The GTK experiment is succesful. I've merged the GTK and WinForms code, Windows uses Windows Forms, Linux and MacOS X use GTK. That means, from now on, if you want to compile CivOne, you need to install GTKSharp (http://www.mono-project.com/docs/gui/gtksharp/installer-for-net-framework/).
I've added classes for all Civilization Advances. There are entries for all Civilopedia pages, except for the Misc pages. This weekend I will try to finish work on the Civilopedia. After that I will implement loading advances and units from the save files, and loading/displaying railroads, fortresses and pollution.
I will also try to update the CivOne wiki and website.
Edit: Lack of time this weekend, so I won't get it done. Soon though.
Edit 2: Civilopedia for units is finished. Tech/Wonder requirements for units are set. Units are loaded from save games and shown on the map.
Edit 3: I think I can get Civilopedia finished by tomorrow. Here's the status:
*Civilization Advances (DONE!)
*City Improvements (buildings/wonders) (DONE!)
*Military units (DONE!)
*Terrain Types (DONE!)
*Miscellaneous (DONE!)
Edit 4: I noticed that the improvement icons for Hydro Power and Power Plant are reversed in version 47x.01. Does anyone know if this was fixed in 47x.05?
I'm going to keep the wrong icon, and I'll make a patch setting later for (optionally) fixing graphics flaws like this.
I've added classes for all Civilization Advances. There are entries for all Civilopedia pages, except for the Misc pages. This weekend I will try to finish work on the Civilopedia. After that I will implement loading advances and units from the save files, and loading/displaying railroads, fortresses and pollution.
I will also try to update the CivOne wiki and website.
Edit: Lack of time this weekend, so I won't get it done. Soon though.

Edit 2: Civilopedia for units is finished. Tech/Wonder requirements for units are set. Units are loaded from save games and shown on the map.
Edit 3: I think I can get Civilopedia finished by tomorrow. Here's the status:
Edit 4: I noticed that the improvement icons for Hydro Power and Power Plant are reversed in version 47x.01. Does anyone know if this was fixed in 47x.05?
I'm going to keep the wrong icon, and I'll make a patch setting later for (optionally) fixing graphics flaws like this.