)

Leader Agenda: Swahili Coast
Will try to trade with all the Civilizations he has met and settle many Coastal Cities. Likes Civilizations who settle on the coast and trade with the Swahili. Dislikes Civilizations who settle inland, especially if they do not trade with him.

Greeting: Greetings, my guest. I am the Sultan of Kilwa, ibn Sulaiman, beloved by my people.

Agenda Approval: It pleases me greatly to hear my merchants returning from your lands. It is good for both of us to possess these exotic foreign goods, no?

Agenda Disapproval: Around the world, the renown of my lands’ riches are known, and yet you do not trade with us. Why is this?

Attacked: There is no man who prefers war over peace, but I know how you enjoy bringing misery to others.

Declares War on You: Now there shall be war between us! Your ports shall be pillaged and your men enslaved! Such is my decree as Sultan.

Defeated: There is much wonder in the land of the Swahili, in their songs, their traditions. You have deprived the world of it forever.

*Complete credit for the Swahili Civilization idea goes to @Mr. Salt.

*Production Cost scales with each Jahazi built by +10 Production.

Skanderbeg of the Albanian Empire

Leader Ability: Lidhja e Lezhës
Albanian Cities gain +5% Production to Military Units for every City-State Skanderbeg is Suzerain of and every Civilization Albania is allied to. Recruiting a Great General provides +1 Envoy as well as +2 Influence Points per turn.

Civilization Ability: Farefisni
Military Units belonging to Albania and Civilizations allied to them gain +4 Combat Strength and +1 Movement when fighting a Defensive War. After a Declaration of War, immediately levy all City-State Units Albania is Suzerain of.

Unique Unit: Stratioti
Albanian Unique Medieval Era Light Cavalry Unit that replaces the Courser.
Can make one additional Attack if Movement allows.
Requires 10 Horses to train.

Production Cost: 175

Gold Cost: 750

Gold Maintenance: 2

Movement Points: 5

Combat Strength: 49

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Kullë
Albanian Unique Improvement unlocked with Castles.
Occupying Unit receives +4 Defense Strength, +1 Sight Range, and two turns of Fortification.
Can only be built on Grassland Hills, Plains Hills, Desert Hills, Tundra Tiles, Snow Tiles.
Cannot be built adjacent to another Kullë

+1 Production

+1 Culture

+1 Housing

+1 Housing and +1 Production for every adjacent District, increasing to +2 Housing and +2 Production for every adjacent District(with Urbanization)

+2 Culture(with Natural History)

+2 Tourism(with Flight)

Leader Agenda: Athleta Christi
Will vow to protect any of his Allies defending against other Civilizations. Respects Civilizations who protect their Allies and fight with them, and loathes those who abandon them.

Greeting: I am Lord Kastrioti of Albania, although you may know me as Skanderbeg. I am the one who leads the lands that you see. Greetings.

Agenda Approval: You are a bold protector of those you swear allegiance to, as I am. I approve of this.

Agenda Disapproval: Why do you abandon your allies in their time of need? Such treachery is the mark of evil.

Attacked: All Albanians shall unite in the defense of our homeland, and our many allies as well. You have no hope of conquering us.

Declares War: Your actions toward us have proven that I must defeat you. Prepare for a war on all sides.

Defeated: The allies of Albania survive me. Your tyranny will not be allowed to survive.

Enrico Dandolo of the Venetian Empire

Leader Ability: Cavalli di San Marco
Capturing a Capital grants you a free Relic and free random Great Work of Art. Naval Units gain +4 Combat Strength against District Defenses, +8 if within Range of a Great Admiral.

Civilization Ability: La Serenissima
Cities can only be founded on Venice’s Home Continent. Can found Cities and place Specialty Districts on Coast and Lake Tiles.* These Districts provide +1 Gold, Culture, Housing, and Tourism for every adjacent Coast Tile and Lake Tile. Lighthouses and Markets provide +2 Trade Route Capacity instead of +1.

Unique Unit: Galleass
Venetian Unique Renaissance Era Naval Siege Unit that replaces the Frigate.
Uses the Siege Promotion Tree instead of the Naval Ranged Promotion Tree.
Requires 10 Niter to train.

Production Cost: 295

Gold Cost: 1,180

Gold Maintenance: 5

Movement Points: 3

Combat Strength: 50

Bombard Strength: 60

Range: 3

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Fondaco
Venetian Unique District that replaces the Commercial Hub.
Can only be built on Coast and Lake.
Standard Adjacency Bonus from adjacent Canals, City Centers, and Specialty Districts.

Production Cost: 27

+3 Housing

+1 Great Merchant Point

+1 Production and Gold for every International Trade Route ending in this City

+2 Culture for every International Trade Route starting from this City.

Citizen Yields(per Citizen): +4 Gold

Trade Yields: Domestic Destination: +1 Production

International Destination: +3 Gold

+1 Trade Route Capacity and Trader.

Leader Agenda: Promissione Ducale
Will send trade with all and have plenty of Gold. Likes those who have a high Gold output and many Trade Routes, and dislikes those who have a low Gold output and few Trade Routes.

Greeting: Welcome to Venice, the most serene republic, and the gem of the Mediterranean. I hope that our relations with your nation are long and prosperous.

Agenda Approval: Merciful God and the saints have looked upon our nations, and chosen us to receive His favor. Give thanks.

Agenda Disapproval: Your nation could be so much stronger, and richer, if you engaged in commerce. Simply look upon Venice to see.

Attacked: We have soldiers on the land, ships in the sea, and God watching over us in the sky. What hope do you have?

Declares War on You: Happy is that city which in time of peace thinks of war. Your actions have made it clear you desire battle against Venice and her citizens, and our cannons will oblige.

Defeated: The canals run red, and the poets lament. You have wrought the devil's work.

*These Districts are: Encampments, Industrial Zones, Campuses, Holy Sites, Theater Squares, Government Plaza, and the Diplomatic Quarter.

Matilde di Canossa of the Italian Empire

Leader Ability: La Gran Contessa
Building a Holy Site, Encampment, Temple, or Armory for the first time provides +1 Envoy, and these provide +1 Culture and Science for every City-State Matilde is Suzerain of.

Leader Agenda: Terre Matildiche
Will have a high Faith output and be Suzerain of many City-States.
Likes Civilizations that have a high Faith output and do not compete for City-State Suzerainty, and dislikes those who have a high Faith output but compete for City-State Suzerainty.

Greeting: Welcome, my gracious guest, to Italy, a land of culture and piety. It is my pleasure to meet you.

Agenda Approval: I admire your devotion to your faith - and the smaller principalities seem to agree with me.

Agenda Disapproval: Without a higher power to believe in, your people are unmotivated. Your artists, your scientists... but especially your diplomats.

Attacked: How very impudent of you. I shall barely have to effort repelling your invasion.

Declares War on You: You are politically ineffective and weak. I believe it will suit you when the crown is taken from your head.

Defeated: I have faulted the people of Italy by underestimating you. Perhaps your leadership will be more effective... but this, I doubt.
Sid Meier's Civilization 6: Heartbeat of Steel

Usman dan Fodio of the Sokoto Empire

Leader Ability: Amir al-Muminin
Can declare a Holy War after with Theology, instead of Diplomatic Service. +7 Combat Strength to all Land Military Units for the next 10 turns after declaring a Holy War. Encampments and their Buildings provide Faith equal to their intrinsic Production output. Can Purchase and Upgrade Land Military Units using Faith instead of Gold.

Civilization Ability: Hausaland
Sokoto Cities generate +1 Production for every Improved Bonus Resource, +1 Gold for every Improved Luxury Resource, and +1 Faith for every Improved Strategic Resource in them. These Yields are doubled if the City has sent an International Trade Route.

Unique Unit: Yan Lifida
Sokoto Unique Industrial Era Heavy Cavalry Unit that replaces the Cuirassier.
Killing a Unit provides Faith equal to 50% of its Combat Strength. +4 Additional Combat Strength when adjacent to a Great General.

Production Cost: 315

Gold Cost: 1,260

Gold Maintenance: 5

Movement Points: 4

Combat Strength: 64

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Ribat
Sokoto Unique Improvement unlocked with Theology.
Occupying Unit receives +4 Combat Strength and two turns of Fortification.

+2 Faith

+1 Science

+1 Gold

+1 Housing

+1 Gold for every Trade Route starting in this City

+1 Faith for every adjacent District, increasing to +2 Faith for every adjacent District(with Divine Right)

+2 Housing(with Urbanization)

+2 Tourism(with Flight)

Leader Agenda: Shehu
Will have a strong Military as well as convert as many Cities as he can to his Religion. Likes Civilizations that follow his Religion and have a strong Military, but despises those who have a strong Military but don’t follow his Religion, especially those who have declared War on Civilizations following his Religion.

Greeting: I am a scholar of scripture, a leader of soldiers, and a man of God. I am Usman dan Fodio, Commander of the Faithful, and I welcome you.

Agenda Approval: Praise God, for he has blessed your nation with the strength you find yourself possessing.

Agenda Disapproval: The attempts of our prophets have failed to reach your ears. It would be very easy to convert you by force.

Attacked: I would be lying if I said I had not expected this. But that doesn't matter anymore. Come, fight, and watch how you are defeated.

Declares War on You: The hour of your destruction has come. I will teach you the drumbeat of Sokoto boots.

Defeated: A punishment for my hubris? Perhaps... perhaps. But why, God, must my nation die with me?

Toussaint Louverture of the Haitian Empire

Leader Ability: Papa Ayiti
+1 Movement and +4 Combat Strength to all Units during a Dark Age, doubled if Haiti is fighting a Defensive War. Pillaging an Improved Luxury Resource provides a free Mawon. Historic Moments that provide more than +1 Era Score provide -1 less Era Score.

Civilization Ability: Mother of Revolutions
+10% Culture and Production towards Military Units, as well as an additional Military Policy Card Slot while in a Dark Age. Loyalty Penalties for Haitian Cities while in a Dark Age are reversed. Builders receive -1 Build Charge.

Unique Unit: Mawon
Haitian Unique Renaissance Era Melee Unit that replaces the Musketman.
Can build Improvements and Forts, but is not expended after expending all Build Charges. +4 Combat Strength when in a Dark Age.

Build Charges: 2

Production Cost: 220

Gold Cost: 880

Gold Maintenance: 2

Movement Points: 2

Combat Strength: 50

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Citadelle
Haitian Unique District that replaces the Encampment.
Can only be built on Hills or Cliffs, but can be built adjacent to a City Center.
Receive a free Builder in this City after constructing a Citadelle or any of its Buildings.

Production Cost: 27

Gold Maintenance: 1

+1 Great General Point

Citizen Yields (per Citizen): +2 Gold and +1 Production

Trade Yields: Domestic Destination: +1 Production

International Destination: +1 Production

Appeal: -1

Leader Agenda: Soul of a Free Man
Will persevere through Dark Ages. Likes Civilizations that are in Dark Ages and have the same Government, and dislikes those who are in Golden Ages, especially those who have a different Government than him.

Greeting: I am General Louverture, who freed my countrymen from the shackles of tyranny. I hope I may expect that you too fight for liberty.

Agenda Approval: The soul of your people is something to be proud of. They laugh in the face of overwhelming adversity.

Agenda Disapproval: The character of your people cannot be tested when you put your nation on such a pedestal. You are not so glorious as you would have them think.

Attacked: War? No such thing will occur. War would mean valiant battle and brave victories - something your soldiers are incapable of.

Declares War: Today, I begin my campaign against you, a campaign which will destroy a threat to the continued existence of Haiti.

Defeated: You may have taken our cities, but my people would rather die than live in chains.

Manuelito of the Navajo Empire

Leader Ability: Hashkeh Naabaah
Generates no Grievances when fighting a Defensive War. Units gain +8 Combat Strength when fighting in Navajo Territory, +4 if adjacent to Navajo Territory. Cannot Culture Bomb Tiles owned by Foreign Civilizations but cannot be Culture Bombed by Foreign Civilizations.

Civilization Ability: Dinetah
Natural Wonders provide +1 Faith, Culture, and Food to adjacent Tiles, increasing to +2 Faith, Culture, and Food to adjacent Desert and Desert Hills Tiles.

Unique Unit: Bik-keh-he
Navajo Unique Classical Era Melee Unit that replaces the Swordsman.
No Strategic Resource Requirements. Adjacent Navajo Units gain +5 Combat Strength.*

Production Cost: 105

Gold Cost: 420

Gold Maintenance: 2

Movement Points: 2

Combat Strength: 39

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Hooghan
Navajo Unique Improvement unlocked with Craftsmanship.
Cannot be built adjacent to another Hooghan.

+1 Food

+1 Housing

+2 Culture

+1 Food and Production if built on Desert or Desert Hills

+1 Culture if built before the Industrial Era, +1 Housing if built during or after the Industrial Era

+1 Housing(with Colonialism)

+2 Tourism(with Flight)

Leader Agenda: Tribal Homelands
Will defend against any Foreign Civilizations and will not give up any Cities in Peace Deals. Grievances against this Leader decay at twice the usual rate. Likes Civilizations that do not take Territory from other Civilizations and dislikes those who have taken Territory from other Civilizations, especially if they were taken during a Peace Deal.

Greeting: I am the headman of the Navajo, the Man of the Black Reeds. I will protect my people, but if you offend not against us, we shall be friends.

Agenda Approval: You value peace, I see, for other peoples and your own as well. This is righteous and good.

Agenda Disapproval: Those lands you control belong to others by birthright. You have no claim to their ancestral home.

Attacked: Now you have made your intentions clear. I shall die before I see Dine conquered.

Declares War on You: My warriors shall sweep over your lands with the swiftness of the thunderbird. There is no hope for your survival.

Defeated: There is no deeper shame than that which I feel within me; it is the shame of a man who has failed his tribesmen.

*This bonus doesn’t stack with multiple Bik-keh-he, and does not affect other Bik-keh-he Units.

Taksin of the Siamese Empire

Leader Ability: Thonburi Kingdom
Land Units gain +1 Combat Strength for every Farm built in their Origin City. Siamese Cities generate +10% Growth, +2 Food, and +1 Gold if they have sent a Trade Route to an Allied Civilization’s City.

Civilization Ability: Ayutthayan Legacy
Siam’s Capital generates +2% Culture for every Siamese City and City-State Siam is Suzerain of within 8 Tiles of it. Specialty Districts adjacent to a River provides +1 Culture, +1 Amenity, and +1 Envoy.

Unique Unit: Jingal
Siamese Unique Industrial Era Heavy Cavalry Unit that replaces the Cuirassier.
Unlocked with Rifling instead of Ballistics. +3 Combat Strength to all adjacent Siamese Land Units.*

Production Cost: 350

Gold Cost: 1,400

Gold Maintenance: 5

Movement Points: 3

Combat Strength: 70

Sight Range: 2

Unique Infrastructure: Baan
Siam Unique Improvement unlocked with Irrigation.
Can only be pillaged (never destroyed) by Natural Disasters.
Can only be built on Floodplains and Marsh.

+1 Food

+1 Housing

+1 Food for every two adjacent Floodplains and Marshes, increasing to +1 Food for every adjacent Floodplains and Marsh(with Scientific Theory)

+1 Housing for every two adjacent Baan, increasing to +1 Housing for every adjacent Baan(with Urbanization)

+1 Food(with Colonialism)

+2 Production and +2 Tourism(with Flight)

+1 Housing(with Globalization)

Leader Agenda: Maharaj
Will have a high Culture output as well as a strong and high-quality Military. Likes those Civilizations that have a high Culture output and strong Military, and dislikes those who don’t.

Greeting: Good day. I am Taksin, King of the Thai. I am unafraid to fight, but I hope we shall have peace.

Agenda Approval: Across the lands, far and wide, there are none so august as your empire. Everyone recognizes your greatness.

Agenda Disapproval: Your nation and its citizens lack strength. Your culture's influence shrinks inward, crushed by the glory that surrounds it.

Attacked: Another claim to my throne is made? Hope that you are readier than those that have come before.

Declares War: I desire only prosperity for my people. And if you threaten that prosperity, then I am forced to destroy you.

Defeated: This failure... I must accept it. But the tyranny of foreign kings is not the destiny of my people.

*This Bonus stacks with other Jingals, and affects other Jingals.

Rama II of the Siam Empire

Leader Ability: Rattanakosin Literature
Theater Squares and their Buildings provide +100% Great Writer Points and Culture during a Golden Age. -25% Gold and Faith Cost to Patronize Great Writers and Great Artists. Great Works of Literature generate +1 Great Writer Point per turn, and Great Works of Art provide +1 Great Artist Point per turn.

Leader Agenda: Poet
Will collect as many Great Writers and Great Works of Literature as possible. Likes Civilizations that refrain from collecting Great Writers and Great Works of Literature, and dislikes those who do collect these.

Greetings: I am Rama, King of Siam, and lover of verse. I am certain I have heard nothing written of your kingdom- who do I greet?

Agenda Approval: Poetry, I have always thought, is one of the greatest joys of life. I am glad that we fellow rulers can enjoy it together.

Agenda Disapproval: The art of the spoken word is one that pervades our lives and fills us with wonder, and yet your people have such unskilled tongues. How can you allow this suffering?

Attacked: Great epics will be written of my kingdom's victories in this war, while yours shall be defeated and forgotten.

Declares War: I cannot ignore the injustices which you inflict on the citizens of the world without reason. While you would face judgment in another life, I shall punish you here and now.

Defeated: So turns the final page on the tale of my rule. In the end, I was unfit to rule in a world full of warlords like you.
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Leader Ability: Durr-i-Durran
Cities not founded by Afghanistan with a Governor gain +2 Culture, +2 Loyalty, and +1 Amenity for every Promotion the Governor has. Cities not founded by Afghanistan don’t lose Amenities and Loyalty if Durrani has Grievances with the Founder.

Civilization Ability: Graveyard of Empires
Enemy Units in Afghan Territory lose -2 HP per turn for every adjacent Hills and Mountain Tiles.

Unique Unit: Pashtun
Afghan Unique Industrial Era Recon Unique Unit that replaces the Ranger.
Starts with a free Promotion. +4 Combat Strength when fighting in Hills.
I've had a tough time thinking out an appropriate leader ability for Ahmad Shah Durrani. Yours, I think, nails it. I had been thinking of a combat bonus against a civilization who is also at war with one of your friends (reference to the Battle of Panipat against the Marathas) but that seemed superfluous with the Military Alliance system already present.

Regarding the unique unit, the Pashtun is an odd choice considering they are an ethnic group. Wouldn't the jezailchi be a better option?
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