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Civilization Request Thread

I would like some more African Civs, now is Songhai the only Sub-Saharan Civilization in the game, and with TLS world maps Africa blank south and east of them (exept Cape Town).

I would include: Zulu (which is probably one of the most popular ones), Swahili, Kingdom of Kongo, Morocco, Carthage and Ethiopia.

I have started a Thread with sugestions about them here please visit and comment!

Except African civs would Korea (with Korean Turtle Ships as a awesome UU), Hebrews/Israel, Northmen/Vikings/Sweden, Pueblo Indians, Sioux, Maya and maybe Eskimos with some trait that let them utilize those snow tiles :) be great.

Egypt is african lol
Except African civs would Korea (with Korean Turtle Ships as a awesome UU), Hebrews/Israel, Northmen/Vikings/Sweden, Pueblo Indians, Sioux, Maya and maybe Eskimos with some trait that let them utilize those snow tiles :) be great.

Eskimo is considered may a derogatory term you know :) Not that I care about it.

I'd like to see Samis in before Eskimos, though.. they could have the same snow related bonuses.
Would really love to see the Teutonic Order, latter to become Prussia, but would prefer to see the early incarnation which was the actual religious order ruling an empire.

Eskimo is considered may a derogatory term you know :) Not that I care about it.

In Canada and Greenland. Eskimo would probably still be best for that civilization, as it would encompass all of the Arctic peoples. If there is a less insulting term that would be okay then, however "Inuit" wouldn't work as a replacement unless you specifically refer to that tribe. Although that would probably be better as Eskimo is quite a broad term, rather like "Germanic" or "Slavic". Anyways, that's my two cents ;)

I would like to see a Berber civilization with Masinissa as the leader and Libyan Warriors or Numidian Cavalry. I would also second Swahili. I would love them in Civilization 5. Loved them in World of Legends.
I don't know if this has been suggested, but here goes:

Papal States
With Rodrigo Borgia/Pope Alexander VI as Leader
Have no idea for ability
Unique Units:
Papal Guard(I'm new to this so don't rant on me, if I'm not thourough enough)

With Vlad III The Impaler as leader

Florence (I know its a city-state already)
With Lorenzo di Medici as Leader

With Caterina Sforza as leader

That's pretty much it, so bye bye
I'd like to see the Australians make an appearance for once. Civ 5 is already part way there with using the Great Barrier Reef and the Sydney Opera House, so why not have the nation that actually hold these in RL?

I'd also like to see the return of the Celts and Vikings.
Hi, I have done all the art for the new civ: Kingdom of Kongo, which can be viewd here

Please visit the link and comment.

And Ali1882, yes Egypt is an african civ but not Sub-Saharan as I wrote, even if Egypt started as a "black" civilization by the Nubians, it later on were not conceived as one. I think that Civilization as a game also functions as important tool to spread knowledge about human history, at least in Sweden is the Songhai empire for example never even mention in school, nor is any other "black" African Civilization.
And Ali1882, yes Egypt is an african civ but not Sub-Saharan as I wrote, even if Egypt started as a "black" civilization by the Nubians, it later on were not conceived as one. I think that Civilization as a game also functions as important tool to spread knowledge about human history, at least in Sweden is the Songhai empire for example never even mention in school, nor is any other "black" African Civilization.
Our history book doesn't mention the khmers OR the hittites! It doesn't even MENTION GENGHIS KHAN!!!!!:mad::mad::mad:
Please someone add Catalonia!
As a Catalan I would love to play as them and invade Spain
wait.... they're not in the game as-well :sad::mad:

+1 :p

For Exemple:

Civ name: Països Catalans
Leader: Jaume I the conqueror (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_I_of_Aragon)
Lluis Companys )http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lluis_Companys)

Unique ability: don't know

Unique building: Sagrada Familia (culture type)

Unique Unit: Almogavers (strong melee unit like roman "legion")

As the Crown of Aragon: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crown_of_Aragon after that we start having trouble with spain.

But until then and after that we had some unique habilities/traditions like the modernism (arquitecture style) or the "sailing code" copied by half europe, the castellers, etc...

Will luv to play with my country if anyone have the time and the will to do it :)
I was wondering about using the Lovecraft mithos with the elder gods having their own factions. I have ideas about them but i have no idea about using coding.
The Kingdom of Kongo mod is finished, download it here!

My history books didn't mention the khmers or the hittites but to not mention Genghis Khan, thats just outrageous! I think that the Civilization game is a really good compliment to the lousy history lesson!

In-game picture from Kingdom of Kongo:
Spoiler :
What about a Scotish civ?

UA: distilling whiskey, which is an additional luxury, they have exclusive

UB: whiskey distillery, replaces granary and gives 1 whiskey for every wheat worked by the city, but will take away 1F for it

UU: Highland Division, replaces Rifles, no movement penalty+defense boni in hills and swamps
Kingdom of Denmark

Ruler: King Christian IV

UA/Trait: Chartered Companies - Increase gold income of trade routes by 33/50% +1 Happiness for each active traderoute.

UU/Unit: Indiaman (ship) - Replaces Frigate. A well rounded battleship that also are able to "work" on sea resources.
or UB/Building: Town Center - Average to high upkeep cost. Adds +1 Happiness and +1 production to the city (Perhaps also +1 Culture, but doesnt want the building to be too powerfull, but if upkeep cost reflects the added +1 culture I think it would fit well into the building).

UU/Unit: Home Guard - Replaces Infantery. A weaker Infantery also able to work/build infastructure like road, railroads and "change" titles like chopping down forest ect. Should NOT be allowed to build farms/pasture/mines and the likes.

Kingdom of Denmark
King Christian IV
Home Guard

City List:



Chartered Companies: Large parts of the Danish economic and battle force in the 16th/17th came from merchant companies like the Danish East India Company and the Danish West India Company. Denmark also have a very open and flexible market today, and I think a Chartered Companies trait perfectly reflects this.

Town Center: Denmark have a very well working wellfare that not only increases hapiness in the population, but also increases the productivity. The "raadhus" / Town Center is eccential for this wellfare to work. The wellfare however comes with a high cost, thus the Town Center should have at least an average to high upkeep cost. Benefits should closely fit the upkeep cost. The Danish Wellfare system are uniqe in the world, and thus I think it should also add a small culture bonus, but I fear that the building would become too powerfull with such a bonus?

Indiaman: Basicly there to reflect the merchant mind of the danes, and it goes well in hand with the Chartered Companies trait since the India Companies used this ship.

Home Guard: After the WWII Denmark had the need of home defence. In the end of the cold war however the Danish Home Guards became less of standing part of the proffesionel army and mainly used to help the Danish police and other enforcements. I think that replacing the Riflemen with a Home Guard unit with decreased overall strenght that are able to work on infastucture, not only perfectly reflects the actual use of the Home Guard in Denmark, but also reflects the overall strenght of the Danish army (consist of 40.000 men strong I belive it is. Rather weak compared to other countries).
I think someone should add the following Civs

Holy Roman Empire
USSR (Soviet Union)?
Nazi Germany?

Just thought these would be pretty cool to add to the game
can u add wukannds traits all troops are stronger then normal when another civ scouts yourland and leaves it becomse fog to them again and troops start wit scoutalso uranium is 10 times the amount then normel ex instead of 1 u will have ten leader is blackpanther
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