• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .



Chill moan!
May 23, 2004
What is your definition of "civilised"?
Does this imply a certain restraint in behavior and/or method of thought?
Or manners and/or actions?
Reliance on certain "way of life" or habits?
A certain dresscode?
An abandonment of archaic traditions or rituals?
Eloquence and use of language?
Cultural background and their cultural history?
Class/caste background?

Or is it all dependent of issue and/or viewpoint?

PS intentional misspelling of thread title.
WS78 said:
What is your definition of "civilised"?
Does this imply a certain restraint in behavior and/or method of thought?
Or manners and/or actions?
Reliance on certain "way of life" or habits?
A certain dresscode?
An abandonment of archaic traditions or rituals?
Eloquence and use of language?
Cultural background and their cultural history?
Class/caste background?

Or is it all dependent of issue and/or viewpoint?

PS intentional misspelling of thread title.
I class civilized as a society that can run itself for long period of time with a recognised form of government, rulership or leader. Although it can use other socities for suppliers, expertise etc, it must be able to sustain itself without outside help for some time, so should have people of all professions, should have some way to keep peace, educate, produce food etc.
I define Civilization as a computer game :mischief:

Back to reality, I define it as a settled, organized society that has writting, cities(or at the very least towns), and a semblence of a government ie, has an army, collects taxes, and makes laws

Civilised is the application of wisdom to reduce risk.


1. Proper bed on legs is more civilised than a damp rug on the floor, because it reduces contact with parasites and reduces risk of catching pneumonia.

2. Clean cutlery is more civilised that dirty fingers, because it reduces the risk of consuming pathogens or inorganic toxins.

3. Recycling is more civilised than not, because it reduces the chances of destroying the environment that sustains you.


Conservatives poke fun at the less civilised.
Liberals do not care provided it does not affect them.
Socialists try to make everyone equally civilised.
I mean civilised as in people and culture not governments/countries
A society with a basic form of education or morals that prevent them from doing stupid things or a government that is "civillized"

Such as many countries in the world are "uncivillized" because they take part in torture, religous war, stupid laws, lack of regard for humanity, etc
WS78 said:
I mean civilised as in people and culture not governments/countries
People make up governments/countries.
As individuals
My post was about individuals.
I don't want to attract any hatred from any of you for the following comments. It's just how I feel.

I think civilized means that you're aware of what's going on around you. You can see the big picture and know true right from true wrong.
Wrong= Un-needed invasions of others
Right= Giving people equality and rights of respect

My English teacher calls it a moral compass when we were reading up on a British colonization of the lower Niger. One of the character's moral compasses pushes him away from traditional tribal customs that he feels are wrong. India's caste system is another example of uncivilized.

Civilized= Everyone has equal rights.
ligertiger said:
I don't want to attract any hatred from any of you for the following comments. It's just how I feel.
Good, otherwise you might be just acting in uncivilized matter
ligertiger said:
I think civilized means that you're aware of what's going on around you.
No, the word for being aware of one's surroundings is "perceptive".

ligertiger said:
You can see the big picture and know true right from true wrong.
Wrong= Un-needed invasions of others
Do you mean United Nations-needed invasions or unneeded invasions?
From what point of view is an invasion "unneeded"?
ligertiger said:
Right= Giving people equality and rights of respect
So people have equal rights to respect?
ligertiger said:
My English teacher calls it a moral compass when we were reading up on a British colonization of the lower Niger. One of the character's moral compasses pushes him away from traditional tribal customs that he feels are wrong. India's caste system is another example of uncivilized.
Who is he?
Rudyard Kipling?

Tell you the truth your English teacher doesn't seem to be very good at his job.
I might even call him "uncivilized" teacher.

For me civilized means the opposite of "uncivilized" or "barbaric":
BARBARISM = Lack of knowledge and understanding between people so they could communicate with each other with something else than clubs.
Also the lack of ability to hand this knowledge to the following generations.
- Sickman "Nihilist's Dictionary"
ligertiger said:
I don't want to attract any hatred from any of you for the following comments. It's just how I feel.

I think civilized means that you're aware of what's going on around you. You can see the big picture and know true right from true wrong.
Wrong= Un-needed invasions of others
Right= Giving people equality and rights of respect

My English teacher calls it a moral compass when we were reading up on a British colonization of the lower Niger. One of the character's moral compasses pushes him away from traditional tribal customs that he feels are wrong. India's caste system is another example of uncivilized.

Civilized= Everyone has equal rights.
Is the book "Things Fall Apart"?
blindside said:
Is the book "Things Fall Apart"?

It looks like his teacher is doing his job after all.

"proverbs are the palm-oil with which words are eaten."
blindside said:
Is the book "Things Fall Apart"?

Thank you for the reminder! :D

And yes, I gotcha real bad, my english teacher is da bomb.
And yes also, my sentences were really screwed up, i'll fix them someday.
Group A is more civilised than group B because group A are able to kill a larger portion of group B in a shorter space of time than group B can endure.
Bush called it "the weak protecting the strong"
My definition of civilized is anything humans are not.
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