Civilization password in MP never, ever works


Nov 30, 2005
This is a multiplayer question. My friend and have played several games online through the gamespy internet feature. However, everytime we attempt to LOAD these games, the civilization passwords we entered failed to work! I would choose my civ and type in my password; he would choose his civ and type in his password. Each time it says "You have entered an incorrect password." Oddly enough, this feature appears bugged for both HIM and for ME! How can that be?

We've played three different games. Each time we've used a different password (yes we were careful of caps lock, etc). One time we left the line completely blank...and when we entered our password as blank, it still said it was incorrect! This ridiculous feature is not letting us finish our multiplayer games! Please help! Is there anyway to bypass this feature? Has anybody else experienced this before? Thanks so much.
Maybe i can help, the new update have a problem with the save files from the older version, try this password-d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e .
im not kidding, i know its long, those are 32 chars and you can put max 32 chars in the game. my idea on - why this heppends is on this thread-

edit -Forgot something, this is a universal "no-password" password, if you have entered any password other than none, email me the save file to (its an underline, not a space) and ill try to send you back passwords that work (havent tested it yet)
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