(E&E) Civilization VI - First Look: Denmark


Jun 18, 2017
West Virginia
Margaret I leads Denmark in Sid Meier's Civilization VI!

A quick and friendly reminder to you civ fans: the civilizations in-game are, by their very nature, anachronistic conglomerations of the concepts and history behind a nation/culture. So, just as Abraham Lincoln never coexisted with the P-51 Mustang, please keep in mind that not all elements of a civ's composition (leader, civ ability, unit, etc.) have to or should coexist. Thanks!

Margaret I was Queen of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden in the latter half of the 12th Century, serving as the founding monarch of the ambitious Kalmar Union, and also served as regent of Denmark after her son's untimely death. She was viewed as a wise, energetic, and capable ruler, and the union she helped establish would unite Scandinavia for over a century.

Margaret I full.PNG
Margaret I round.png

A rough depiction of Margaret's in-game model and icon. The dress she wears is patterned after an actual dress Margaret wore.

Margaret's unique ability is called, fittingly, Kalmar Union. As this union was established in part to combat the dominance of the Hanseatic League, it naturally revolves around trade. Your Domestic Trade Routes increase Loyalty by +10% each turn in the receiving city if the sending city contains an improved luxury or strategic resource. Trade Routes to the cities of denounced civilizations decrease those cities' Loyalty by -5% each turn, and Traders from said civilization cannot enter Danish territory. Use this to your advantage to build a loyal, interconnected empire that will draw in cities from other nations to participate in your lucrative economy.

Margaret's agenda is Sovereign Lady and Ruler, a title given to her by the Swedes after helping them oust their unpopular king and become their regent. Accordingly, Margaret likes civs who keep their cities loyal through use of Governors or by stationing military units in them, and you'll see her try to secure as many of her cities as she can this way. She dislikes civs who have disloyal cities, or those who don't use their Governors and military to keep order.

Denmark default.png

Denmark's unique civ ability is called Leiðangr. During the first 10 turns of a surprise war declared by or upon Denmark, all coastal cities can purchase a naval melee unit for free, with an extra one becoming available with each Harbor building. These units gain +1 movement speed and grant a +3 combat bonus to adjacent land melee units, +5 with Shipbuilding. However, the city that produced these naval units gets -10% Food yield for each unit until they are destroyed or decommissioned.

Huscarl 1.PNG
Huscarl 2.PNG

Mockups of in-game Huscarl models and icon. The first proposed model stays truer to their depiction in the Vikings, Traders & Raiders! scenario, whereas the second (which I myself prefer) more closely resembles the Man-at-Arms which it replaces, and could utilize the same rigging and animation.

Denmark's unique unit is the Huscarl, a replacement for the Man-at-Arms. While it is more expensive than the Man-at-Arms to create and maintain, it has a higher combat strength. It also gains +5 combat strength when defending against ranged attacks, boosted to +10 if adjacent to at least one other Huscarl, representing that fearsome Viking shield wall!


Denmark's unique District is the Købstad, a replacement for the Commerical Hub. It provides a bonus Population space and reduces the Gold purchase cost by 50% of all naval units if built adjacent to a Harbor, all land units (combat or support) if adjacent to an Encampment, and all buildings and civilian units if adjacent to a City Center. However, all buildings in the Købstad cost 25% more to upkeep than normal.

Denmark excels at taking to the seas and becoming their master, whether through raiding, trading, colonizing, or all three. Put down roots wherever the water meets the land and keep your empire loyal and connected with Trade Routes and Købstæder. Protect your interests with Huscarls, or call up the Leiðangr to launch a fleet that will make any enemy quake!
Will you form a mighty alliance of the north for peace and for war? How will you lead Denmark in Sid Meier's Civilization VI?
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^ What made Housekarle different to Berserkers?
In game, they're resistant to ranged attacks instead of weak to them, and they gain the Hoplite's bonus for adjacency.
In real life, I suppose it's more of a distinction between what role you play in combat, or whether you have an official designation as housecarl. I also think huskarls tended to be more heavily armored (since their lord could afford to give them good equipment) whereas berserkers... well, berserkers sometimes wore nothing at all!
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